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    DS100121 Search Results

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Voltage, High Gain BIMOSFETTM Monolithic Bipolar MOS Transistor IXBF12N300 VCES = 3000V IC110 = 11A VCE sat ≤ 3.2V (Electrically Isolated Tab) ISOPLUS i4-PakTM Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VCES TC = 25°C to 150°C 3000 V VCGR TJ = 25°C to 150°C, RGE = 1MΩ

    IXBF12N300 IC110 IC110 50/60Hz, 12N300 6-07-12-B IXBF12N300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF7163 RF7163QuadBand GSM850/EGS M900/DCS18 00/ QUAD-BAND GSM850/EGSM900/DCS1800/ PCS1900 TRANSMIT MODULE     Applications     3V Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Handsets GSM850/EGSM900/DCS180 0/PCS1900 Products GPRS Class 12 Compliant Portable Battery-Powered

    RF7163 RF7163QuadBand GSM850/EGS M900/DCS18 GSM850/EGSM900/DCS1800/ PCS1900 GSM850/EGSM900/DCS180 0/PCS1900 GSM850 EGSM900 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Voltage, High Gain BIMOSFETTM Monolithic Bipolar MOS Transistor VCES = 3000V IC110 = 11A VCE sat ≤ 3.2V IXBF12N300 (Electrically Isolated Tab) ISOPLUS i4-PakTM Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VCES TC = 25°C to 150°C 3000 V VCGR TJ = 25°C to 150°C, RGE = 1MΩ

    IC110 IXBF12N300 12N300 6-07-12-B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: power supply_본문_인쇄용_2010.06.01_Power Supply_2010_ 10. 06. 01 오후 7:31 페이지 166 DC DC DS50, DS100 DS • ■ SERIES Features: DS50-1205 DS50-1205 • 50 Watt, 100 Watt ■ Small size Small size ■ DC input voltage ■••Small size voltage

    DS100 DS50-1205 AC500V 100mA, DS100-S PDF


    Abstract: NS486SXL pic timing diagram IrDA Infra Red Integrated Circuits ETS-910 NS486 SXF interface 8254 with 8086 DS1287 MC146818 NS486
    Text: December 1997 NS486 SXL Optimized 32-Bit 486-Class Controller with On-Chip Peripherals for Embedded Systems General Description The NS486SXL is a highly integrated embedded system controller incorporating an Intel486™-class 32-bit processor along with all of the necessary System Service Elements,

    NS486TMSXL 32-Bit 486-Class NS486SXL Intel486TM-class NS486 Intel486 performa959 cs1674 pic timing diagram IrDA Infra Red Integrated Circuits ETS-910 NS486 SXF interface 8254 with 8086 DS1287 MC146818 PDF


    Abstract: DCS1800 EGSM900 PCS1900 rx2egsm900 RF7163TR13
    Text: RF7163 RF7163QuadBand GSM850/EGS M900/DCS18 00/ QUAD-BAND GSM850/EGSM900/DCS1800/ PCS1900 TRANSMIT MODULE     Applications     3V Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Handsets GSM850/EGSM900/DCS180 0/PCS1900 Products GPRS Class 12 Compliant Portable Battery-Powered

    RF7163 RF7163QuadBand GSM850/EGS M900/DCS18 GSM850/EGSM900/DCS1800/ PCS1900 GSM850/EGSM900/DCS180 0/PCS1900 GSM850 EGSM900 rf7163 DCS1800 rx2egsm900 RF7163TR13 PDF


    Abstract: GSM900 QFN20 RF3866PCK-410
    Text: RF3866 WIDE BANDWIDTH, HIGH LINEARITY LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER/LINEAR DRIVER Features „ „ „ First Stage WiMAX LNA/Linear Driver GSM900, CDMA, PCS, UMTS LNA/Linear Drive WLAN LNA High Gain Linear Amplification VD1 NC VD2 NC NC 1 15 NC NC 2 14 NC 13 RF OUT RF IN 3

    RF3866 20-Pin, 400MHz 3800MHz QFN20, GSM900, RF3866 3800MHz. DS100121 GSM900 QFN20 RF3866PCK-410 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Technical Information High Voltage, High Gain BIMOSFETTM Monolithic Bipolar MOS Transistor IXBF12N300 VCES = 3000V IC90 = 12A VCE sat ≤ 3.2V (Electrically Isolated Tab) ISOPLUS i4-PakTM Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VCES TC = 25°C to 150°C

    IXBF12N300 12N300 1-23-09-A IXBF12N300 PDF


    Abstract: ixbf12n30 ic901
    Text: Preliminary Technical Information High Voltage, High Gain BIMOSFETTM Monolithic Bipolar MOS Transistor IXBF12N300 VCES = 3000V IC90 = 12A VCE sat ≤ 3.2V (Electrically Isolated Tab) ISOPLUS i4-PakTM Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VCES TC = 25°C to 150°C

    IXBF12N300 12N300 IXBF12N300 ixbf12n30 ic901 PDF


    Abstract: RF7173 dual band RF7173PCBA-41X JESD22-A114 1154S HDR-1X14
    Text: RF7173 DUAL-BAND GSM850/PCS1900 OR EGSM900/DCS1800 TRANSMIT MODULE     Applications     3.2V Dual-Band GSM/GPRS Handsets GSM850/DCS1900 or EGSM900/DCS1800 Products GPRS Class 12 Compliant Portable Battery-Powered Equipment GND NC RX0

    RF7173 GSM850/PCS1900 EGSM900/DCS1800 GSM850/DCS1900 EGSM900/DCS1800 GSM850/EGSM900 DCS1800/PCS1900 2002/95/EC DS100121 RF7173 RF7173 dual band RF7173PCBA-41X JESD22-A114 1154S HDR-1X14 PDF

    Transistor BC 1078

    Abstract: FPD750SOT89CE FPD750SOT89 TRANSISTOR 8550, SOT89
    Text: FPD750SOT89CE FPD750SOT89 CE Low-Noise High-Linearity Packaged pHEMT LOW-NOISE HIGH-LINEARITY PACKAGED pHEMT Package Style: SOT89 Product Description Features The FPD750SOT89CE is a packaged depletion mode AlGaAs/InGaAs pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor pHEMT . It features a 0.25 mx1500μm

    FPD750SOT89CE FPD750SOT89 25dBm 39dBm FPD750SOT89CE 25mx1500m FPD750SOT89CE: EB750SOT89CE-BC FPD750SOT89CESR Transistor BC 1078 FPD750SOT89 TRANSISTOR 8550, SOT89 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF7173 DUAL-BAND GSM850/PCS1900 OR EGSM900/DCS1800 TRANSMIT MODULE     Applications     3.2V Dual-Band GSM/GPRS Handsets GSM850/DCS1900 or EGSM900/DCS1800 Products GPRS Class 12 Compliant Portable Battery-Powered Equipment GND NC RX0

    RF7173 GSM850/PCS1900 EGSM900/DCS1800 GSM850/DCS1900 EGSM900/DCS1800 GSM850/EGSM900 DCS1800/PCS1900 2002/95/EC DS100121 RF7173 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Voltage, High Gain BIMOSFETTM Monolithic Bipolar MOS Transistor IXBF12N300 VCES = 3000V IC110 = 11A VCE sat ≤ 3.2V (Electrically Isolated Tab) ISOPLUS i4-PakTM Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VCES TC = 25°C to 150°C 3000 V VCGR TJ = 25°C to 150°C, RGE = 1MΩ

    IXBF12N300 IC110 IC110 50/60Hz, 12N300 6-07-12-B PDF

    NS486 SXF

    Abstract: NS486 8086 interfacing with 8254 peripheral PAGE 29 National Semiconductor CAT 84 pic 8086 PAGE 27 National Semiconductor CAT 84 pic timing diagram DS1287 MC146818 NS486SXF
    Text: Semiconductor ADVANCE INFORMATION D ecem ber 1997 NS486 SXL Optimized 32-Bit 486-Class Controller with On-Chip Peripherals for Embedded Systems Optim ized DRAM C ontroller supports tw o banks, up to 8 M bytes each General Description The N S 486SXL is a highly integrated em bedded system

    OCR Scan
    NS486â 32-Bit 486-Ciass NS486SXL Intel486â NS486 Intel486 NS486 SXF 8086 interfacing with 8254 peripheral PAGE 29 National Semiconductor CAT 84 pic 8086 PAGE 27 National Semiconductor CAT 84 pic timing diagram DS1287 MC146818 NS486SXF PDF