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    ED-44 DIODE Search Results

    ED-44 DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    ED-44 DIODE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Edd 44

    Abstract: DIODE ED
    Text: 1733 Reader's Spreadspg189-328:1570 Reader's Spreadspg189-328 1/27/09 4:44 PM Page 1 PMS 300 neg. Black neg. ED X bidirectional esd suppressor EU features circuit protection • • • • (16kV) IEC 61000-4-2 rating Surface mount package High component density

    Spreadspg189-328 Spreadspg189-328 225mw 225mwage 8/20us Edd 44 DIODE ED PDF


    Abstract: DIODE ED 26 5SDD If 8000 Vrrm 8000
    Text: VRRM = 400 V IFAVM = 11350 A IFRMS = 17800 A IFSM = 85000 A VF0 = 0.74 V rF = 0.018 mΩ Ω Rectifier Diode 5SDD 0120C0400 Doc. No. 5SYA1159-01 Oct.00 • Optimized for high current rectifiers • Very low on-state voltage • Very low thermal resistance

    0120C0400 5SYA1159-01 CH-5600 17800 DIODE ED 26 5SDD If 8000 Vrrm 8000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VRRM = 200 V IFAVM = 11000 A IFRMS = 17300 A IFSM = 85000 A VF0 = 0.75 V rF = 0.020 mΩ Ω Rectifier Diode 5SDD 0120C0200 Doc. No. 5SYA1157-01 Oct.00 • Optimized for high current rectifiers • Very low on-state voltage • Very low thermal resistance

    0120C0200 5SYA1157-01 Surfac200 CH-5600 17300A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS lflE D • 44^205 H LP20RG,H LP30RG,H LP40RG OOl Gñl b G a A IA s ¡R ED r-HH 3 Description H LP20RG , HLP30RG and HLP40RG are GaAIAs infrared em itting diodes with single heterojunction structure. T hey offer a wide range of wavelength and out­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BH 27 701A facon bd BH22-601A bl 44 704 facon facon bh 27 701 GB 44-706 facon bf facon VX230
    Text: FACON 45E D • 345b503 OOOOOlù 5 « F C N FACON SEMICONDUCTEURS/SEMICONDUCTORS T-23-0\ m ouldings m ou lages Vr r m Types V V RMS re c o m ­ m en d ed m ax (V) ■d on re­ sistive load s u r c h arg e résis tive *d s m / *fsm Ip per diode @ VR U se

    OCR Scan
    345b503 T-230\ CB-356 C8-350 345b2D3 CB-349 CB-350 BH45-704A BH 27 701A facon bd BH22-601A bl 44 704 facon facon bh 27 701 GB 44-706 facon bf facon VX230 PDF


    Abstract: sj 2907 4148 diode diode st 4148 TRANSISTOR 4148 THC-2894 THC-5818 THC-2369 THC-2369A THC-2945
    Text: SPRAGUE SILICON TRANSISTOR AND DIODE CHIPS POPULAR TRANSISTOR AND DIODE CHIPS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 0 0 % Probed Parameters TYPE D E S C R IP T IO N BVoo M in . Ic V o lts @ (mA) B V cto M in . Ic V o lts @ (mA) M jn. V o lts B V ebo *5 0 1 50 @ Ic

    OCR Scan
    THC-95 THC-2894 THC4258 THC-4258A THC-A-20 THC-2944 THC-2945 THC-4413 sj 2907 4148 diode diode st 4148 TRANSISTOR 4148 THC-5818 THC-2369 THC-2369A PDF

    im 308-c

    Abstract: ma47047
    Text: M an A M P com pany PIN Diode Chips V 2.00 Features • • • • • • CERMACHIP glass o r Silicon D ioxide Passivation H erm etically Sealed CERMACHIP Design Fast Speed, Low Loss M icrowave Chips A ttenuator Chips Voltage Ratings to 1500 Volts W ide Range of PIN Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD883, im 308-c ma47047 PDF


    Abstract: 4661N 1N1492 1N44B 1N4460 1N4471 1N4479
    Text: 1N 4460 thru 1N4496 and 1N6485 thru 1N6491 Microisemi Corp. $ The diQite SC O TTSD A LE , A Z ☆JANS* 1.5 WATT G LASS ZEN ER DIODES FEATURES • Microminiature package. • High perform ance characteristics. • Stable operation at temperatures to 200°C.

    OCR Scan
    1N4496 1N6485 1N6491 MIL-S-19500/406. 1N4460 1N4474 4661N 1N1492 1N44B 1N4471 1N4479 PDF


    Abstract: hp 2817 hp 5082 2207 S3H 02 diode U1Z 07 u1z 99 hp 5082 2817 5082-2500 5082-2711 5082-2766
    Text: COMPONENTS 5082 -2200 / 01/ 0 2 /0 3 5082 - 2207 / 08 / 09/10 5082 2 7 6 5 /6 6 5082 - 2774/75 5082 - 2 7 85/8 6 5082 - 2 7 9 4 /9 5 SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODES & HIGH CONDUCTANCE DIODES H E W L E T T PACKARD SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODES FOR STRIPLINE, MICROSTRIP MIXERS

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series 50-170 A m p * DIODE* 9CRDIODE Modules High Thermal Efficiency These circuits provide complete power control in a single package, utilizing high thermal efficiency to assure long life and reliable performance. Twelve standard models provide 2500 Vrms

    OCR Scan
    E72445) EFD02CF D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: UHF Phase Shifter AG312 MA4PH451 MA47266 Microwave PIN diode phase shifter circulator 1N5767 MA4P709-985 pin diode limiter 3 ghz 1 watt
    Text: Application Note M an A M P com pany Design With PIN Diodes AG312 By Gerald Hiller V 2.00 Introduction The PIN diode finds wide usage in RF, UHF and microwave circuits. It is fundamentally a device w hose impedance, at these frequencies, is controlled by its DC

    OCR Scan
    AG312 MA4P709-150 UHF Phase Shifter AG312 MA4PH451 MA47266 Microwave PIN diode phase shifter circulator 1N5767 MA4P709-985 pin diode limiter 3 ghz 1 watt PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JUfaCim m a n A M P com pany Monolithic PIN Diode Switches MA4SW100, 200, 300 Features • B ro a d b a n d P erfo rm a n ce: S p e cifie d 1-18 G H z I 's a b le 1-26 G H z S l’ST. SP O T , U sa b le 1-20 G H z (S P 3 T ) K • In sertio n I.oss 1.2 d B to IK G H z

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: an A M P com pany PIN Diode Chips V 2.00 Features • C E R M A C H IP glass or Silicon Dioxide Passivation o • Herm etically Sealed C E R M A C H IP Design • Fast Speed, Lo w Loss M icro w ave Chips • Attenuator Chips • Voltage Ratings to 1500 Volts

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD883, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4bfibE2b OOO lbbl 7bl *IXY QIXYS MCC44 lTAV=2 x 49 A MCD44 vRRM= 400-1800 V Thyristor Modules Thyristor/Diode Modules > > > 500 700 900 1300 1500 1700 1900 400 600 800 1200 1400 1800 1800* Ii V r*m Vo«, V Type Version 1 B MCC44-06ÌO1 MCC44-08ÌO1 MCC44-12io1

    OCR Scan
    MCC44 MCD44 MCC44-06Ã MCC44-08Ã MCC44-12io1 14lo1 MCC44-18io1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: an A M P com pany GaAs Beam-Lead PIN Diodes MA4GP900 Series V 2.00 Case Style Features • Superior High Spued M icrow ave Switching Diode • 2-3 Nanosecond Sw itching W h e n D riven From T i l Logic • Capacitance as Low as 0.025 pF Specified at 10 G H z

    OCR Scan
    MA4GP900 PDF


    Abstract: R K J 0822
    Text: 40&CDM M an A M P com pany Monolithic PIN Diode Switches MA4SW100,200,300 V 2.00 Features • B ro a d b a n d P erfo rm a n ce: S p e cifie d 1 -18 G H z U sab le 1 -2 6 G H z SPST , S P D T U sab le 1 -20 G H z (S P 3 T ) • In se rtio n Loss 1 .2 d B to 18 G H z

    OCR Scan
    MA4SW100 MA4SW200 MA4SW300 31140 R K J 0822 PDF

    WR90 waveguide

    Abstract: MA86571 WR-90 waveguide rf detector diode low power zero bias schottky diode zero bias schottky diode detector 10525
    Text: Afe M an A M P com pany Microwave Detector 10.525 GHz MA86571 Features • Low Noise • High RF Rectification Efficiency • Rugged Construction • Zero Bias Schottky Diode • No Forw ard Bias Current is Required JL TO MATE WITH " UG-39U WR-90 WAVEGUIDE

    OCR Scan
    UG-39U WR-90 MA86571 MA86571 WR90 waveguide WR-90 waveguide rf detector diode low power zero bias schottky diode zero bias schottky diode detector 10525 PDF


    Abstract: hp 2817 hpa 2350 5082-2817 5082-2200 diode hp 5082-2817
    Text: Wlf^k HEWLETT 4447SÔH GGOTtiHb SB6 ^BHPA HEULETT-PACKAR] / CMPNTS D b lE PACKARD Schottky Barrier Diodes for Mixers and Detectors Technical Data 5082-2350/51 5082-2400/01 5082-2702/07 5082-2723/24 5082-2817/18 D IA M E T E R 1 63 064) 1 6 2 ( 060) Features

    OCR Scan
    4447S 5082-2350 hp 2817 hpa 2350 5082-2817 5082-2200 diode hp 5082-2817 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si G E C P L E S S E Y NOVEMBERS SEM IC OND UCT OR S DS4179-4.0 DNB63 RECTIFIER DIODE APPLICATIONS • KEY PARAMETERS V RRM Rectification. ■ Freewheel Diode. ■ DC Motor Control. ■ Power Supplies. IF av, 'fs m 1500V 4850A 57000A ■ Welding. ■ Battery Chargers.

    OCR Scan
    DS4179-4 DNB63 7000A 0200AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si G E C P L E S S E Y NOVEMBERS SEM IC OND UCT OR S DS4180-4.0 DNB64 RECTIFIER DIODE APPLICATIONS • Rectification. ■ Freewheel Diode. ■ DC Motor Control. ■ Power Supplies. KEY PARAMETERS V RRM 3600V 2530A 'fs m 27000A I F a v , ■ Welding. ■ Battery Chargers.

    OCR Scan
    DS4180-4 DNB64 7000A D0200AD. PDF

    TIC 44 SCR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITEL MP03 XXX 190 Series Phase Control Dual SCR, SCR/Diode Modules SEMICONDUCTOR Supersedes O ctober 1992 version, 2.0 DS5099-3.0 Decem ber 1998 FEATURES Dual Device Module Electrically Isolated Package Pressure Contact Construction International Standard Footprint

    OCR Scan
    DS5099-3 MP03/190 TIC 44 SCR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITEL DSZ412SE Avalanche Diode SEMICONDUCTOR Supersedes Novem ber 1994, version 1.1 DS5107-2.0 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling. ■ High Surge Capability. ■ Avalanche Capability. Decem ber 1998 KEY PARAMETERS VRRM 4400V *f a v 230A *fs m 1500A APPLICATIONS

    OCR Scan
    DSZ412SE DS5107-2 DS412SE44 PDF

    scr tic 106

    Abstract: MTO thyristor HBP MITEL
    Text: M ITEL MP03 XXX 330 Series Phase Control Dual SCR, SCR/Diode Modules SEMICONDUCTOR Supersedes January 1994 version, 3.2 DS4483-4.0 Decem ber 1998 FEATURES Dual Device Module Electrically Isolated Package Pressure Contact Construction International Standard Footprint

    OCR Scan
    DS4483-4 0600A MP03/330 scr tic 106 MTO thyristor HBP MITEL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COAXIAL PIN DIODE ATTENUATOR ML 6650-100D SERIES MINIATURE ABSORPTIVE ATTENUATOR WITH LINEARISED DRIVER 1.0 TO 18.0 GHz FEATURES ♦ High Accuracy/Linearity ♦ Temperature Compensated ♦ Fast Switching Speed ♦ Miniature Outline ♦ Hermetically Sealed

    OCR Scan
    6650-100D PDF