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    Vishay Intertechnologies VS-SD200R16PC

    Rectifiers 1600 Volt 200 Amp
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    DO205AC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin I2037 rev. C 10/06 SERIES 45L R , 150K/ KS(R) STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features Alloy diode High current carrying capability 150A High surge current capabilities Stud cathode and stud anode version RoHS Compliant Typical Applications

    I2037 /150K DO-205A, 12-Mar-07 PDF


    Abstract: DO205AC DO205AA DO30 do-205aa DO-205AA DO-8 DO-8 DO-205AC
    Text: Outline Dimensions Vishay Semiconductors DO-205AC DO-30 , DO-205AA (DO-8) and B-42 for 45L(R), 150K(R) and 150KS(R) Series DIMENSIONS FOR 45L(R) SERIES - DO-205AC (DO-30) in millimeters (inches) 15.30 (0.60) MAX. Ø 7.39 (0.297) Ø 6.89 (0.271) 8.30 (0.327)

    DO-205AC DO-30) DO-205AA 150KS -20UNF-2A 22-Jul-08 DO-30 DO205AC DO205AA DO30 do-205aa DO-205AA DO-8 DO-8 DO-205AC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin I2037 rev. C 10/06 SERIES 45L R , 150K/ KS(R) STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features Alloy diode High current carrying capability 150A High surge current capabilities Stud cathode and stud anode version RoHS Compliant Typical Applications

    I2037 /150K DO-205Aded 08-Mar-07 PDF


    Abstract: 150a gto ka s15 DO-205AC
    Text: Bulletin I2063 rev. A 09/94 SD153N/R SERIES FAST RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features High power FAST recovery diode series 150A 1.0 to 1.5 µs recovery time High voltage ratings up to 1600V High current capability Optimized turn on and turn off characteristics

    I2063 SD153N/R DO-30 SD153N/R SD153N/R. 150a gto ka s15 DO-205AC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 45L R , 150K(R), 150KS(R) Series Vishay Semiconductors Standard Recovery Diodes (Stud Version), 150 A FEATURES • Alloy diode RoHS • High current carrying capability COMPLIANT • High surge current capabilities • Stud cathode and stud anode version DO-205AA (DO-8)

    150KS DO-205AA 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A 02-Oct-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin I2030 rev. B 10/06 45L R .D SERIES Stud Version STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Features 150A Diffused diode High current carrying capability High voltage ratings up to 1600V High surge current capabilities Stud cathode and stud anode version RoHS Compliant

    I2030 DO-205AC PDF


    Abstract: ks 42 152k do-205aa 24UNF CODE 2A B-28 B-421 152K-A 8-24UNF-2A
    Text: 45L R , 150K/ L/ KS(R) Series Ordering Information Table Device Code 1 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 6 7 - 15 K R 100 A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Average Forward Current: Code x 10 = I FAV = Standard Case 2 = Stud Topped Case (152K-A only) Case Style K = DO205AA (DO-8) KS = B-42 L

    152K-A DO205AA DO205AC DO-30) 150KS) 152K-A 150KS -28UNF-2A DO205AA ks 42 152k do-205aa 24UNF CODE 2A B-28 B-421 8-24UNF-2A PDF


    Abstract: 47LF DO-205AC DO205AC
    Text: Bulletin I2030 rev. A 11/94 45L R .D SERIES Stud Version STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Features 150A Diffused diode High current carrying capability High voltage ratings up to 1600V High surge current capabilities Stud cathode and stud anode version Typical Applications

    I2030 DO-205AC DO-30) 45LF 47LF DO-205AC DO205AC PDF


    Abstract: 1N3092 1N3111 1N3288A 1N3296A DO-205AA I2037
    Text: Previous Datasheet Index Next Data Sheet Bulletin I2037 SERIES 45L R , 150K /L /KS(R) STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version 150A Features Alloy diode High current carrying capability High voltage ratings up to 1000V High surge current capabilities Stud cathode and stud anode version

    I2037 150L 1N3092 1N3111 1N3288A 1N3296A DO-205AA I2037 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Previous Datasheet Index Next Data Sheet DISCRETE POWER DIODES and THYRISTORS DATA BOOK To Order Previous Datasheet Index Next Data Sheet Bulletin I2062/A SD103N/R SERIES FAST RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features High power FAST recovery diode series 110A

    I2062/A SD103N/R DO-30 -20UNF-2A* DO-205AC DO-30) DO-205AC PDF


    Abstract: stud diode DO-205AA DO-205AC
    Text: Bulletin I2037 rev. C 10/06 SERIES 45L R , 150K/ KS(R) STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features Alloy diode High current carrying capability 150A High surge current capabilities Stud cathode and stud anode version RoHS Compliant Typical Applications

    I2037 /150K DO-205AA 12-Mar-07 stud diode DO-205AC PDF


    Abstract: DO-205AC I2020
    Text: Bulletin I2020 rev. A 07/94 200HF R SERIES STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features 200 A High current carrying capability High surge current capability Types up to 1200V V RRM Stud cathode and stud anode version Standard JEDEC types Diffused junction

    I2020 200HF DO-205AC DO-30) DO-205AC PDF


    Abstract: 200HF DO-205AC
    Text: 200HF.L Vishay High Power Products Standard Recovery Diodes Stud Version , 200 A FEATURES • Diffused glass passivated die RoHS • Standard JEDEC types COMPLIANT • Types up to 600 V VRRM • Stud cathode and stud anode version • High surge capability

    200HF. DO-205AC DO-30) 18-Jul-08 STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES 200HF DO-205AC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i, Una. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 '(212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. 1 N3OB5, 1 N3111,1 N51 B2SERIES 15O Amp Avg Silicon Rectifier Diodes Description and Features Major Ratings and Characteristics 1N3111 1N308S

    N3111 1N3111 1N308S tN5162 W50H2 -150A 00-205AC IDO-30) 1N3086R. J60EC 1n3069 PDF


    Abstract: DO-205AC
    Text: Bulletin I2019 rev. A 07/94 130HF R SERIES STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features 130 A High current carrying capability High surge current capability Types up to 1200V V RRM Stud cathode and stud anode version Standard JEDEC types Diffused junction

    I2019 130HF DO-205AC DO-30) DO-205AC PDF

    aegis a1b

    Abstract: aegis A2a aegis a1b 14 05 aegis a2b aegis A1A aegis a2b 14 05 DO-205AC aegis A1B 50 A1A aegis aegis
    Text: AEGIS SEMICONDUTORES LTDA. A1A:200.XX VOLTAGE RATINGS Part Number VRRM , VR V rep. peak reverse voltage Max. VRSM , VR (V) Max. nonrep. peak reverse voltage TJ = 0 to 180OC TJ = -40 to 0O C TJ = 25 to 180O C A1A:200.02 200 200 300 A1A:200.04 400 400 500

    180OC DO-205AC DO-30) aegis a1b aegis A2a aegis a1b 14 05 aegis a2b aegis A1A aegis a2b 14 05 DO-205AC aegis A1B 50 A1A aegis aegis PDF


    Abstract: DO-205AC I2037 DO205AA
    Text: Bulletin I2037 rev. C 10/06 SERIES 45L R , 150K/ KS(R) STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features Alloy diode High current carrying capability 150A High surge current capabilities Stud cathode and stud anode version RoHS Compliant Typical Applications

    I2037 /150K DO-205AA DO-205AA DO-205AC DO205AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin I2041 02/05 200HF.L Stud Version STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES "Lead-Free" Features Diffused glass passivated die 200 A Standard JEDEC types Types up to 600V V RRM Stud cathode and stud anode version High surge capability Very low V F Typical Applications

    I2041 200HF. 200HF DO-205AC DO-30) 200HF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SD200N/R Series Vishay High Power Products Standard Recovery Diodes Stud Version , 200 A FEATURES • Wide current range • High voltage ratings up to 2400 V RoHS • High surge current capabilities COMPLIANT • Stud cathode and stud anode version • Standard JEDEC types

    SD200N/R DO-205AC DO-30) 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin 12077/A International S Rectifier SD150N/R SERIES Stud Version STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Features • W ide current range ■ High voltage ratings up to 2500V ■ High surge cu rre n t c a p a bilitie s ■ Stud cathode and stud anode version ■ S tandard JEDEC types

    OCR Scan
    12077/A SD150N/R 180PC MA554S2 002bfl2t> PDF


    Abstract: 3247 R10B SD103N04S05P R18SF14A R18SF14B R18SF16A R18SGF10A R18SGF10B R18SGF12A
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 2bE D 4ÔS54S2 QQlObflT 5 International Iio r IRectifier Fast Recovery Rectifiers Part V RRM ’ f AV TC *f s m W 50Hz number •n< £ 90 TO 110 AMPS 60Hz (V) (A) (°C) (A) (V) 600 .600 800 800 1000 1000 1200 1200 1400 1400 1600 1600

    OCR Scan
    1flSS452 GG10bin R18SGF6A R18SGF6B R18SGF8A R18SGF8B R18SGF10A R18SGF10B R18SGF12A R18SGF12B 2388 3247 R10B SD103N04S05P R18SF14A R18SF14B R18SF16A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Diodes international IS2R Rectifier Fax on Case Demand O utline Key Number •fsm Part Number V RRM V 1FAV@Tc (A) (C) Yf* @ 'fM (V) (A) 50 Hz (A) &0Hz (A) R6»C(DC) (°C/W) Notes Standard Recovery DQ-205AC (D0-30) S D 150N 20P C 2000 (50 125 1.5 470 3000

    OCR Scan
    DQ-205AC D0-30) DO-205AC DO-30 K2020 SD600R08PC) 12FR100 6F10M, SD600N08MC 152L5A. PDF

    el 847

    Abstract: smd schottky diode s4 85a Diode smd s6 85a marking CODE R SMD DIODE SMB J 36 CA fast recovery diode t3d 54 fast recovery diode t3d 67 IR2113 FULL BRIDGE smd diode code k34 smd diode schottky code marking SJ diode smd marking code M12
    Text: I I n t e r n a t io n a l Rec tifie r Case Outlines Bridges 140 0311} 110 0311) B1 (0.212) ¡Ö24Öj 113(0 ttO) 7 IIP » ) S.MfO.217) UO0.1M) 110(001* Case style D-70 B2 «400 Ml) I.W JIH 140(0 252) 0 30*012) 11.20(0441) • to (0.240) 3 W (P 1 2 2 ) I I— j

    OCR Scan
    t0Jtt04M) IR2130D MO-Q38AB el 847 smd schottky diode s4 85a Diode smd s6 85a marking CODE R SMD DIODE SMB J 36 CA fast recovery diode t3d 54 fast recovery diode t3d 67 IR2113 FULL BRIDGE smd diode code k34 smd diode schottky code marking SJ diode smd marking code M12 PDF


    Abstract: 150K80A
    Text: In t e r n a t i o n a l R e c t if ie r n Diodes Fax-on- >FSM 2 Part Number Vrrm (V) |RAV) TC <"Q (A) 50 Hz tO Hi VFMOIfm (V) (*) RthJC rc/w) Notes 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33

    OCR Scan
    3000i 1N31 150K80A PDF