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    DXO CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    8N0Q001BH-2202CDI Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad-Frequency Programmable XO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8N3Q001EG-0025CDI Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad-Frequency Programmable XO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8N4Q001EG-1020CDI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad-Frequency Programmable XO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8N4Q001EG-1102CDI Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad-Frequency Programmable XO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8N3Q001EG-0001CDI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad-Frequency Programmable XO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    DXO CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: EI 33 TRANSFORMER
    Text: '$7$ 6+ 7 $35,/ ìääç 5HYLVLRQ íïí /;7êíé$ /RZð3RZHU 7ìî(ì 6KRUWð+DXO 7UDQVFHLYHU ZLWK 5HFHLYH -$ *HQHUDO 'HVFULSWLRQ ì HDWXUHV The LXT304A is a fully integrated low-power transceiver for both North American 1.544 Mbps (T1), and International 2.048 Mbps (E1) applications. It features a constant



    Abstract: LXP600A LXT300Z LXT301Z transformers 2507
    Text: '$7$ 6+ 7 $35,/ ìääç 5HYLVLRQ íïí /;7êíí=î/;7êíì= $GYDQFHG 7ìî(ì 6KRUWð+DXO 7UDQVFHLYHUV *HQHUDO 'HVFULSWLRQ HDWXUHV 7KH /;7êíí= DQG /;7êíì= DUH IXOO\ LQWHJUDWHG WUDQVð FHLYHUV IRU ERWK 1RUWK $PHULFDQ ìïèéé 0ESV õ7ìô DQG


    MP 7721

    Abstract: DIAGRAM OF IC 7106 HM-6100 SN 76008 hm-6100-9 dxbus 7530-1 CI 7402 HM-6100C-9 dxo crystal oscillator
    Text: m H A R R H M -6 1 0 0 IS C M O S 12 B IT M IC R O P R O C E S S O R C P U SEM ICONDUCTOR PR O D U C T S DIVISION A DIVISION OF HARRIS C O RPO RA TIO N Pinout Features • LO W POWER - T Y P .< 5.0JUW • S IN G L E SU PP LY 4 -1 1 V O L T • F U L L T E M P E R A T U R E R A N G E - 5 5 ° C T O + 1 2 5 °C

    OCR Scan
    HM-6100 12-BIT HM-6100 MP 7721 DIAGRAM OF IC 7106 SN 76008 hm-6100-9 dxbus 7530-1 CI 7402 HM-6100C-9 dxo crystal oscillator PDF

    NTE IC 7460

    Abstract: nte ic 7404 dxbus
    Text: HM-6100 2 H A R R IS C M O S 12 B IT M IC R O P R O C E S S O R (C P U Pinout Features • L O W P O W E R - T Y P . < 5 . 0 /J W • S IN G L E + 5 V P O W E R S U P P L Y • F U L L T E M P E R A T U R E R A N G E - 5 5 ° C T O + 1 2 5 °C • S T A T IC O P E R A T IO N

    OCR Scan
    HM-6100 32--CO. NTE IC 7460 nte ic 7404 dxbus PDF

    dxo 1100

    Abstract: ST CHN 510 chn 825 CHN 703 CHN T4 ST CHN t4 D6/chn 609 CHN 510 TR-NPL-000275 CHN 838
    Text: q i-B i t t im f » MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS 1- M -986-1R 1 & -2 R 1 MF Transceivers Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 M F Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a sin­

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 M-986, TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 dxo 1100 ST CHN 510 chn 825 CHN 703 CHN T4 ST CHN t4 D6/chn 609 CHN 510 TR-NPL-000275 CHN 838 PDF

    chn 511

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÏC E L X D N E MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS M-986-1R1 &-2R1 MF Transceivers Features Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 M F Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a single-channel version; M-986-2R1 provides two channels.

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986-1 TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 -20th chn 511 PDF

    TMS320VC33, instruction set

    Abstract: Coprocessor TMS320C33 SPRS087
    Text: TMS320VC33 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR * High-Performance Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor DSP : I - TMS320VC33-150 13-ns Instruction Cycle Time 150 MFLOPS, 75 MIPS - TMS320VC33-120) 17-ns Instruction Cycle Time 120 MFLOPS, 60 MIPS • 32-Bit High-Performance CPU

    OCR Scan
    TMS320VC33 18-micron 144-Pin TMS320VC33, instruction set Coprocessor TMS320C33 SPRS087 PDF

    dxo 1100

    Abstract: KTD 3-2 A4 Y2 chn 228 L04 MARKING 3728MHZ 1300 st CHN
    Text: tE e l x o n e Datasheet M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MFC Transceivers • Direct |j-Law PCM digital input • 2.048 Mb/s clocking • Operates with standard codecs for analog interfacing • Microprocessor read/write interface • Binary or 2-of-6 data formats •

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986, M-986 M-986-XR1 22121-20th dxo 1100 KTD 3-2 A4 Y2 chn 228 L04 MARKING 3728MHZ 1300 st CHN PDF

    CHN 744

    Abstract: CHN 517 AS3244
    Text: t C e l x d n e M-986-2A1 MF Transceiver Teltone M-986-2A1 dual channel MF Transceiver contains all the logic necessary to transmit and receive North Ameri­ can CCITT Region 1 multifrequency signals on one inte­ grated circuit (IC). Operating with a 20.48 MHz crystal, the M-986 is capable of

    OCR Scan
    M-986-2A1 M-986 M-986-2A1P M-986-2A1PL 22121-20th 40-pin 44-pin CHN 744 CHN 517 AS3244 PDF


    Abstract: 50/CHN 846
    Text: M-976 MFC Transceivers The Teltone M-976-2R2P MFC Transceiver contains all the logic necessary to transmit and receive CCITT R2F forward and R2B (backward) multifrequency signals on one inte­ grated circuit (IQ . M-976 provides two channels. Features •

    OCR Scan
    M-976 M-976-2R2P W011-4408 1-OOtM26-3924Â 20H07-1515 1994ItltoM M-976-2R2P FUC20 50/CHN 846 PDF

    Chn 835

    Abstract: ST CHN 021 chn 825 dxo 1100
    Text: îh e l x c in e Data Sheit M-986-2A1 MF Transceiver • Functional Description Direct A-Law or n-Law PCM digital input • 2.048 Mb/s clocking • Operates with standard codecs for analog interfacing • Microprocessor read/write interface The M-986-2A1 can be set up for various modes of operation by

    OCR Scan
    M-986-2A1 22121-20th Chn 835 ST CHN 021 chn 825 dxo 1100 PDF

    chn 437

    Abstract: B1354 dxo 1100 CHN 703 D1302 M-986-1R1 M-986-1R2 M-986-2R1 dxo crystal oscillator 01324
    Text: tCEŒ DNE* . . MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS INNOVATING SOLUTIONS M-986-1R1 & -2R1 MF Transceivers Features Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MF Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a sin­

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 M-986, TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 chn 437 B1354 dxo 1100 CHN 703 D1302 dxo crystal oscillator 01324 PDF

    CHN 650

    Abstract: chn 825 C1906
    Text: ÌH ELX O N E Data Sheet M-976-2C2 MFC Transceiver • Designed for R2 MF signaling transmit and receive lev­ els used in China input. Each channel can be connected to an analog source using a coder-decoder codec as shown in Figure 1. • Direct A-Law PCM digital input

    OCR Scan
    M-976-2C2 M-976 M-976-2C2X M-976-2C2P 40-pin M-976-2C2PL 22121-20th CHN 650 chn 825 C1906 PDF

    chn 437

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r c i T H M E - MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS INNOVATING SOLUTIONS M-986-1R1 &-2R1 MF Transceivers Features Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 M F Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a sin­

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 22121-20th chn 437 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMJ320C30 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR SGUS014C- FEBRUARY 1991 - REVISED MARCH 1898 • • • • • • • • • • • -55°C to 125°C Operating Temperature Range, QML Processing Processed to MIL-PRF-38535 QML Performance - SMJ320C30-33 (60-ns Cycle)

    OCR Scan
    SMJ320C30 SGUS014C- MIL-PRF-38535 SMJ320C30-33 60-ns SMJ320C30-40 50-ns SMJ320C30-50 40-ns 32-Bit 5962-9052603mua PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M -9 8 6 -1 R 1 a n d -2 R 1 M FC Transceivers Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MF Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R 1 multifrequency signals on one 40-pin integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a single-channel version; M-986-2R1 provides two channels.

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 40-pin M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 22121-20th PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320C31, TMS320LC31 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS S P R S 0 3 5 A - M A R C H 1996 - R E V IS E D J U L Y 1 997 • • • • • • A High-Performance Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor DSP : - TMS320C31-60 (5 V) 33-ns Instruction Cycle Time 330 MOPS, 60 MFLOPS, 30 MIPS

    OCR Scan
    TMS320C31, TMS320LC31 TMS320C31-60 33-ns TMS320C31-50 40-ns TMS320C31-40 50-ns c3133 PDF

    htc legend

    Abstract: CR31-CR16 d72020 SPRA012A cq313 TMS320C17 TMS320P17 CR23-CR16 A339 serial port 8250
    Text: TMS320C17, TMS320E17, TMS320LC17, TMS320P17 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS J A N U A R Y 1 9 8 7 — R E V IS E D J U L Y 1991 Key Features: TM S320C17/E17/LC17/P17 200-ns Instruction Cycle Timing TMS320C17/E17/P17 Dua-Channel Serial Port In te rru p t ^

    OCR Scan
    TMS320C17, TMS320E17, TMS320LC17, TMS320P17 TMS320C17/E17/LC17/P17 200-ns TMS320C17/E17/P17) 278-ns TMS320LC17) TMS320C17/LC17) htc legend CR31-CR16 d72020 SPRA012A cq313 TMS320C17 TMS320P17 CR23-CR16 A339 serial port 8250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMX320C30, TMS320C30 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS032-APRIL 1996 High-Performance Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor DSP - TMX320C30-50 40-ns Instruction Cycle Time 275 MOPS, 50 MFLOPS, 25 MIPS - TMS320C30-40 50-ns Instruction Cycle Time 220 MOPS, 40 MFLOPS, 20 MIPS

    OCR Scan
    TMX320C30, TMS320C30 SPRS032-APRIL TMX320C30-50 40-ns TMS320C30-40 50-ns TMS320C30-33 60-ns TMS320C30-27 XD13 PDF

    MP 7721

    Abstract: dxbus ac-0 inverter OSC 73-52 sr flip flop 7410 HM-6100 6100C-9 GT 7104 850C DX10
    Text: HM-6100 00 HARRIS CM O S 12 BIT À MICROPROCESSOR CPU # Pinout Features • L O W P O W E R - T Y P . < 5 .0 p W • S IN G L E + 6 V P O W E R S U P P L Y • F U L L T E M P E R A T U R E R A N G E - 5 5 ° C T O + 1 2 5 °C • S T A T IC O P E R A T IO N

    OCR Scan
    12-BIT HM-6100 MP 7721 dxbus ac-0 inverter OSC 73-52 sr flip flop 7410 6100C-9 GT 7104 850C DX10 PDF


    Abstract: C3133
    Text: TMS320C31, TMS320LC31 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS _ S P R S Q 35A -M A R C H 1996 - REVISED JULY 1997 * High-Performance Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor DSP : f - TMS320C31-60 (5 V) 33-ns Instruction Cycle Time 330 MOPS, 60 MFLOPS, 30 MIPS

    OCR Scan
    TMS320C31, TMS320LC31 TMS320C31-60 33-ns TMS320C31-50 40-ns TMS320C31-40 50-ns TMS320LC31-40 40d27 C3133 PDF

    circuit diagram of new holland fx 58

    Abstract: tms320c31
    Text: TMS320C31, TMS320LC31 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS S P R S 03 5- MARCH 1996 • High-Performance Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor DSP : - TMS320C31-60 (5 V) 33-ns Instruction Cycle Time 330 MOPS, 60 MFLOPS, 30 MIPS - TMS320C31-50 (5 V) 40-ns Instruction Cycle Time

    OCR Scan
    TMS320C31, TMS320LC31 TMS320C31-60 33-ns TMS320C31-50 40-ns TMS320C31-40 50-ns circuit diagram of new holland fx 58 tms320c31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMJ320C3X DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR S G U S014A - FEBRUARY 1991 - REVISED SEPTEMBER 1994 I * Processed to MIL-STD-883, Class B • Operating Temperature Range: • Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Arithmetic Units

    OCR Scan
    SMJ320C3X S014A MIL-STD-883, 32-Bit 64-Word 86-89-2 PDF

    chn 731

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tC e l x d n e M-976-2C2 MFC Transceiver The Teltone M-976-2C2 MFC Transceiver contains all the logic necessary to transmit and receive MF signaling used in China, both forward and (backward) multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit (IC). The M-976 provides two

    OCR Scan
    M-976-2C2 M-976 M-976-2C2P M-976-2C2PL 40-pin 44-pin 22121-20th chn 731 PDF