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    BLM15PX121BH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 120ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX181SH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 180ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM21HE802SN1L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0805inch 8000ohm NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX330BH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 33ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX600SH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 60ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    EPC1 CONFIGURATION DEVICE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: "lot Code" altera EPC1441 EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 altera date code EPC1
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADDITIONAL SOURCE OF SUPPLY FOR CONFIGURATION DEVICES Altera is adding TSMC as a supply source for the EPC1, EPC1064, EPC1064V, EPC1213, and EPC1441 devices. This change improves Altera’s ability to support the increasing demand for the EPC1,

    EPC1064, EPC1064V, EPC1213, EPC1441 EPC1064 EPC1064V ADV9904 "lot Code" altera EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 altera date code EPC1 PDF


    Abstract: altera application note 59
    Text: Configuring FLEX 10K Devices December 1995, ver. 1 Introduction Application Note 59 FLEX 10K devices can be configured using one of four configuration schemes, which are ideal for a variety of systems. You can configure FLEX 10K devices with either an EPC1 Configuration EPROM or a



    Abstract: EPF10K10 EPF10K100 EPF10K20 EPF10K30 EPF10K40 EPF10K50 EPF10K70 PLMJ1213 BITBLASTER
    Text: Configuring FLEX 10K Devices December 1995, ver. 1 Introduction Application Note 59 FLEX 10K devices can be configured using one of four configuration schemes, which are ideal for a variety of systems. You can configure FLEX 10K devices with either an EPC1 Configuration EPROM or a



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1998, ver. 1.01 Introduction Configuring FLEX 6000 Devices Application Note 87 FLEX® 6000 devices can be configured using a variety of configuration schemes, which are ideal for a variety of systems. You can configure FLEX 6000 devices with either an EPC1 Configuration EPROM or a


    altera application note configuring flex 10k devices

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Configuring FLEX 10K Devices August 1998, ver. 1.01 Introduction Application Note 59 FLEX® 10K devices can be configured using one of four configuration schemes, which are ideal for a variety of systems. You can configure FLEX 10K devices with either an EPC1 Configuration EPROM or a



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1997, ver. 1 Introduction Configuring FLEX 6000 Devices Application Note 87 FLEX¨ 6000 devices can be configured using a variety of configuration schemes, which are ideal for a variety of systems. You can configure FLEX 6000 devices with either an EPC1 Configuration EPROM or a



    Abstract: EPC1213 EPC1064 EPC1064V EPF10K10 EPF10K20 EPF10K30 EPF10K40 EPF10K50 EPF10K70
    Text: Configuration EPROMs for FLEX Devices June 1996, ver. 5 Data Sheet Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Serial EPROM family for configuring FLEX devices Simple, easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current

    System/6000 EPC1 EPC1213 EPC1064 EPC1064V EPF10K10 EPF10K20 EPF10K30 EPF10K40 EPF10K50 EPF10K70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Configuration EPROMs for FLEX Devices August 1998, ver. 8.01 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Serial EPROM family for configuring FLEX® devices Simple, easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current

    System/6000 20-pin epc1441 PDF


    Abstract: EPF10K50A EPF8282
    Text: Configuration EPROMs for FLEX Devices December 1996, ver. 6 Data Sheet Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Serial EPROM family for configuring FLEX® devices Simple, easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current

    System/6000 20-ppending EPF10K20A EPF10K50A EPF8282 PDF


    Abstract: EP20K30E EP20K60E EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1441 EPC1
    Text: Configuration Devices for March 2001, ver. 11 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation A-DS-EPROM-11 ACEX, APEX, FLEX & Mercury Devices Serial device family for configuring ACEXTM, APEXTM including APEX 20K, APEX 20KC, and APEX 20KE , FLEX® (FLEX 10KE and

    -DS-EPROM-11 EPC1213 EP20K30E EP20K60E EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1441 EPC1 PDF


    Abstract: A-DS-EPROM-11 EP20K30E EP20K60E EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 EPC1441
    Text: Configuration Devices for March 2001, ver. 11 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation A-DS-EPROM-11 ACEX, APEX, FLEX & Mercury Devices Serial device family for configuring ACEXTM, APEXTM including APEX 20K, APEX 20KC, and APEX 20KE , FLEX® (FLEX 10KE and

    -DS-EPROM-11 8EPC2 A-DS-EPROM-11 EP20K30E EP20K60E EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 EPC1441 PDF

    PLCC pin configuration

    Abstract: RESISTORS DATA SHEET EP20K100 EP20K100E EP20K160E EP20K200 EP20K60E EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213
    Text: Configuration Devices November 1999, ver. 10.03 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation A-DS-EPROM-10.03 for APEX & FLEX Devices Serial device family for configuring FLEX® and APEXTM devices Easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX and APEX devices

    -DS-EPROM-10 System/6000 PLCC pin configuration RESISTORS DATA SHEET EP20K100 EP20K100E EP20K160E EP20K200 EP20K60E EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 PDF


    Abstract: EP20K100 EP20K100E EP20K160E EP20K200 EP20K60E EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 EPC1441
    Text: Configuration Devices November 1999, ver. 10.03 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation A-DS-EPROM-10.03 for APEX & FLEX Devices Serial device family for configuring FLEX® and APEXTM devices Easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX and APEX devices

    -DS-EPROM-10 System/6000 EPF6010 EP20K100 EP20K100E EP20K160E EP20K200 EP20K60E EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 EPC1441 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4. Configuration Devices for SRAM-Based LUT Devices Data Sheet December 2009 CF52005-2.4 CF52005-2.4 Features This chapter describes configuration devices for SRAM-based LUT Devices. • Configuration device family for configuring Altera ACEX® 1K, APEX 20K

    CF52005-2 progr09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5. Configuration Devices for SRAM-Based LUT Devices Data Sheet CF52005-2.0 • Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ f Altera Corporation July 2004 Configuration device family for configuring Stratix series, CycloneTM series, APEXTM II, APEX 20K including APEX 20K, APEX

    CF52005-2 EPC1441 EPC1441 32-pin 20-pin BITBLAST PDF


    Abstract: EPC8QC100 EPC1213DM883 EPC1064PC8 EP22V10EPC10
    Text: Configuration Devices for February 2002, ver. 12.1 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation DS-EPROM-12.1 SRAM-Based LUT Devices Serial device family for configuring APEXTM II, APEX 20K including APEX 20K, APEX 20KC, and APEX 20KE , MercuryTM, ACEX® 1K,

    EPC1213DM883B 5962-9474501MPA) EPC1213DM8 EPC8QC100 EPC1213DM883 EPC1064PC8 EP22V10EPC10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Configuration Devices for SRAM-Based LUT Devices CF52005-3.0 Datasheet This datasheet describes configuration devices for SRAM-based look-up table LUT devices. Supported Devices Table 1 lists the supported Altera  configuration devices. Table 1. Altera Configuration Devices

    CF52005-3 EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 EPC1441 20K2012 EPC1441PI8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Configuration EPROMs for FLEX Devices January 1998. ver. 8 Data Sheet Serial EPROM family for configuring FLEX devices Simple, easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current 5.0-V and 3.3-V operation

    OCR Scan
    20-pi EPC1441 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Configuration EPROMs / g ' T ï ï r f s W for FLEX Devices y Data Sheet J a n u a r y 1 9 9 8 , v e r. 8 Features * • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Serial EPROM family for configuring FLEX devices Simple, easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current

    OCR Scan
    System/6000 EPC1441 EPC1213 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Configuration EPROMs for FLEX Devices August 1998. ver. 8.01 Features Data Sheet Serial EPROM family for configuring FLEX devices Simple, easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current 5.0-V and 3.3-V operation

    OCR Scan
    EPC1441 20-pin PDF

    PLCC pin configuration

    Abstract: EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 EPF10K10 EPF10K20 EPF10K30 EPF10K40 EPF10K50 EPF10K70
    Text: Configuration EPROMs Æ Î M j â S y for FLEX Devices June 1996, ver. 5 Data Sheet Features Serial EPROM fam ily for configuring FLEX devices Simple, easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current

    OCR Scan
    System/6000 20-pin PLCC pin configuration EPC1064 EPC1064V EPC1213 EPF10K10 EPF10K20 EPF10K30 EPF10K40 EPF10K50 EPF10K70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Configuration EPROMs for FLEX Devices Ja n u a ry Data S h eet 1998, v e r . à Features Serial EPROM family for configuring FLEX devices Simple, easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current 5.0-V and 3.3-V operation

    OCR Scan
    System/6000 EPC1441 L441 PDF

    EPF6016 app note

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Configuration Devices for APEX & FLEX Devices May 1999, ver. 10 Features Data Sheet B • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation A-DS-EPROM-IO Serial device fam ily for configuring FLEX an d APEX® devices Easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX an d APEX devices

    OCR Scan

    TI 046 EPROM

    Abstract: EPF10K10 epc1213 EPc1441 EPC1064 EPC1064V EPF10K10A EPF10K20 EPF10K30 EPF10K30A
    Text: Configuration EPROMs for FLEX Devices Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation A-DS-EPROM-09 Serial EPROM family for configuring FLEX devices Easy-to-use 4-pin interface to FLEX devices Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current

    OCR Scan
    System/6000 20-pin 32-pin pac005 40-Pin 764of TI 046 EPROM EPF10K10 epc1213 EPc1441 EPC1064 EPC1064V EPF10K10A EPF10K20 EPF10K30 EPF10K30A PDF