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    DECIBEL PRODUCTS UHF Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CO-213UHFMX20-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-005 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 5 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-050 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-050 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 50 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-100 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-100 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 100 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-010 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 10 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-015 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 15 ft Datasheet

    DECIBEL PRODUCTS UHF Datasheets Context Search

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    Decibel Products combiners

    Abstract: Decibel Products DB4368 Decibel Decibel Products uhf
    Text: 406 - 512 MHz Low Loss Tx Combiner – 2 to 10 Channels DB4368 The new Decibel Products DB4368 combines 2-10 transmitters as close as 100 KHz with minimum insertion loss. They are redesigned and reconfigured to provide grater system flexibility, closer spacing of

    DB4368 DB4368 Decibel Products combiners Decibel Products Decibel Decibel Products uhf PDF

    Decibel Products

    Abstract: DB4177W Decibel Products cavities Decibel Multicoupler
    Text: 450 - 470 MHz UHF Receive Filters DB4177W These multi-cavity SHAPE FACTORED FILTERS provide an essentially flat passband with a steep-sloped rejection characteristic to isolate undesired out-of-band frequencies. • Primary Application – Filters go between an Rx multicoupler and

    DB4177W DB4177W Decibel Products Decibel Products cavities Decibel Multicoupler PDF

    Decibel Products

    Abstract: DB3626 DB3176 Decibel Decibel Products uhf DB4204 DB-4-20 DB420
    Text: 420 - 470 MHz UHF Bandpass Filter DB4204, DB3176, DB3626 These mult-cavity shaped factored filters provide an essentially flat passband with a steep-sloped rejection characteristic to isolate undesired out-of-band frequencies. • Applications – Aperture coupling

    DB4204, DB3176, DB3626 DB4204 DB4204 DB3176 DB3626 Decibel Products Decibel Decibel Products uhf DB-4-20 DB420 PDF

    Decibel Products db4001-1

    Abstract: DB4001-1 DB4001-2 DB4001-3 Decibel Decibel Products cavities Decibel Products DB4001
    Text: 148 - 174 MHz Bandpass Cavities – 5" 127mm DB4001 The DB4001 series features a quarter wave high Q coaxial cavity. It reduces interference that is frequency rejectable, when installed between the antenna and the receiver. For increased rejection two and three cavity models are also offered.

    127mm) DB4001 DB4001 DB4001-1 DB4001-2 DB4001-3 DB4001-3 Decibel Products db4001-1 Decibel Decibel Products cavities Decibel Products PDF

    motorola an2611 field effect transistors in theory

    Abstract: AN2611 AN3945 XST-AN005a-Indoor Atmel Range Calculation swra046 atmel 928 SWRA046A link budget calculation Atmel RKE Range Calculation
    Text: Range Calculation for 300 MHz to 1000 MHz Communication Systems 1. Description For restricted-power UHF* communication systems, as defined in FCC Rules & Regulations Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C “intentional radiators*”, communication range capability is a topic which generates much interest. Although determined by several

    9144B motorola an2611 field effect transistors in theory AN2611 AN3945 XST-AN005a-Indoor Atmel Range Calculation swra046 atmel 928 SWRA046A link budget calculation Atmel RKE Range Calculation PDF

    motorola an2611

    Abstract: AN2611 atmel 928 SWRA046A XST-AN005a-Indoor Keyfob sharp calculator TX RX FM transmitter 433.92 AN3945
    Text: Range Calculation for 300 MHz to 1000 MHz Communication Systems 1. Description For restricted-power UHF* communication systems, as defined in FCC Rules & Regulations Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C “intentional radiators*”, communication range capability is a topic which generates much interest. Although determined by several



    Abstract: DB4002B DB4002-BA Decibel Products DB4002-B Decibel Products cavities DB4002-2BA aa 118 diode datasheet DB4002N-2B DB4002-AA
    Text: 118 - 174 MHz Bandpass Cavities – 11" 279.4mm DB4002 With its 11-inch all-copper cavity, DB4002 has a very high Q factor and provides greater selectivity than smaller or aluminum-made cavities. Four models are available and, for greater selectivity, two or more cavities can be used in a series.

    DB4002 11-inch DB4002 DB4002B DB4002-BA Decibel Products DB4002-B Decibel Products cavities DB4002-2BA aa 118 diode datasheet DB4002N-2B DB4002-AA PDF


    Abstract: B4072-A 4056-C DB4056 4056D B4056 DB4068 4056-D DB407
    Text: ÛB4055, DB4068 VHF and UHF BAND REJECT DUPLEXERS DB4072 133-174 and 406-512 MHz These dupiexers use compact, quarterwave high performance helical resonators that are interconnected in a band-reject configuration with double shielded Teflon dielectric cable. They isolate the receiver

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    B4055, DB4068 DB4072 DB4068 B4056 B4072-A 4056-C DB4056 4056D B4056 4056-D DB407 PDF


    Abstract: helicopter construction Decibel Products omni-directional antennas DB-538 Decibel Products uhf antennas OMNI-400
    Text: OMNIDIRECTIONAL ANTENNAS DB538 7.5 dBd GAIN, 406-490 MHz DB538 is a UHF antenna with patented Center-Fed-Coltinear CFC® design. Radiators are enclosed in a Horizon Blue radome made of strong, lightweight Aeroglas® fiberglass, a Decibel exclusive for antennas. Aeroglas is also used for helicopter blades, Olympic

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    DB538 6061-T6 DB366 S-300- helicopter construction Decibel Products omni-directional antennas DB-538 Decibel Products uhf antennas OMNI-400 PDF

    Decibel Products DB225 antenna

    Abstract: DB834H70R-F DB4379 DB4058W ASP-712 DB4345CSL-C DB563 db205 antenna DB810K-Y ASP-635
    Text: H E ID I M r r U I ^ A l l M T I f l l l C I l l l l v d TYPICAL DESIGNS FOR MOBILE ANTENNA SYSTEMS An antenna system includes all of the equipment used from the radio transmit­ ter and the receiver to the tip of the antenna, and its design usually requires

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    to138-174 DB225 DB230 DB536 ASP-700 DB538 ASP-701 DB540K ASP-705 DB201 Decibel Products DB225 antenna DB834H70R-F DB4379 DB4058W ASP-712 DB4345CSL-C DB563 db205 antenna DB810K-Y ASP-635 PDF


    Abstract: 4 watt VHF
    Text: DB4710/4 FERRITE IM PROTECTION PANELS DB4731/2 118-174 and 406-470 MHz These low profile IM intermodulation protection panels consist of a single or dual sub-band optimized isolator in the VHF and UHF frequency bands, plus an optional DB4300 Series Harmonic Filter

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    DB4710/4 DB4731/2 DB4300 4 watt VHF PDF


    Abstract: B1132 1PL2 B1130 UG536
    Text: r flM I I C r T H D C U U 1« 1«CO I U n a Most of these connectors are either Type UHF connector or Type N connector. Regardless of manufacturer or type of cable, any UHF Male Connector will mate with any UHF Female Connector and any Type N-Male connector will mate with any

    OCR Scan
    PL258. RG214 UG29B/U RG142 DB11301 PL259 UG536) UG-536 B1132 1PL2 B1130 UG536 PDF


    Abstract: Decibel Products DB8945 DB8918 DB8944 DB4176W DB8300 DB8918A-C DB8942 DB8932 DB8946
    Text: DB81I00, DB8200 MODULAR Rx MULTICOUPLER DB8300 4 to 32 CHANNELS, 30-512 MHz From 4 to 32 receivers can be combined to a single antenna by this modular multicoupler, which features plug-in power supplies and bipolar, low noise RF amplifiers on low profile chassis.

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    DB81I00, DB8200 DB8300 DB4177W DB8945 Decibel Products DB8945 DB8918 DB8944 DB4176W DB8918A-C DB8942 DB8932 DB8946 PDF


    Abstract: 4042M DB4042H-1 4042N Decibel Products cavities
    Text: DB4042 10" 254 mm BANDPASS CAVITIES ROTATABLE LOOPS, 30-50 MHz Made of aluminum, DB4042 is a one-quarter wavelength high Q coaxial cavity for 30-50 MHz. Installed between the antenna and the transmitter, it reduces interference that is frequency rejectable. Three models are offered, each with a tuning range in excess of

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    DB4042 DB4042 -470v 4042M DB4042H-1 4042N Decibel Products cavities PDF


    Abstract: DB4600 DB4350-4 Decibel Products uhf
    Text: DB4350 Several models of the DB4350 Tx Combiner are offered to combine, at close spacing, two through eight transmitters in the 118-174 MHz frequencies. * Close Separation - Minimum frequency separation is 50 KHz; however, the greater the separation, the less the

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    DB4350 DB4350 DB4002B DB4600 DB4350-4 Decibel Products uhf PDF


    Abstract: Decibel Products db4001-1 DB4015-2 DB4001-2 DB4001-1 DB4015 DB4018-1 DB4018-2 DB4011-2 B4015-3
    Text: D 134001 SERIES OF 5" 127 mm BANDPASS CAVITIES ROTATABLE LOOPS, 66-400 MHz The DB4001 series features a quarter-wave high Q coaxial cavity. It reduces interference that is frequency rejectable, when installed between the antenna and the receiver. For increased rejection two

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    DB4001-1 DB4015-1 DB4018-1 DB4001 DB4011-2 DB4015-2 DB4018-2 B4001-3 B4011-3 B4015-3 Decibel Products db4001-1 DB4001-2 DB4015 PDF


    Abstract: DB682H120 DB5083
    Text: UHF ANTENNAS DB682H120-AD 8DIRECTIONAL dBd GAIN, 406-512 MHz This new directional antenna is designed for UHF applications worldwide to provide excellent gains and band coverages. • Horizontal Beam widths - The antenna provides 120° 3 dB beamwidths. • Beamtilt - Mechanical downtilt is

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    DB682H120-AD DB5083 DB380 DB682H120- DB682H120 DB682H120 PDF


    Abstract: DB4339 Decibel Products VHF combiners DB4339-A DB4339-WB-B DB4339-WB-A DB4339-B
    Text: DB4337 HEAVY DUTY CROSSBAND COUPLERS DB4339 VHF, UHF and 806-960 MHz tiäi With these couplers you need only one transmission line for two frequency bands, which can mean substantial savings. DB4337 couples 150-174 and 450-512 MHz; DB4339 couples 406-512 and 806-932 or 850-960 MHz. They handle the high power requirements

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    DB4337 DB4339 0B4339 Decibel Products VHF combiners DB4339-A DB4339-WB-B DB4339-WB-A DB4339-B PDF

    ic 7432

    Abstract: 7432 ic DB4140 DB4140-2A DB4140-2B DB4140-3A DB4140-1B of IC 7432 DB-4140-1A DB4140-1A
    Text: D B 4 1 0 0 SERIES 0F N0TCH F,LTERS F0R in ter fer en c e REJECTION, 30-50,148-174 and 450-512 MHz These high Q band-reject cavity notch filters reduce interference that is frequency rejectable, w hen installed betw een the antenna and the receiver. F o r increased rejection

    OCR Scan
    DB4175-1A OB4175-1B ic 7432 7432 ic DB4140 DB4140-2A DB4140-2B DB4140-3A DB4140-1B of IC 7432 DB-4140-1A DB4140-1A PDF


    Abstract: ASP-700 ASPRF700 10 ft Omni Antenna Decibel Products uhf antennas
    Text: ASP-700 BASE COMMANDER SERIES UHF BROADBAND OMNI ANTENNAS 7 dB GAIN, 450-470 MHz • P e rfo rm a n c e — minimum 7 dB gain is provided across each 10 MHz band segment, with higher peak gain • Easy to in s ta ii — tough lightweight ARMORWEAVE® fiberglass and lack of

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    ASP-700 ASPRD700) ASP-616-type ASPRD700 ASPRE700 ASPRF700 -03IG ASPRD700 ASP-700 ASPRF700 10 ft Omni Antenna Decibel Products uhf antennas PDF


    Abstract: B640A HELICOPTER Omni-600 DB-640
    Text: DUTY OMNI ANTENNA 0B640 HEAVY BROAD BAND, 10 dBd GAIN, 406-512 MHz Featuring high gain and broad bandwidth, the DB640 has its radiators enclosed in a Horizon Blue radome made of strong, lightweight Aeroglas fiberglass, a Decibel exclusive for antennas. Aeroglas is also used for helicopter blades, Olympic vaulters’ poles and racing

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    0B640 DB640 6061-T6 1-800-H -229-470G db640-c B640A HELICOPTER Omni-600 DB-640 PDF


    Abstract: ASPF701 ASPD701 ASP-701 Decibel omni decibel products catalog
    Text: ASP-701 BASE COMMANDER SERIES UHF BROADBAND OMNI ANTENNAS 8 to 9 dBd GAIN, 450-470 MHz • O ptim um G a in — collinear design delivers 8.25 dB minimum gain across each band segment, with higher gain at peak points • R ugged — wind rated at 128 m i/h 206 km /h with a 1.65 safety factor

    OCR Scan
    ASP-701 SP-70 i-5342 asp701 ASPF701 ASPD701 ASP-701 Decibel omni decibel products catalog PDF


    Abstract: deciBel antenna DB616 Decibel Products antenna DB516
    Text: DB516 OMNIDIRECTIONAL ANTENNA 5 dBd GAIN, 144-174 MHz DB516 is a VHF antenna enclosed in a Horizon Blue radome made of strong, lightweight Aeroglas fiberglass, a Decibel exclusive for antennas. Aeroglas is also used for helicopter rotor blades, Olympic vaulters’ poles and racing sailboat masts.

    OCR Scan
    DB516 DB516 6061-T6 DB-516 deciBel antenna DB616 Decibel Products antenna PDF


    Abstract: DB8982 DB8983PW B8985 Decibel db898 Decibel Products uhf
    Text: DB8982PW. DB8983PW TOWER TOP Rx AMPLIFIERS DB8985PW 406-470 MHz with 806-824 MHz Decibel’s tower top receiver amplifiers improve the sensitivity of base station receivers and extend the “talk back” range from low powered transmitters operating in the 406-470 and 806-824 MHz.

    OCR Scan
    DB8982PW. DB8983PW DB8985PW rejecti6-470, B8985PW DB8982PW DB8982 B8985 Decibel db898 Decibel Products uhf PDF