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    EL2244CS OPAMP Search Results

    EL2244CS OPAMP Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC821C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17904ATEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA1630S02LPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    EL2244CS OPAMP Datasheets Context Search

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    op amp 14 pin

    Abstract: eel22 AD827 EL2044C EL2244C EL2244CN EL2244CS EL2444C
    Text: Dual/Quad Low-Power 120MHz Unity-Gain Stable Op Amp Features General Description • 120MHz gain-bandwidth product • Unity-gain stable • Low supply current per amplifier - 5.2mA at VS = ±15V • Wide supply range - ±2V to ±18V dual-supply, 2.5V to 36V singlesupply

    120MHz AD827 andLT1229/LT1230 EL2244C/EL2444C EL2044C. op amp 14 pin eel22 AD827 EL2044C EL2244C EL2244CN EL2244CS EL2444C PDF


    Abstract: EL2244C
    Text: EL2244, EL2444 Data Sheet May 16, 2005 Dual/Quad Low-Power 120MHz Unity-Gain Stable Op Amp The EL2244 and EL2444 are dual and quad versions of the popular EL2044. They are high speed, low power, low cost monolithic operational amplifiers built on Elantec's

    EL2244, EL2444 FN7059 120MHz EL2244 EL2444 EL2044. el244c EL2244C PDF


    Abstract: AD827 EL2044 EL2244 EL2444 EL2244CS-T13
    Text: NS ESI G D NE W TS FO R R O D U C D E P D E M EN TUT 004Sheet COM SUBSTI L5Data 5 E R S T I E , O L N SI B 5002 P OS ISL5 EL2244, EL2444 Dual/Quad Low-Power 120MHz Unity-Gain Stable Op Amp The EL2244 and EL2444 are dual and quad versions of the popular EL2044. They are high speed, low power, low cost

    ISL550 EL2244, EL2444 120MHz EL2244 EL2444 EL2044. EL2244 EL2444CS-T7 AD827 EL2044 EL2244CS-T13 PDF


    Abstract: LT1229 equivalent EL2444CS-T7 AD827 EL2044 EL2244 EL2244CN EL2244CS EL2244CS-T7
    Text: EL2244, EL2444 Data Sheet August 16, 2002 Dual/Quad Low-Power 120MHz Unity-Gain Stable Op Amp The EL2244 and EL2444 are dual and quad versions of the popular EL2044. They are high speed, low power, low cost monolithic operational amplifiers built on Elantec's

    EL2244, EL2444 120MHz EL2244 EL2444 EL2044. EL2244 FN7059 LT1229 equivalent EL2444CS-T7 AD827 EL2044 EL2244CN EL2244CS EL2244CS-T7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL2244, EL2444 Data Sheet Dual/Quad Low-Power 120MHz Unity-Gain Stable Op Amp The EL2244 and EL2444 are dual and quad versions of the popular EL2044. They are high speed, low power, low cost monolithic operational amplifiers built on Elantec's proprietary complementary bipolar process. The EL2244

    EL2244, EL2444 FN7059 120MHz EL2244 EL2444 EL2044. EL2244CS-T13 PDF


    Abstract: EL2244CN ips 500w circuit diagram 1000X AD827 EL2044C EL2244C EL2444C LT1229 LT1230
    Text: Dual Quad Low-Power 60 MHz Unity-Gain Stable Op Amp Features General Description  60 MHz gain-bandwidth product  Unity-gain stable  Low supply current per Amplifier e 5 2 mA at VS e g 15V  Wide supply range e g 2V to g 18V dual-supply e 2 5V to 36V single-supply

    1000X AD827 LT1229 LT1230 EL2244C EL2444C EL204are 2244 EL2244CN ips 500w circuit diagram 1000X EL2044C LT1230 PDF


    Abstract: EL2244CN EL2244CS EL2444CN EL2444CS 3L00
    Text: EL2244C/EL2444C W Ê Ê Ê S S 9 S S Ê i S Ê Ê . , , D u a l / Q u a d L o w - P o w e r 60 MHz Unity-Gain Stable OpAmp HIGH PERFORMANCE AN &ÛS IKÏE5RATEB CtftGUffS . • _ - " Il . .

    OCR Scan
    EL2244C/EL2444C 150fl 500il 500ft) 500ft. AD827 EL2244CN EL2244CS EL2444CN EL2444CS 3L00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: |* HIGH PERFORMANCE ANAUOG INTEGRATED OWCUITS F eatu res A p p licatio n s • • • • • • • • • • • Video amplifier Single-supply amplifier A ctive filters/integrators High-speed sample-and-hold H igh-speed signal processing A D C /D A C buffer

    OCR Scan
    EL2244C/EL2444C 25V/ju 150fl 1000Q M2244 864E--18 69MHz EL2244C/EL2444C Q4743 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hl • ■ V . ■■ EL2244C/EL2444C D ual/Q uad Ixitc-Power 60 MHz Vnity-tiain Stable Op A mp . F e a tu re s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • 60 M Hz gain-bandwidth product • Unity-gain stable • Low supply current per Amplifier = 5.2 mA at Vs = ± 15V

    OCR Scan
    EL2244C/EL2444C 150ft 1000ft 500ft EL2244C/Ã L2444C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: élantec HIGHPERFORMANCEANALOGINTEGRATEDCIRCUITS EL2244C/EL2444C Dual/Quad Lnic-Poicer SO MHz Unity-Gain Stable Op Amp H F to to »ft O \ H F F e a tu r e s G e n e ra l D e sc r ip tio n • 60 M Hz gain-bandwidth product • Unity-gain stable • Low supply current

    OCR Scan
    EL2244C/EL2444C 150il 150ft EL2244C/EL 2444C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: General Description The EL2244C/EL2444C are dual and quad versions of the pop­ ular EL2044C. They are high speed, low power, low cost mono­ lithic operational amplifiers built on Elantec’s proprietary com­ plementary bipolar process. The EL2244C/EL2444C are unitygain stable and feature a 325 V/jxs slew rate and 60 M H z gainbandwidth product while requiring only 5.2 mA of supply cur­

    OCR Scan
    EL2244C/EL2444C EL2044C. PDF