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    DS0252 Datasheets (1)

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    DS0252 Daico Industries SP2T Switch Scan PDF

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    Abstract: XCV2000E XCV2600E XCV3200E XCV405E XCV50E XCV600E XCV812E
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-3 v2.3.2 March 14, 2003 Production Product Specification Virtex-E Extended Memory Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Electrical and switching characteristics are specified on a

    DS025-3 DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, XAPP158 XCV2000E XCV2600E XCV3200E XCV405E XCV50E XCV600E XCV812E PDF

    transistor tt 2222

    Abstract: TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out tt 2222 Datasheet TT 2222 Horizontal Output voltage FG676 XCV405E XCV405E-6BG560C XCV812E AB244 N203
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v1.4 April 2, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM - 130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz XCV405E XCV812E DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, DS025-4 transistor tt 2222 TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out tt 2222 Datasheet TT 2222 Horizontal Output voltage FG676 XCV405E-6BG560C AB244 N203 PDF

    diode t25 4 H9

    Abstract: DIODE AJ22 AK19 diode diode t25 4 G9 AF124 ag33 diode t25 4 H9 AF2.5 din 74 FG676 AL91
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-4 v1.6 July 17, 2002 Production Product Specification Virtex-E Pin Definitions Pin Name Dedicated Pin Direction Description GCK0, GCK1, GCK2, GCK3 Yes Input Clock input pins that connect to Global Clock Buffers. These pins become

    DS025-4 DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, diode t25 4 H9 DIODE AJ22 AK19 diode diode t25 4 G9 AF124 ag33 diode t25 4 H9 AF2.5 din 74 FG676 AL91 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v1.4 April 2, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM - 130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz XCV405E XCV812E DS025-1, DS025-3, DS025-2, DS025-4, DS025-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-3 v1.4 April 2, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Virtex-E Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms The status of data sheets is designated as Preview, Advance, or Preliminary. These specifications are defined as follows:

    DS025-3 DS025-1, DS025-3, DS025-2, DS025-4, PDF

    AF4 din 74

    Abstract: AN1555 FG676 K6G3 aj27 diode p8m3
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-4 v1.4 April 2, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Virtex-E Pin Definitions Pin Name Dedicated Pin Direction Description GCK0, GCK1, GCK2, GCK3 Yes Input Clock input pins that connect to Global Clock Buffers. These pins become

    DS025-4 DS025-1, DS025-3, DS025-2, DS025-4, AF4 din 74 AN1555 FG676 K6G3 aj27 diode p8m3 PDF

    TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out

    Abstract: transistor tt 2222 TT 2222 Horizontal Output voltage TT 2222 tt 2222 Datasheet vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition PCI33 XCV405E XCV50E XCV812E
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-2 v2.0 November 16, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Architectural Description Virtex-E Array The Virtex-E user-programmable gate array (see Figure 1) comprises two major configurable elements: configurable

    DS025-2 DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out transistor tt 2222 TT 2222 Horizontal Output voltage TT 2222 tt 2222 Datasheet vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition PCI33 XCV405E XCV50E XCV812E PDF


    Abstract: schematic diagram UPS UPS control circuitry, clock signal vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition LVCMOS25 PCI33 XAPP130 XCV405E XCV812E BG432
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-2 v2.2 September 10, 2002 Production Product Specification Architectural Description Virtex-E Array The Virtex-E user-programmable gate array (see Figure 1) comprises two major configurable elements: configurable

    DS025-2 DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, Virtex-E schematic diagram UPS UPS control circuitry, clock signal vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition LVCMOS25 PCI33 XAPP130 XCV405E XCV812E BG432 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v1.5 July 17, 2002 Production Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM - 130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz XCV405E XCV812E DS025-1, DS025-3, DS025-2, DS025-4, DS025-4 PDF

    digital dice design VHDL

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v1.5 July 17, 2002 Production Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM - 130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz XCV405E XCV812E DS025-1, DS025-3, DS025-2, DS025-4, DS025-4 digital dice design VHDL PDF


    Abstract: AN1555
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v1.4 April 2, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM - 130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz DS025-4 DS025-1, DS025-3, DS025-2, DS025-4, FG900 AN1555 PDF


    Abstract: XCV405E XCV405E-6BG560C XCV812E
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v1.4 April 2, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM - 130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, FG676 XCV405E XCV405E-6BG560C XCV812E PDF

    AM3 Processor Functional Data Sheet

    Abstract: synopsys Platform Architect DataSheet FG676 XCV405E XCV405E-6BG560C XCV812E AF124
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v1.5 July 17, 2002 Production Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM - 130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, DS025-4 AM3 Processor Functional Data Sheet synopsys Platform Architect DataSheet FG676 XCV405E XCV405E-6BG560C XCV812E AF124 PDF


    Abstract: XCV2000E XCV2600E XCV3200E XCV405E XCV50E XCV600E
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-3 v2.0 November 9, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Virtex-E Extended Memory Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Electrical and switching characteristics are specified on a

    DS025-3 XCV405E DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, XCV812E XCV2000E XCV2600E XCV3200E XCV50E XCV600E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-3 v2.1 February 1, 2002 Preliminary Product Specification Virtex-E Extended Memory Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Electrical and switching characteristics are specified on a

    DS025-3 DS025-1, DS025-3, DS025-2, DS025-4, PDF

    diode t25 4 g8

    Abstract: AK131 Diode ak21 ag33 diode diode t25 4 H9 aj14 aj14 diode ab2na AF3 din 74 standard k51 y5
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-4 v1.5 July 23, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Virtex-E Pin Definitions Pin Name Dedicated Pin Direction Description GCK0, GCK1, GCK2, GCK3 Yes Input Clock input pins that connect to Global Clock Buffers. These pins become

    DS025-4 XCV405E XCV812E DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, diode t25 4 g8 AK131 Diode ak21 ag33 diode diode t25 4 H9 aj14 aj14 diode ab2na AF3 din 74 standard k51 y5 PDF

    ram memory rambus

    Abstract: FG676 0.18 um CMOS 556 cmos TEX-E XCV405E XCV405E-6BG560C XCV812E memory bandwidth
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v1.5 July 17, 2002 Production Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM - 130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, ram memory rambus FG676 0.18 um CMOS 556 cmos TEX-E XCV405E XCV405E-6BG560C XCV812E memory bandwidth PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-3 v2.3.1 December 22, 2002 Production Product Specification Virtex-E Extended Memory Electrical Characteristics Definition of Terms Electrical and switching characteristics are specified on a

    DS025-3 DS025-1, DS025-3, DS025-2, DS025-4, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: — OBSOLETE — OBSOLETE — OBSOLETE — OBSOLETE — Virtex -E 1.8 V Extended Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS025-1 v3.0 March 21, 2014 Production Product Specification Features • • • • Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family - 560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM

    DS025-1 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz extV812E XCN12026. DS025-1, DS025-2, DS025-3, DS025-4, DS025-4 PDF


    Abstract: DS0252
    Text: HE DAICO INDUSTRIES INC D sbcm so 0 0 01 1 1 7 2 T \ S J -I RF1 R F HC GND QHO .GND QND RF COUUON CO N TI GNO "0 " QND CO N T2 -0 “ RF2 P F NO GND +5V DS0252 S P 2 T • Fast switching speed • Lo w Transient • Unused ports terminated in 50 ohms GND • S e e 1 0 0 C 1 0 5 2 for

    OCR Scan
    DS0252 100C1052 90Vt/10% /90J/o PDF

    Signal Path Designer

    Abstract: PIN diode switch 3a "pin diode" DS025 DS0602
    Text: SELECTING THE RIGHT RF SWITCH Ed Blair, Kalyan Farrington and Kelvin Tubbs Daico Industries, Inc. Rancho Dominguez, CA After the system design has been blocked out, after the individual component specifications to achieve the overall system’s performance have been identified, the crucial moment arrives.actual components selection! Amplifiers, filters, mixers and

    OCR Scan
    DS0352 DS0602 DS0842 DS0252 DS0052 DS0602 100C1003 DS0800 DS0842 Signal Path Designer PIN diode switch 3a "pin diode" DS025 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SELECTING THE RIGHT RF SWITCH Ed Blair, Kalyan Farrington and Kelvin Tubbs Daico Industries, Inc. Rancho Dominguez , C'A A fte r the system design has been blocked out, a fte r the individual com ponent specifications to achieve the overall system ’s performance have been identified, the crucial mom ent arrives.actual components selection! Amplifiers, filters,

    OCR Scan
    DS0252 DS0052 DS0602 100C1003 DS0800 DS0842 S0800 PDF