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    F 78996 Search Results

    F 78996 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LM2917MX/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2907MX/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2917M/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2907M/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2917N-8/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 8-PDIP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    F 78996 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: IR E78996 ir e.78996 E78996 rectifier module E 78996 irke56-04 E78996 IR e78996 78996 F 78996
    Text: International Rectifier Part Number 1 (2) (3) (4) Dio d e I f S M (5) 'F(AV) @ Tc vrrm (V) B40HF10 B40HF20 B40HF40 B40HF60 B40HF80 B40HF100 B40HF120 T40HF10 T40HF20 T40HF40 T40HF60 T40HF80 T40HF100 T40HF120 T40HF140 T40HF160 T70HF10 T70HF20 T70HF40 T70HF60

    OCR Scan
    B40HF10 B40HF20 B40HF40 B40HF60 B40HF80 B40HF100 B40HF120 T40HF10 T40HF20 T40HF40 E.78996 IR E78996 ir e.78996 E78996 rectifier module E 78996 irke56-04 E78996 IR e78996 78996 F 78996 PDF

    ior e78996

    Abstract: ru E78996 IRKTF 41 E78996 ior PEC 350A ior scr E78996 scr Irk LT242 thyristor tt 142 n
    Text: Bulletin 127103 rev. A 09/97 International IQ R Rectifier IRK.F82. SERIES FAST THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR INT-A-pak Power Modules Features 81 A • F a s t tu r n - o it th y ris to r ■ F a s t re c o v e ry d io d e ■ H ig h su rg e c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan
    E78996 4B55452 3G137 003G13A ior e78996 ru E78996 IRKTF 41 E78996 ior PEC 350A ior scr E78996 scr Irk LT242 thyristor tt 142 n PDF

    sis 968

    Abstract: KXB151D-14A KXB801D-14A BV EI 305 2056 K66188 K66-1
    Text: - 340 - * ± E N B r j r j r jD -14 A ENBr / jr j JB D -I4B 'J 7, 9 :• i l j ¡m]i'\fMí-tT r i\ ■~ 7 -• i 'i-No. 1-166188 • ï ' h b z I . IK i \ /)+■-> ^¡l ; Vi 1 1 DC 1 m A ^ t « V ,|L /: > J ^?iS f f t ^M -t-^ % £ ft; X * ;u * ' :v; x EN Br jr /

    OCR Scan
    K66188 35MIN l8X20a$ EXB8501M4A H-101 sis 968 KXB151D-14A KXB801D-14A BV EI 305 2056 K66188 K66-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I . I Bulletin 127099 rev. B 04/98 In te rn a tio n a l l R Rectifier IRK.F200. s e r i e s FAST THYRISTOR/DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR MAGN-A-pak Power Modules Features • F a s t tu rn -o ff th y ris to r ■ F a s t re c o v e ry d io d e ■ H igh s u rg e c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan
    10ohm 20ohm PDF


    Abstract: 78996 ir e.78996 T50AC-A t50ac D153 D154 D155 D156 V125
    Text: I i [ n t H .• e ] r n R a e t c i I o t n i f a i e 4 Ô5 5 4 5 2 0 0 1 bb 3 G b 33 B I N R ■ l i n t e r n a t i o n a l r e c t i f i e r b 5 s e rie s ts o a c .a r TRIAC T- Modules 50A Features ■ Electrically isolated base plate ■ 3500 V RMS isolating voltage

    OCR Scan
    001bb3G T50AC I2584/C 65ohms M6SS452 0Dlbb35 E.78996 78996 ir e.78996 T50AC-A D153 D154 D155 D156 V125 PDF


    Abstract: E 78996 E78996 F 78996 78996 diode ir e.78996
    Text: International ^R ectifier Power Modules Diode/Diode, Fast *F AV @ TC Part Number V r HM (6) (7) (8) (V) IRKDL132-04S10 IRKDL132-06S10 IRKDL132-08S10 IRKDL132-10S10 IRKDL132-06S20 IRKDL132-08S20 IRKDL132-10S20 IRKDL132-12S20 IRKDL132-14S20 IRKDL240-02S10 IRKDL240-04S10

    OCR Scan
    IRKDL132-04S10 IRKDL132-06S10 IRKDL132-08S10 IRKDL132-10S10 IRKDL132-06S20 IRKDL132-08S20 IRKDL132-10S20 IRKDL132-12S20 IRKDL132-14S20 IRKDL240-02S10 E.78996 E 78996 E78996 F 78996 78996 diode ir e.78996 PDF


    Abstract: IRKL132-08 IRKL132-12 E 78996 IRKH210-12 IRKN132-12 IRKH180-06 14D20 IRKH180-08 IRKL132
    Text: Power Modules International S Rectifier Thyristor/Diode 'T AV @ Tc Vr r m Part Number *F(AW) 'TSM. 'FSM (1) RthJC DC (2) (°C/W) (6) (7) (8) (9) Vd RM (V) IRKH132-04 IRKH132-06 IRKH132-08 IRKH132-10 IRKH132-12 IRKH132-14 IRKH132-16 IRKK132-04 IRKK132-06 IRKK132-08

    OCR Scan
    IRKH132-04 IRKH132-06 IRKH132-08 IRKH132-10 IRKH132-12 IRKH132-14 IRKH132-16 IRKH162-04 IRKH162-08 IRKH162-10 IRKL132-04 IRKL132-08 IRKL132-12 E 78996 IRKH210-12 IRKN132-12 IRKH180-06 14D20 IRKH180-08 IRKL132 PDF


    Abstract: E.78996 scr E 78996 78996 d114 D113 T-25 40A 1000v scr
    Text: • ■ H B ■- | ■ r n a H O n a i Db3 ■ INTERNATIONAL R E C T I F I E R Rectifier Power Modules 40A Features Glass passivated junctions for greater reliability Electrically isolated base plate 3500V RMS Available up to 1200 V RRM, V DRM High surge capability

    OCR Scan
    20ohms- 65ohms E.78996 E.78996 scr E 78996 78996 d114 D113 T-25 40A 1000v scr PDF


    Abstract: 2N5570 2N5668 motorola T4111M
    Text: MOTOROLA SC -CDIODES/ÔPTO? 6367255 MOTOROLA SC 01 <D I O D E S / O P T O 0 1E T ria cs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed prim arily fo r industrial and m ilitary applications for the fullwave control o f ac loads in applications such as light dim m ers, pow er supplies, heating

    OCR Scan
    T4101M T4111M T4121 2N5567 2N5570 T4101M T4111M 2N6569 2N5570 2N5668 motorola PDF


    Abstract: ENB401 40 ENB 401 ENB401 ENB251 ENB201 ENB461D-20A enb221 ENB801 ENB881
    Text: i I "S h "7 '7 ~ f ENB _ii il i D -2 0 A T a = =25°C • HI ta M l± Vim A 15 H [V ] (V ) DC [V ] ENB201 D-20A 200 1 78 — 2 2 0 E N B 2 2 1D-20A * 220 ENB251 D-20A * Islïê-ÎÎS: ft ± AC SlPIfJÏ - S i (50/60Hz) (J) fifS l B (W) 1 (A) [W -tml Nr~\

    OCR Scan
    50/60Hz) ENB201 D-20A ENB221D-20A ENB251 D-20A ENB401 ENB461D-20A ENB801D-20A ENB461 ENB401 40 ENB 401 ENB461D-20A enb221 ENB801 ENB881 PDF

    e78996 india

    Abstract: E78996 rectifier module IRFK3D150 IRFK3F150 ls125a 87424
    Text: Bulletin E2797 International IiÔrIRectifier IRFK3D150JRFK3F150 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Half Bridge Configuration • • • • H igh C urrent C apability. U L recognise d E 78996. E lectrically Isolated B ase Plate. E asy A ssem b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E2797 IRFK3D150 IRFK3F150 E78996. T0-240 s5/336 S-162 CH-8032 L60067. NJ07650. e78996 india E78996 rectifier module IRFK3F150 ls125a 87424 PDF

    e78996 india

    Abstract: IRFK2DE50 IRFK2FE50
    Text: Bulletin E2796 International iiQRlRectifier IRFK2DE50,IRFK2FE50 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Half Bridge Configuration H igh Current C apability. UL re co g n ise d E 78996. E le ctrica lly Isolated B ase Plate. E asy A s s e m b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E2796 IRFK2DE50 IRFK2FE50 E78996. T0-240 CH-8032 IL60067. NJ07650. FL32743. CA90245. e78996 india IRFK2FE50 PDF

    E78996 rectifier module

    Abstract: IRFK4HE50 E271 e78996 india IRFK4JE50
    Text: Bulletin E27109 International lîâRlRectifier IRFK4HE50,IRFK4JE50 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Parallel Chip Configuration • • • • H igh C urrent C apability. UL recognise d E 78996. E lectrically Isolated B ase Plate. E asy A ssem b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E27109 IRFK4HE50 IRFK4JE50 E78996. T0-240 CH-8032 IL60067. NJ07650. FL32743. CA90245. E78996 rectifier module E271 e78996 india IRFK4JE50 PDF

    e78996 india

    Abstract: E78996 IRFK2D250 IRFK2F250 43MF E78996 rectifier module ks 407
    Text: Bulletin E2792 International Rectifier IRFK2P250,IRFK2F250 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assem bly - Half Bridge Configuration • • • • High C u rre n t C apability. U L re c o g n is e d E 78996. E le ctrica lly Isolated Base Plate. E asy A s s e m b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E2792 IRFK2P250 IRFK2F250 E78996. O-240 se0035. CH-8032 IL60067. NJ07650. FL32743. e78996 india E78996 IRFK2D250 IRFK2F250 43MF E78996 rectifier module ks 407 PDF

    e78996 india

    Abstract: DIODE S4 72A si tel IRFK2F150 E78996 rectifier module IRFK2D150
    Text: Bulletin E2791 International ^ r!Rectifier IRFK2D150,IRFK2F150 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Half Bridge Configuration • ■ ■ • High C u rre n t C apability. UL re c o g n is e d E 78996. E lectrically Isola ted B ase Plate. E asy A s s e m b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E2791 IRFK2D150 IRFK2F150 E78996. T0-240 sen922/337 S-162 CH-8032 IL60067. NJ07650. e78996 india DIODE S4 72A si tel IRFK2F150 E78996 rectifier module PDF

    e78996 india

    Abstract: LD41A 8700-35 E78996 rectifier module IRFK3D250 IRFK3F250 hex-pak e78996 dk2880
    Text: Bulletin E2798 International jag Rectifier IRFK3D250,IRFK3F250 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Half Bridge Configuration • • • • H igh C u rre n t C apa bility. U L re cognise d E 78996. E lectrically Isolated B ase Plate. E asy A s s e m b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E2798 IRFK3D250 IRFK3F250 E78996. T0-240 S-162 CH-6032 IL60067. NJ07650. FL32743. e78996 india LD41A 8700-35 E78996 rectifier module IRFK3F250 hex-pak e78996 dk2880 PDF


    Abstract: e78996 india E78996 rectifier module IRFK4HC50 IRFK4JC50
    Text: Bulletin E27108 International I»R Rectifier IRFK4HC50,IRFK4JC50 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Parallel Chip Configuration • • • • H igh C u rre n t C apa bility. UL recognise d E 78996. E lectrically Isolated B ase Plate. E asy A s s e m b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E27108 IRFK4HC50JRFK4JC50 E78996. T0-240 oscillat870035. CH-8032 IL60067. NJ07650 FL32743. CA90245. E271 e78996 india E78996 rectifier module IRFK4HC50 IRFK4JC50 PDF

    e78996 india

    Abstract: IR E78996 IR E78996 105 e271 e2711 E78996 rectifier module hex-pak IRFK6H150 IRFK6J150
    Text: B u lle tin E 2 7 1 1 0 International ^ R e c tifie r IRFK6H150JRFK6J150 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Parallel Chip Configuration • • • • High C urrent C apability. UL recognise d E 78996. E lectrically Isolated Base Plate. E asy A ssem b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E27110 IRFK6H150 IRFK6J150 E78996. T0-240 CH-8032ZURICH, IL60067. NJ07650. FL32743. CA90245. e78996 india IR E78996 IR E78996 105 e271 e2711 E78996 rectifier module hex-pak IRFK6J150 PDF


    Abstract: dk 22A e78996 india IRFK2F450
    Text: Bulletin E2794 International lïëRlRwrtifter IRFK2D450,IRFK2F450 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Half Bridge Configuration • • • • H igh C u rre n t C apability. U L re cognise d E 78996. E lectrically Isolated Base Plate. E asy A s s e m b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E2794 IRFK2D450 IRFK2F450 E78996. T0-240 CH-S032 IL60067. NJ07650. FL32743. CA90245. dk 22A e78996 india IRFK2F450 PDF

    e78996 india

    Abstract: E78996 rectifier module F350 IRFK3D350 IRFK3F350 E2799
    Text: Bulletin E2799 International IïôrI Rectifier IRFK3D350,IRFK3F350 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Half Bridge Configuration • • • • H igh C urrent C apability. UL re cognised E 78996. E lectrically Isolated B ase Plate. E asy A s s e m b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E2799 FK3D350 E78996. T0-240 S-162 CH-8032 IL60067. NJ07650. FL32743. CA90245. e78996 india E78996 rectifier module F350 IRFK3D350 IRFK3F350 E2799 PDF


    Abstract: e78996 india E78996 rectifier module IR E78996 IRFK6H250 u114 IRFK6J250 J9-43
    Text: Bulletin E 2 7111 International Ii ÔrIRectifier IRFK6H250,1RFK6 J250 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Parallel Chip Configuration • • • • H igh C urrent C apability. UL recognise d E 78996. E lectrically Isola ted B ase Plate. E asy A ssem b ly into E quipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    E27111 IRFK6H250 IRFK6J250 E78996. T0-240 S-162 CH-6032 IL60067. NJ07650. J943-4554. J943-4554 e78996 india E78996 rectifier module IR E78996 u114 IRFK6J250 J9-43 PDF

    scr fir 3d

    Abstract: scr FIR 3D 41 E.78996 ir e.78996 ldms
    Text: • . I Bulletin 127104 rev. A 09/97 In te rn a tio n a l TOR Rectifier IRK.F72. SERIES FAST THYRISTOR/ DIODE and INT-A-pak Power Modules THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR Features 71 A ■ Fast tu rn -o ff th y ris to r ■ Fast re c o v e ry d io d e ■ H igh s u rg e c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan

    ir e.78996

    Abstract: E.78996 scr
    Text: Bulletin 127100 rev. A 10/97 International IÖ R Rectifier IRK.F180. SERIES MAGN-A-pak Power Modules FAST THYRISTOR/DIODEand THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR Features Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically isolated basep late

    OCR Scan
    20ohm ir e.78996 E.78996 scr PDF


    Abstract: ir e.78996 IRK 160 78996 D171 D172 D173 D174 3 phase plating rectifier
    Text: •I International HRectifier s e r ie s ir k .61, HIGH VOLTAGE DIODES .81, .101 NEW ADD-A-pak Power Modules INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 4055452 0Qlbb47 «Ì37 ■ INR bSE T> 60A 80A 100A High voltage E lectrically isolated base plate

    OCR Scan
    554S2 E.78996 ir e.78996 IRK 160 78996 D171 D172 D173 D174 3 phase plating rectifier PDF