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    DIODE 4D Search Results

    DIODE 4D Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
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    DIODE 4D Price and Stock

    Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co Kg G 4 W 1 F 1N4004 DIODE ME

    Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics G 4 W 1 F 1N4004 DIODE ME 3
    • 1 $9.63
    • 10 $8.38
    • 100 $6.91
    • 1000 $5.74
    • 10000 $5.74
    Buy Now

    Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co Kg GM 209 NJ W/1N4004 DIODE ME

    Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GM 209 NJ W/1N4004 DIODE ME
    • 1 $8.28
    • 10 $7.2
    • 100 $5.94
    • 1000 $4.93
    • 10000 $4.93
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    Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co Kg GDM 2009 J W/1N4004 DIODE ME

    Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GDM 2009 J W/1N4004 DIODE ME
    • 1 $8.45
    • 10 $7.4
    • 100 $5.99
    • 1000 $4.93
    • 10000 $4.93
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    DIODE 4D Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PX16
    Text: SKiiP 2013GB122-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    2013GB122-4DL 2013GB122-4DL PX16 PDF


    Abstract: 2403GB122-4DL
    Text: SKiiP 2403GB122-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    2403GB122-4DL PX16 2403GB122-4DL PDF

    780 AC

    Abstract: semikron skiip 3 PX16
    Text: SKiiP 2013GB172-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    2013GB172-4DL 780 AC semikron skiip 3 PX16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SKiiP 2003GB171-4DW I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    2003GB171-4DW PDF

    semikron skiip 400 gb

    Abstract: 780 AC semikron skiip capacitor MKP igbt skiip gb 120 PX16
    Text: SKiiP 2413GB123-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    2413GB123-4DL semikron skiip 400 gb 780 AC semikron skiip capacitor MKP igbt skiip gb 120 PX16 PDF

    semikron skiip

    Abstract: semikron skiip 400 gb 2013GB173-4DL SemiSel skiip gb 120 PX16 SKIIP 125
    Text: SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    2013GB173-4DL semikron skiip semikron skiip 400 gb 2013GB173-4DL SemiSel skiip gb 120 PX16 SKIIP 125 PDF


    Abstract: PX16
    Text: SKiiP 1613GB171-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    1613GB171-4DL 1613GB171-4DL PX16 PDF

    semikron skiip 400 gb

    Abstract: 2403GB173-4DW
    Text: SKiiP 2403GB173-4DW I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    2403GB173-4DW semikron skiip 400 gb 2403GB173-4DW PDF


    Abstract: semikron skiip 2403GB172-4DW 780 AC
    Text: SKiiP 2403GB172-4DW I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1 Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms

    2403GB172-4DW 2403gb172-4dw semikron skiip 2403GB172-4DW 780 AC PDF

    skiip gb 120

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SKiiP 2013GB122-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Conditions Values IGBT VCES 1 VCC Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM T j = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin 2 I t (Diode) Diode, T j = 150 °C, 10ms

    2013GB122-4DL 2013GB122-4DL skiip gb 120 PDF


    Abstract: skiip gb 120 2013GB172-4DL iec 60721-3-3
    Text: SKiiP 2013GB172-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Conditions Values IGBT VCES 1 VCC Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 70) °C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) °C IFSM T j = 150 °C, tp = 10ms; sin 2 I t (Diode) Diode, T j = 150 °C, 10ms

    2013GB172-4DL 2013GB172-4DL 2013GB172 skiip gb 120 iec 60721-3-3 PDF


    Abstract: TAC10 lt416 LHS01
    Text: LM96063 Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan Control General Description • Integrated PWM fan speed control output supports high The LM96063 is remote diode temperature sensors with integrated fan control that includes remote diode sensing. The

    LM96063 2N3904, mo299 TAC10 lt416 LHS01 PDF

    2N3904 331 transistor

    Abstract: lm63
    Text: LM63 LM63 +/-1C/+/-3C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor withIntegrated Fan Control Literature Number: SNAS190D LM63 ±1°C/±3°C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan Control General Description • 10 bit plus sign remote diode temperature data format,

    SNAS190D 2N3904, 2N3904 331 transistor lm63 PDF


    Abstract: DIODE 4d LDD400-1P ldd200 2i125 LDD200-2P
    Text: LDD P Series Laser Diode Drivers Pb GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The LDD P Series of laser diode drivers come in three compact models to work with all laser diode / photodiode configurations. Each model is available in 200mA and 400mA versions to best fit your laser

    200mA 400mA Aug-05 29-Sep-09 LDD200P-00400-A 1842m DIODE 4d LDD400-1P ldd200 2i125 LDD200-2P PDF

    DIODE 4d

    Abstract: LDD200-1P ldd200 LDD400-1P LDDCAB-50 LDD200-2P DIODE 1N4001 LDD200P-00400 LDD400-3P DD200-1P
    Text: LDD P Series Laser Diode Drivers Pb GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The LDD P Series of laser diode drivers come in three compact models to work with all laser diode / photodiode configurations. Each model is available in 200mA and 400mA versions to best fit your laser

    200mA 400mA Aug-05 29-Sep-09 LDD200P-00400-A DIODE 4d LDD200-1P ldd200 LDD400-1P LDDCAB-50 LDD200-2P DIODE 1N4001 LDD200P-00400 LDD400-3P DD200-1P PDF


    Abstract: 2N3904 LM63 LM63CIMA LM63CIMAX LM63DIMA LM63DIMAX LM63EVAL 2N3904 331 transistor 2n3904 331
    Text: LM63 ±1°C/±3°C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan Control General Description • 10 bit plus sign remote diode temperature data format, The LM63 is a remote diode temperature sensor with integrated fan control. The LM63 accurately measures: 1 its own

    2N3904, USER-CONFIGURE 2N3904 LM63 LM63CIMA LM63CIMAX LM63DIMA LM63DIMAX LM63EVAL 2N3904 331 transistor 2n3904 331 PDF

    PIN Diode Basics

    Abstract: PIN DIODE DRIVER CIRCUITS 2n2222 transistor pin b c e 2N2894A 2N2222 application note 2n2222 transistor datasheet depletion mode current limiter LATTICE 3000 SERIES Microwave PIN diode Switching diode 0.5
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE PIN Diode Basics Introduction Basic Theory—Variable Resistance A PIN diode is essentially a variable resistor. To determine the value of this resistance, consider a volume comparable to a typical PIN diode chip, say 20 mil diameter and 2 mils thick. This chip has a



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM64 LM64 ±1°C Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with PWM Fan Control and 5 GPIO's Literature Number: SNAS207 LM64 ± 1˚C Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with PWM Fan Control and 5 GPIO’s General Description Key Specifications The LM64 is a remote diode temperature sensor with PWM

    SNAS207 MMBT3904 TLM64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information DD400S65K1 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules Diode-Wechselrichter / diode-inverter Höchstzulässige Werte / maximum rated values ! " # " $% & ' * $% & ()* $% & ( )* " * ! # 6 17 5&' " +, & " 9 .( . (/ + 12 3 4 12,+8 5 & '

    DD400S65K1 DD400S65K1 PDF

    diode G21

    Abstract: marking G21 Z5 LD4RA BZX84-C27 BZX84C18 g21 Transistor BZX84C3V0 BZX84 BAV74 BAV99
    Text: SOT 23 DIODES SILICON PLANAR HIGH SPEED SWITCHING DIODES Ratings and Characteristics at 25°C ambient temperature Max. Type FM MD914 HD3A BAV70 BAV74 HD2A BAV99 BAW 56 HD4A * lF = 100m A D escription Single diode Single diode Dual diode w ith Dual diode w ith

    OCR Scan
    FMMD914 BAV70 BAV74 BAV99 BAW56 100mA diode G21 marking G21 Z5 LD4RA BZX84-C27 BZX84C18 g21 Transistor BZX84C3V0 BZX84 PDF

    diode Lz 66

    Abstract: diode LZ. 58 BZX84C20 BZX84-C27 diode marking w8 BZX84-C5V1 BZX84C18 FMMD914 diode marking x6 BZX84-C15
    Text: SOT 23 DIODES SILICON PLANAR HIGH SPEED SWITCHING DIODES Ratings and Characteristics at 25°C am bient tem perature Max. Type FM MD914 HD3A BAV70 BAV74 HD 2A BAV99 BAW 56 HD 4A * lF = 100m A D escription Single diode Single diode Dual diode w ith Dual diode w ith

    OCR Scan
    FMMD914 BAV70 BAV74 BAV99 BAW56 100mA BZX84 FMMD3102 BZX84-C3V0 BZX84-C3V3 diode Lz 66 diode LZ. 58 BZX84C20 BZX84-C27 diode marking w8 BZX84-C5V1 BZX84C18 diode marking x6 BZX84-C15 PDF


    Abstract: Philips Diode schottky mrc129
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Schottky barrier diode BAS86 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Low forward voltage Planar Schottky barrier diode with an integrated protection ring against static discharges. This surface mounted diode is encapsulated in a hermetically sealed

    OCR Scan
    BAS86 711Dfl2b BAS86 Philips Diode schottky mrc129 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET LASER DIODE NDL7605P Series 1 310 nm OPTICAL CATV RETURN PATH APPLICATIONS InGaAsP MQW DFB LASER DIODE MODULE WITH ISOLATOR DESCRIPTION The NDL7605P Series is a 1 310 nm uncooled isolated coaxial DFB laser diode. It is especially designed for optical CATV return path applications.

    OCR Scan
    NDL7605P P14039EJ2V 11159E 11531E 10535E 13769X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4DE D S BMRTTBfl 0D01i025 b E3SENI T '4 H FASCO INDS/ SENISYS CLED1 CLED1A CLED1B CLED1C Gallium Arsenide Infrared Emitting Diode GENERAL DESCRIPTION — The Clairex CLED1 is a Gallium Arsenide infrared emitting diode in a lensed hermetic TO-46 package. It emits an intense band of radia­

    OCR Scan
    0D01i025 PDF