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    DIODE LT 023 Search Results

    DIODE LT 023 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DIODE LT 023 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 1N6101 1n6511 1N6506 1N6507 1N5768 1N5770 1N5772 1N5774 1N6100
    Text: INCH-POUND MIL-PRF-19500/474G 22 August 2008 SUPERSEDING MIL-PRF-19500/474F 23 January 2007 The documentation and process conversion measures necessary to comply with this revision shall be completed by 22 November 2008. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION SHEET SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, SILICON, MULTIPLE DIODE ARRAYS,

    MIL-PRF-19500/474G MIL-PRF-19500/474F 1N5768, 1N5770, 1N5772, 1N5774, 1N6100, 1N6101, 1N6496, 1N6506, 1N6496 1N6101 1n6511 1N6506 1N6507 1N5768 1N5770 1N5772 1N5774 1N6100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INCH-POUND MIL-PRF-19500/474F 23 January 2007 SUPERSEDING MIL-PRF-19500/474E 3 November 1997 The documentation and process conversion measures necessary to comply with this revision shall be completed by 23 March 2007. * PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION SHEET SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, SILICON, MULTIPLE DIODE ARRAYS,

    MIL-PRF-19500/474F MIL-PRF-19500/474E 1N5768, 1N5770, 1N5772, 1N5774, 1N6100, 1N6101, 1N6496, 1N6506, 1N5770 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEHITRON INDUSTRIES LT» f M3E D • 013700^ 00Q01t>3 ? « S L C B Á "T ' U f SERIES Hermetically Sealed Glass Packaged ■Surge Suppressor Diode Voltage Range 5V1 to 200 Volts ■ 1 Watt Steady State 400 Watt Peak Power APPLICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    00Q01t 9305-F-078 DO-35 DO-41 DO-15 DO-201AD PDF


    Abstract: in152 BZY95-C12 BZY95-C51 BZY95C22 BZY96C5V1 BZY96C6V2 BZY96-C6V8 BZY95-C24 BZY95C24
    Text: SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LT» 43E D • &137 &&^ OOOOISI O B S L C B BZY9S/BZY96/Z2 SERIES Hermetically Sealed Metal Package ■Voltage Regulator Diode Released to BS/CECC 9305-F082 ■Voltage Range 3.0 to 400 Volts 1.5 Watt Steady State ■400 Watt Peak Power

    OCR Scan
    BZY9S/BZY96/Z2 9305-F082 9305-F-082 DO-35 DO-35 DO-41 DO-15 DO-201AD BZY95C12 in152 BZY95-C12 BZY95-C51 BZY95C22 BZY96C5V1 BZY96C6V2 BZY96-C6V8 BZY95-C24 BZY95C24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M IT R O N I N D U S T R I E S LT D 4 3E J> m B 137&&1 O O O O lb ? 4 E3 SLCB L7SERIES Hermetically Sealed Metal Packaged •Surge Suppressor Diode Voltage Range 5VI to 200 Volts 25 Watt Steady State ■1500 Watt Peak Power APPLICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    9305-F-080 DO-35 DO-41 DO-15 DO-201AD ITB68 PDF


    Abstract: motorola MRD500 MRD510 laser diode RW
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRD500 MRD510 P h o to D e te c to rs Diode Output PHOTO D E T E C T O R S DIODE O U TP U T PIN SILICO N 250 M ILLIW ATTS 100 V O LT S . . . d e sig n e d fo r a p p lic a tio n in laser d e te ctio n , lig h t d e m o d u la tio n , d e te ctio n o f v is ib le

    OCR Scan
    MRD500 MRD510 RD500) MRD510) MRD500 motorola MRD500 MRD510 laser diode RW PDF


    Abstract: EI114
    Text: G E SOLI» STATE 01 Optoelectronic Specifications. DE J 3fl?SDfll □ □ l c]flD4 D | Ì ^ H ì- K Matched Emitter-Detector Pair H23L1 SYM A B Bi ÿb bi O E El e ei G L Lt R 5 T T he G E Solid State H 23L1 is a matched emitter-detector pair which consists o f a gallium arsenide, infrared emitting diode and a

    OCR Scan
    H23L1 H23L1 270fl EI114 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MMBV3102L v v c VOLTAGE VARIABLE CAPACITANCE DIODE 22 pF Nominal 30 V O LT S SILICON EPICAP DIODE . . . d e s ig n e d in th e S u r f a c e M o u n t p a c k a g e fo r g e n e r a l fr e q u e n c y c o n t r o l a n d t u n in g a p p lic a t io n s ; p r o v id in g s o lid - s t a t e r e lia b ilit y

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    MMBV3102L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS CMPNTS-, OPTO MME » 0231335^ DQGSOSD 1 H S I E X MCT6 S IE M E N S FEATURES M axim um R a tin gs • T w o Isolated C h an nels per Package Gallium Arsenide LED each channel 100mW Power Dissipation at 2 5 C . . . . .

    OCR Scan
    E52744 100mW 23b32ki PDF


    Abstract: transistor 13n80
    Text: MbE D • 4bflb22b G O D D E S S 4 HIXY I X Y S CORP T - l V l S □IXYS Data Sheet No. 91532A October 1991 HiPerFET POWER MOSFETs N-Channel, High dv/dt, Low trr, HDMOS™ Fam ily C haracteristics Features * Low RDS{on HDMOS™ Process • Rugged Polysilicon Gate Ceil Structure

    OCR Scan
    4bflb22b 1532A 200ns) IXFH12N100 IXFH10N100 IXFM12N100 IXFM10N100 1XFH12n100 transistor 13n80 PDF

    Diode LT 023

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Thyristor Modules Thyristor/Diode Modules MCC 95 iTRMS = 2 x 180 A MCD 95 iTAVM =2x116A V = 800-1800 V RRM T 0 -2 4 0 AA v RSM V V DSM V DRM V V Version 1 B 900 1300 1500 1700 1900 800 1200 1400 1600 1800 MCC MCC MCC MCC MCC T y P e rrm 95-08io1 95-12io1 95-14io1

    OCR Scan
    2x116A 95-08io1 95-12io1 95-14io1 95-16io1 95-18io1 95-08io8 95-12io8 95-16io8 95-18io8 Diode LT 023 PDF

    Diode LT 228

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 9.1365A International IQ R Rectifier IR F R /U 1 2 0 N PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET S u rfa c e M o u n t IR F R 1 2 0 N S tra ig h t Lead (IR F U 1 2 0 N ) A d v a n c e d P ro ce ss T e c h n o lo g y F ast S w itch in g F ully A v a la n c h e R ated

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS CMPNTS-, OPTO 44E D • SIEM EN S 023b32b 0005110 4 M S I E X LD 271/271H 1" LEADS LD 271L/271 LH INFRARED EMITTER Package Dimensions in Inches mm .024(0.6) .189(4.9) .165(42) ¿*(1.0) I a .to .0» •071 (U> ^ .047 ( U ) ^ _± .028 (0.7)' (1.0)

    OCR Scan
    023b32b 271/271H 271L/271 307t7 M-30- 30-20HO AL970 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 91302C International IQ R Rectifier IR F R /U 4 1 0 5 HEXFET Power MOSFET • • • • • Ultra Low O n-R esistance Surface M ount IR FR 4105 Straight Lead (IRFU 4105) Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated V dss = 55V RüS(on) = 0.045Î2 Description

    OCR Scan
    91302C MS-022-BE PDF

    diode lt 445

    Abstract: 082-001 alpha
    Text: 0 5 8 5 4 4 3 ALPHA 03 D lT |05fl5443 IND/ SEMICONDUCTOR 0000554 fi 03E 0 0 5 5 4 D — |~~ GaAs Parametric Amplifier Varactors Features • High Gain and Low Noise Temperature • Deloach and Houlding Measurements Insure Reproducibility • High Reliability and Space Qualified

    OCR Scan
    05fl5443 diode lt 445 082-001 alpha PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TD62307P/F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62307P, TD62307F 7CH LOW SATURATION SINK DRIVER The TD62307P, TD62307F are comprised of seven NPN low saturation drivers. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching

    OCR Scan
    TD62307P/F TD62307P, TD62307F TD62307F 120mA /150m DIP-16 OP-16 DIP16-P-300-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BUZ 90 A SIPMOS Power T ransistor • N channel • Enhancement mode • Avalanche-rated Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Type Yds Id f lDS on Package Ordering Code BUZ 90 A 600 V 4A 2Ù. TO-220 AB C67078-S1321 -A3 Maxim um Ratings Parameter Symbol Continuous drain current

    OCR Scan
    O-220 C67078-S1321 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TILI 27. TIL128A OPTOCOUPLERS 023 28 , MAY 1977-REVISED JUNE 1989 • Gallium Arsenide Diode Infrared Source Optically Coupled to a Silicon N-P-N Darlington-Connected Phototransistor • High Direct-Current Transfer Ratio . . . 300% Minimum at 10 mA • High-Voltage Electrical Isolation . . . 5000-Volt Rating

    OCR Scan
    TIL128A 1977-REVISED 5000-Volt TIL127 PDF


    Abstract: I60r CI58 SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit C138 C138E10E C138E20E C139 c139n10m C139E20E
    Text: I C l 3 8 ,9 I The General Electric C l38 and C l 39 Series o f Silicon Controlled Rectifiers are reverse blocking triode thyristor semiconductor devices designed primarily for high-frequency power switching applications which require blocking voltages from 500 to 800 volts and load currents up to 35

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TD62306P/F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62306P, TD62306F 6CH LOW SATURATION SINK DRIVER The TD62306P, TD62306F are comprised of six NPN low TD62306P saturation drivers. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching

    OCR Scan
    TD62306P/F TD62306P, TD62306F TD62306F TD62306P 120mA /150m OP14-P-225-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Optolnterrupter Specifications H23L1 Matched Emitter-Detector Pair GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Microprocessor Compatible Schmitt Trigger SYM. A B Bi «D bt D T he H23L1 is a m atched em itter-detector pair which consists of a gallium arsenide, infrared emitting diode and a high-speed

    OCR Scan
    H23L1 H23L1 PDF

    Diode LT 9250

    Abstract: diode BYW 92 LT 9250 diode lt 0236 5 amp diode byw 92-200 diode BYW 92-200 diodes byw 92 diodes byw diode BYW 19

    OCR Scan
    00G2252 CB-425) CB-262) CB-262 CB-19) CB-428) CB-244 Diode LT 9250 diode BYW 92 LT 9250 diode lt 0236 5 amp diode byw 92-200 diode BYW 92-200 diodes byw 92 diodes byw diode BYW 19 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information February, 1992 LXT500 U-lnterface Transceiver General Description Features The LXT500 is a 2-wire echo-cancelling transceiver which offers unique advantages for Universal Digital Channel UDC , pair gain and other "data-pipe" applications. It

    OCR Scan
    LXT500 LXT500 PDS-T500-0192-INT PDF

    SCR Applications Handbook

    Abstract: SCR T 780 Applications Handbook SCR Handbook, General electric 12 volt dc to 220 volt ac inverter SCR Handbook c138 p CI58 General electric SCR SCR F Series C138E10E
    Text: INVERTER SCR's SELECTOR GUIDE 2000 1900 1000 1700, 1600 1500 1400 1300 i/i 5 1200 § J> Iioo 9 z 5 1000 (E g 900 g 800 < 700 6 00 500 tf IO 400 u V * IO fO o 300 <0 ro o * tO fO o 200 100 25 35 63 MO 225 275 300 400 500 700 800 850 900 1000 1150 1500 RMS C U R R EN T -A M PER ES

    OCR Scan