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    Abstract: AN1043 c2539 2.4GHz Power Amplifier transistor upg2118
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories APPLICATION NOTE AN1043 Design of Power Amplifier Using the UPG2118K I. Introduction II. Block Diagram NEC’s UPG2118K is a 3-stage 1.5W GaAs MMIC power ampliÞer that is usable from approximately 800 to 2500MHz. The UPG2118K is an excellent PA candidate

    AN1043 UPG2118K UPG2118K 2500MHz. Vref12 AN1043 c2539 2.4GHz Power Amplifier transistor upg2118 PDF


    Abstract: MAX5360 MAX5360LEUK MAX5360MEUK MAX5360PEUK MAX5361 MAX5361LEUK MAX5361MEUK MAX5362
    Text: 19-1785; Rev 2; 3/11 Low-Cost, Low-Power 6-Bit DACs with 2-Wire Serial Interface in SOT23 Package The MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 are low-cost, 6-bit digital-to-analog converters DACs in miniature 5-pin SOT23 packages with a simple 2-wire serial interface that allows communication with multiple devices. The

    MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 MAX5360 MAX5361 MAX5362 400kbps, MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 MAX5360NEUK MAX5360LEUK MAX5360MEUK MAX5360PEUK MAX5361LEUK MAX5361MEUK PDF

    "power sourcing equipment"

    Abstract: IEEE 802.3af, DTE power via MDI
    Text: HV110 Initial Release Power-over-Ethernet Interface PD Controller TM meets IEEE802.3af Standard Description Features Implements IEEE802.3af Standard for PD 400mA Inrush current limit 350mA Operating Current 400mA Fault current limit Fast Response Current Limit when Over Current

    HV110 IEEE802 400mA 350mA HV110 "power sourcing equipment" IEEE 802.3af, DTE power via MDI PDF

    4 to 20ma current source circuit diagram using LM

    Abstract: MICROSEMI 2N2222A led driver camera flash 2001
    Text: LX1990 I N T E G R A T E D Dual Programmable LED Current Sink P R O D U C T S DESCRIPTION Light output from LED’s is proportional to average current through them; they can easily produce a brightness range of 500:1. However, color of emitted light is shifted

    LX1990 LX1990 4 to 20ma current source circuit diagram using LM MICROSEMI 2N2222A led driver camera flash 2001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET AAT1282 2A Driver for High Intensity LED Camera Flash General Description Features The AAT1282 is a high-efficiency, high-current step-up converter capable of 2A maximum output current. It is an ideal power solution for LED photo flash applications

    AAT1282 AAT1282 02305A VLS4012T PDF


    Abstract: NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS BJT characteristics r14 diode pnp transistor datasheet NPN MATCHED PAIRS LM1496 OPAMP pdf of transistors npn pnp pnp and npn
    Text: Four-quadrant multiplier R.M.M. Derkx Modern four-quadrant multipliers frequently consist of two matched di erential pairs of npn BJTs. This principle was developed in 1968 by B.Gilbert and is applied in the mixers multipliers S042P of Siemens and the LM1496 of National Semiconductor. A four-quadrant multiplier with

    S042P LM1496 CA3096, NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS BJT characteristics r14 diode pnp transistor datasheet NPN MATCHED PAIRS OPAMP pdf of transistors npn pnp pnp and npn PDF

    "Differential Amplifier"

    Abstract: AD operation amplifier CLC420 High-Frequency Wideband Power Transformers CLC114 CLC402 CLC520 CLC522 OA-16
    Text: National Semiconductor OA-16 Kern Wong January 1993 01502501 FIGURE 1. CLC520 Internal Block Diagram 2002 National Semiconductor Corporation AN015025 range of differential gains. As an example, the circuit of Figure 2 is used to demonstrate the performance of the

    OA-16 CLC520 AN015025 "Differential Amplifier" AD operation amplifier CLC420 High-Frequency Wideband Power Transformers CLC114 CLC402 CLC522 OA-16 PDF

    63 sot23 6pin

    Abstract: MAX5363 MAX5364 MAX5365 519 SOT23 MC68XXXX
    Text: 19-1719; Rev 0; 4/00 Low-Cost, Low-Power, 6-Bit DACs with 3-Wire Serial Interface in SOT23 Applications Automatic Tuning VCO Power Amplifier Bias Control Features ♦ 6-Bit Resolution in a Miniature 6-Pin SOT23 Package ♦ Wide +2.7V to +5.5V Supply Range (MAX5365)

    MAX5365) MAX5363EUT-T OT23-6 MAX5365EUT-T MAT23 MAX5363/MAX5364/MAX5365 63 sot23 6pin MAX5363 MAX5364 MAX5365 519 SOT23 MC68XXXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE 19-5945 Rev 0; 6/11 MAX1454 Precision Sensor Signal Conditioner with Overvoltage Protection General Description The MAX1454 is a highly integrated analog sensor signal conditioner targeted for automotive applications. The device provides amplification, calibration, and temperature compensation to enable an overall performance

    MAX1454 MAX1454 16-bit 32-step PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX16841 Controller IC for Dimmable Offline LED Lamps General Description The MAX16841 is an LED driver for AC line 100V, 120V, 220V, and 230V AC input lamps. It features proprietary control of the input current that allows lamps to dim

    MAX16841 MAX16841 MAX16841-based PDF

    APD Current Monitor

    Abstract: tapped inductor boost converter JESD51-7 XMAX15031 PIN APD DIODE
    Text: 19-4299; Rev 1; 3/09 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA 80V, 300mW Boost Converter and Current Monitor for APD Bias Applications Features The MAX15031 consists of a constant-frequency pulsewidth modulating PWM step-up DC-DC converter with an internal switch and a high-side current monitor with

    300mW MAX15031 300mW) MAX15031 400kHz) APD Current Monitor tapped inductor boost converter JESD51-7 XMAX15031 PIN APD DIODE PDF

    2V reference voltage

    Abstract: MAX5360NEUK admM sot23-5 MAX5360 MAX5360LEUK MAX5360MEUK MAX5360PEUK MAX5361 MAX5361LEUK MAX5361MEUK
    Text: 19-1785; Rev 0; 7/00 Low-Cost, Low-Power 6-Bit DACs with 2-Wire Serial Interface in SOT23 Package The MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 also include an output buffer, a low-power shutdown mode, and a poweron reset that ensures the DAC outputs are at zero when power is initially applied. In shutdown mode, the supply

    MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 10-bit MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 2V reference voltage MAX5360NEUK admM sot23-5 MAX5360 MAX5360LEUK MAX5360MEUK MAX5360PEUK MAX5361 MAX5361LEUK MAX5361MEUK PDF

    LM3900 VCO

    Abstract: 10b2 zener diode zener 10B2 quad comparator LM3900 mixer lm3900 staircase waveform Zener diode 10b3 audio mixer ic lm3900 T1EB 953a pnp
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 72 September 1972 PREFACE With all the existing literature on ‘‘how to apply op amps’’ why should another application note be produced on this subject There are two answers to this question 1 the LM3900 operates in quite an unusual manner compared to a conventional op

    LM3900 LM3900 VCO 10b2 zener diode zener 10B2 quad comparator LM3900 mixer lm3900 staircase waveform Zener diode 10b3 audio mixer ic lm3900 T1EB 953a pnp PDF


    Abstract: IN4001 transistor Stancor TP3 transformer triac specifications AN6157 voltage regulator ca3085a CA3085B IN914 2N2102 2N4036
    Text: CT T ODU CEMEN 7 R P E A 74 T L OLE REP 00-442-7 OBS ENDED 8 M ns 1 COM pplicatio intersi E R @ NO ntral A app cent Ce : l l l i a a C or em No. AN6157.2 Intersil Intelligent Power October 1999 APPLICATIONS OF THE CA3085 SERIES MONOLITHIC IC VOLTAGE REGULATORS

    AN6157 CA3085 CA3085, CA3085A, CA3085B 100mA 125oC. IN4001 transistor Stancor TP3 transformer triac specifications voltage regulator ca3085a IN914 2N2102 2N4036 PDF

    transformer 220V to 12V 500mA

    Abstract: transformer from 230V AC to 9V ac 500ma Led driver 50W schematic top YT150 transformer 120v to 9v 230v AC to 18V ac 1a transformer EN-60D 230 AC to 18V ac transformer design Led driver 220v 30v 50W schematic top MAX16840
    Text: 19-5925; Rev 0; 6/11 MAX16840 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16840 General Description Features The MAX16840 evaluation kit EV kit demonstrates the MAX16840 HBLED driver IC used for solid-state lighting (SSL) applications. The EV kit is configured in a buckboost topology providing an output power of 5.5W for 3

    MAX16840 MAX16840 transformer 220V to 12V 500mA transformer from 230V AC to 9V ac 500ma Led driver 50W schematic top YT150 transformer 120v to 9v 230v AC to 18V ac 1a transformer EN-60D 230 AC to 18V ac transformer design Led driver 220v 30v 50W schematic top PDF

    230V AC to 12V DC ic

    Abstract: 230v ac to 12v dc without transformer 230V AC to 5V DC ic BRIDGE-RECTIFIER 12v 5A transformer from 230V AC to 5V DC 230v ac to 12v dc circuit without transformer for LED 230v ac to 12v dc without transformer circuit 3A, 50V BRIDGE-RECTIFIER BRIDGE-RECTIFIER 12v ,5A BRIDGE-RECTIFIER
    Text: 19-5978; Rev 0; 7/11 MAX16840L Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16840 General Description Features The MAX16840L low-power 5W input evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the MAX16840 HBLED driver IC used for Solid State Lighting (SSL) applications. The EV kit is

    MAX16840L MAX16840 MAX16840 230V AC to 12V DC ic 230v ac to 12v dc without transformer 230V AC to 5V DC ic BRIDGE-RECTIFIER 12v 5A transformer from 230V AC to 5V DC 230v ac to 12v dc circuit without transformer for LED 230v ac to 12v dc without transformer circuit 3A, 50V BRIDGE-RECTIFIER BRIDGE-RECTIFIER 12v ,5A BRIDGE-RECTIFIER PDF


    Abstract: merten 5724 32E450UDM MAX16841 750815148 15V 1W zener diode led dimmer 32E450LM busch-jaeger 2250 GRM21BR71H105KA AC to AC converter IC 230v to 15v
    Text: 19-6198; Rev 0; 2/12 MAX16841 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16841 General Description The MAX16841 evaluation kit EV kit demonstrates the MAX16841 LED driver IC used for offline LED lighting applications. The EV kit is configured as a flyback topology to drive 6 to 8 LEDs from a universal AC input supply. The

    MAX16841 MAX16841 EM55015 EN6100-3-2 Products15 busch-jaeger merten 5724 32E450UDM 750815148 15V 1W zener diode led dimmer 32E450LM busch-jaeger 2250 GRM21BR71H105KA AC to AC converter IC 230v to 15v PDF


    Abstract: ADMM admM sot23-5 MAX5360NEUK
    Text: 19-1785; Rev 1; 3/01 Low-Cost, Low-Power 6-Bit DACs with 2-Wire Serial Interface in SOT23 Package The MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 also include an output buffer, a low-power shutdown mode, and a poweron reset that ensures the DAC outputs are at zero when power is initially applied. In shutdown mode, the supply

    MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 MAX5360 MAX5361 MAX5362 400kbps, MAX5360/MAX5361/MAX5362 admy ADMM admM sot23-5 MAX5360NEUK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1641; Rev 2; 11/04 Low-Cost, Low-Power, 8-Bit DACs with 2-Wire Serial Interface in SOT23 Features ♦ 8-Bit Accuracy in a Miniature 5-Pin SOT23 ♦ Wide +2.7V to +5.5V Supply Range MAX5382 ♦ Low 230µA max Supply Current ♦ 1µA Shutdown Mode ♦ Buffered Output Drives Resistive Loads

    MAX5382) MAX5380 MAX5381 MAX5382 OT-23 MAX5380/MAX5381/MAX5382 OT-23, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICs for Communications ISDN High Voltage Power Controller IHPC PEB 2026 Version 1.1 Data Sheet 09.99 DS 2 PEB 2026 Revision History: Current Version: 09.99 Previous Version: preliminary Data Sheet 02.96 Page in previous Version Page (in current Version)

    OCR Scan
    P-DSO-20-10 PDF


    Abstract: ac voltmeter ad636 ADS36A AD536 AD536A AD636JN AD536AJN 22JJf AD636 RMS-to-DC Converter
    Text: y k i x x i y k i Thue RMS-to-DC 1C Converter In p ut and o u tp u t offset, positive and negative wave­ fo rm sym m etry DC reversal , and fu ll-sca le accuracy are laser trim m ed, so th a t no external trim s are required to achieve full rated accuracy.

    OCR Scan
    AD536A AD636 200mVrms AD636. AD636JH O-100 AD636JN AD636JQ* AD636KCWE AD536AJQ ac voltmeter ad636 ADS36A AD536 AD536AJN 22JJf RMS-to-DC Converter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y n y j x i y n 7Yue RMS-to-DC Converter _General Description _ _Features The MX536A and MX636 are true RMS-to-DC con­ verters. They feature low power and are designed to accept low level input signals from 0 to 7Vtros for the

    OCR Scan
    MX536A MX636 200mVrm MX636. MX536A) 100mV MX636) MX636KN MX636KQ* MX536AJCWE PDF


    Abstract: ac voltmeter ad636 AD636JN AD536AJQ AD536A AD536AJCWE AD536AJD AD536AJH AD536AJN AD536AKCWE
    Text: Hi MA XI M INTEGRATED PRODUCTS 13E D I j v Sfl?bbSl G0GS3L.0 Q \ j v x a / \ v Tïue R M S-to-D C 1C C o n v e rte r The AD536A and AD636 are true RMS-to-DC con­ verters. They feature low power and are designed to accept low level Input signals from 0 to 7V.ra9 for the

    OCR Scan
    AD536A AD636 200mVrms AD636. O-100 AD536ASQ" AD636JC/D AD636JCWE AD636JD VN300M ac voltmeter ad636 AD636JN AD536AJQ AD536AJCWE AD536AJD AD536AJH AD536AJN AD536AKCWE PDF

    gaas fet marking AR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Infineon tei hnoiosi*» GaAs Support 1C BGV 503/BGV 903 Preliminary Data Sheet Negative Voltage Generator for biasing GaAs FET and Power Amplifier Support chips - BGV 503, BGV 903 - for cellular phones • BGV 503: one-stage charge-pump with additional regulator for biasing GaAs-FET’s

    OCR Scan
    503/BGV 111111i gaas fet marking AR PDF