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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS Resistive Products An Overview of Vishay Thick Film Chip Resistors CRHV D/CRCW-IF e3 D/CRCW-P e3 RCG e3 CRCW-HP e3 D A P, C R C W - A P D/CRCW-P RCHR CRMV D/CRCW-TR e3 RC RCWE D/CRCW e3

    CRCW0201 CRCW01005 p3-4-9337-2726 VMN-SG2020-1502 PDF


    Abstract: RR3216 crcw0603 100 10k RR1005 CRCW1206-HP CRCW0805-HP CRCW0402-HP RR2012 VISHAY MARKING EA CRCW-HP e3
    Text: V ishay I n tertech n o l o g y, I n c . CRCW- HP e 3 Se r ie s Key Benefits • Combines high power ratings with small case sizes: CRCW0603-HP is rated for 0.25 W, the same power rating as the standard 1206 • Superior anti-surge and pulse characteristics compared to D/CRCW e3 series

    CRCW0603-HP AEC-Q200 CRCW0402-HP 2002/95/EC 26-Mar-10 rr1608 RR3216 crcw0603 100 10k RR1005 CRCW1206-HP CRCW0805-HP RR2012 VISHAY MARKING EA CRCW-HP e3 PDF

    CRCW...C e3

    Abstract: CRCW0603-C CRCW0603562RFKECC
    Text: CRCW.C e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular Commodity Chip Resistors FEATURES • High volume product suitable for commercial applications • Excellent stability (ΔR/R ≤ 1 % for 1000 hours at 70 °C) • Compliant with “Restriction of the use of Hazardous

    2002/95/EC CRCW0402. CRCW0603. 60068-2-X 04-Oct-07 CRCW...C e3 CRCW0603-C CRCW0603562RFKECC PDF

    CRCW e3

    Abstract: D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability ΔR/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 CRCW0201 RR0603 18-Jul-08 CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3 PDF


    Abstract: RR1005 CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Lead Pb -Free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability ΔR/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 CRCW0201 RR0603 18-Jul-08 RR1005 CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3 PDF


    Abstract: CRCW0603 CRCW0805 0R0 CRCW2512 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Lead Pb -Free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability ΔR/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 CRCW0201 0603M 18-Jul-08 613-4 CRCW0603 CRCW0805 0R0 CRCW2512 D/CRCW e3 PDF

    CRCW e3

    Abstract: Sn60Pb40 D/CRCW D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Standard Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability R/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C  Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead containing soldering processes  Metal glaze on high quality ceramic

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402 1005M 11-Mar-11 CRCW e3 Sn60Pb40 D/CRCW D/CRCW e3 PDF

    IEC-60286-3 Vishay

    Abstract: CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Standard Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability R/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C  Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead containing soldering processes  Metal glaze on high quality ceramic

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402 1005M D11/CRCW0603 16trademarks 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. IEC-60286-3 Vishay CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3 PDF

    vishay CRCW0603

    Abstract: 0805 0603 0402 CRCW e3 RR2012 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Standard Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability R/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C  2 mm pitch packaging option for 0603 size  Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead

    AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402 1005M 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 vishay CRCW0603 0805 0603 0402 CRCW e3 RR2012 D/CRCW e3 PDF


    Abstract: CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Standard Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability R/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C  2 mm pitch packaging option for 0603 size  Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead

    AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402 1005M 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A 02-Oct-12 D/CRCW CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3 PDF


    Abstract: D/CRCW e3
    Text: V i s h ay I n t e rt e c h n o l o g y, I n c . I INNOVAT AND TEC O L OGY Pick of the Chips D/CRCW e3 N HN THICK FILM RESISTORS O 19 62-2012 Resistors – New Engineering Design Kits Surface-Mount Thick Film Chip Resistors Engineering Design Kit Key Benefits

    AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402 D11/CRCW0603 D12/CRCW0805 D25/CRCW1206 07-Sep-11 VMN-PT0310-1204 D/CRCW D/CRCW e3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V ishay I n tertech n o l o g y, I n c . Resistors - AEC-Q200 Qualified, High Power Design I INNOVAT AND TEC O L OGY CRCW-HP e3 Series N HN THICK FILM RESISTORS O 19 62-2012 Pulse-Proof, High-Power Thick Film Chip Resistors Key Benefits • Combines high power ratings with small case sizes: CRCW0603-HP is rated

    AEC-Q200 CRCW0603-HP AEC-Q20 08-Dec-10 VMN-PT0204-1203 PDF

    CRCW e3

    Abstract: D/CRCW D/CRCW e3
    Text: D./CRCW. e3 Vishay Lead Free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors Series D/CRCW FEATURES Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead Pb -free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free

    2002/95/EC 40401-802/EIA-575 CECC40000/40400/40401-004 EN140400/IEC EIA-575 22-Nov-04 CRCW e3 D/CRCW D/CRCW e3 PDF

    smd code marking e3

    Abstract: EL series SMD transistor h 033 shunt R010 smd marking code eg SMD resistors 2012 60068-2-X marking code E3 SMD CRCW CRCW0603
    Text: CRCW.-EL e3 is End of Life July 2009 and replaced by RCWE CRCW.-EL e3 Vishay Thick Film, Low Ohmic Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • • Extremely low resistance values down to 0.01 Ω Suitable for current sensors and shunts Special metal glaze on high quality ceramic

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200, 18-Jul-08 smd code marking e3 EL series SMD transistor h 033 shunt R010 smd marking code eg SMD resistors 2012 60068-2-X marking code E3 SMD CRCW CRCW0603 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRCW.-EL e3 is End of Life July 2009 and replaced by RCWE CRCW.-EL e3 Vishay Thick Film, Low Ohmic Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • • Extremely low resistance values down to 0.01 Ω Suitable for current sensors and shunts Special metal glaze on high quality ceramic

    2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 PDF


    Abstract: vishay 1206 SMD resistors vishay 1210 SMD resistors marking code EY SMD smd marking ET6
    Text: D./CRCW.-LR e3 is End of Life July 2009 and replaced by RCWL D./CRCW.-LR e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Low Value Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • • Low resistance values (down to 0.1 Ω) Suitable for current sensors and shunts

    2002/95/Etrademarks 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 E3-D10 vishay 1206 SMD resistors vishay 1210 SMD resistors marking code EY SMD smd marking ET6 PDF


    Abstract: D/CRCW-HR e3
    Text: D./CRCW.-HR e3 Vishay Lead Pb -Free Thick Film, Rectangular, High Value Resistors FEATURES • Metal glaze on high quality ceramic • Protective overglaze • Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni Barrier layer • Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free

    2002/95/EC 40401-802/EIA-575 D11/CRCW0603-HR 21-Jul-05 CECC40000 EN140400 D/CRCW-HR D/CRCW-HR e3 PDF

    D12 vishay

    Abstract: D25 VISHAY D/CRCW-HR D/CRCW-HR e3
    Text: D./CRCW.-HR e3 Vishay Lead Pb -Free Thick Film, Rectangular, High Value Resistors FEATURES • Metal glaze on high quality ceramic • Protective overglaze • Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni Barrier layer • Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free

    2002/95/EC 40401-802/EIA-575 D11/CRCW0603-HR 08-Apr-05 D12 vishay D25 VISHAY D/CRCW-HR D/CRCW-HR e3 PDF

    D12 vishay

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D./CRCW.-LR e3 is End of Life July 2009 and replaced by RCWL D./CRCW.-LR e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Low Value Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • • Low resistance values (down to 0.1 Ω) Suitable for current sensors and shunts

    2002/95/Ehay 11-Mar-11 D12 vishay PDF


    Abstract: RR2012 RR1608 RR5025
    Text: CRCW-HP e3 Vishay Pulse Proof, High Power Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • Excellent pulse load capability Enhanced power rating Double side printed resistor element Protective overglaze Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 E24any 18-Jul-08 RR6332 RR2012 RR1608 RR5025 PDF

    smd transistor marking ey

    Abstract: marking code EY SMD VISHAY MARKING ED marking code EY 001 SMD CRCW1206-LR marking code EA SMD Transistor smd code marking e3 SMD MARKING ey SMD resistors 2012 smd transistor EK
    Text: D./CRCW.-LR e3 is End of Life July 2009 and replaced by RCWL D./CRCW.-LR e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Low Value Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • • Low resistance values (down to 0.1 Ω) Suitable for current sensors and shunts

    2002/95/EC 18-Jul-08 smd transistor marking ey marking code EY SMD VISHAY MARKING ED marking code EY 001 SMD CRCW1206-LR marking code EA SMD Transistor smd code marking e3 SMD MARKING ey SMD resistors 2012 smd transistor EK PDF

    vishay crcw-p EN 60115-1

    Abstract: D/CRCW-P
    Text: D./CRCW.-P e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Precision Resistors FEATURES • • • • Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free

    2002/95/EC 08-Apr-05 vishay crcw-p EN 60115-1 D/CRCW-P PDF

    D12 vishay

    Abstract: D25 200 100R D25 200 10K D/CRCW-P
    Text: D./CRCW.-P e3 Vishay Lead Pb -Free Thick Film, Rectangular, Precision Resistors FEATURES • • • • Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead (Pb)-Free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free

    2002/95/EC D10/CRCW0402-P 40401-802/EIA-575 08-Apr-05 D12 vishay D25 200 100R D25 200 10K D/CRCW-P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRCW.-37 e3 Vishay Lead Pb -Free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • High pulse performance (time/power) • Metal glaze on high quality ceramic • Protective overglaze • Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer • Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free

    CRCW1206-37 CRCW1210-37 CRCW2512-37 08-Apr-05 PDF