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    F D0142 Search Results

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    LM2917MX/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2907MX/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    F D0142 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICS for TV AN5344FBP Color-Signal Correcting 1C • Overview T h e A N 5 3 4 4 F B P is a chrom a signal processor 1C incor­ porated various video-quality improving techniques. ■ Features • F lesh -to n e correction : A u tom atic tint adju stm ent with

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    AN5344FBP 2155mW D0142Ã PDF


    Abstract: 74F574DW

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    DD1M20D M74F574P L--50pF 74f574d 74F574DW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI DISCRETE SC (□24^02^ D014272 7 O M I T S 3ÌE D FU-llSLD-N 1.3//m Connectorized L D M odule for Singlem ode Fiber M odule type F U -llS L D -N has been developed for coupling a singlemode optical fiber and a 1.3/im wavelength InG aA sP LD (Laser diode),

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    D014272 FU-11SLD-N FU-11SLD-N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI D IS C R E T E SC ^24^02^ D014272 7 3ÌE D ¡MITS FU-llSLD-N 1.3//m Connectorized L D Module for Singlem ode Fiber i -m-oi M odule type F U -llS L D -N has been developed for coupling a singlem ode optical fiber and a 1.3/im wavelength InGaAsP LD (Laser diode),

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    D014272 FU-11SLD-N 10-log PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICs for TV AN5306NFBS NTSC Video Signal Processor 1C • Overview Unit ! mm T h e A N 5 3 0 6 N F B S is used to process video, chrom a, R G B , synchronization, and deflection signals. It incorpo­ 64 41 rates an IIC bus controller. ■ Features

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    AN5306NFBS 1481mW 2413mW 2fi52 PDF


    Abstract: R32fl AN5306NFBS v2034 AN530 QFH080-P-1 V76-74 ACF filter V563 FBP 00 03
    Text: Panasonic ICs for TV AN5306NFBS NTSC Video Signal Processor 1C • Overview Unit ! mm T h e A N 5 3 0 6 N F B S is used to process video, chrom a, R G B , synchronization, and deflection signals. It incorpo­ rates an IIC bus controller. 64 41 ■ Features

    OCR Scan
    AN5306NFBS AN5306NFBS 80-Pin QFH080-P-1 503kHz 58MHz bq3gfl55 1481mW 50X50X0 2413mW APL5010 R32fl v2034 AN530 V76-74 ACF filter V563 FBP 00 03 PDF

    driver mitsubishi

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI -CDGTL LOGIC} □ 7E D LE'-HÖE? 0014213 MITSUBISHI ADVAN D SCHOTTKY TTL M74F821P/DWP \.M" a " 1’3' VsU"'8 »»VUlS »«> 10 BIT D-TYPE EDGE-TRIGGERED FLIP FLOP W ITH 3-STATE OUTPUT NONINVERTED 'V - DESCRIPTION T h e M 7 4 F 8 2 1 P is a sem iconductor in teg rated circuit

    OCR Scan
    M74F821P/DWP L--50pF driver mitsubishi PDF

    UJT BT 33 D

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICs for TV AN5342FBP, AN5342K Color TV Horizontal Aperture Correction 1C AN5342FBP Unit ! mm • Overview The AN5342FBP or AN5342K is a horizontal aperture correction 1C for color TV. It provides a Y signal wave­ form with a preshoot or overshoot feature to emphasize

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    AN5342FBP, AN5342K AN5342FBP AN5342FBP AN5342K 44-Pin QFH044-P-1010) UJT BT 33 D PDF


    Abstract: CA3080E ca3080e ota ca3080as
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 Operational Amplifiers _ CA3080, CA3080A - I e -H o Operational Transconductance Amplifiers OTA’s) Gatable-Gain Blocks Features: • Slew rate (u n ity gain, compensated): 5 0 V / ms ■ Adjustable power consum ption: 10^W to 3 0 mW

    OCR Scan
    CA3080, CA3080A -27I6I 92CS-27I60 CA3080 CA3080E ca3080e ota ca3080as PDF


    Abstract: AN5306NFBS flyback tv panasonic AN530 QFH080-P-1 eht switch 503KH
    Text: Panasonic ICs for TV AN5306NFBS NTSC Video Signal Processor 1C • Overview Unit ! mm T he A N 5 3 0 6 N FBS is used to process video, chroma, R G B , synchronization, and deflection signals. It incorpo­ rates an IIC bus controller. 64 41 ■ Features • Video : W ide bandwidth filter, adjustable preshoot and

    OCR Scan
    AN5306NFBS AN5306NFBS 80-Pin QFH080-P-1 503kHz 58MHz bq3gfl55 1481mW 50X50X0 2413mW APL5010 flyback tv panasonic AN530 eht switch 503KH PDF

    pby 344

    Abstract: EHT generation circuit diagram FV49 251C AN5337K APL10-90 V3527 tv block diagram
    Text: Panasonic ICs for TV A N 5337K NTSC Video Signal Processor 1C • Overview T h e A N 5 3 3 7 K is suitable for processing of video, chro­ m a , R G B , s y n c h ro n iz a tio n , a n d d e fle c tio n s ig n a ls of N T S C system . It incorporates an l2C bus controller.

    OCR Scan
    AN5337K AN5337K 52-Pin SDIP052-espective -AN5337K 2315mW pby 344 EHT generation circuit diagram FV49 251C APL10-90 V3527 tv block diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IN T E G R A T E D C I R C U IT S UC494A/AC UC495A/AC UNITRODE Advanced Regulating Pulse Width Modulators FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Dual Uncommitted 40V, 200mA Output Transistors • 1% Accurate 5V Reference • Dual Error Amplifiers • Wide Range, Variable Deadtime

    OCR Scan
    UC494A/AC UC495A/AC 200mA UC495A_ D014215 UC494 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r w m TECHNOLOGY _LT1352/LT1353 Dual and Quad 250|iA, 3MHz, 200V/fis Operational Amplifiers FCATURC S D € S C R IP T IO n • 3MHz Gain Bandwidth ■ 200V/jjs Slew Rate ■ 250pA Supply Current per Amplifier The LT 1352/LT1353 are dual and quad, very low power,

    OCR Scan
    LT1352/LT1353 00V/fis 00V/jjs 250pA 1352/LT1353 254mm) LT1351 LT1354/55/56 12MHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE ^öe; j> m 4035771 DD1M213 T57 • HIGH-SPEED ■Ia Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT IDT7052S/L 2K X 8 FOURPORT STATIC RAM FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • H ig h -s p e e d a c c e s s — M ilita ry : 3 5 /4 5 n s m a x.) — C o m m e rc ia l: 2 5 /3 5 /4 5 n s (m a x.)

    OCR Scan
    2S771 aom213 IDT7052S/L 35/45ns 25/35/45ns IDT7052S 750mW IDT7052L IDT7052S/L P432I PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC b4E T> m T T b M m E [][]:L422G 200 PRELIMINARY KM68B1002 BiCMOS SRAM 131,072 WORD X 8 Bit FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Access Time: 10, 12ns max. • Low Power Dissipation Standby (TTL) : 60mA (max.) (CMOS): 10mA (max.)

    OCR Scan
    L422G KM68B1002 KM68B1002J-10 160mA KM68B1002J-12 KM68B1002J: 32-pin KM68B1002 576-bit KM68B1002-10 PDF

    24 pin stn lcd pinout details

    Abstract: ZC90
    Text: RCM7010X 20 characters x 2 line, reflective-type, character module RCM7010X is a reflection STN gray-mode type, liquid crystal module incorporating a controller and driver LSI, with a display capacity of 20 characters on each of two lines. • character pattern selected can be

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    RCM7010X RCM7010X D0142bfl 24 pin stn lcd pinout details ZC90 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RCM7030X 24 characters x 2 line, reflective-type, character module RCM7030X is a reflection STN gray-mode type, liquid crystal module incorporating a controller and driver LSI with a display capacity of 24 characters on each of two lines. • character pattern selected can be

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    RCM7030X RCM7030X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h p l HEW LETT 1W"KM PACKARD Infrared IrDA Com pliant Transceiver Preliminary Technical Data* Features Applications Description • Low Cost Infrared Data Link • Guaranteed to Meet IrDA Physical Layer Specifications 1 cm - 1 M Operating Distance 30° Viewing Angle

    OCR Scan
    HSDL-1001 HSDL-1001 infra100 EN60825-1. GD142 D0142 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICs for TV AN5352N Character and Pattern Interface 1C • Overview Th e AN5352N is an integrated circuit designed for interface between the color output stage and the teletext system decoder output, or external analog input signal. ■ Features •The AN5352N provides analog signal processing for

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    AN5352N AN5352N e--35ns, tS32fi D0142flb 2SA564 i32aS2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32R2320/21/22/23/24 mmMktns' 3V, 5V, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device A TDK Group/Company December 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2320/21/22/23/24 are BiCMOS mono­ lithic integrated circuit designed for use with twoterminal recording heads. They provide a low noise

    OCR Scan
    32R2320/21/22/23/24 32R2320/21/22/23/24 32R2324W-4CV. 3B-120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m INTEGRATE» DEVICE bûE D 4Ö55771 GQlHEbb Ell • IDT PRELIMINARY IDT70V05S/L HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 8K x 8 DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM Integ rated Device Technology» Inc. FEATURES: • True Dual-Ported memory cells which allow simulta­ neous reads of the same memory location

    OCR Scan
    IDT70V05S/L 35/55ns IDT70V05S 350mW IDT70V05L IDT70V05 drw21 PDF


    Abstract: LR4807 LR4807A Sharp
    Text: SHARP LR4807A LR4807A DESCRIPTION The LR4807A is a CMOS pulse/tone dialer LSI providing 16-digit x 3-channel one-touch memory and a 32-digit redial memory. FEATURES PIN CONNECTIONS TOP VIEW 24-P IN DIP r MUTE2 [T \ o MOOout I 2 24] MUTEi 231Vdd COLe [3 22] TONEour

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    LR4807A 16-digit 32-digit 24-pin DIP024-P-0600) LR4807 LR4807A Sharp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY M IC R O N 32K FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 32K x 32 SRAM +3.3V SUPPLY, PIPELINED AND SELECTABLE BURST MODE , PIN ASSIGNMENT Top View Fast access times: 4.5,5 6,7 and 8ns Fast OE access times: 5 and 6ns

    OCR Scan
    MT58LC32K32C4 100-lead 160-PIN D0142 PDF