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    capacitor aec

    Abstract: 8281 CLC014 CLC014AJE M14A SD014EVK
    Text: CLC014 Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data Recovery General Description National’s CLC014 adaptive cable equalizer is a low-cost monolithic solution for equalizing data transmitted over cable or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics .

    CLC014 CLC014 180pspp capacitor aec 8281 CLC014AJE M14A SD014EVK PDF


    Abstract: CLC014 M14A
    Text: CLC014 Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data Recovery General Description National’s CLC014 adaptive cable equalizer is a low-cost monolithic solution for equalizing data transmitted over cable or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics .

    CLC014 CLC014 180pspp CLC014AJE M14A PDF


    Abstract: CLC014AJE M14A
    Text: CLC014 Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data Recovery General Description National’s CLC014 adaptive cable equalizer is a low-cost monolithic solution for equalizing data transmitted over cable or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics .

    CLC014 CLC014 180pspp CLC014AJE M14A PDF


    Abstract: transistor 1N4148
    Text: CLC014 Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data Recovery General Description National’s CLC014 adaptive cable equalizer is a low-cost monolithic solution for equalizing data transmitted over cable or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics .

    CLC014 CLC018EB: CLC018EB CLC018PCASM) CSA907T transistor 1N4148 PDF


    Abstract: CLC014AJE M14A
    Text: General Description National’s CLC014 adaptive cable equalizer is a low-cost monolithic solution for equalizing data transmitted over cable or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics . The CLC014 simplifies the task of high-speed data recovery

    CLC014 180pspp ds100056 CLC014AJE M14A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Technical Information PolarTM Power MOSFET HiPerFETTM VDSS ID25 IXFH12N90P IXFV12N90P IXFV12N90PS RDS on trr N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated Fast Intrinsic Diode = = ≤ ≤ 900V 12A Ω 900mΩ 300ns PLUS220 (IXFV) G Symbol Test Conditions

    IXFH12N90P IXFV12N90P IXFV12N90PS 300ns PLUS220 12N90P IXFH12N90P PDF


    Abstract: PLUS220SMD
    Text: Preliminary Technical Information PolarTM Power MOSFET HiPerFETTM IXFH12N90P IXFV12N90P IXFV12N90PS VDSS ID25 RDS on trr N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated Fast Intrinsic Diode = = ≤ ≤ 900V 12A Ω 900mΩ 300ns PLUS220 (IXFV) G Symbol Test Conditions

    IXFH12N90P IXFV12N90P IXFV12N90PS 300ns PLUS220 12N90P ixfh12n90p PLUS220SMD PDF

    22 aec capacitor

    Abstract: CLC014 CLC014AJE M14A
    Text: CLC014 Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data Recovery General Description National’s CLC014 adaptive cable equalizer is a low-cost monolithic solution for equalizing data transmitted over cable or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics .

    CLC014 CLC014 180pspp 22 aec capacitor CLC014AJE M14A PDF


    Abstract: CLC014 CLC014AJE M14A 8281
    Text: CLC014 Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data Recovery General Description National’s CLC014 adaptive cable equalizer is a low-cost monolithic solution for equalizing data transmitted over cable or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics .

    CLC014 CLC014 180pspp 400M CLC014AJE M14A 8281 PDF

    22 aec capacitor

    Abstract: CLC014 CLC014AJE M14A
    Text: CLC014 Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data Recovery General Description National’s CLC014 adaptive cable equalizer is a low-cost monolithic solution for equalizing data transmitted over cable or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics .

    CLC014 CLC014 180pspp 22 aec capacitor CLC014AJE M14A PDF

    utp cable coaxial

    Abstract: SMPTE-259 CLC014 M14A CLC006 equalizer soic 14 311-MbPS 400M CLC014AJE
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容 が最新でない場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際 しては、必ず最新の英文データシートをご確認ください。

    SMPTE259 540Mbps CLC014 200mBelden8281 270Mbps 180pspp 290mW 50Mbps 650Mbps utp cable coaxial SMPTE-259 CLC014 M14A CLC006 equalizer soic 14 311-MbPS 400M CLC014AJE PDF

    1001 EF JOHNSON

    Abstract: J 6810D lg LED monitor circuit diagram 100S CLC014 CLC014AJE M14A CLCO14 S75ii
    Text: & Semiconductor CLC014 Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data Recovery General Description nal adaptive loop tim e constant w ith one external capacitor. Also, th e C LC 014 is insensitive to the pathological patterns inherent in the video industry standards.

    OCR Scan
    CLC014 CLC014 180pspp 1001 EF JOHNSON J 6810D lg LED monitor circuit diagram 100S CLC014AJE M14A CLCO14 S75ii PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: January 1999 CLC011 Serial Digital Video Decoder General Description National’s Comlinear CLC011, Serial Digital Video Decoder, decodes and descrambles SMPTE 259M standard Serial Digital Video datastreams with serial clock into 10-bit parallel words and a corresponding word-rate clock. SMPTE 259M

    OCR Scan
    CLC011 CLC011, 10-bit PDF

    3904 transistor

    Abstract: transistor 1N4148 2N 3904 transistor
    Text: + Semiconductor A d a p t i v e C a b l e E q u a l i z e r fo r H i g h - S p e e d D a t a R e c o v e r y General Description Additional 1ea1ures include a ca rrie r dete ct output and an o ulpul m ule pin w hich, w hen tied together, m ute the output when no signal is present. A buffered eye m onitor output is

    OCR Scan
    CLC014 l998/06/15 3904 transistor transistor 1N4148 2N 3904 transistor PDF