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    FEATURE OF IC UM 66 Search Results

    FEATURE OF IC UM 66 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCKE912NL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation eFuse IC (electronic Fuse), 2.7 to 23V, 4A, Latch, Fixed Over Voltage Clamp, WSON8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SZ07FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Non-Inverter Buffer (Open Drain), SOT-353 (USV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7W66FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), SPST Analog Switch, SOT-765 (US8), 2 in 1, -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SET125F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-25 (SMV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    FEATURE OF IC UM 66 Datasheets Context Search

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    ferraz protistor 6.621 cp urgb 14 25

    Abstract: ferraz L330014 ferraz protistor 621 CP ferraz protistor fuse 600 CP ferraz shawmut fuse ur 14x51 6.621 URGB FERRAZ 6.621CP Ferraz 660-GRB W330000 P209865
    Text: Semiconductor Fuses European Fuses French Ferrule 660 gRB 660 V AC gRB - from 1 up to 30 A Size: 10x38 Ð The fuse preselection table below indicates: - rated current or rating IN - pre-arcing I²t (I²t p) at 1 ms - total operating I²t (I²tt) at 660 V, cos ϕ=0.15, and for a total

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    Abstract: CTLB079940-004 CTLB079940-006 CTLB079940007 CTLB079940-008 CTLB079940-009 CTLB079940-010 CTLB079940-011
    Text: Qualification Test Report 501-662 12Aug08 Rev B HDMI/E-SATA and HDMI/HDMI Stacked Connector Assemblies | 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose | | | | Testing was perform ed on Tyco Electronics HDMI/E-SATA and HDMI/HDMI Stacked Connector Assem blies to determ ine their conform ance to the requirem ents of Version 1.3a of the High-Definition

    12Aug08 200/C 260/C 217/C) 1888540-1 CTLB079940-004 CTLB079940-006 CTLB079940007 CTLB079940-008 CTLB079940-009 CTLB079940-010 CTLB079940-011 PDF


    Abstract: Ml-6696a 6697A EC-200 oscillator ML6697A a1309 ml 081 6696A Raytheon Company 6697
    Text: The M a c h le t t L a b o r a t o r ie s , In c . * 1 0 6 3 Hope S tre e t Stamford, Conn. 06907 • Tel. 203-348-7511 • TWX 203-327-2496 DESCRIPTION The M L-6696A and M L-6697A are general-purpose triodes suitable for industrial heating and A M broadcasting.

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    ML-6696A ML-6697A ED-536434 ML-6697A ST-2373 6697A EC-200 oscillator ML6697A a1309 ml 081 6696A Raytheon Company 6697 PDF


    Abstract: ML-7698 ic la 7698 la 7698 ml 33.76 7211 ic 7698 Raytheon Company 7698 ML-7698R
    Text: The M o c h l e t t L a b o r a t o r i e s , In c . • 1 0 6 3 Hope S tr e e t ISSUED 7-66 Stamford, Conn. 06907 • Tel. 203-348-7511 • TWX 203-327-2496 UHF P la n a r Triodes C W , Plate or Grid Pulsed Phormat Cathode High Cathode-Current Capability

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    ML-7211 ML-7698 ML-7698 ST-2269 ic la 7698 la 7698 ml 33.76 7211 ic 7698 Raytheon Company 7698 ML-7698R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IP eE U ffiiK M Â lR Y fl^Dallas Sem iconductor LCA S m a rtS o c k e t FEATURES D S1264 D S1265 D S 1 2 6 4 PIN DESCRIPTION t » Sm artSocket keeps logic defined in Xilinx/M M I LCA’s in the absence of power GND 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61

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    S1264 S1265 PDF

    machlett ML-6696

    Abstract: 6697 ML-6697 machlett thyratron A-13094 machlett 4000G Raytheon Company thyratron tube operation industrial tube company
    Text: The M a c h le t t L a b o r a to r ie s , In c . • 1 0 6 3 Hope S tre e t ISSU ED 9-67 Stamford, Conn. 06907 • Tel. 203-348-7511 • TWX 203-327-2496 s Î? m a □ o a o, G e n e ra l P u rp ose Triodes 80 kW C W DESCRIPTION The M L-6696 and M L-6697 are general-purpose triodes

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    ML-6696 ML-6697 operat18 ML-6697 ST-1707 machlett ML-6696 6697 machlett thyratron A-13094 machlett 4000G Raytheon Company thyratron tube operation industrial tube company PDF


    Abstract: MCM6665A MCM6664A-12 MCM6664A MCM6664A-15 M6664 V9LR Limit switch
    Text: M O T O R O L A Advance Information M O S N-CHANNEL, SILICO N-GATE DRAM 64K-BIT DYNAMIC RAM T h e M C M 6 6 6 4 A is a 66 ,5 3 6 b it, hig h-speed , d yn a m ic HandomA c c e s s M em o ry. O rg anized a s 6 6 ,5 3 6 one-bit w o rd s an d fab ricate d u s ­

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    64K-BIT MCM6664A 16-pin MCM6664A 88ESSÃ mcm6665 MCM6665A MCM6664A-12 MCM6664A-15 M6664 V9LR Limit switch PDF


    Abstract: preset variable resistor 10k SL6600
    Text: SL6600C m PLESSEY Semiconductors SL6600C LOW POWER IF/AF PLL CIRCUIT FOR NARROW BAND FM The S L 6600 is a single or d ou b le conversion IF a m plifier and dete cto r fo r FM radio a pplications. Its m inim al p o w e r consu m p tio n makes it ideal fo r hand

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    SL6600C SL6600 SL6600C preset variable resistor 10k PDF

    Hp 2564

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VT 2365/66 8,192 x 8 STATIC READ ONLY MEMORY FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 8,192 x 8-bit organization The VT2365/66 h ig h-p erform an ce Read Only M em ory is organized 8,192 words by e ig ht bits with an access tim e o f 150 ns. The ROM is co m p a tib le with all microprocessors a nd similar

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    VT2365/66 VT2365/66 Hp 2564 PDF

    2764 eprom PINOUT

    Abstract: vti 2365 2564 eprom A12C VT2365-15 VT2365-20 VT2366-15 VT2366-20 "vlsi technology"
    Text: VT 2365/66_ 8,192 x 8 STATIC READ ONLY MEMORY FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 8,192 x 8-bit organization TheVT2365/66 high-perform ance Read Only M em ory is organized 8,192 words by eight bits with an access tim e o f 150 ns. The ROM is c o m p a tib le

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    28-Pin VT2365 VT2366 VT2365/66 2764 eprom PINOUT vti 2365 2564 eprom A12C VT2365-15 VT2365-20 VT2366-15 VT2366-20 "vlsi technology" PDF

    2764 eprom PINOUT

    Abstract: UM2366 UM2366-1 UM2366-2 UM2366A UM2366A-1 UM2366A2 UM2366A-2
    Text: Features • ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■ 2 7 6 5 E P R O M pin com patible 81 9 2 x 8 bit organization Single + 5 volt supply Access tim e - 2 0 0 /3 0 0 /4 5 0 ns m ax T o ta lly static operation Com pletely T T L com patible 28 Pin J E D E C approved pinout

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    UM2366/A UM2366A UM2366 UM2366 UM2366A UM2366-1 UM2366-2 UM2366A-1 UM2366A-2 2764 eprom PINOUT UM2366A2 PDF


    Abstract: LS168 LS169 SN54LS668 SN54LS669 SN74LS668 SN74LS669 logic diagram of 4bit binary ripple up counter

    OCR Scan
    SDLS192 SN54LS668, SN54LS669, SN74LS668, SN74LS669 D2351. LS669 sn54ls668. sn54ls669 ls669 LS168 LS169 SN54LS668 SN54LS669 SN74LS668 SN74LS669 logic diagram of 4bit binary ripple up counter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WE32K32-XXX WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 32Kx32 EEPROM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • Access Times of 65, 80ns ■ Simple Byte and Page W rite Operation ■ Packaging: ■ Page W rite Cycle Time: 10ms Max • 66-pin, PGA Type, 1.075 inch square, Hermetic Ceramic HIP Package 400

    OCR Scan
    WE32K32-XXX 32Kx32 66-pin, 32Kx32; 64Kx16 128Kx8 32K32 PDF

    sem 5025

    Abstract: D1275A
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES 28 V/66 W/100 W DC/DC Converters with Integral EMI Filter ADDC02803SC/ADDC02805SA FEATURES 28 V dc Input, 5 V dc @ 20 A, 100 W Output ADDC02805SA 28 V dc Input, 3.3 V dc @ 20 A, 66 W Output (ADDC02803SC) Integral EMI Filter Designed to M eet MIL-STD-461D

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    ADDC02805SA) ADDC02803SC) MIL-STD-461D ADDC02803SC/ADDC02805SA ADDC02803SC ADDC02805SA sem 5025 D1275A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALO G D EVIC ES 28 W66W100 WDGfDC Converters with Integral BUI Filter ÆDC02803SCfÆD002805SA FEATURES 28 V de Input, 5 V de £ 20 A, 100 W Output (ADDC02805SA F U N C T I O N A L B L O C K D IA G R A M 2 8 V de Input, 3.3 V de »20 A, 66 W Output (ADDC02803SC)

    OCR Scan
    ADDC02805SA) ADDC02803SC) W66W100 DC02803SCf D002805SA 02803SC 02805SA PDF

    decade counter circuit diagram

    Abstract: ET 439 20-PIN M74LS668P
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M74LS668P SYNCHRONOUS PRESETTABLE UP/DO W N DECADE COUNTER DESCRIPTION The M 7 4L S 66 8P is a semiconductor integrated circuit PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW containing a synchronous decade counter function w ith an u p/dow n control input and preset input.

    OCR Scan
    M74LS668P M74LS668P 0013S decade counter circuit diagram ET 439 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: LP29521 LP29521M lp2953 16 PIN ic 810 DS011127 LP2951 LP2952 LP2952IN LP2953IN
    Text: & Semiconductor LP2952/LP2952A/LP2953/LP2953A Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators General Description • G uaranteed 250 m A output current The LP2952 and LP2953 are m icropow er voltage regulators with ve ry low quiescent current 130 typical a t 1 m A load

    OCR Scan
    LP2952/LP2952A/LP2953/LP2953A LP2952 LP2953 LP2951, lp29531 LP29521 LP29521M 16 PIN ic 810 DS011127 LP2951 LP2952IN LP2953IN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor LM2597/LM2597HV SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 kHz 0.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator, with Features General Description The LM 2597H V is for use in applications requiring and input voltage up to 60V. The LM 2597/LM 2597H V series o f regulators are m onolithic

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    LM2597/LM2597HV LM2594 N5818 PDF


    Abstract: D590C DS90CR213 DS90CR215 DS90CR215MTD DS90CR216 DS90CR216MTD MTD48
    Text: Semiconductor DS90CR215/DS90CR216 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 21-Bit Channel Link— 66 MHz General Description The D S90C R215 tra n sm itte r converts 21 bits o f C M O S /TTL data into three LVDS Low Voltage D ifferential Signaling data stream s. A phase-locked transm it clock is transm itted in

    OCR Scan
    DS90CR215/DS90CR216 21-Bit DS90CR215 DS90CR216 D590CR216 D590C DS90CR213 DS90CR215MTD DS90CR216MTD MTD48 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor LP2952/LP2952A/LP2953/LP2953A Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators General Description Features The LP2952 and LP2953 are m icropow er voltage regulators with ve ry low quiescent current 130 typical at 1 m A load and very low dropout voltage (typ. 60 m V at light load and

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    LP2952/LP2952A/LP2953/LP2953A LP2952 LP2953 LP2951, PDF

    D 1991 AR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL SERIES 5 4 0 0 1 -7 /1 6 " Diameter Single Turn W irew ound Precision Potentiometer MODEL STYLES 1/4" Shaft, 1/2" Bushing 5403 1/4" Shaft, Servo I ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohms

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor DS90CR215/DS90CR216 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 21-Bit Channel Link - 66 MHz General Description The D S90C R215 tra n sm itte r converts 21 bits o f C M O S /TTL data into three LVDS Low Voltage D ifferential Signaling data stream s. A phase-locked transm it clock is transm itted in

    OCR Scan
    DS90CR215/DS90CR216 21-Bit DS90CR215 DS90CR216 isv5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . 1 — 1— 1 1 1 ninnili um .1 > ^ w 1» h^ m - v « -4 - t - j DHC2803S DHG2805S DHC2812S DHC2815S U5S *1 APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION » APPLICATIONS HOTLINE HI-REL DESIGN • • • • • 8 0 0 546-A PEX 6-2 7 3 9 8 0 0 -5 4 6 I

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    DHC2803S DHG2805S DHC2812S DHC2815S 546-APEX 2800SU PDF

    Caddell-Burns 6860

    Abstract: MAX654CPD MAX656 MAX656CPD IN5818 diode IR 4110 MOSFET FP MAX655 MAX654 6860-07 high efficiency current mode flyback converter
    Text: _ The performance characteristics of each device are listed in the following table. The MAX654/656/657 are optimized for single-cell input, while the MAX655/658/659 work best with two series alkaline or NiCad cells, or one lithium celt. The MAX654/665/657/659 contain an inter­

    OCR Scan
    MAX654-659 MAX654/656/657 MAX655/658/659 MAX654/665/657/659 MAX656/658. MAX659CSD MAX659C/D MAX659EPD MAX659ESD MAX659MJD Caddell-Burns 6860 MAX654CPD MAX656 MAX656CPD IN5818 diode IR 4110 MOSFET FP MAX655 MAX654 6860-07 high efficiency current mode flyback converter PDF