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    Newhaven Display International NHD-0440AZ-RN-FBW

    LCD Character Display Modules & Accessories FSTN (+) Refl 190.0 x 54.0
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics NHD-0440AZ-RN-FBW 150
    • 1 $27.31
    • 10 $24.04
    • 100 $24.04
    • 1000 $23.02
    • 10000 $23.02
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    Newhaven Display International NHD-0440AZ-FL-YBW

    LCD Character Display Modules & Accessories STN- Y/G Transfl 190.0 x 54.0
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics NHD-0440AZ-FL-YBW
    • 1 $28.59
    • 10 $21.34
    • 100 $21.34
    • 1000 $21.34
    • 10000 $21.34
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    D044 Z Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: E408 D138 marking d037 D058
    Text: DIELECTRIC MATERIALS E4000 - General description E4000 SERIES Description TEMEX has designed a range of very high Q dielectric resonators operating in microwave and millimetric frequency range. This series offers a typical Q factor of 15000 at 10 GHz. The E4000 series is especially suitable for applications which

    E4000 E408 D138 marking d037 D058 PDF


    Abstract: A06A D043C PIC18F458 pin configuration D043A D005 PIC18F2585 PIC18F2680 PIC18F458 PIC18F4585
    Text: PIC18F2585/2680/4585/4680 PIC18F2585/2680/4585/4680 Rev. A1 Silicon/Data Sheet Errata The PIC18F2585/2680/4585/4680 Rev. A1 parts you have received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet DS39625B , except for the anomalies described below. Microchip intends to address all issues listed here in

    PIC18F2585/2680/4585/4680 PIC18F2585/2680/4585/4680 DS39625B) PIC18F2585 PIC18F2680 PIC18F4585 PIC18F4680 D043B A06A D043C PIC18F458 pin configuration D043A D005 PIC18F2585 PIC18F2680 PIC18F458 PIC18F4585 PDF


    Abstract: D004 ic P155
    Text: M1110 Parallel Ein-/Ausgabe Box Beckhoff II/O-System M1110 Parallel Ein-/Ausgabe Box Technische Beschreibung Eiserstraße 5 33415 Verl Datum 05.05.94 Telefon 05246/709-0 Telefax 05246/70980 Version 2.1 Seite 1 von 17 M1110 Parallel Ein-/Ausgabe Box Beckhoff II/O-System

    M1110 M1110 D12-4 D11-1 D11-2 D11-3 D11-4 D10-1 D10-2 D004 ic P155 PDF


    Abstract: transistor D304 D043A CODE D132 D130 D131 D132 D134 D135 SSPX
    Text: PIC18F87J50 FAMILY PIC18F87J50 Family Data Sheet Errata Clarifications/Corrections to the Data Sheet: In the Device Data Sheet DS39775B , the following clarifications and corrections should be noted. Any silicon issues related to the PIC18F87J50 family will be

    PIC18F87J50 DS39775B) D132B, DS80409B-page transistor D304 D043A CODE D132 D130 D131 D132 D134 D135 SSPX PDF

    rca ic

    Abstract: JYE TAI rca RCA JACK D-06037 D06040 D-06040
    Text: JTM JTC m i JTS — JTV *8 3 rp f* H 16 H • 17 7 “ I ? cn g ! Q- E B ' /• O =-i ua n V. X II— I r> c/ J 1 4 a i> n z z 1 □ o foo § 3» ESF H * gf 3? At- UJ ON 73 m i+ o < bi to § bo m a < P z□ < <511 n> rv -P^ a N n . O m < THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TP J.T. AND CAN NOT B E REPEDDUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CDNSENT DF J.T.

    OCR Scan
    D-06036 D-06037 D-06040 D-06041 rca ic JYE TAI rca RCA JACK D06040 PDF


    Abstract: D-06042 JYE TAI rca D-06045

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    D-06042 D-06043 32UNEF2A D-06048 JYE TAI rca D-06045 PDF

    sic 6822 h

    Abstract: SI 6822 sg 6822 6822 si D052 d030 1102 d3pf BU212 tr/BU2120CH-3W
    Text: ROHM CO LT D 40E D H 7 öSflcm G 0 0 3 ci44 I C / I C s for Industrial Equipment B Ü J I2 1 2 J J C H - 3 W Ï BU2120CH-3W % Z Z Z • W ë'tfîÉEl/'D im ensio ns •v-^ i,7>)> l^ -y KIBHffl IC v t 01 ?y 3 SRHH ; ' Unit : mm) 7T'64ti ■y h E t t - P Ä S t o

    OCR Scan
    G003c BU2120CH-3W sic 6822 h SI 6822 sg 6822 6822 si D052 d030 1102 d3pf BU212 tr/BU2120CH-3W PDF


    Abstract: DPSD8MX64RSW
    Text: DENSE-PAC MIC R OS Y ISI'.; MS 64 Megabyte SDRAM SODIMM DPSD8MX64RSW DESCRIPTION: PIN-OUT DIAGRAM The JEDEC compatible DPSD8MX64RSW is a high speed 64 Megabyte CMOS Synchronous DRAM Srnail Outline DIMM consisting of eight 2Mx8x4 SDRAM devices. These modules offer substantial advances in DRAM operating performance, including the ability

    OCR Scan
    DPSD8MX64RSW DPSD8MX64RSW 83MHz 30A188-00 BA1A11 PDF


    Abstract: D024 D049 S-4612A aot 430
    Text: 64-bit THERMAL HEAD DRIVER S - 4 6 1 2 A The S-4612A is a CM O S thermal print head driver containing a 64-bit shift register and a latch. It can be used for general purpose because ”H" or ”L” can be selected for the latch and the driver enable. It is ideal for the video printer and the low-voltage-operation

    OCR Scan
    64-bit S-4612A S-4612A D012 D024 D049 aot 430 PDF


    Abstract: DO45 DO43 la 1837 D012 D024 DO41 S-4601A DO53 DO57
    Text: S-4601A 64-bit THERMAL HEAD DRIVER The S-4601 A is a CMOS thermal print head driver containing a 64-bit shift register and a latch. The 75 /¿m driver output pad pitch allows for high density mounting up to 300dpi. It can be used for general purpose because "H" or ”L” can be selected for the latch and the

    OCR Scan
    64-bit S-4601A S-4601 300dpi. -10to80Â DO44 DO45 DO43 la 1837 D012 D024 DO41 S-4601A DO53 DO57 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Contents Block Diagram. 1 Operation. 2 Terminal Functions Refer to the dimensions

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    64-bit PDF


    Abstract: DO31 S-4611A DO64
    Text: 64-bit THERMAL HEAD DRIVER S - 4 6 1 1 A T h e S -4 6 1 1 A is a C M O S th erm al print h e a d driver containing a 64-b it 32-bit x 2 shift register and a 6 4 -b it latch. It is ideal for th e vid eo printer and th e lo w -voltage-operation th erm al print h ead b e c a u s e of

    OCR Scan
    64-bit S-4611A S-4611A 64-bit 32-bit DO49 DO31 DO64 PDF


    Abstract: doo47 DI45 L64281
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64281 FFT Video Shift Register FFTSR General Description The L64281 is a high-speed FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) video shift register. It is used to per­ form data formatting in real-time FFT systems using the L64280 FFTP (Fast Fourier Transform

    OCR Scan
    L64281 L64280 D045/MPCR0SS0 D046/MPSTART0 DI47/ENDI DI45/MPCR0SSI D047/END0 DI46/MPSTARTI 132-Pin d0147 doo47 DI45 PDF


    Abstract: DO32 S-4610A do61
    Text: S-4610A 64-bit THERMAL HEAD DRIVER T h e S -4 6 1 0 A is a C M O S th erm al print h ead driver containing a 64-b it shift register and a latch. It easily drives small heads s e p a ra te ly b e c a u s e its driver e n ab le is 3 2 -b it x 2. It is ideal for th e vid eo printer

    OCR Scan
    64-bit S-4610A S-4610A 32-bit Figur1485 110ym DO43 DO32 do61 PDF

    Dense-Pac Microsystems

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Intel PCI 00 Approved 128 MB DIMM by Dense-Pac for use in Intel® 440BX AGP Chip Set (Nightshade motherboard) See Intel’s web page for more information: http://support.inteL com/support/m otherboartis/server/n440bx/nbx_mem.htm ORDER NOW! DPSD16MS72RW-PC100-C

    OCR Scan
    440BX otherboartis/server/n440bx/nbx DPSD16MS72RW-PC100-C DPSD16MX72RW DPSD16MX72 Dense-Pac Microsystems PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64281 FFT Video Shift Register FFTSR Preliminary General Description The L64281 is a high-speed Fast Fourier Trans­ form (FFT) video shift register. It is used to per­ form data formatting in real-time FFT systems using the L64280 Fast Fourier Transform Pro­

    OCR Scan
    L64281 L64280 PDF


    Abstract: 80364K64 DQ571
    Text: MC 8 0 3 6 4K 64 Low M o S ys Power 3.3V/2.5V 64K x 64 P B S R A M High perform ance, low pow er pipeline burst SRAM • Ultra low pow er single chip 512Kbyte Cache for green PC and battery pow ered PC 2 High perform ance • • • • 83-133M Hz Speed grades

    OCR Scan
    512Kbyte 83-133M 128-Pin PBSRAM 80364K64 DQ571 PDF


    Abstract: iRAM
    Text: D E N S E -P A C 128 Megabyte DRAM SODIMM M I C R O S Y S T E M S DP3ED16MX64RSW5 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION: PIN-OUT The DP3 ED16MX64RSW5 is the 16 Meg x 64, 3.3 Volt, EDO Dynamic RAM module that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module

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    DP3ED16MX64RSW5 ED16MX64RSW5 16Megx 44-pin DP3ED16MX64RSW5 50ri5 ed16m iRAM PDF

    Nippon capacitors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56UW3273 Series 33554432-word x 72-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module HITACHI ADE-203-653 Z Preliminary Rev. 0.0 Sep. 6, 1996 Description The HB56UW3273 Series belongs to 8-byte DIMM (Dual in-line Memory Module) family , and has been developed an optimized main memory solution for 4 and 8-byte processor applications. The

    OCR Scan
    HB56UW3273 33554432-word 72-bit ADE-203-653 HB56UW3273E 64-Mbit HM5165405ATT) 16-bit 74LVT16244) Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56UW3273 Series 33554432-word x 72-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module HITACHI ADE-203-653 Z Preliminary Rev. 0.0 Sep. 6,1996 Description The HB56UW3273 Series belongs to 8-byte DIMM (Dual in-line Memory Module) family , and has been developed an optimized main memory solution for 4 and 8-byte processor applications. The

    OCR Scan
    HB56UW3273 33554432-word 72-bit ADE-203-653 HB56UW3273E 64-Mbit HM5165405ATT) 16-bit 74LVT16244) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO S H IB A THMY6440F1 BEG-80 TENTATIVE TOSHIBA HYBRID DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 4,194,304-WORD BY 64-BIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM MODULE DESCRIPTION The THMY6440F1BEG is a 4,194,304-word by 64-bit synchronous dynamic RAM module consisting of four TC59S6416BFT DRAMs and an unbuffer on a printed circuit board.

    OCR Scan
    THMY6440F1 BEG-80 304-WORD 64-BIT THMY6440F1BEG TC59S6416BFT 64-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA THMY723281 EG-80f-10 TENTATIVE TOSHIBA HYBRID DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 33,554,432-WORD BY 72-BIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM MODULE DESCRIPTION The THMY723281EG is a 33,554,432-word by 72-bit synchronous dynamic RAM module consisting of 18 TC59SM708FT/FTL DRAMs and an unbuffer on a printed circuit board.

    OCR Scan
    THMY723281 EG-80f-10 432-WORD 72-BIT THMY723281EG TC59SM708FT/FTL 72-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA THMY7216C1BEG-80L TOSHIBA HYBRID DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TENTATIVE 16,777,216-WORD BY 72-BIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM MODULE DESCRIPTION The THMY7216C1BEG is a 16,777,216-word by 72-bit synchronous dynamic RAM module consisting of 18 TC59S6408BFT DRAMs and an unbuffer on a printed circuit board.

    OCR Scan
    THMY7216C1BEG-80L 216-WORD 72-BIT THMY7216C1BEG TC59S6408BFT 72-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA TH MY7216E1 BEG-80 TENTATIVE TOSHIBA HYBRID DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 16,777,216-WORD BY 72-BIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM MODULE DESCRIPTION The THMY7216E1BEG is a 16,777,216-word by 72-bit synchronous dynamic RAM module consisting of 18 TC59S6408BFT DRAMs and an unbuffer on a printed circuit board.

    OCR Scan
    MY7216E1 BEG-80 216-WORD 72-BIT THMY7216E1BEG TC59S6408BFT 72-bit PDF