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    Microchip Technology Inc CPT40090

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    Microchip Technology Inc CPT400100

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    Microchip Technology Inc CPT40090D

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    Microchip Technology Inc CPT400100D

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    Microsemi Corporation CPT400100

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    Bristol Electronics CPT400100 14 1
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    Quest Components CPT400100 3
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    CPT400 Datasheets (42)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CPT400100 Microsemi Diodes, Rectifiers - Modules, Discrete Semiconductor Products, DIODE SCHOTTKY 100V 400A Original PDF
    CPT400100 Microsemi Schottky PowerMod Scan PDF
    CPT400100 Microsemi Schottky PowerMod Scan PDF
    CPT400100A Microsemi Diodes, Rectifiers - Modules, Discrete Semiconductor Products, MOD SCHOTTKY 100V CA Original PDF
    CPT400100A Microsemi DIODE SCHOTTKY 100V Scan PDF
    CPT400100D Microsemi Diodes, Rectifiers - Modules, Discrete Semiconductor Products, MOD SCHOTTKY 100V DOUBLER Original PDF
    CPT400100D Microsemi Schottky PowerMod Scan PDF
    CPT400100D Microsemi DIODE SCHOTTKY 100V Scan PDF
    CPT400150 Microsemi Schottky Rectifier Scan PDF
    CPT40030 Microsemi Schottky Rectifier Scan PDF
    CPT40030A Microsemi DIODE SCHOTTKY 30V Scan PDF
    CPT40030D Microsemi DIODE SCHOTTKY 30V Scan PDF
    CPT40035 Microsemi Schottky PowerMod Scan PDF
    CPT40035A Microsemi DIODE SCHOTTKY 35V Scan PDF
    CPT40035D Microsemi DIODE SCHOTTKY 35V Scan PDF
    CPT40040 Microsemi Schottky PowerMod Scan PDF
    CPT40040A Microsemi Schottky PowerMod Scan PDF
    CPT40040A Microsemi DIODE SCHOTTKY 40V Scan PDF
    CPT40040D Microsemi DIODE SCHOTTKY 40V Scan PDF
    CPT40045 Microsemi Schottky PowerMod Scan PDF

    CPT400 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MBR400100CT
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40080-CPT400100 A Dim. Inches R G Min. Baseplate A=Common Anode A B C E F G H N Q R U V W B Q N W Baseplate Common Cathode F U U C Baseplate D=Doubler H V Microsemi Catalog Number Industry Part Number CPT40080* 403CNQ080 MBR40080CT CPT40090*

    CPT40080-CPT400100 CPT40080* CPT40090* CPT400100* 403CNQ080 MBR40080CT CPT40080-CPT400100 MBR400100CT PDF


    Abstract: 403CNQ080 403CNQ100 CPT400100 CPT40080 CPT40090 MBR400100CT MBR40080CT MBRP400100CTL
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40080-CPT400100 A Dim. Inches R G Min. Baseplate A=Common Anode A B C E F G H N Q R U V W B Q N W Baseplate Common Cathode F U U C Baseplate D=Doubler H V Microsemi Catalog Number Industry Part Number CPT40080* 403CNQ080 MBR40080CT CPT40090*

    CPT40080-CPT400100 CPT40080* 403CNQ080 MBR40080CT CPT40090* CPT40080-CPT400100 403CNQ080 403CNQ100 CPT400100 CPT40080 CPT40090 MBR400100CT MBR40080CT MBRP400100CTL PDF


    Abstract: 401CNQ040 401CNQ045 CPT40030 CPT40035 CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050 MBR40035CT MBR40040CT
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40030 - CPT40050 A Dim. Inches R G Baseplate A=Common Anode B Q N W Baseplate Common Cathode F U U C Baseplate D=Doubler H V Microsemi Catalog Number CPT40030* CPT40035* CPT40040* CPT40045* Industry Part Number 401CNQ035 MBR40035CT 401CNQ040

    CPT40030 CPT40050 CPT40030* CPT40035* CPT40040* CPT40045* 401CNQ035 MBR40035CT 401CNQ040 MBR40040CT 401CNQ035 401CNQ040 401CNQ045 CPT40035 CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050 MBR40035CT MBR40040CT PDF


    Abstract: CPT400150 409CNQ120
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT400120-CPT400150 A Dim. Inches R G Min. Baseplate A=Common Anode A B C E F G H N Q R U V W B Q N W Baseplate Common Cathode F U U C Baseplate D=Doubler H V E Notes: Baseplate: Nickel plated copper Max. -3.630 0.800 0.700 0.630 -0.130

    CPT400120-CPT400150 CPT400120* 409CNQ120 Amperes/120- 409CNQ150 CPT400150 409CNQ120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40060 A Dim. Inches R G Baseplate A=Common Anode B Q N W Baseplate Common Cathode F U U C Baseplate D=Doubler H V Microsemi Catalog Number E Working Peak Reverse Voltage Notes: Baseplate: Nickel plated copper Min. A B C E F G H N Q R U

    CPT40060 CPT40060 PDF


    Abstract: MBR20050CT MBR30050CT MBR30045CT MBR20015CTL 200CNQ030 244N MBR1605 SPD115417A fst30045
    Text: tSENSITRON SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DATA SHEET 890, REV. A Plastic Schottky Rectifier Product Catalog New Package! TO-247 Featuring: High Current/Leaded and Surface Mount Package Types SENSITRON SEMICONDUCTOR PLASTIC SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERS Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

    O-247 NQ045 403CNQ080 403CNQ100 60CNQ045SL 61CNQ045SL 62CNQ030SL 63CNQ100SL 69CNQ135SL 69CNQ150SL MBR20030CTL MBR20050CT MBR30050CT MBR30045CT MBR20015CTL 200CNQ030 244N MBR1605 SPD115417A fst30045 PDF

    laser range finder schematics

    Abstract: schematic satellite finder thyristor cdi Notebook lcd inverter schematic PNP SILICON TRANSISTORS MIL GRADE JANTXV 2N5666 1n5819 trr MICROSEMI 2N2907A scr firing circuit for dc servo driver cdi dc/dc
    Text: power conditioning More than solutions, enabling possibilities Discrete Semiconductors Powermite Products Power Schottkys/Rectifiers MOSFETs Bipolar Transistors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Battery Bypass Circuits Switching Power and Conditioning Signals



    Abstract: 403CNQ080 CPT400100 CPT40080 CPT40090 MBR40080CT
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40080CPT4001 00 Dim. Inches Min. V Baseplate A=Common Anode A -B 0.700 c V Baseplate Common Cathode U *"1 1 H — 1 -1 - r T ^ i r t ^ | r * i, _ L ‘ -lit- W o Baseplate D=Doubler Max. E F G H N Q R U V W 3.630 0.800 -0.630

    OCR Scan
    CPT40080â CPT4001 CPT40080* 403CNQ080 MBR400 403cnq100 CPT400100 CPT40080 CPT40090 MBR40080CT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40060 ¥ - A - • 1 ß <ß t 6 Dim. Inches Min. Baseplate A=Common Anode A -3.630 B 0.700 0.800 C -0.630 i 0.120 0.130 F 0.490 0.510 G 1.375 BSC -H 0.010 -N -Q 0.275 0.290 R 3.150 BSC

    OCR Scan
    CPT40060 PDF


    Abstract: CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40035 ¥ CPT40050 Dim. Inches Min. Baseplate A=Common Anode V h U 1 -1 1 H 1 -1 - / 1 \ ! Baseplate Common Cathode F / \ — u f- , r _ ° N 1 l <= | N ° Baseplate D=Doubler A B C E F G H N Q R U V W M illim eters Max. -3.630

    OCR Scan
    CPT40035 CPT40050 CPT40035* CPT40040* CPT40045* CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050 PDF


    Abstract: 401CNQ040 401CNQ045 CPT40030 CPT40035 CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050 MBR40035CT MBR40040CT
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40030 - ¥ CPT40050 Baseplate A=Common Anode Dim. Inches Min. Max. A — 3.630 0.800 -0.630 0.120 0.130 0.490 0.510 1.375 BSC -0.010 B 0.700 c E F V U I H h 1 Baseplate Common Cathode F 1 -1 - u — -I Microsemi Catalog Number

    OCR Scan
    CPT40030 CPT40050 CPT40030 401CNQ035 401CNQ040 401CNQ045 CPT40035 CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050 MBR40035CT MBR40040CT PDF


    Abstract: 401CNQ040 401CNQ045 CPT40030 CPT40035 CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050 MBR40035CT MBR40040CT
    Text: Dim . Inches Min. Baseplate A=Common Anode ! H U — I - 1 - / TÉ \ ¥ Baseplate Common Cathode u, r h _ L ‘ -A Microsemi Catalog Number CPT40030* CPT40035* CPT40040* CPT40045* °N 1 | N o Baseplate D=Doubler Notes: Baseplate: Nickel plated copper

    OCR Scan
    CPT400 1000E 401CNQ035 401CNQ040 401CNQ045 CPT40030 CPT40035 CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050 MBR40035CT MBR40040CT PDF


    Abstract: 120PC
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT4001 50 ¥ 1 — Baseplate A=Common Anode Q T Baseplate Common Cathode H I dC I z " r § 3 = 1: -A L °-w—I w ° I Baseplate D=Doubler TT E Notes: Dim . Inches Min. A B C E F G H N Q R U V W Max. -3.630 0.700 0.800 -0.630 0.120

    OCR Scan
    CPT4001 CPT400150* CPT400150 120PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40060 ¥ D im . In c h e s Min. Baseplate A=Common Anode V h U 1 -1 1 H 1 -1 - / 1 \ ! Baseplate Common Cathode F / \ — u f- , r _ l <= ° N 1 -I | N ° Baseplate D=Doubler A B C E F G H N Q R U V W M illim e te rs Max. -3.630

    OCR Scan
    CPT40060 CPT40060 PDF


    Abstract: 403CNQ100 CPT400100 CPT40080 CPT40090 MBR400100CT MBR40080CT MBRP400100CTL
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40080CPT4001 00 Dim . ¥ Min. Baseplate A=Common Anode V Baseplate Common Cathode _L o-NT i H 4 iz t d = i: -A I Baseplate D=Doubler TT E Notes: In ch es A B C E F G H N Q R U V W Max. -3.630 0.700 0.800 -0.630 0.120 0.130 0.490

    OCR Scan
    CPT40080â CPT4001 CPT40080* 403CNQ080 403CNQ100 CPT400100 CPT40080 CPT40090 MBR400100CT MBR40080CT MBRP400100CTL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40060 ¥ D im . B aseplate A=Common Anode A B c E F G H o Baseplate Common Cathode T! ^ A i/ A ' o + l- i TE T Notes: I In ch e s M in. -►ho Baseplate D=Doubler M ax. M illim eters Min. M ax. — 3.630 0.700 0.800 — 0.630 0.120 0.130

    OCR Scan
    CPT40060 CPT4Q060Â C-169 PDF


    Abstract: CPT40090
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40080, CPT40090 ¥ 1 - A - - Dim . Inches Min. j ß Boseplote A=Common Anode 6 t A — B 0.700 B c ¥ Baseplate Common Cathode — TT t V I:— E Baseplate D=Doubler Notes: Baseplate: Nickel plated

    OCR Scan
    CPT40Q80, CPT40090 CPT40080Â CPT40090* CPT40080, CPT40080 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ilSfcx I n ter n a tio n a l CPT40060 S e m ic o n d u c to r , I n c . SCHOTTKY POWER MODULE H Inches Min B aseplate Common Cathode H B aseplate G A=Common Anode i 4- B a seplate N 1-4- -►! Q 14- -*1 N 14-1 ISI Part # Working Peak Reverse Voltage CPT40060'

    OCR Scan
    CPT40060 CPT40060' TGDD37Ã PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40060 V Baseplate A=Common Anode U ! H h 1 fi rr^ i / F I " I - \ ¥ h1 Baseplate Common Cathode u , — r °N | N° _ L ‘ -A n Baseplate D=Doubler Notes: Baseplate: Nickel plated copper Microsemi Catalog Number Working Peak Reverse Voltage

    OCR Scan
    CPT40060 1000E CPT40060 PDF


    Abstract: 016p
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT4001 50 - A - -O — IN Dim. Inches V Baseplate - G - ß e t w A=Common Anode V Baseplate Common Cathode U t i i H t I I V - I - \ H I / u I\ l — .r c -I Microsemi Catalog Number

    OCR Scan
    CPT4001 CPT400150* Volta00 CPT400150 016p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40035 - CPT40050 v - A - • Dim. In ch e s Min. i ß e t Baseplate A=Comrron Anode A — B 0.700 B V Baseplate Common Cothode <1 !H U 1 U [ - 17 \ ./ V i 3.630 0.800 0.630 0.120 0.130 0.490 0.510

    OCR Scan
    CPT40035 CPT40050 PT40040* PT40045* PT40050* C-166 CPT40035 PDF


    Abstract: CPT40080 CPT40090
    Text: Schottky PowerMod CPT40080CPT4001 00 ¥ Baseplate A=Common Anode V U 1-1 1 H h 1 / - 1 - 1 \ ! / Baseplate Common Cathode F u \ — f , r ° N 1 _ <= l | N ° Baseplate D=Doubler Dim. Inches Min. A B C E F G H N Q R U V W Max. -3.630 0.700 0.800

    OCR Scan
    CPT40080â CPT4001 CPT40080* CPT40090* CPT400100 CPT40080 CPT40090 PDF


    Abstract: CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050
    Text: CPT40035 thru CPT40050 I n ter n a tio n a l S e m ic o n d u c to r , I n c . SCHOTTKY POWER MODULE ii U Inches Min B a s e p la t e C om m on C athode B a s e p la t e G A =C om m on A node + c ° ►! I ►! • B a s e p la t e -> | N 14- + | Q |< - -> |

    OCR Scan
    CPT40035 CPT40050 CPT40035" CPT40040 CPT40045 CPT40050 TDDD37Ã G000727 CPT40035 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CPT40080 and CPT40090 I n ter n a tio n a l S e m ic o n d u c to r , I n c . SCHOTTKY POWER MODULE i i 4. Inches Min B a sep la te C om m on C athode o B a se p la te G A =C om m on A node B a sep la te ->1 N 14- ->1 Q 14- ->1 N l4 -f t V ISI Part # W orking Peak

    OCR Scan
    CPT40080 CPT40090 CPT40090 TDDD37fl PDF