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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Am29C827A/Am29C828A High-Performance CMOS Bus Buffers Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed CMOS buffers and inverters ■ - D-Y delay = 4 ns typical ■ ■ ■ Low standby power JEDEC FCT-compatibie specs Very high output drive

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    Am29C827A/Am29C828A 10-bit) 200-mV Am29C827A Am29C828A 10-bit PD3024 PDF


    Abstract: cd3024 amd AM29C823APC
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am29C821 A/Am29C823A High-Performance CMOS Bus Interface Registers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Proprietary edge-rate controlled outputs dramatically reduce undershoots, overshoots and ground bounce • Extra-wide <9- and 10-bit data paths

    OCR Scan
    Am29C821 /Am29C823A 10-bit) 02S7S2S CD3024 300-m 28-Pin 0D37413 24-Pin T-90-20 Am29CB21 cd3024 amd AM29C823APC PDF


    Abstract: schematic computer 80386 chip mother board sis 662 NEW DATABASE - 350 MILLION FROM 8500 MANUFACTURERS 80486 microprocessor circuit diagram SmD TRANSISTOR a77 SMD Transistor jly PALCE16V8-10 ksp 13 f10 ksp 13 replacement
    Text: a Dynamic Memory Design 1991/1992 Data Book/Handbook Advanced Micro Devices % M aeey D ynam ic M em ory D esign 1991/1992 Data Book/Handbook D V A N C E D M I C R O D E V I C E S 1991 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. A dvanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products

    OCR Scan
    accuram29C676 07606C Am7202A Am7203A Am7204A Am7205A TRANSISTOR SMD T1P schematic computer 80386 chip mother board sis 662 NEW DATABASE - 350 MILLION FROM 8500 MANUFACTURERS 80486 microprocessor circuit diagram SmD TRANSISTOR a77 SMD Transistor jly PALCE16V8-10 ksp 13 f10 ksp 13 replacement PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C841A/Am29C843A High-Performance CMOS Bus Interface Latches a _ PRELIMINARY_ > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ro <6 • • • High-speed parallel latches - D-Y propagation delay = 5 ns typical Low standby power

    OCR Scan
    Am29C841A/Am29C843A 10-bit) 29C841A 29C843A 29c843 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am29C833A/Am29C853A High-Performance CMOS Parity Bus Transceivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ Proprietary edge-rate controlled outputs dramatically reduce ground bounce, overshoots and undershoots ■ Power up/down disable circuit provides for

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    Am29C833A/Am29C853A Am29C853A Am29C833A am29c853apc PDF


    Abstract: Am29C827A
    Text: Am29C827A/Am29C828A High-Performance CMOS Bus Buffers Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed CMOS buffers and inverters - D-Y delay = 4 ns typical ■ Proprietary edge-rate controlled outputs dramatically reduce undershoots, overshoots,

    OCR Scan
    Am29C827A/Am29C828A 10-blt) 200-mV Am29C827A Am29C828A AM29C828APC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C821A/Am29C823A High-Performance CMOS Bus Interface Registers _ PRELIMINARY_ > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • High-speed parallel positive edge-triggered with D-type flip-flops

    OCR Scan
    Am29C821A/Am29C823A 10-bit) Am29C821A Am29C823A 0181A) cd0012 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C833A/Am29C853A/Am29C855A High-Performance CMOS Parity Bus Transceivers _ PRELIMINARY_ > > II DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • High-speed CMOS bidirectional bus transceivers - T-R delay - 5 ns typical

    OCR Scan
    Am29C833A/Am29C853A/Am29C855A Am29C855A 200-mV AIS-WCP-20M-01/88-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C833A/Am29C853A/Am29C855A a High-Performance CMOS Parity Bus Transceivers _ PRELIMINARY_ > > 3 3 tO N DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • High-speed CMOS bidirectional bustransceivers

    OCR Scan
    Am29C833A/Am29C853A/Am29C855A Am29CS55A 200-mV Am29C853A/655A Am29C853A/Am29C855A Am29C833A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am29C833A/Am29C853A High-Performance CMOS Parity Bus Transceivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Proprietary edge-rate controlled outputs dramatically reduce ground bounce, overshoots and undershoots • High-speed CMOS bidirectional bus

    OCR Scan
    Am29C833A/Am29C853A Am29C853A Am29C833A 29C833A/Am29C853A 29C833 PDF


    Abstract: PD3024 zjy-4 ys diode
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am29C841 A/Am29C843A High Performance CMOS Bus Interface Latches DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed parallel latches - D-Y propagation delay = 5 ns typical ■ Power-up/down disable circuit provides for glitch-free power supply sequencing

    OCR Scan
    Am29C841 /Am29C843A 10-bit) Am29C841A Am29C843A Am29C800A CS11SA CD3024 PD3024 zjy-4 ys diode PDF


    Abstract: Am29C841 AM29C841APC PD3024 CD3024 29C841/
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am29C841 A/Am29C843A High Performance CMOS Bus Interface Latches DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed parallel latches - D-Y propagation delay = 5 ns typical ■ Power-up/down disable circuit provides for glitch-free power supply sequencing

    OCR Scan
    Am29C841 /Am29C843A 10-bit) Am29C841A Am29C843A Am29C800A CS11SA 29C841 AM29C841APC PD3024 CD3024 29C841/ PDF


    Abstract: CD3024 PD3024
    Text: Am29C861 A/Am29C863A High Performance CMOS Bus Transceivers Advanced Micro Devices D IS T IN C T IV E C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S • High-speed CMOS bidirectional bus transceivers - T-R delay = 4 ns typical ■ Low standby power ■ Very high output drive

    OCR Scan
    Am29C861 /Am29C863A 200-mV Am29C863ial AM29C861APC CD3024 PD3024 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am29C827A/Am29C828A High-Performance CMOS Bus Buffers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed CMOS buffers and Inverters - D-Y delay = 4 ns typical ■ Proprietary edge-rate controlled outputs dramatically reduce undershoots, overshoots,

    OCR Scan
    Am29C827A/Am29C828A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C827A/Am29C828A High-Performance CMOS Bus Buffers Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Proprietary edge-rate controlled outputs dramatically reduce undershoots, overshoots, and ground bounce JEDEC FCT-compatible specs ■ Very high output drive

    OCR Scan
    Am29C827A/Am29C828A 10-bit) 200-mV Am29C827A Am29C828A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am29C841 A/Am29C843A High Performance CMOS Bus Interface Latches DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed parallel latches - D-Y propagation delay = 5 ns epical ■ Power-up/down disable circuit provides for glitch-free power supply sequencing

    OCR Scan
    Am29C841 /Am29C843A 10-bit) Am29Cscription PDF


    Abstract: PD3024 C827A 29C827
    Text: a Am29C827A/Am29C828A High-Performance CMOS Bus Buffers Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed CMOS buffers and inverters ■ - D-Y delay = 4 ns typical ■ ■ ■ Low standby power JEDEC FCT-compatibie specs Very high output drive

    OCR Scan
    Am29C827A/Am29C828A 10-bit) 200-mV Am29C827A Am29C828A 10-bit CD3024 PD3024 C827A 29C827 PDF


    Abstract: 29C827A AM29C827APC CD3024 PD3024
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am29C827A/Am29C828A High-Performance CMOS Bus Buffers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed CMOS buffers and Inverters ■ - D-Y delay = 4 ns typical ■ ■ ■ Low standby power JEDEC FCT-compatible specs Very high output drive

    OCR Scan
    Am29C827A/Am29C828A 10-bit) 200-mV Am29C827A Am29C828A 10-bit 29C827 29C827A AM29C827APC CD3024 PD3024 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C861 A/Am29C863A High Performance CMOS Bus Transceivers Advanced Micro Devices D IS T IN C T IV E C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S • High-speed CMOS bidirectional bus transceivers - T-R delay = 4 ns typical Power-up/down disable circuit provides for glitch-free power supply sequencing

    OCR Scan
    Am29C861 /Am29C863A 200-mV Am29C863itary PD3024 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am29C827A/A rn29C828A High-Performance CMOS Bus Buffers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed CMOS buffers a r d in ve rte rs - D-Y delay = 4 ns typical ■ Low standby power ■ JEDEC FCT-compatible spec s ■ Power-up/down disable circuit provides for

    OCR Scan
    Am29C827A/A rn29C828A 10-bit) 200-mV Am29C828A 29C827A/Am29C828A 29C828 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am29C841 A/Am29C843A High Performance CMOS Bus Interface Latches DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed parallel latches - D-Y propagation delay = 5 ns typical ■ Power-up/down disable circuit provides for glitch-free power supply sequencing

    OCR Scan
    Am29C841 /Am29C843A 10-bit) Am29C8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C861A/Am29C863A High-Performance CMOS Bus Transceivers _ PRELIMINARY_ > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • High-speed CMOS bidirectional bus transceivers - T-R delay = 4 ns typical Low standby power

    OCR Scan
    Am29C861A/Am29C863A 200-mV Am29C861A BD001060 Am29C863A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am29C821 A/Am29C823A High-Performance CMOS Bus Interface Registers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Proprietary edge-rate controlled outputs dramatically reduce undershoots, overshoots and ground bounce • Extra-wide <9- and 10-bit data paths

    OCR Scan
    Am29C821 /Am29C823A Am29C823A Am29C800A CS11SA CD3024 T-90-20 24-Pin 300-miI AM29C821APC PDF