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    ELNA CE 105 Search Results

    ELNA CE 105 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELNA _ R 2 S Miniature Aluminum' Electrc S eries R2S 105°C U ltram iniature C apacito rs 7 m m in height • 7 mm length at case dia. 4 — 6.3 mm. • Guaranteed for 1000 hours at 105°C. O u tlin e D raw ing P hoto <|>d ± 0.05 copper clad steel wire {tinned)

    OCR Scan
    R2S-25V4R7IVIA 32RlDDb DDD1D12 R2S35 PDF

    Elna ce 105

    Abstract: elna rs
    Text: R 3 S M iniature Alum inum Ele ctro lytic Capacitors Series R3S 105°C Ultraminiature Capacitors 5 mm in height • 5 m m le n g th a t c a s e dia. 4 — 6 .3 m m . • G u a ra n te e d fo r 1 0 0 0 h o u rs a t 105°C . Outline Drawing Photo <+>d± 0.05 copper clad

    OCR Scan
    3S-50V R3S-25V1OOIVIX Elna ce 105 elna rs PDF

    Elna ce 85

    Abstract: elna ce ELNA are
    Text: ELNA RC3 Minia S eries RC 3 M icro m in iatu re C ap acito rs 5 m m in height • These capacitors are miniaturized to a diam eter of 3 to 8 mm and a height of 5 mm. O u tlin e D raw ing Photo <|>d ± 0 .0 5 co p pe r clad steel w ire (tinned) S leeve

    OCR Scan
    RC3-50VR33M RC3-50VR47MS RC3-50VR47M RC3-50V010MS RC3-50V010M RC3-50V2R2M RC3-50V3R3M RC3-50V4R7M RC3-50V100M RC3-50V220MGZ Elna ce 85 elna ce ELNA are PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L Y J Large Capacitance Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors S eries LYJ S crew Term inal, W id e Tem perature R ange, H igh R ipple C u rren t C apacito rs • Guaranteed for 2000 hours at 105°C. Photo O u tlin e D raw ing Terminal spacing <j D F 35 13 51 22

    OCR Scan
    35x50 LYJ-160V271 LYJ-200V221 LYJ-200V271 35x63 LYJ-200V331 35x80 LYJ-2D0V391 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELNA R V J Vertical Chip Electrolytic Capacitors Series RVJ Chip Alum inum Electrolytic Capacitors. • F o r s u rfa c e m o u n t 10 5 ° C , la r g e c a p a c ita n c e ty p e . • Carrier taping supplied. Outline Drawing Photo CM I I ] D L A B

    OCR Scan
    RVJ-16V101M G68-R RVJ-16V221IVIG10-R RVJ-16V331M H10-R 10x10 RVJ-16V471M RVJ-25V470M h10r PDF


    Abstract: SY6-1C106M-RA SY1-1V104M-RA SY1-1C105M-RA SY5-1A106M-RA Elna ce 105 SY4-1C106M-RB SY4-1E225M-RA elna RA2 SY5-1C476M-RC
    Text: Specifications, Dimension Table TANTALUM CHIP CAPACITORS CHIPCON Specifications Item Performance Category temperature range (˚C) −55 to +125 (Above 85˚C use category voltage) Leakage current (µA) See standard ratings table Tolerance at rated capacitance (%)

    120Hz) 100kHz) SY2-1V106M-RD0 SK2-1V106M-RD0 SY3-1V156M-RD0 SK3-1V156M-RD0 SY4-1V226M-RD0 SK4-1V226M-RD0 2004/2005E SY7-1A476M-RB SY6-1C106M-RA SY1-1V104M-RA SY1-1C105M-RA SY5-1A106M-RA Elna ce 105 SY4-1C106M-RB SY4-1E225M-RA elna RA2 SY5-1C476M-RC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELN/I _ L Y L Large Capacitance Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors S eries LYL S c re w Term inal, Long Life C ap acito rs fo r Inverter • Has a life 4-5 times longer than that of the conventional Series LY6. Series LYL: Guarantees 20,000 hours at 85°C.

    OCR Scan
    LYL-450V472ME16 LYL-450V472MF13 LYL-450V562MF16 89x160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I\ T E 2 Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors S eries TE 2 M iniature Stand ard • C a s e s iz e is o n e to tw o s iz e s s m a lle r th a n T E S e rie s . • E x te n d e d ra te d v o lta g e to 4 5 0 V. • C a s e s iz e 5 m m is a d d e d to lin e up.

    OCR Scan
    -350V3R 16x40 10x20 18x40 10x25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L P G Large C a p a c ita n c e A lum inum E le c tro ly tic C a p acito rs S eries LPG 105°C, M iniaturized, H igh-R eliability, H ig h -R ip p le C apacito rs • H IG H -R ELIAB ILITY TYPE • • Outline Drawing Plate S m a lle r-s iz e d a n d h ig h e r-rip p le th a n L3J.

    OCR Scan
    30x50 LPG-385V391MS3 35x40 LPG-385V471MS4 35x45 LPG-385V561MS5 35x50 LPG-400V560MS1 22x25 LPG-400V680MS2 400V2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E L N A _ R T K Vertical Chip Electrolytic Capacitors Series RTK Chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors. • For surface m ount 125°C, 1000 hours guaranteed. • For v ibration resistance. • C arrier taping supplied. O u tlin e D raw ing P hoto Chip Type

    OCR Scan
    10x10 32TlDDb PDF


    Abstract: 10X10 RVK-10V221MH10-R RVK-10V331MH10-R RVK-16V101MH10-R RVK-16V221MH10-R RVK-25V101MH10-R RVK-25V470MH10-R RVK-35V220MH10-R 35V101MH10
    Text: ELNA R V K Vertical Chip Electrolytic Capacitors Series RVK Chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors. • For surface mount 125°C, 1250 hours guaranteed. • C arrier taping supplied. Outline Drawing Photo Chip Type ! RVK Unit: mm Specifications No. Item Performance

    OCR Scan
    C0MH10 10x10 RVK-35V101MH10-R RVK-50V100MG10-R RVK-50V100MH10-R RVK-50V220MG10-R RVK-50V220MH10-R RVK-10V221MH10-R RVK-10V331MH10-R RVK-16V101MH10-R RVK-16V221MH10-R RVK-25V101MH10-R RVK-25V470MH10-R RVK-35V220MH10-R 35V101MH10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R 3 A Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors For Audio Series R3A For Audio, Ultra Miniaturized height: 5mm • • A n e w fo il a n d e le c tro ly te m a k e s p o w e rfu l a n d c le a r s o u n d . A ll le a d w ire s a re o x y g e n -fre e c o p p e r fo r e x tre m e ly lo w d is to rtio n (T h ird h ig h fre q u e n c y d is to rtio n : 1 0 kH z , 0 .1 A ,-1 2 0 d B o r le ss).

    OCR Scan
    R3A-25V4R7W PDF

    elna rsh

    Abstract: marcon capacitor capacitor cross reference Rubycon CE W ce04w Nichicon CE Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors mepco capacitor Elna ce 85 Nichicon upr Elna ce 105
    Text: Aluminum Electroiytic Capacitor Cross Reference ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITO RS NIC SERIES NRE-L NRELS NRSA NRSS NRE-S NSR DESCRIPTION Radial, Low Profile Anti-solvent, 85°C Low Profile, Reduced Size Anti-Solvent, 85°C Radial, Current Size, Anti-Solvent, 85°C

    OCR Scan
    T350IO elna rsh marcon capacitor capacitor cross reference Rubycon CE W ce04w Nichicon CE Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors mepco capacitor Elna ce 85 Nichicon upr Elna ce 105 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L P T Large Capacitance Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors S eries LP T 105°C, M iniaturized, H igh-R eliability, H ig h -R ip p le C apacito rs O u tlin e D raw ing • ULTRAM INI, HIGH R ELIA B ILITY TYPE • • pia,e S m aller-sized and higher-ripple than LPH.

    OCR Scan
    LPT-400V331MS53 35x30 LPT-400V391MS46 30x45 LPT-400V391IVIS54 35x35 LPT-400V471IVIS47 30x50 LPT-400V471MS55 35x40 PDF

    zru 2

    Abstract: ELNA RE2
    Text: I p \n r \ IfNJ Zru\ R E 2 Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors S eries RE2 M iniature S tand ard P roduct • T h e s e c a p a c ito rs a re s e v e ra l s iz e s s m a lle r th a n p re v io u s E L N A R E g e n e ra l-p u rp o s e c a p a c ito rs .

    OCR Scan
    10x16 10x20 16x25 zru 2 ELNA RE2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: !Q J > J £ ‘ R J J Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors S eries RJJ H igh-Frequency, Low Im pedance, S tand ard Type • For high reliability applications, E nvironm entally safe. • H igh-frequency, Low -im pedance, S tandard product. • G uaranteed for 5000 hours at 105°C

    OCR Scan
    18x25 J-100V OOV471IVIJ9E 16x40 RJJ-100V681IV1K9E 18x40 32T100L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELM/S R A 3 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors For Audio M in iatu re C ap acito r fo r A u dio S eries RA 3 • W ith th e sam e size as th a t fo r S eries R E3 m iniaturized standard capacitors, a high resolution sound qu a lity grade has been realized.

    OCR Scan
    471IV 16x25 RA3-50V3R 32TlDDb PDF

    elna capacitor rsh

    Abstract: elna rsh A5268 elna rsg elna ce Elna ce 105 elna ELECTROLYTIC capacitor, .4700 uF 35V elna capacitor ce s600 015 Elna ce 85
    Text: -1 TYPE ELNA RSH E D- 8 8 0 1 r M I N I A T U R E A L U M I N U M E L E C T R O L Y T I C C A P A C I T O R S FOR SWITCtfING REGULATORS AND OTHER HIGH FREQUENCY APPLICATIONS. ♦ H i gh 1 i g h t s Terminal Se rie s name Rated V o ltage range V -55— +105

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTERNATIONAL I « R 4ass4sa RECTIFIER GDioasi i M ~ T -c > l - £ 3 109 R 38 B S E R I E S 5 0 0 0-4400 VOLTS RANGE 850 AM P A V G H O C K E Y PUK DIFFUSED JUNCTION RECTIFIER DIODES VOLTAGE RATINGS i < ¡ PAKT i NUMBER ! ¡ i : ! i : : : t VnnM, VR - V

    OCR Scan
    R38B50A DO-200AB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R V 3 Vertical Chip Electrolytic Capacitors S eries RV3 C hip A lum inum E lectrolytic C apacitors. • For surface mount 85°C, 2000 hours guaranteed. • Miniature, High CV version of RV2 Series. • Carrier taping supplied. P hoto O u tlin e D raw ing Chip Type

    OCR Scan
    F80-R V3-25V470IV1F55-R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: j R O D Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Miniature Standard Capacitors for Audio Series ROD ARD STARGET • High quality sound with a very high response materialized by a formation method newly developed for audio applications. • • White-printing on a red translucent sleeve, (labeled “STARGET”)

    OCR Scan
    10x16 471IV 16x25 PDF

    smd diode J476

    Abstract: 10 35L W1 RJ3 Elna smd 3528 led strip elna cerafine 10 micro farad 25 v electrolytic capacitor Elna ce 85 smd C475 ST T4 3570 431 SY4
    Text: Certifications of Quality Management System as of Jun. 2006 Applicable Standard Certification Number Item Applicable Organization ELNA CO., LTD. SHIRAKAWA Tech. (Japan) ELNA TOHOKU CO., LTD. AOMORI Factory (Japan) ISO 9001 JP05/60268QA Aluminum electrolytic capacitors

    JP05/60268QA MY04/0675T2 SG02/20012 100mA 5V100F) 2006/2007E smd diode J476 10 35L W1 RJ3 Elna smd 3528 led strip elna cerafine 10 micro farad 25 v electrolytic capacitor Elna ce 85 smd C475 ST T4 3570 431 SY4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tem ic U3501BM S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Cordless Telephone Signal Processor Description The programmable cordless phone signal processor includes all necessary low-frequency parts such as microphone- and earphone amplifier, compander, pre­ emphasis, deemphasis, scrambler, FSK modem,

    OCR Scan
    U3501BM D-74025 10-Feb-99 PDF

    smd diode J476

    Abstract: LP5 ELNA diode sy 170/2 smd J476 RJ3 Elna SYF-1A335M-RJ ELNA RE2 DCK-3R3E224U-E 10 micro farad 25 v electrolytic capacitor 22 35L CAPacitor
    Text: TECHNICAL NOTETECHNICAL NOTE Certifications of of Quality Quality Management ManagementSystem System as (asofofJun. Jun.2007 2006) Certifications (Malaysia) ELNA-LELON ELECTRONICS (SUZHOU)ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. ELNA-LELON (China) (SUZHOU) CO., LTD. (China)

    1F/DZN-2R5D105T ISO/TS9001 MY04/0675T2 003ristics 100mA 5V100F) 2007/2008E smd diode J476 LP5 ELNA diode sy 170/2 smd J476 RJ3 Elna SYF-1A335M-RJ ELNA RE2 DCK-3R3E224U-E 10 micro farad 25 v electrolytic capacitor 22 35L CAPacitor PDF