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    DELAY12 Search Results

    DELAY12 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2-Channel, 256-Position Digital Potentiometer AD5207 a FEATURES 256-Position, 2-Channel Potentiometer Replacement 10 k⍀, 50 k⍀, 100 k⍀ Power Shut-Down, Less than 5 ␮A 2.7 V to 5.5 V Single Supply ؎2.7 V Dual Supply 3-Wire SPI-Compatible Serial Data Input

    256-Position AD5207 256-Position, 14-Lead RU-14) C01885â PDF

    RWB 252

    Abstract: AD5260 AD5235 AD5235B 5235B
    Text: FEATURES Dual, 1024-Position Resolution 25 k⍀, 250 k⍀ Nominal Resistance Low Temperature Coefficient: 35 ppm/؇C Nonvolatile Memory1 Preset Maintains Wiper Settings Permanent Memory Write-Protection Wiper Settings Read Back Actual End-to-End Resistance Stored in EEMEM1

    1024-Position AD5235* 100-Year SOL-24, TSSOP-24 RWB 252 AD5260 AD5235 AD5235B 5235B PDF


    Abstract: laser diode spice model simulation 10xxxxh 8XXXXX hdmi shift SDI BCP250 APD spice model
    Text: a Nonvolatile Memory, Dual 1024-Position Programmable Resistors ADN2850* FEATURES Dual, 1024-Position Resolution 25 k⍀, 250 k⍀ Full-Scale Resistance Low Temperature Coefficient: 35 ppm/؇C Nonvolatile Memory1 Preset Maintains Wiper Settings Permanent Memory Write-Protection

    1024-Position ADN2850* ADN2850 l-potentiometers/adn2850/products/product 10-Feb-2010 BCP25 laser diode spice model simulation 10xxxxh 8XXXXX hdmi shift SDI BCP250 APD spice model PDF

    DDR3 phy 100 pin diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Advance Information Document Number: IMX53CEC Rev. 1, 3/2011 MCIMX53xD This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. i.MX53xD Applications

    IMX53CEC MCIMX53xD MX53xD DDR3 phy 100 pin diagram PDF

    Three-Five Systems lcd

    Abstract: VIM-838 Interfacing RTC using I2C protocol holtek year date code E10T ICCH8300
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Example Code for the H8/38024F Introduction This application note provides example C code to initialise and configure Timer A, LCD controller and shows how to produce an IIC interface using an standard IO port. Timer A is configured to be in clock time base operation. In this example an interrupt is

    H8/38024F BD-F070 Three-Five Systems lcd VIM-838 Interfacing RTC using I2C protocol holtek year date code E10T ICCH8300 PDF


    Abstract: 2850B25 ADN2850 ADN2850BCP25 ADN2850BCP25-RL7 TSSOP-16 200H 408C E 102H transistor
    Text: a Nonvolatile Memory, Dual 1024-Position Programmable Resistors ADN2850* FEATURES Dual, 1024-Position Resolution 25 k⍀, 250 k⍀ Full-Scale Resistance Low Temperature Coefficient: 35 ppm/؇C Nonvolatile Memory1 Preset Maintains Wiper Settings Permanent Memory Write-Protection

    1024-Position ADN2850* 100-Year C02660 BCP25 2850B25 ADN2850 ADN2850BCP25 ADN2850BCP25-RL7 TSSOP-16 200H 408C E 102H transistor PDF

    AD520* differential amplifier

    Abstract: AD520* differential amplifier datasheet FDP360P AD5235 AD5235BRU250 amplitude controlled Wien Bridge Oscillator code 6A analog devices potentiometer Rheostat 1K Preset 200H AD5235BRU25
    Text: FEATURES Dual, 1024-Position Resolution 25 k⍀, 250 k⍀ Nominal Resistance Low Temperature Coefficient: 35 ppm/؇C Nonvolatile Memory1 Preset Maintains Wiper Settings Permanent Memory Write-Protection Wiper Settings Read Back Resistance Tolerance Stored in EEMEM1

    1024-Position 100-Year AD520* differential amplifier AD520* differential amplifier datasheet FDP360P AD5235 AD5235BRU250 amplitude controlled Wien Bridge Oscillator code 6A analog devices potentiometer Rheostat 1K Preset 200H AD5235BRU25 PDF


    Abstract: keeloq AN642 TB030 keeloq decode an659 TB021 AN645 DS91030 keeloq AN652 DS00652 TB003
    Text: AN742 Modular PICmicro Mid-Range MCU Code Hopping Decoder FIGURE 1: Author: Lucio Di Jasio Microchip Technology Inc. DECODER PINOUT LRNIN LRNOUT NU OVERVIEW 1 2 3 18 17 16 RFIN OSCOUT NU This application note describes a KEELOQ® code hopping GND decoder implemented on a Microchip Mid-Range

    AN742 PIC16CE624) DS00742B-page TB041 keeloq AN642 TB030 keeloq decode an659 TB021 AN645 DS91030 keeloq AN652 DS00652 TB003 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QuickSwitch Products q s 32x r 384 High-Speed C M O S w , Inc 2 ° - Bit L o w Resistance Bus Switches FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to Vcc • 2.5Q bidirectional switches connect inputs to outputs • Zero propagation delay, zero ground

    OCR Scan
    QS32XR384 MDSL-00344-00 B1434 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS DUAL-PORT RAM 8 K 1 K x 8-BIT IDT7130SA/LA IDT7140SA/LA Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES DESCRIPTION • High-speed access — Military: 2 5 /3 5 /5 5 /1 00ns (max.) — Commercial: 2 5 /3 5 /5 5 /1 00ns (m ax.) — Commercial: 20ns in P LC C only for 7130

    OCR Scan
    IDT7130SA/LA IDT7140SA/LA 16-or-m T7140 T7130; 48-pin 52-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16 Electrical Specifications This chapter specifies the following electrical behavior of the 21150: • PCI electrical conformance • Absolute maximum ratings • dc specifications • ac timing specifications 16.1 PCI Electrical Specification Conformance

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES ± 1 5 V Operation Digital Potentiometer AD7376* FEATURES 128 Position P otentiom eter Replacement 10 k il, 50 k il, 100 k il, 1 M i l Power Shutdown: Less than 1 jjiA 3-W ire SPI Com patible Serial Data Input +5 V to +30 V Single Supply Operation

    OCR Scan
    AD7376* AD7376 16-Lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 16-BIT CMOS MULTILEVEL PIPELINE REGISTERS IDT73200 IDT73201 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • ID T73200: Eight 16-bit high-speed pipeline registers • ID T73201: Seven 16-bit high-speed pipeline registers plus a direct feed-through path

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT IDT73200 IDT73201 T73200: T73201: 29520s 32-bit 48-pin IDT7320 PDF


    Abstract: 8609 souriau TDC1112 THC1069 THC1069E1C THC4940 RNE-64BS-S-TG 8609-264-6114-7550E1
    Text: THC1069 7 T i Complete High-Speed A/D Converter 9-Bit, 37 Msps The TRW THC1069 is a complete analog-to-digital converter that combines all the circuitry required to convert high-speed analog signals into 9-bit digital data at rates up to 37 Msps Megasamples per second . The THC1069

    OCR Scan
    THC1069 THC1069 32-pin THC1069s THC1069E1C B20n 8609 souriau TDC1112 THC1069E1C THC4940 RNE-64BS-S-TG 8609-264-6114-7550E1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fU PERICOM PI5C3245 8-Bit, 2-Port Bus Switch I in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in il in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in I Product Features: Product Description: Logic Block Diagram Product Pin Configuration

    OCR Scan
    20-pin PI5C3245 PS7015A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fÌÀ PERICOM PRELIMINARY PI5C32X384/32X384C I ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill il ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill I 20-Bit BusS witch Product Features:

    OCR Scan
    PI5C32X384/32X384C 20-Bit 32X384 48-pin 150-mil PI5C32X384 PS7027A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PI5C34X383/PI5C34X2383 32-Bit Bus Switch/Exchange Product Features: Product Description: • • • • • Near-zero propagation delay Low noise, 25£2 version PI5C32383 5£2 switches connect inputs to outputs (PI5C3383) Direct bus connection when switches are ON

    OCR Scan
    PI5C32383) PI5C3383) 80-pin 150-mil PI5C34X383/PI5C34X2383 32-Bit PI5C34X383 PI5C34X2383 PS8120 56c11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ether Module -EM2C 10Base-2 Technology, Incorporated Ethernet Transceiver Module with on Board Isolation Transformer & DC/DC Converter A p ril 1994 Introduction The Thin N e t C heapernet m odule p ro vid e s a com plete L o c a l A re a N e tw o rk in terfa ce fo ra station, w itho u t a tra n s­

    OCR Scan
    10Base-2 10Base-2 PDF

    at29c020 software chip erase application note

    Abstract: AT29C020-15DC at29c020 AT29C020-12PC
    Text: AT29C020 Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fast Read Access Time -100 ns Five-Volt-Only Reprogramming Sector Program Operation Single Cycle Reprogram Erase and Program 1024 Sectors bytta/sector) Internal Address and Data Latches for256 Bytes

    OCR Scan
    AT29C020 for256 AT29C020 AT29C020-20TC AT29C020-20DI AT29C020-20PI AT29C020-20TI at29c020 software chip erase application note AT29C020-15DC AT29C020-12PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q S4A 101Q PR ELIM INA R Y Ô High-Performance CMOS Analog Quadruple Channel Switch with Individual Enables FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Low On-resistance: rDs on = 5Q Wide bandwidth: 1.4 GHz (-3 dB point) Crosstalk: -1 2 2 dB @ 50 KHz, -65dB @ 30 MHz Off-isolation:

    OCR Scan
    QS4A101Q QS4A101Q -65dB MDSL-00001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION f j j PER ICOM PI5C16861 PI5C162861 25Q 20-Bit, 2-Port Bus Switch Product Features: Product Description: • Near-zero propagation delay

    OCR Scan
    PI5C16861 PI5C162861 20-Bit, 32x384 PI5C1686ontributes PS7026A TDD2174 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOSEL MS311024 131,072 X 8 CMOS Mask Programmable ROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • A ccess time: 150ns/200ns max T h e M S 3 1 10 24 high perform ance R ead Only M em ory is organized as 1 3 1 ,0 7 2 bytes by 8 bits. It is designed to be com patible with all m icroprocessors

    OCR Scan
    150ns/200ns MS311024 PID020 MS311024-15PC MS311024-20PC MS311024-15FC MS311024-20FC S28-4 P28-3 F1024 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAIRCHILD S E M IC O N D U C T O R TM FAN8620B 12V Spindle Motor and Voice Coil Motor Driver Features Description Spindle Motor Driver T he F A N 8620B is an A S IC c o m b in a tio n chip, d e sig n e d for the H D D a p p lic atio n , it in c lu d e s the fo llo w in g functions:

    OCR Scan
    FAN8620B 8620B SENSE12 MSF100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IS28F200BV/BLV 131,072 x 16/262,144 x 8 SmartVoltage BOOT BLOCK FLASH MEMORY ADVANCE INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1996 • SmartVoltage Technology — 5V or 12V Program/Erase — 2.7V, 3.3V o r 5V Read Operation • High-Performance Read Maximum Access Tim es — 5V: 60/80/120 ns

    OCR Scan
    IS28F200BV/BLV 44-pin 48-pin IS28F200BVB-80TI IS28F200BVT-80TI PDF