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    TE Connectivity DPS9SG902

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    Abstract: C100 MM-214
    Text: 5 Sonnenschein – SB12/75 A data sheet Terminal: Drawing: Specifications: Part numbers not valid for North America, use type for ordering! Exide type designation Nom. Voltage V SB12/75 A 12 Nom. capacity C100 Nom.

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    Abstract: exide C100 SB6/NGSB060330HS0CA
    Text: 5 Sonnenschein – SB 6/330 A data sheet Terminal: Drawing: Specifications: Part numbers not valid for North America, use type for ordering! Exide type designation Nom. Voltage V SB 6/330 A 6 Nom. capacity C100

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    Abstract: C100 NGSO120027HS0BA 27G512
    Text: 5 Sonnenschein – S12/27 G5 data sheet Terminal: Drawing: Specifications: Part numbers not valid for North America, use type for ordering! Exide type designation Nom. Voltage Nom. V capacity C100 1.80 Vpc 20°

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    Abstract: NGSB120060HS0CA
    Text: 5 Sonnenschein – SB12/60 A data sheet Terminal: Drawing: Specifications: Part numbers not valid for North America, use type for ordering! Exide type designation Nom. Voltage Nom. V capacity C100 Nom. capacity

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    Abstract: IEC896 NGA50603D5HS0SA exide
    Text: Sonnenschein A506/3,5 S Datenblatt Pole: Zeichnung: Spezifikationen: Exide Sachnummer Typbe­ zeichnung Nenn­ Nenn­ Länge Breite Höhe Höhe Höhe Gewicht Innen­ Kurz­ Max. Max. An­ spannung kapazität l b/w h1 Deckel­ über

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Exide Technologies 14 Gunnels Wood Park Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2BH T: F: E: W: 01438 359090 01438 727684



    Abstract: Sonnenschein C100 NGSB060200HS0CA
    Text: 5 Sonnenschein – SB 6/200 A data sheet Terminal: Drawing: Specifications: Part numbers not valid for North America, use type for ordering! Exide type designation Nom. Voltage V SB 6/200 A 6 Nom. capacity C100

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    Abstract: NGA51206D5HS0SA IEC896 Sonnenschein exide A512
    Text: Sonnenschein A512/6,5 S* Datenblatt Pole: Zeichnung: *VdS­approved, Spezifikationen: Exide Sachnummer Typbe­ zeichnung A512/6,5 NGA51206D5HS0SA S* Nenn­ Nenn­ Länge Breite Höhe Höhe Höhe Gewicht Innen­ Kurz­ Max. Max. An­

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    Abstract: exide IEC896 NGA5060010HS0SA
    Text: Sonnenschein A506/10 S* Datenblatt Pole: Zeichnung: *VdS­approved, Spezifikationen: Exide Sachnummer Typbe­ zeichnung A506/10 NGA5060010HS0SA S* Nenn­ Nenn­ Länge Breite Höhe Höhe Höhe Gewicht Innen­ Kurz­ Max. Max. An­

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    Abstract: NGSO120041HS0CA
    Text: 5 Sonnenschein – S12/41 A data sheet Terminal: Drawing: Specifications: Part numbers not valid for North America, use type for ordering! Exide type designation Nom. Voltage Nom. V capacity C100 Nom. capacity

    S12/41 75Vpc NGSO120041HS0CA C100 NGSO120041HS0CA PDF

    sonnenschein A512

    Abstract: IEC896 exide 25G5
    Text: Sonnenschein A512/25 G5* Datenblatt Pole: Zeichnung: *VdS­approved, Spezifikationen: Exide Sachnummer Typbe­ zeichnung A512/25 NGA5120025HS0BA G5* Nenn­ Nenn­ Länge Breite Höhe Höhe Höhe Gewicht Innen­ Kurz­ Max. Max. An­

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    Abstract: NGSO120017HS0BA
    Text: 5 Sonnenschein – S12/17 G5 data sheet Terminal: Drawing: Specifications: Part numbers not valid for North America, use type for ordering! Exide type designation Nom. Voltage Nom. V capacity C100 1.80 Vpc 20°

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    Abstract: Sonnenschein
    Text: Sonnenschein A206/1 S data sheet Terminal: Drawing: Meets: UL94 HB Specifications: Exide!ntype Part designation number A206/1 S NGA2060001HS0SA Nom. C!_ Length Width Height Height Height Weight Max. Max. Terminal Terminal Voltage {20!_}

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    Abstract: YTX14-BS YTZ10S MOTORCYCLE engine specifications yamaha mt-03 ES14AA2 PT12B YTZ14s GL1800 EXIDE GEL G 210
    Text: 145372_CalCoastAdv 2/23/11 4:07 PM Page 1 145372_CalCoastAdv 2/23/11 4:07 PM Page 2 Sealed Maintenance Free Battery Features Sealed Post Prevents acid leakage, reduces corrosion, and extends battery life safety valve flame/arrestor relieves excess pressure

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    Abstract: inductance proximity sensor ATEX NCN8-18GM
    Text: NCN8-18GM40-N0 Inductive proximity switches Comfort series 8 mm not embeddable Usable up to SIL 2 acc. to IEC 61508 40 37 4 10 M18x1 24 LED 0102 Nominal ratings Nominal voltage Uo Switching frequency f Hysteresis H Reverse polarity protection

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    Abstract: PIC24H PIC24HJ128GP206 PIC24HJ128GP210 PIC24HJ128GP506 PIC24HJ64GP206 PIC24HJ64GP210 PIC24HJ64GP506 PIC24HJ64GP510 PIC24F Family reference manual
    Text: PIC24H Family Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-bit Microcontrollers 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS70175C Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

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    Abstract: 88E8001 88E8055 AIC 7880P Marvell 88E8055 KT400-8235 ST3250620 Motherboard dell optiplex gx280 p4p800 marvell 88e8001
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    Abstract: PIC18f458 interrupt example C codes PIC18F458 Free ds41159 transistor BC 458 PIC18F248 PIC18F258 PIC18F448 PIC18F458 PIC18F458 pin configuration
    Text: M PIC18FXX8 Data Sheet High Performance 28-Pin/40-Pin Microcontrollers with CAN  2001 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS41159A Note the following details of the code protection feature on PICmicro MCUs. • • • • • • The PICmicro family meets the specifications contained in the Microchip Data Sheet.

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    Abstract: DS70308 F15BP RBS 6201 PIC24HJ64GP RBS 6301 PIC24HJ64GP802 PIC24HJ64 PIC16F keypad PS2 PIC32
    Text: PIC24HJ32GP302/304, PIC24HJ64GPX02/X04 and PIC24HJ128GPX02/X04 Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-bit Microcontrollers 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS70293D Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    PIC24HJ32GP302/304, PIC24HJ64GPX02/X04 PIC24HJ128GPX02/X04 16-bit DS70293D DS70293D-page PIC24HJ128GP DS70308 F15BP RBS 6201 PIC24HJ64GP RBS 6301 PIC24HJ64GP802 PIC24HJ64 PIC16F keypad PS2 PIC32 PDF


    Abstract: dsPIC33FJ64 DSPIC33FJ64GS606 DSPIC33FJ32GS606 0x0000BA DSPIC33FJ64GS610 pwm smps* ZVT 063a st Charger IPC1 33FJ32GS610
    Text: dsPIC33FJ32GS406/606/608/610 and dsPIC33FJ64GS406/606/608/610 Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers  2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS70591C Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:

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    Abstract: dsPIC33e family Reference Manual DS70353 DS70609 DS70582 DS70600 PIC24EP32MC204 DS70330 DS70352 DS70601
    Text: dsPIC33EPXXXGP50X, dsPIC33EPXXXMC20X/50X, and PIC24EPXXXGP/MC20X 16-bit Microcontrollers and Digital Signal Controllers up to 512 KB Flash and 48 KB SRAM with High-Speed PWM, Op amps, and Advanced Analog Operating Conditions Timers/Output Compare/Input Capture

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    Abstract: 18f45k80 PIC18FXXKXX PIC18F25K80 PIC18F4XK80 PIC18F45K80 PIC18F26K80 PIC18F6XK80 PIC18F2XK80 PIC18LF4XK80
    Text: PIC18F66K80 Family Data Sheet 28/40/44/64-Pin, Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers, with ECAN and nanoWatt XLP Technology  2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39977D Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series 500 Eléctrica I Specifications S e r i e s 5GD Mechanical Rotary Encoder Output 2-bit grey code, channel L leads channel R by 90° electrically in the CW direction. 4-bit grey code, absolute electrical position output. H exidecim al, B.C.D. and counting codes available upon request see O utput

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: COUNTER LED bcd TC831
    Text: le lu o m Semiconductor, Inc. TC831 3-3/4 DIGIT A/D CONVERTER WITH AUTO-RANGING FREQUENCY COUNTER FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3 -3/4 Digit, M ultiple-F un ctio n M easu rem en t System — A n alo g-to-D igital C o nverter — Frequency C o un ter

    OCR Scan
    TC831 1N4148 CX-1V-40 QRT-38-40 TC831 COUNTER LED bcd PDF