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    DIODE S2E Search Results

    DIODE S2E Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DIODE S2E Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIN DIODE MODULES PIN diode switches - SP2T SP2T Electrical characteristics @ 25° C Model Frequency range GHz S2E501 0.5 - 1 S2E1002 1-2 S2E2004 2-4 Bias requirements: (1) Insertion loss: (2) Isolation: Insertion loss (dB) (1) max. 1 1 1.1 Isolation Switching speed

    S2E501 S2E1002 S2E2004 S2E20 PDF

    s2e diode

    Abstract: BH204 DIODE S2E
    Text: PIN DIODE MODULES PIN diode switches - High Power SP3T HIGH POWER SP3T Electrical characteristics @ 25° C Characteristics at 25°C Frequency range Test conditions N/A Type Case 1 SH92103 SH93103 BH204 BH204 Loss Isolation Input power L I Pin 400 MHz 200 MHz

    SH92103 SH93103 BH204 SH92103 SH93103 s2e diode DIODE S2E PDF


    Abstract: toshiba k2057 tpc8107 equivalent 2SK2313 equivalent 2SK794 2sK2750 equivalent 2SK2996 equivalent 2SK1379 2SK2610 equivalent 2SK3662
    Text: 2003-5 BCE0017A PRODUCT GUIDE Power MOSFETs 2003 2 C 1 2 3 4 O N T E N Features and Structure New Power MOSFET Products Selection Guide Power MOSFET Characteristics 1. SOP-8 Series 2. VS-6 / 8 Series, PS-8 Series 3. TFP Thin Flat Package Series

    BCE0017A 2SK2610) 2SK794) K2057 toshiba k2057 tpc8107 equivalent 2SK2313 equivalent 2SK794 2sK2750 equivalent 2SK2996 equivalent 2SK1379 2SK2610 equivalent 2SK3662 PDF

    toshiba smd marking

    Abstract: SA MARKING SMD mos DONG YANG MOTOR kec smd marking smd marking S3A lg ultra slim tpc6004 TPC6001 TPC6002 TPC6005
    Text: Power MOSFETs VS-6 Series PRODUCT GUIDE The four key features of the VS 4-1 Package 1 Ultra-thin package “ “ Toshiba have developed a new 6-pin SMD package for power MOSFETs known as the VS-6 . This package allows these devices to be used in compact, thin, lightweight, high-efficiency


    1/929 rev oh s26

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ES51964 6600counts Dual Display Features • 6,600 counts dual LCD display • 128L QFP package • 3.3V DC power supply • Slow ADC Conversion rate : 2.8 times/s • Bar-graph ADC conversion rate: 28 times/s • Full automatic measurement *Voltage measurement: 660.0mV – 1000V

    ES51964 6600counts) 00kHz 600nF 00MHz 10kHz) cl113 RS232 SEG34 SEG33 1/929 rev oh s26 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ES51968 6600counts Dual Display/Inrush Features • 6,600 counts dual LCD display • 128L QFP package • 3.3V DC power supply • Slow ADC Conversion rate : 2.8 times/s • Bar-graph ADC conversion rate: 28 times/s • Full automatic measurement *Voltage measurement: 660.0mV – 1000V

    ES51968 6600counts) 00kHz 600nF 00MHz 10kHz) RS232 SEG35 SEG34 SEG33 PDF

    metal rectifier diode

    Abstract: DIODE S2E D026 110MP Super matched pair d041 12 pulse diode rectifier D07 15 diode diode d07 104 FAST RECOVERY DIODE 1A
    Text: N T E ELECTRONICS TNC S2E D • b 4 3 1 2 S e G Q Q 2 b 3 S ‘H S H N T E T~Ö I - 0 I r I.CHbw .ü t N C r f A L ,r : U B r U O E — T-39-01 Maximum Average Forward Currant Ampe) Max Peek Surge Forward Currant (Ampe) Maximum Forward Vortage Drop (Volts)

    OCR Scan
    b4312Sel 110MP 100pA T0220 metal rectifier diode DIODE S2E D026 Super matched pair d041 12 pulse diode rectifier D07 15 diode diode d07 104 FAST RECOVERY DIODE 1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N T E ELE CTRONICS TNC — S2E D • I r I . C H bw .ü b 4 3 1 2 S e GQQ2b3S ‘H S H N T E t N C r f A L ,r : U B r U T-39-01 Maxim um Average Forw ard Currant Ampe) Max Peek Surge Forw ard Currant (Ampe) Maxim um Forward Vortage Drop (Volts) R ecovery

    OCR Scan
    T-39-01 110MP 100pA T0220 OT-23 DIODE S2E PDF


    Abstract: 810P A618 s2e diode
    Text: EUPEC S2E A 618 S T> 34035*17 OOOOSbE 3Ô 1 » U P E C '~f =7 5 - j l o 600 Typenreihe/Type range 800 1000 1100 1200 1300* Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum permissible values V 600. 1300 V 15 V 50 V drm V rrm

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E UP EC S2E J> 34032^7 0G0GS7G *450 * U P E C A 1250 S lÿpenreihe/Type range 600 800 1000 1100 1200 1300* Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum permissible values V 600.1300 V 15 V 50 V qrm V rrm V r r m C tp = 1 «S

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S2E » EUPEC A 438 S 3403217 0000554 EPS « U P E C • 'P Z S -l'N Typenreihe/Type range 600 800 1000 1100 1200 1300* Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum permissible values V 600.1300 15 V 50 V V drm V rrm V rr m C

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: A358S A438S T128F T318F T698F EUPEC tt 104 EUPEC tt 25 N 12 ST178 T510S
    Text: S2E J> EUPEC aHGBET? 0G0057Q 45Ô M U P E C A 1250 S ^ 2 * 5 '2 - 1 600 lÿpenreihe/Type range Elektrische Eigenschaften Höchstzulässige Werte 1000 1100 1200 1300* —0* Electrical properties Vrrm tp= 1 «S 'rfTj ’ "/j Itavm tc = 85°C tc = 70°C

    OCR Scan
    A1250 T-91-20 T930S A358S A438S T128F T318F T698F EUPEC tt 104 EUPEC tt 25 N 12 ST178 T510S PDF

    transistor 1BW 57

    Abstract: IGBT EUPEC
    Text: FF 200 R 06 KF EUPEC S2E ]> G G 00232 TTl •UPEC Thermische Eigenschaften Thermal properties 0,08 °C/W Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,16 °C/W DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,03 °C/W RthCK pro Baustein/per module 0,06 °C/W Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften

    OCR Scan
    GGG0232 transistor 1BW 57 IGBT EUPEC PDF


    Abstract: FF200 UTG 16 diode sg 5 ts
    Text: FF 200 R 06 KF EUPEC S2E ]> Rthjc Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties V ces Maximum rated values 600 V 200 A RthCK lc G G 00232 Thermische Eigenschaften Transistor Transistor 3 4 0 3 2 *1 7 T T l •UPEC Thermal properties 0,08 0,16 0,03 0,06 DC, pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan
    GGG0232 34D32CI7 TRANSISTOR KT 838 FF200 UTG 16 diode sg 5 ts PDF


    Abstract: 1BW TRANSISTOR 733transistor
    Text: EUPEC S2E • 34032^7 000020b flOT » U P E C FF 75 R 10 K 7 =3 « / Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte VCES Maximum rated values 1000 V 75 A lc Thermische Eigenschaften Thermal properties DC, pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan
    000020b sat00 J975 1BW TRANSISTOR 733transistor PDF


    Abstract: 1BW TRANSISTOR
    Text: 7 ^ 3 9 - 3 / FF 75 R 06 KL ElIPEC S2E D 0000504 Thermische Eigenschaften Transistor Transistor 34Q32T7 Rthjc Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties VCES Maximum rated values 600 V 75 A RthCK lc T3 7 • U P E C Thermal properties DC, pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC S2E A 618 S T> 34035*17 OOOOSbE 3Ô 1 » U P E C '~f =7 5 Typenreihe/Type range 600 800 1000 1100 1200 1300* Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum permissible values V 600. 1300 V 15 V 50 V drm V rrm tp = 1 MS

    OCR Scan

    Differential Pressure Transducer BHL

    Abstract: 1-8256
    Text: CALEX MA N UF AC T UR I NG CO S2E lflllSSD D DD01G33 07^ B K EX Model 165 Bridgesensor 510 687-4411 (800) 542-3355 FAX: (510) 687-3333 FEATURES • No other Function Modules Needed. Just Add Power. • Under or Over Voltage Alarm Function Built-in. • Power Almost any Transducer with 4 to 10 Volt

    OCR Scan
    DD01G33 MK165 Differential Pressure Transducer BHL 1-8256 PDF


    Abstract: WR48D12/1250U computer products wr24D12
    Text: COMPUTER PRDTS/ POWER S2E D H 5313103 OODObBT 2fl7 BCPR WR-U SERIES Single and Dual Output 30 W att DC/DC Converters • • • • • • 30 W atts 2:1 Input Range Efficiency to 86% Isolated Outputs 2 Year W arranty For new designs, please see the NFC Series

    OCR Scan
    00D0b3cà 48VDC. WR24D15/1000u WR48D12/1250U computer products wr24D12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 ^ 3 9 - 3 / FF 75 R 06 KL ElIPEC S2E D Rthjc Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties VCES Maximum rated values 600 V 75 A RthCK lc 0000504 Thermische Eigenschaften Transistor Transistor 34Q32T7 T3 7 • U P E C Thermal properties DC, pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: C2E1 F400 diode f400
    Text: ^ 3 7 -3 / F 400 R 06 KF EUPEC S2E ]> 3M D 3ET7 D 0 D D 2 5 fl Thermische Eigenschaften Itansistor Transistor • Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte V ces Maximum rated values 600 V 400 A •c 1Q Ô B IU P E C Thermal properties

    OCR Scan
    D0DD25fl 34D32CI7 LN800 C2E1 F400 diode f400 PDF


    Abstract: lm12 op amp ILM12 LM12 OP amp IC LM12CK OF IC 723 linear regulator LM12K
    Text: LM12 NATL SEMICOND LINEAR S2E D • bSOllEM 0DLÖE3H b T-79-23 National Semiconductor LM12 (L/C/CL) 150W Operational Amplifier General Description The LM12 is a power op amp capable of driving ±35V at ±10A while operating from ±40V supplies. The monolithic

    OCR Scan
    T-79-23 LM12 lm12 op amp ILM12 LM12 OP amp IC LM12CK OF IC 723 linear regulator LM12K PDF


    Text: LM12 NATL SEMICOND LINEAR S2E D • bSOllEM 0DLÖE3H b T-79-23 National Semiconductor LM12 (L/C/CL) 150W Operational Amplifier General Description The LM12 is a power op amp capable of driving ±35V at ±10A while operating from ±40V supplies. The monolithic

    OCR Scan

    diac SBS 14

    Abstract: diac 083 NTE6405 IR 944 triac varactor diode bb 205 APPLICATION for NTE 6407 low voltage scr DIAC 502 TVPA TRANSISTOR 2501 lf 113
    Text: N T E ELE CT RONICS INC_ SEE J> • ~ b43125T D002b72 fibE * N T E 1 -Z S SPECIAL DEVI SILICON UNIJUNCTION TRAN SISTO R UJT Maximum Ratings NTE Type Nim ber Diagram Number Case Style RMS Emitter Current (mA) Interbase Voltage (Vote) RMS Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan