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    KYOCERA Corporation CXO-046C-16.0000MHZ

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    433MHZ amplifier 1w

    Abstract: ADF7012 DB4 antenna uhf Crystal, 3.6864MHz 433,92mhz f11 315MHZ 433MHZ 868MHZ ST3PA crystal 7.3728MHz
    Text: Multi-Channel ISM Band ASK/FSK/GFSK Transmitter ADF7012 Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Single Chip Low Power UHF Transmitter 50MHz - 1GHz Frequency Operation Multi-Channel Operation using Frac-N PLL 2.3 – 3.6V Operation On Board Regulator – Stable Performance

    ADF7012 50MHz -16dBm 14dBm, 868MHz, 10dBm 433MHz, 315MHz, 24-Lead 433MHZ amplifier 1w ADF7012 DB4 antenna uhf Crystal, 3.6864MHz 433,92mhz f11 315MHZ 433MHZ 868MHZ ST3PA crystal 7.3728MHz PDF


    Abstract: bit37 pcf5001 LQFP32 PCF5001H PCF5001T UAA2050T UAA2080 UAA2082 ic 723 cn
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCF5001 POCSAG Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Apr 27 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1997 Mar 04 Philips Semiconductors Product specification POCSAG Paging Decoder PCF5001 CONTENTS BLOCK DIAGRAMS

    PCF5001 PCF5001 SCA53 437027/00/05/pp44 BL817 bit37 LQFP32 PCF5001H PCF5001T UAA2050T UAA2080 UAA2082 ic 723 cn PDF


    Abstract: POCSAG Receiver ROE capacitor 220 multi vibrator circuit POCSAG out of range PCD5003H UAA2080 UAA2082 LQFP32 PCD5003
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCD5003 Advanced POCSAG Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Mar 04 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1997 Jun 24 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Advanced POCSAG Paging Decoder CONTENTS

    PCD5003 SCA54 437027/25/06/pp44 POCSAG POCSAG Receiver ROE capacitor 220 multi vibrator circuit POCSAG out of range PCD5003H UAA2080 UAA2082 LQFP32 PCD5003 PDF


    Abstract: LQFP32 PCD5003A PCD5003AH UAA2080 UAA2082 smd transistor 501 smd transistor M21 Pager receiver philips
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCD5003A Enhanced Pager Decoder for POCSAG Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1999 Jan 08 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Enhanced Pager Decoder for POCSAG CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 2 APPLICATIONS

    PCD5003A SCA61 465008/00/01/pp44 POCSAG LQFP32 PCD5003A PCD5003AH UAA2080 UAA2082 smd transistor 501 smd transistor M21 Pager receiver philips PDF

    POCSAG out of range

    Abstract: Pager transmitter LQFP32 PCD5002A PCD5002AH UAA2080 UAA2082 POCSAG CCIR 17 Pager receiver philips
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCD5002A Enhanced Pager Decoder for APOC1/POCSAG Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1999 Jan 08 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Enhanced Pager Decoder for APOC1/POCSAG PCD5002A CONTENTS 1

    PCD5002A SCA61 465008/00/01/pp48 POCSAG out of range Pager transmitter LQFP32 PCD5002A PCD5002AH UAA2080 UAA2082 POCSAG CCIR 17 Pager receiver philips PDF


    Abstract: HN29W25611 HN29W256H02TE-1 Hitachi DSA00480
    Text: HN29W256H02TE-1 Controller for AND Flash Memory ADE-203-1040B Z Rev. 2.0 May. 21, 1999 Description HN29W256H02TE-1 is a controller IC for flash ATA card. This IC is manufactured using Hitachi 0.5 µm CMOS technology, and integrates control logic with SH1•CPU core. This IC is able to control maximum 32

    HN29W256H02TE-1 ADE-203-1040B HN29W256H02TE-1 HN29W25611, HN29W25611 SANDISK HN29W25611 Hitachi DSA00480 PDF

    POCSAG out of range

    Abstract: POCSAG Receiver ROE capacitor 220 LQFP32 PCD5002 PCD5002H UAA2080 UAA2082 POCSAG MGD080
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCD5002 Advanced POCSAG and APOC-1 Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Mar 04 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1997 Jun 24 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Advanced POCSAG and APOC-1 Paging

    PCD5002 SCA54 437027/25/04/pp48 POCSAG out of range POCSAG Receiver ROE capacitor 220 LQFP32 PCD5002 PCD5002H UAA2080 UAA2082 POCSAG MGD080 PDF

    Sony Semiconductor Replacement Handbook 1991

    Abstract: 2sc5088 horizontal transistors tcxo philips 4322 20000w audio amplifier circuit diagram replacement for 2sc5088 horizontal transistors motorola power fet rf databook 2SK170BL Funkamateur transistor 1060 schematic diagram tv sony
    Text: Philips RF Manual product & design manual for RF small signal discretes 3 edition July 2003 rd / discretes/documentation/rf_manual Document number: 4322 252 06384 Date of release: July 2003 3rd edition



    Abstract: Hitachi DSA00276
    Text: HN29W256AH03TE-1 Controller for AND Flash Memory ADE-203-1147 Z Preliminary Rev. 0.0 Jan. 27, 2000 Description HN29W256AH03TE-1 is a controller IC for flash ATA card. This IC is manufactured using Hitachi 0.5 µm CMOS technology, and integrates control logic with SH1•CPU core. This IC is able to control maximum 32

    HN29W256AH03TE-1 ADE-203-1147 HN29W256AH03TE-1 HN29W25611, HN29W25611 hn29w256ah Hitachi DSA00276 PDF


    Abstract: HN29W256SH01 hn29w256SH PC3X11 ha2103 Hitachi DSA002714
    Text: HN29W256SH01TE-1 Controller for AND Flash Memory ADE-203-1181 Z Preliminary Rev. 0.0 May. 17, 2000 Description HN29W256SH01TE-1 is a controller IC for flash ATA card. This IC is manufactured using Hitachi 0.35 µm CMOS technology, and integrates control logic with SH1•CPU core. This IC is able to control maximum 32

    HN29W256SH01TE-1 ADE-203-1181 HN29W256SH01TE-1 HN29W25611, HN29W25611 D-85622 HN29W256SH01 hn29w256SH PC3X11 ha2103 Hitachi DSA002714 PDF

    transistor SR 13001

    Abstract: RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCF5001 POCSAG Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Apr 27 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1997 Mar 04 Philips Semiconductors Product specification POCSAG Paging Decoder PCF5001 CONTENTS BLOCK DIAGRAMS

    PCF5001 TAPE11 TAPE13 transistor SR 13001 RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618 PDF

    ba rn

    Abstract: 74066 UCN5810AF

    OCR Scan
    10-BIT UCN5810AF UCN5810AF UCN5810LWF ba rn 74066 PDF

    CXO 049

    Abstract: GX6101 CXO 043 BX61 CI043 CXO 046 ci pal 014 V/ci pal 014
    Text: MACH 4 CPLD Family BEYOND PERFO R M A N CE High Performance EE CMOS Programmable Logic FEATURES ♦ High-performance, EE CMOS 3.3-V & 5-V CPLD families ♦ Flexible architecture for rapid logic designs — Excellent First-Tim e-Fit and refit feature — SpeedLocking™ performance for guaranteed fixed timing

    OCR Scan
    M4A3-256/128-7YC10YI CXO 049 GX6101 CXO 043 BX61 CI043 CXO 046 ci pal 014 V/ci pal 014 PDF


    Abstract: P8243 178M15 transistor b492 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 P8035 sk 7443 1334 diode LM1456 LM 8361
    Text: H F To X 8366IT U N E B Issue 2/8534 STR910A B26000 2000 General Wiring Diagram Figure 10.1 +28 V sense) GROUND Meter Batt. sense + Sense Isolated Ground Batt. GND O FF 28 V O FF (T X O F F ) Relays K4, K1 & K2 BATT. MODE »DC» Relays K5, K6 +8 V in GROUND

    OCR Scan
    8366IT STR910A B26000 B26050 B2G010 B26010 B2701D 9SM102/V4T7 bd7995 P8243 178M15 transistor b492 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 P8035 sk 7443 1334 diode LM1456 LM 8361 PDF

    diode E1110

    Abstract: lN4002 LN4003 ANA 618 20010 TDB 0123 km b3170 E1110 Diode UB8560D MAA723 moc 2030
    Text: elektronik-bauelem ente I WT VD AVL 1 /8 7 Bl. 2 E r l ä u t e r u n g e n z u m I n h a l t und zu d e n A n g a b e n d e r B a u e l e m e n t e - V e r g l e i c h s l i s t e D ie B a u e l e m e n t e - V e r g l e i c h s l i s t e e n t h ä l t a l l e in d e r B i l a n z v e r a n t w o r t u n g d e s V E B K o m b i n a t

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    Abstract: KT853 2T926A KT838A 2T803A 2T809A 2T904A 2T808A 2T603 2T921A
    Text: g V ì^ fg : W SflÉptÉ! W ^ i$ î0 i0 û * W I I m ^7ù£-à.S& m p ,-À-& s i: r& mSÊmÈÈ •ï ' ^ f§ W % a s Ü lg S I W M 7 \ w Jkw s i 4; h# » ik « W 'ï illl ¡ P * te ili -X\ S I Iw 11 4-S U E S T am Ir ¿ « 1 1 1 » , ü i a Î3 & & C nPA BO H H M K

    OCR Scan
    MOKP51KOB, KTC631 TI2023 II2033 TT213 TI216 fI217 II302 XI306 n306A 2T931A KT853 2T926A KT838A 2T803A 2T809A 2T904A 2T808A 2T603 2T921A PDF