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    ELAP CM 72

    Abstract: Elap 72 Elap cm 50 elap cm74 ELAP CM73 CM74 elap cm72 CM73 ELAP CM72
    Text: ELAP CM 72/73/74 MICROPROCESSOR MULTIFUNCTION POSITIONERS CM 72 - CM 73 - CM 74 are a series of microprocessor instruments which, thanks to their versatility, find a lot of possible employments in the field of counting and positioning control: the large number of available

    10rminal 72x72x146 144x72x146 72x144x146 68x68 138x68 68x138 I-20094 ELAP CM 72 Elap 72 Elap cm 50 elap cm74 ELAP CM73 CM74 elap cm72 CM73 ELAP CM72 PDF

    Elap cm 50

    Abstract: elap vega ELAP PLC programming elap vega 128X64 graphical LCD specifications 128X64 graphical LCD display specifications PLC programming elap plc programming languages plc program terminal PLC programming
    Text: Vega MULTIFUNCTION CONTROLLER The small-sized, powerful and versatile controller VEGA runs the automatic operation of machines and production systems in all industrial sectors. Besides the usual logical, timing and counting operations the inside PLC performs a series of complex operations,

    128x64 32x32 Elap cm 50 elap vega ELAP PLC programming elap vega 128X64 graphical LCD specifications 128X64 graphical LCD display specifications PLC programming elap plc programming languages plc program terminal PLC programming PDF

    uc3842 battery charger

    Abstract: ELAP CM 140 battery charger with uc3842 uc3842 charger isolated sck 138 thermistor uc3842 application charger mc341 UC3842 esis power charger BATTERY charger uc3842
    Text: Order this document by MC33340/D MOTOROLA @ MC33340 Advance Information Battery Fast Charge Controller The MC3334O is a monolithic control IC that is specifically designed as a fast charge controller for Nickel Cadmium NiCd and Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries. This device features negative slope voltage detection as

    MC33340/D MC33340 MC3334O 81-H521 2W609 M070ROLA lPHX3607 Mc33340m uc3842 battery charger ELAP CM 140 battery charger with uc3842 uc3842 charger isolated sck 138 thermistor uc3842 application charger mc341 UC3842 esis power charger BATTERY charger uc3842 PDF


    Abstract: LOG RX1 1012 10.1 inch lcd with led backlight 40 pin connector pinout GPS-101-2 5106-4501-000 GPS antenna SV02 SV13 lcd gps nav pinout LCD SERVICE MANUAL
    Text: Global Positioning Simulator GPS-101-2 Operation Manual 1002-1004 -200 Issue - 4 EXPORT CONTROL WARNING: This document contains controlled technology or technical data under the jurisdiction of the Export Administration Regulations EAR , 15 CFR 730-774. It cannot be

    GPS-101-2 gps-101 LOG RX1 1012 10.1 inch lcd with led backlight 40 pin connector pinout GPS-101-2 5106-4501-000 GPS antenna SV02 SV13 lcd gps nav pinout LCD SERVICE MANUAL PDF

    Elap cm 50

    Abstract: ELAP
    Text: HOLTEK r r HT761X General Purpose PIR Controller Features • • • • • • • • Stand-by current: 100|iA Typ. On-chip regu lator A djustable output duration C D S input 40 second warm -up ON/AUTO/OFF selectable by M ODE pin • • Override function

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    HT761X T761X HT761XA iF/600V HT761XB Elap cm 50 ELAP PDF

    Elap cm 50

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI l<Dig. Ana.INTERFACE> M62009L,P,FP LOW POWER 2 OUTPUT SYSTEM RESET 1C WITH EXTERNAL INPUT DESCRIPTION A s a p p lica tio n s for m icro com pu ters are in cre a sin g ,a desire has arisen for a RAM ba ckup fun ctio n .L e t us in tro du ce M itsubishi

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    M62009L 52X10 Elap cm 50 PDF

    Elap 400

    Abstract: SP8647 IN4148 SP8647AC divide-by-10
    Text: SP8647AC 250MHz ^ 10/11 TWO MODULUS DIVIDER CONFORMS TO MIL-STD-883C CLASS B The SP8647 is an ECL variable modulus divider, with ECL 10K and TTL/CM O S com patible outputs. It divides by 10 when either of the ECL control inputs, PE1 or PE2, is in the high state and by 11 when both are low (or open circuit).

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    SP8647AC 250MHz MIL-STD-883C SP8647 MIL-M-38510 BSP8747AC SP8647AC Elap 400 IN4148 divide-by-10 PDF

    ELAP CM 72

    Abstract: Elap 72 LR4802 O18t Elap cm 50
    Text: LR4802A Pulse/Tone D ialer LSI LR4802A • Pulse/Tone Dialer LSI Description Pin Connections T he LR4802A is a CMOS pulse/tone dialer LSI providing 18-digit X 10-channel m em ory-including a redial m em ory. /■ vdd 18] T O N E OU T n" O ■ Features 1. 18-digit X 9-channel tw o-touch m em ory and a 18digit redial m em ory

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    LR4802A LR4802A 18-digit 10-channel 18digit 10/20pps 579545MHz DK820 ELAP CM 72 Elap 72 LR4802 O18t Elap cm 50 PDF

    Elap 400

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 256K 64K x 4-bit FEATURES Static RAM Module DESCRIPTION □ 256K (64K x 4-bit) Static RAM Module □ A dvanced CMOS Technology □ High Speed — to 15 ns w orst-case □ Low Pow er Operation A ctive: 900 m W Standby: 30 m W typical □ Single 5 V (±10% ) Pow er Supply

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    LMM456 456-C Elap 400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L 7C 108/109 mm D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D DESCRIPTION FEATURES □ 128K x 8 Static RAM w ith Chip Select Pow erdow n, O utput Enable □ A uto-Pow erdow n Design □ A dvanced CM O S Technology □ High Speed — to 15 ns maximum □ Low Pow er Operation

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    108-L /109-L 71024/71B T5C1008, CXK581020 32-pin L7C109KC25* L7C109KC20* PDF


    Abstract: 1221H
    Text: mm MHMW ''qgpp. L 7C jt jwSmi S -'whmmn* mm DEVICES INCORPORATED 128K x 8 Static RAM Low Power DESCRIPTION FEATURES □ 128K x 8 Static RAM with Chip Select Powerdown, Output Enable □ Auto-Powerdown Design □ Advanced CMOS Technology □ High Speed — to 17 ns m aximum

    OCR Scan
    L7C108/109 MIL-STD-883, CY7C108/109, IDT71024/71B024, MT5C1008, MCM6226A/ 62L26A, CXK581020 32-pin 1419H 1221H PDF

    Elap cm 50

    Abstract: k11r LD25V
    Text: L8C211/221/231/241 512/1 K/2K /4 K x 9-bit S y n c h r o n o u s FIFO □ F irst-In /F irst-O u t FIFO usin g D u al-P o rt M em ory □ W rite a n d R ead C locks can be sy n c h ro n o u s o r a sy n c h ro n o u s □ A d v a n ce d CM O S T echnology

    OCR Scan
    L8C211/221/231/241 IDT722xl 32-pin L8C211, L8C221, L8C231, L8C241 L8C211 L8C221 L8C231 Elap cm 50 k11r LD25V PDF

    8GHz transceiver specification

    Abstract: microwave transmitter 8GHz DE6003-001 MD6420A MARCONI 2031 CPFSK receiver transradio MARCONI 2031 GENERATOR DS3506 DS3506-7
    Text: w GEC PLESSEY JUNE 1995 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S D S 3 5 0 6 -7 .3 DE6003 DIGITAL RADIO TRANSCEIVER S u p e rs e d e s D S 3 5 0 6 -6 .3 , S e p te m b e r 19 94 The DE6003 is a high perform ance frequency hopping microwave radio, designed for spread spectrum operation. It oper­

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    DS3506-7 DS3506-6 DE6003 250in 980028-017-XXX 8GHz transceiver specification microwave transmitter 8GHz DE6003-001 MD6420A MARCONI 2031 CPFSK receiver transradio MARCONI 2031 GENERATOR DS3506 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY 1,048,576 W ORD x 4 BIT DYN AM IC RAM DESCRIPTION T he T C 514410A P /A J/A SJ/A Z is the n e w g en e ra tio n dyn am ic R A M organized 1 ,0 4 8 ,5 7 6 words by 4 bits. T he T C 514410A P /A J/A SJ/A Z u tiliz es T O S H IB A ’S CM OS S ilico n gate process tech n ology as w e ll as

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    14410A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , CDP68HC05J4B CDP68HCL05J4B, CDP68HSC05J4B F ebru ary 19 9 7 8-Bit Enhanced Microcontroller Series Features Description The following are som e of the hardware and software highlights of the C D P 68H C 05J4B fam ily of H C M O S M icrocom puters. T he C D P 6 8 H C 0 5 J4 B H C M O S M icro com pu ter is a m em ber

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    CDP68HC05J4B CDP68HCL05J4B, CDP68HSC05J4B 05J4B 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: IC 7470 pin configuration pin diagram of ic 7470
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M IC RO CO M PUTERS 7470/7471 Group S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT CM O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION The 7470/7471 group is a s in g le -c h ip m icro com p uter d e ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW signed w ith C M O S silicon gate technology. It is housed in a

    OCR Scan
    32-pin 37471M 42-pin 56-pin 3XXXS IC 7470 pin configuration pin diagram of ic 7470 PDF

    CI 7478

    Abstract: M37477M2-XXXSP Elap cm 74 3122V ELAP cm7
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I MICROCOMPUTERS 7477/7478 Group S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT C M O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION The 7477/7478 group is the s in g le -c h ip m icro com p uter d e ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW signed w ith C M O S silicon gate technology.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: hitachi HD6309 HD63B09P HD6309e HD63C09P HD6809E HD6809 HMCS6800 HD63B09 HD63C09
    Text: #U180 HD63B09, HD63C09 CMOS Microprocessing Unit MPU JANUARY, 1988 H IT A C H I Pin A rra n g e m e n t D escrip tion The H D 6309 is th e h ig h est 8 -b it m icro­ p rocessor of H M C S6800 family, w h ich is co m p atib le w ith th e co n v en tion al H D 6809.

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09, HD63C09 HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. HD6809 D-600) hitachi HD6309 HD63B09P HD6309e HD63C09P HD6809E HD6809 HD63B09 HD63C09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A D E -207-037 O Mar. 1990 Pre lim in a ry - HD 66108T R A M -Provided 165-C hannel LCD Driver for Liquid-Crystal D ot Matrix Graphics H ITA CH I Description T he H D 66108T under control o f an 8-bit M PU can drive a dot m atrix graphic L C D (liquid-crystal

    OCR Scan
    66108T 165-C 66108T PDF

    ELAP cm 76

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I MICROCOMPUTERS M 37710M 4BXXXFP S IN G L E -C H IP 1 6-B IT CM O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION • In te rru p ts .19 type s 7 levels The M 37710M 4BXXXFP is a sin g le -c h ip m icro com p uter d e ­

    OCR Scan
    37710M 80-pin ELAP cm 76 PDF


    Abstract: M37710 M37710S4BFP M37710S4B
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I MICROCOMPUTERS M 37710S4B FP 1 6 -B IT CM O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION • The M37710S4BFP is a m icro com p uter d e sig ned w ith high- • pe rform ance C M O S silicon gate technology. This is housed In te rru p ts . 19 type s 7 levels

    OCR Scan
    37710S4B M37710S4BFP 16-bit 7710S4B A23/D7 m37710s4 M37710 M37710S4B PDF


    Abstract: M37710M4B EFFF16 PC 801S
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M ICROCOMPUTERS M 37710M 4BXXXFP S IN G L E -C H IP 1 6-B IT CM O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION The M37710M 4BXXXFP is a s in g le -c h ip m icro com p uter d e ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW signed w ith h ig h -pe rform an ce C M O S silicon gate tech nolo­

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    37710M M37710M 80-pin 16-bit m37710 M37710M4B EFFF16 PC 801S PDF


    Abstract: M3865 BE 84 CY7C43646AV CY7C43666AV CY7C43686AV CY7C436X6AV
    Text: V CYPRESS CY7C43646AV PRELIMINARY CY7C43666AV/CY7C43686AV 3.3V 1K/4K/16K x36/x18x2 Tri Bus FIFO Features Fully a s yn ch ro n o u s and s im u lta n e o u s read and w rite o p e ratio n p erm itted • 3.3 V h ig h -sp eed , low -pow er, first-in first-o u t F IF O

    OCR Scan
    CY7C43646AV CY7C43666AV/CY7C43686AV 1K/4K/16K x36/x18x2 x36/x18x2 CY7C43646AV) CY7C43666AV) CY7C43686AV) M3766 M3865 BE 84 CY7C43646AV CY7C43666AV CY7C43686AV CY7C436X6AV PDF

    ELAP CM 72

    Abstract: ELAP cm 76 fm transmitter 2KM documentation DDU-66F-XXX ELAP CM 140 hp laptop battery pack pinout semi catalog EB 203 D maxim evaluation kit touch dimmer TC 306 S
    Text: Data B ook C o n t e n t s •S h o r t • F irst • S a l e s -Fo -Pa O rm g e C atalog Data S h e e t s ffic es CD •C ROM C o n ten ts: o m p l e t e Data S an d A pplication fo r A l l • U s e r 's G P h e e t s n o t e s r o d u c ts uides p. -••x;. < ~x3xxr r -> ~' ' fP 5 > g? 3

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