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    FPGA Virtex 6 pin configuration

    Abstract: Virtex CS144 TQ144 XCV100 XCV150 XCV200 XCV300 XCV50 xapp151
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R 3 Architectural Description The output buffer and all of the IOB control signals have independent polarity controls. VersaRing The Virtex architecture also includes the following circuits that connect to the GRM.

    DS003-1, DS003-2, DS003-3, DS003-4, DS003-2 FPGA Virtex 6 pin configuration Virtex CS144 TQ144 XCV100 XCV150 XCV200 XCV300 XCV50 xapp151 PDF


    Abstract: JW040A0M JW040A0M1 t100s
    Text: Data Sheet April 2008 JW040A0M Power Modules; dc-dc Converters: 36 Vdc to 75 Vdc Input, 1.5 Vdc Output; 40 A; 60 W Features n The JW040A0M Power Modules use advanced, surface-mount technology and deliver high-quality, efficient, and compact dc-dc conversion.

    JW040A0M DS00-320EPS FLTR100V10 JW040A0M1 t100s PDF


    Abstract: FLTR100V10 JAW050F JAW050F1 JAW075F JAW075F6 108449
    Text: Data Sheet April 2008 JAW050F and JAW075F Power Modules; dc-dc Converters: 36 Vdc to 75 Vdc Input, 3.3 Vdc Output; 33 W to 50 W Features n The JAW Series Power Modules use surface-mount technology and deliver efficient and compact dc-dc conversion. Applications

    JAW050F JAW075F DS00-326EPS DS98-327EPS) jaw075f1 FLTR100V10 JAW050F1 JAW075F6 108449 PDF


    Abstract: JAHW075F JAHW100F jahw075f1 power distribution unit
    Text: Data Sheet August 2000 JAHW050F, JAHW075F, and JAHW100F Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 36 to 75 Vdc Input, 3.3 Vdc Output; 33 W to 66 W Features The JAHW Series Power Modules use advanced, surfacemount technology and deliver high-quality, efficient, and

    JAHW050F, JAHW075F, JAHW100F DS00-327EPS DS00-231EPS) JAHW050F JAHW075F jahw075f1 power distribution unit PDF


    Abstract: FLTR100V10 JAW050F JAW050F1 JAW075F 108449
    Text: Data Sheet March 2001 JAW050F and JAW075F Power Modules; dc-dc Converters: 36 Vdc to 75 Vdc Input, 3.3 Vdc Output; 33 W to 50 W Features The JAW Series Power Modules use surface-mount technology and deliver efficient and compact dc-dc conversion. Applications

    JAW050F JAW075F DS00-326EPS DS98-327EPS) jaw075f1 FLTR100V10 JAW050F1 108449 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet April 2008 JAW050A and JAW075A Power Modules; dc-dc Converters: 36 Vdc to 75 Vdc Input, 5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 75 W Features n The JAW Series Power Modules use surface-mount technology and deliver efficient and compact dc-dc conversion. n High power density

    JAW050A JAW075A DS00-326EPS DS00-325EPS) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet July 2000 T8533/34 Quad Programmable Line Card Signal Processor Features • ■ Includes codec, termination impedance, and echo canceller in one device for line card applications Programmable µ-law, linear, or A-law PCM input and output ITU-T G.712 compliant

    T8533/34 64-tap DS00-378ALC DS00-320ALC) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet June 2001 JAHW050F, JAHW075F, and JAHW100F Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 36 to 75 Vdc Input, 3.3 Vdc Output; 33 W to 66 W Features • Small size: 61.0 mm x 57.9 mm x 12.7 mm 2.40 in. x 2.28 in. x 0.50 in. ■ ■ High power density Very high efficiency: 88% typical

    JAHW050F, JAHW075F, JAHW100F FDS01-012EPS DS00-327EPS DS00-231EPS) PDF


    Abstract: XCV150 XCV100 XCV1000 XCV200 XCV400 XCV50 XCV600 XCV800 xcv300 pin information
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-3 v3.0 February 1, 2002 3 Product Specification Virtex Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Electrical and switching characteristics are specified on a per-speed-grade basis and can be designated as Advance,

    DS003-3 DS003-1, DS003-2, DS003-3, DS003-4, XCV300 XCV150 XCV100 XCV1000 XCV200 XCV400 XCV50 XCV600 XCV800 xcv300 pin information PDF

    data sheet ic 7495

    Abstract: T8538 0071A 321AL
    Text: Advance Data Sheet October 2000 T8538A Quad Programmable Codec Features • 3.3 V operation ■ Per-channel programmable gains, equalization, termination impedance, and hybrid balance ■ Programmable µ-law, linear, or A-law modes — Up to 256 time slots per frame

    T8538A DS00-321ALC DS00-055ALC) data sheet ic 7495 T8538 0071A 321AL PDF

    amcc s7022

    Abstract: amcc s3086 POWER AMPLIFIER PAS 1066 R1744 S7022 s3086 an1239 AMCC s3055 S3086
    Text: Part Number S3086 Revision A – February 20, 2003 S3086 Device Specification Continuous Rate Clock Recovery Unit FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • • SiGe BiCMOS technology Complies with Bellcore and ITU-T specifications for jitter tolerance, jitter transfer and jitter

    S3086 S3086 OC-48 OC-48, OC-12, DS0032/R1744 DS0032 amcc s7022 amcc s3086 POWER AMPLIFIER PAS 1066 R1744 S7022 s3086 an1239 AMCC s3055 PDF


    Abstract: XCV100 XCV1000 XCV150 XCV200 XCV300 XCV400 XCV50 XCV600 XCV800
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-3 v3.2 September 10, 2002 Production Product Specification Virtex Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Electrical and switching characteristics are specified on a per-speed-grade basis and can be designated as Advance,

    DS003-3 DS003-1, DS003-2, DS003-3, DS003-4, Virtex XCV100 XCV1000 XCV150 XCV200 XCV300 XCV400 XCV50 XCV600 XCV800 PDF


    Abstract: JAHW075F JAHW100F
    Text: Data Sheet March 2005 JAHW050F, JAHW075F, and JAHW100F Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 36 to 75 Vdc Input, 3.3 Vdc Output; 33 W to 66 W Features • Small size: 61.0 mm x 57.9 mm x 12.7 mm 2.40 in. x 2.28 in. x 0.50 in. ■ ■ High power density Very high efficiency: 88% typical

    JAHW050F, JAHW075F, JAHW100F FDS01-012EPS DS00-327EPS DS00-231EPS) JAHW050F JAHW075F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-3 v3.1 July 19, 2002 3 Production Product Specification Virtex Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Electrical and switching characteristics are specified on a per-speed-grade basis and can be designated as Advance,

    DS003-3 xapp158 DS003-1, DS003-3, DS003-2, DS003-4, PDF


    Abstract: Field Programmable Gate Arrays 512 552 XCV200 FPGA Virtex 6 pin configuration XCV1000 XCV150 XCV300 XCV400 XCV600
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-1 v2.5 April 2, 2001 3 Product Specification Features • • • • • Fast, high-density Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - Densities from 50k to 1M system gates - System performance up to 200 MHz

    DS003-1 66-MHz 16-bit 32-bit 16-bnd BG560 BG256 DS003-1, DS003-2, DS003-3, ds003 Field Programmable Gate Arrays 512 552 XCV200 FPGA Virtex 6 pin configuration XCV1000 XCV150 XCV300 XCV400 XCV600 PDF

    XCV100 TQ144

    Abstract: DS0034 XCV600 XCV800 ip108 DS003 AD 149 AE9 diode t25 4 L9 XCV200 TQ144
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-4 v2.7 July 19, 2001 3 Product Specification Virtex Pin Definitions Table 1: Special Purpose Pins Dedicated Pin Direction Description GCK0, GCK1, GCK2, GCK3 Yes Input Clock input pins that connect to Global Clock Buffers. These pins become

    DS003-4 FG676 BG352 XCV400 DS003-1, DS003-2, DS003-3, DS003-4, XCV100 TQ144 DS0034 XCV600 XCV800 ip108 DS003 AD 149 AE9 diode t25 4 L9 XCV200 TQ144 PDF


    Abstract: XCV1000 XCV150 XCV200 XCV300 XCV400 XCV50 XCV600 XCV800
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-3 v2.9 October 29, 2001 3 Product Specification Virtex Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Electrical and switching characteristics are specified on a per-speed-grade basis and can be designated as Advance,

    DS003-3 DS003-1, DS003-2, DS003-3, DS003-4, XCV100 XCV1000 XCV150 XCV200 XCV300 XCV400 XCV50 XCV600 XCV800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Obsolete/Under Obsolescence Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-1 v4.0 March 1, 2013 Product Specification Features • • • • • Fast, high-density Field Programmable Gate Arrays - Densities from 50k to 1M system gates - System performance up to 200 MHz

    DS003-1 66-MHz 16-bit 32-bit XCN10016 DS003-1, DS003-2, DS003-3, DS003-4, PDF


    Abstract: JAW050A1 FLTR100V10 JAW075A1 JAW075A6 MS460 108449
    Text: Data Sheet April 2008 JAW050A and JAW075A Power Modules; dc-dc Converters: 36 Vdc to 75 Vdc Input, 5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 75 W Features n The JAW Series Power Modules use surface-mount technology and deliver efficient and compact dc-dc conversion. n High power density

    JAW050A JAW075A DS00-326EPS DS00-325EPS) JAW050A1 FLTR100V10 JAW075A1 JAW075A6 MS460 108449 PDF


    Abstract: circuit diagram for speed checker for highways
    Text: Data Sheet June 2003 TTSI4K32T 4096-Channel, 32-Highway Time-Slot Interchanger Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Thirty-two full-duplex, serial time-division multiplexed TDM highways. Full availability, nonblocking 4096-channel time/

    TTSI4K32T 4096-Channel, 32-Highway 4096-channel DS03-141SWCH DS02-235SWCH) SPEED CHECKER FOR HIGHWAY circuit diagram for speed checker for highways PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-1 v2.5 April 2, 2001 3 Product Specification Features • • • • • Fast, high-density Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - Densities from 50k to 1M system gates - System performance up to 200 MHz

    DS003-1 66-MHz 16-bit 32-bit Register00 TQ144 DS003-1, DS003-3, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003-3 v2.5 April 2, 2001 3 Product Specification Virtex Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Data sheets can be designated as Advance or Preliminary. The status of specifications in these data sheets is as follows:

    DS003-3 DS003-1, DS003-3, DS003-2, DS003-4, ds003 PDF


    Abstract: JAW050F1 108449
    Text: Data Sheet August 10, 2000 JAW050F and JAW075F Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 36 to 75 Vdc Input, 3.3 Vdc Output; 33 W to 50 W Features The JAW Series Power Modules use surface-mount technology and deliver efficient and compact dc-dc conversion. Applications

    JAW050F JAW075F ISO14001 EN60950, IEC950) 73/23/EEC 93/68/EEC DS00-326EPS DS98-327EPS) jaw075f1 JAW050F1 108449 PDF

    highway speed checker

    Abstract: data sheet ic 7495 highway speed checker block diagram ic 7495 data sheet multiport injection Shift Register IC 7495 TTSI2K32T TTSI4K32T LTXD e3
    Text: Data Sheet June 2000 TTSI4K32T 4096-Channel, 32-Highway Time-Slot Interchanger Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Thirty-two full-duplex, serial time-division multiplexed TDM highways. Full availability, nonblocking 4096-channel time/

    TTSI4K32T 4096-Channel, 32-Highway 4096-channel DS00-322PDH DS99-178PDH) highway speed checker data sheet ic 7495 highway speed checker block diagram ic 7495 data sheet multiport injection Shift Register IC 7495 TTSI2K32T TTSI4K32T LTXD e3 PDF