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    F423 PH Search Results

    F423 PH Result Highlights (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MSP430F423AIPMR Texas Instruments 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD 64-LQFP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    MSP430F423IPM Texas Instruments 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller , 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD 64-LQFP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments
    MSP430F423IPMR Texas Instruments 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller , 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD 64-LQFP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments
    MSP430F423AIPM Texas Instruments 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD 64-LQFP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    F423 PH Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: F423
    Text: NJM2878 Low Dropout Voltage Regulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJM2878 is a 150mA output low dropout voltage regulator with ON/OFF control. Advanced bipolar technology achieves low noise, high ripple rejection, high accuracy and low quiescent current. Small packaging SC-88A/SC82AB and very small packaging

    NJM2878 NJM2878 150mA SC-88A/SC82AB) NJM2878F3 NJM2878F4 NJM2878KF1 150mA NJM2878F F423 PDF

    nec 2561 equivalent

    Abstract: f bj04 TBA 931 765 floppy disk controller 78K3 L435 f305 F423 nec 2401 bg05
    Text: CB-C7, 5-VOLT 0.8-MICRON CELL-BASED CMOS ASIC NEC Electronics Inc. August 1993 Description CB-C7 cell-based product family is a 0.8-micron drawn process with two- or three-layer metalization and is offered in 22 I/O pad ring step sizes. It is ideal for applications such



    Abstract: F423 FV06 RJ4B 83YL-9164B "Single-Port RAM" B00J transistor f423 bewf diode ru4d
    Text: CMOS-8L 3-VOLT, 0.50-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary Description October 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8L Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8L family consists of ultra-high performance, sub-micron gate arrays, targeted for applications requiring extensive integration and high

    50-MICRON PD658xx bv0T F423 FV06 RJ4B 83YL-9164B "Single-Port RAM" B00J transistor f423 bewf diode ru4d PDF

    transistor f422

    Abstract: transistor f423 f422 transistor transistor f421 BV09 F423 fet 13187 RJ4B L442 bvoe
    Text: CMOS-8LCX 3-VOLT, 0.50-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS CROSSCHECK TEST SUPPORT NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary Description October 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8LCX Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8LCX family consists of ultra-high performance, sub-micron gate arrays, targeted for

    50-MICRON PD658xx transistor f422 transistor f423 f422 transistor transistor f421 BV09 F423 fet 13187 RJ4B L442 bvoe PDF

    kd 2060 transistor

    Abstract: saia factory 124
    Text: 60 years of Know-How CATALOG 1 rs-485 OFFER of measuring instruments and Electronics Manufacturing Services WWW.LUMEL.COM.PL To meet the expectation of our customers we continuously take care of improving the quality management system. It takes place at every activity level, from the identification of the customer’s needs, through the production

    rs-485 kd 2060 transistor saia factory 124 PDF


    Abstract: F423 STR91XF system tick tachogenerator and universal motor transistor f423 TV11 tv11 capacitor STR9 flash programming ccx 1013 Philips F423
    Text: RM0006 Reference manual STR91xFA ARM9 - based microcontroller family Introduction This reference manual provides complete information for application developers on how to use the STR91xFA microcontroller memory and peripherals. The STR91xFA is a family of microcontrollers with different memory sizes, packages and

    RM0006 STR91xFA ARM966E-S RM0006 F423 STR91XF system tick tachogenerator and universal motor transistor f423 TV11 tv11 capacitor STR9 flash programming ccx 1013 Philips F423 PDF


    Abstract: F922 uPD65007 F981 IC tr f422 F661 CMOS GATE- NEC f422 f962 f791
    Text: SEC CMOS-4L 1.5-M ICRON LOW-VOLTAGE CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. February 1990 Description Figure 1. Sample CMOS-4L Packages NEC’s CMOS-4L family of 1.5-micron gate arrays are high-density, low-voltage application-specific integrated circuits ASICs that offer unique solutions for batterydriven circuits. Supply voltages ranging from 1.0 V to 5.5

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: f422 b0w4 NEC VOLTAGE COMPARATOR IC LIST F-637
    Text: SEC V CMOS-5R 1.2-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. PRELIMINARY January 1990 Description Figure 1. Package Photo N EC 's C M O S -5R fa m ily com bines preconfigured static RAM blocks w ith a standard gate array architecture. By integrating m em ory and gate array logic on a single IC, the

    OCR Scan
    16k-bit 64k-bit IP-8001 F483 f422 b0w4 NEC VOLTAGE COMPARATOR IC LIST F-637 PDF

    Digital IC CMOS 16x1 mux

    Abstract: PART NUMBERING NEC IC DECODER ic tba 810 f34 function generator 80c42 F981 IC NEC VOLTAGE COMPARATOR IC LIST 3volt inverter 765 floppy disk controller 16x1 mux
    Text: b42?525 00437T3 TTT « N E C E |^ | 1^1 t w C B-C7, 3-VO LT 0.8-M IC R O N c e l l - b a s e d c m o s a s ic NEC Electronics Inc. C Preliminary Description The CB-C7,3-volt cell-based product family is intended for low power portables and battery-operated products. A

    OCR Scan
    00437T3 V30HL 16-bit NA80C42H NA8250 Digital IC CMOS 16x1 mux PART NUMBERING NEC IC DECODER ic tba 810 f34 function generator 80c42 F981 IC NEC VOLTAGE COMPARATOR IC LIST 3volt inverter 765 floppy disk controller 16x1 mux PDF


    Abstract: F223 65630 F304 f422 F501 MOS l442 bt08 700201 L421 Marking
    Text: NEC CM OS-6/6 A 1.0-MICRON CMOS g a t e a r r a y s NEC Electronics Inc. PRELIM INARY Description February 1990 Figure 1. Sample CMOS-6 Packages NEC’s CMOS-6 gate array families CMOS-6, CMOS6A are ultra-high performance, sub-micron channel length CM OS p ro du cts crea ted fo r h ig h -in te g ra tio n A S IC

    OCR Scan
    IP-8090 CMOS-6A F223 65630 F304 f422 F501 MOS l442 bt08 700201 L421 Marking PDF

    8251a usart interface from z80

    Abstract: UDL TM 500 f922 verilog code for 8254 timer l912 256x32 POWER MODULE TM 31 udl 500 78K3 F5S4
    Text: L4E75BS DÜHBÖGb 3ÔÔ B I N E C E CB-C7, 5-VOLT 0.8-M ICRON CELL-BASED CMOS ASIC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. August 1993 Description Figure 1. Integrated HDD Solution with CBC7 Cell-Based ASIC with Embedded 78K3 MPU, Compiled SRAMs and A/D Converters CB-C7 cell-based product family is a 0.8-micron drawn

    OCR Scan
    L4E75BS 80C42H D043fl23 8251a usart interface from z80 UDL TM 500 f922 verilog code for 8254 timer l912 256x32 POWER MODULE TM 31 udl 500 78K3 F5S4 PDF


    Abstract: diode ru4d 136-Pin CMOS7 BV09 180 nm CMOS standard cell library Synopsys
    Text: SEC CMOS-8L 3-VOLT, 0.50-M ICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. Prelim inary Description O cto b er 1992 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8L Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8L family are ultra-high perform­ ance, sub-micron gate arrays, targeted for applications

    OCR Scan
    jPD65800 D65842 diode ru4d 136-Pin CMOS7 BV09 180 nm CMOS standard cell library Synopsys PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W So 1393 C M O S -8 5 -V O L T , 0 .6 5 -M IC R O N CM OS GATE ARRAYS NEC NEC Electronics Inc. April 1993 Description Figure 1. Sample CMOS-8 Packages NEC’s 5-volt CMOS-8 family are ultra-high performance, s u b -m ic ro n gate a rra y s , ta rg e te d fo r a p p lic a tio n s

    OCR Scan
    65-micron D65806 PDF


    Abstract: 9215K1
    Text: tFEB i 7 1993 CMOS-8 5 VOLT, 0 .65-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. Prelim inary January 1993 Figure 1. Sample CMOS-8 Packages Description NEC’s 5-volt CMOS-8 family are ultra-high performance, sub-m icron gate arrays, targe te d fo r a pp lications

    OCR Scan
    65-MICRON xPD65800 D65806 9215K1 PDF


    Abstract: 658X
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC b7E D • b4E75S5 QQ3T701 4bD HINECE CMOS-8L 3 -V O LT, 0.50-M IC R O N cm os g a te a r r a y s ä I M t L NEC Electronics Inc. P re lim in a r y Description October 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8L Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8L family consists of ultra-high per­

    OCR Scan
    b4E75S5 QQ3T701 nPD658xx bv0T 658X PDF

    transistor f422

    Abstract: transistor f423 F422 transistor transistor f421 nec product naming rule BK-DK
    Text: i O 1993 iir n r, . . NEC E le ctro n ics Inc. Prelim inary Description CMOS-8LCX 3-VOLT, 0.50-M ICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS c ro s s c h e c k te s t s u p p o rt February 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8LCX Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8LCX family are ultra-high perform­

    OCR Scan
    iPD658xx transistor f422 transistor f423 F422 transistor transistor f421 nec product naming rule BK-DK PDF

    transistor f422 equivalent

    Abstract: transistor f422 F913 F422 transistor H49-M97 y205 TBB 469 F521-F523 0256C g0641
    Text: NEC CB-C9 Family Design Manual June 1996 Document No. A10927EU1V0UM00 Copyright 1996 NEC Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved b 4 Ë 75 E 5 0063Û Û1 7 b l NEC CB-C9 Family Design Manual Document Number A10927EU1V0UM00 Revision History Preliminary Release On-Line - June 1996

    OCR Scan
    A10927EU1V0UM00 A11040XEU1V0UM00 b427525 G064122 transistor f422 equivalent transistor f422 F913 F422 transistor H49-M97 y205 TBB 469 F521-F523 0256C g0641 PDF