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    FL23SB05 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: E3062A
    Text: fl23Sb05 0001337 4ñ0 S IE M E N S HITFET BTS 949 Smart Lowside Power Switch Features Product Summary • Logic Level Input Continious drain source • Input protection ESO On-state resistance • Thermal shutdown Current limitation • Overload protection

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    23SbDS 235bOS TQ220/5 Q67060-XX GPT0S165 T0220/5 E3043 TQ220/5 E3062A E3043 PDF

    transistor BD 430

    Abstract: 0436L
    Text: 2SC D • fl23Sb05 000435" 5 » S I E S - PNP Silicon Planar Transistor * BD 430 ', c r . 0 4 3 5 9 D SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF T ~ .3 3 ~ / .Z - BO 4 3 0 is an epitaxial PNP silicon planar transistor in a plastic package similar to TO 2 0 2 . Together with its complementary transistor BD 4 2 9 it is particularly suitable for use in

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 0D043fal 0436L fl335b05 Q0043b2 transistor BD 430 0436L PDF


    Abstract: photodiode linear array
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 47E D fl23Sb05 0 D 2 7 4 4 ‘Ì fi « S I E G SIEM ENS KOM 0622045 8-CHIP SILICON PHOTODIODE ARRAY VERY LOW DARK CURRENT ~ ~ p 4 i- 5 5 Outline Drawing Dimensions mm P C board Strip Chip •L Jki f LT^Lr 13.7 . 13.1 —I— 111 11j 11j 111

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 125x2 9 ELEMENT photoDIODE ARRAY photodiode linear array PDF


    Abstract: BI10-M30T-AP6X Q62702-F655 bfq 85 Siemens Microwave S12PS2
    Text: 2SC D m fl23Sb05 QQQ4b43 T H S I E G — *- — — • » « * w r i u u _ Low Noise NPN Silicon Microwave Transistor BFQ 60 up to 2 GHz_T ?sr. D '7 ^ 3 / - < 3 3 _ SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF BFQ 60 is a bipolar silicon NPN microwave transistor in hermetically sealed metal

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 QQ04b43 -TZ3/-33_ Q62702-F655 fl23SbOS BFQ60 BFQ60 BI10-M30T-AP6X Q62702-F655 bfq 85 Siemens Microwave S12PS2 PDF

    KDS 7c

    Abstract: A3116 DIODE S45 C67078-A3116-A2 156* diode
    Text: flêD D SIEMENS • fl23Sb05 0Q1SQ0& h M S I E G AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T ' ' 3 ^ ,* 7 3 Main ratings BUZ 348 N-Channel Drain-source voltage Continuous drain current Drain-source on-resistance Description Case _ K>s h ^DS on = 50 V - 39 A = 0,04: SIPMOS, N-channel, enhancement mode

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 C67078-A3116-A2 fl23St QQ15012 fl23SbOS KDS 7c A3116 DIODE S45 C67078-A3116-A2 156* diode PDF

    photoresistor LDR 1000

    Abstract: Photoresistor photoresistor LDR Heimann LT2011 Heimann lt Diode LT 02 Siemens optocoupler IL ldr photocell Photocell LDR
    Text: S I EM EN S A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F 47E T> fl23Sb05 4 • SIEG ~ M Ì - S I Opto-couplers Heimann op to-coupler consist of a com bi­ nation of extremely high-intensity light em it­ ting diodes LED as emitters and specific photocell as detectors. Both elements are

    OCR Scan
    /002L LT2002 LT2001 LT2011 photoresistor LDR 1000 Photoresistor photoresistor LDR Heimann Heimann lt Diode LT 02 Siemens optocoupler IL ldr photocell Photocell LDR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bGE D fl23Sb05 G04b54fi Tfll • S I E G SIEMENS SFH 2310 GE-AVALANCHE PHOTODIODE TO PACKAGE SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Preliminary Data Sheet Package Dimensions in mm C hip Location FEATURES Maximum Ratings * Sensitive Receiver for the 2 nd W indow 1300 nm

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 G04b54fi PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bOE D fl23Sb05 SIEMENS OOSQbOÜ MMT H S I E ä S I E M EN S A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F Intelligent Double Low-Side Switch 2 x 0.5 A TLE 4214 Bipolar IC Features • Double low-side switch, 2 x 0.5 A • Power limitation • Overtemperature shutdown

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 Q67000-A8183 Q67000-A9094 -DSO-20-l P-DSO-20-1 fl235bG5 PDF


    Abstract: S14K385 S14K320 S10K420 S10K385 S10K460 S14K300 S14K460 S14K420 S20K1000
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF bOE D Electrical Specifications, cont. Disc Types • fl23Sb05 OOSIMIS ST? « S I E G C h a ra c te ris tic s 2 5 ’ C M a x im u m R a tin g s ( 8 5 'C) Transient C o n tin u o u s P a rt N u m b e r E n e rg y '7' 2 ms P eak

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 S05K300 S07K300 S10K300 S14K300 S20K300 S14K320 S20K320 S05K385 S07K385 S20K385 S14K385 S10K420 S10K385 S10K460 S14K460 S14K420 S20K1000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • fl23Sb05 OO^ÔÔSÔ TS^ SIEMENS 1/2 Kbit 128/256 x 8 bit Serial CMOS EEPROMs, I2C Synchronous 2-Wire Bus SLx 24C01/02 Preliminary Features • Data EEPROM internally organized as 128/256 bytes and 16/32 pages x 8 bytes • Low power CMOS • Vcc = 2.7 to 5.5 V operation

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    fl23Sb05 24C01/02 106cycles1 fl23Sfc05 PDF

    siemens sda 30c164

    Abstract: pwm fa 552 0071547 SBUR MB SDA30C164 TRANSISTOR BC 187 30C164 soh dl6 P07C SAB-C501
    Text: SIEM EN S ICs for Consumer Electronics 8-Bit Microcontroller, ROMLESS SDA 30C164 * Preliminary Data Sheet 11.94 fl23Sb05 T4Ö \ SDA30C164 Revision History: Original Version: 11.94 Previous Releases: Page Subjects changes since last revision Data Classification

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    30C164 SDA30C164 IO-16 UED04734 02Vn-0. UED04735 fl23St 0/A17 siemens sda 30c164 pwm fa 552 0071547 SBUR MB TRANSISTOR BC 187 30C164 soh dl6 P07C SAB-C501 PDF

    transistor d 1933

    Abstract: transistor BF 52 transistor bf 505 transistor 23 505 transistor BF 500 transistor Q62702-F573 MSIE npn 505
    Text: i«ü 1 ESC D • fl23Sb05 OGQHSQI b « S I E G ' -T -3 Ì NPN Silicon RF Transistor SIEMENS AKTIENCESELLSCHAF : 04509 BF 505 0' BF 505 is an NPN silicon planar RF transistor in TO 92 plastic package 10 A 3 DIN 41868 . The transistor is particularly intended for use in VHF amplifiers in common emitter configuratin, VHF mixers and VHF/UHF oscillators.

    OCR Scan
    A235bQS Q62702-F573 transistor d 1933 transistor BF 52 transistor bf 505 transistor 23 505 transistor BF 500 transistor Q62702-F573 MSIE npn 505 PDF

    Siemens PEB 2040

    Abstract: d0422
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESEL LSCHAF S1E D Memory Time Switch MTS • fl23Sb05 DQMSESR MSS H S I E 6 PEB 2040 ~ P 7 5 - 1 I Prelim inary Data -H O N M O S 1C Features • • • • • •

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    fl23Sb05 fl23Sbà GG4227S Siemens PEB 2040 d0422 PDF

    zo 107 NA P 611

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 2SC 2026 642p 2sc 643
    Text: 2SC D m fl23Sb05 QQQ4b43 T « S I E G — *- — — •» «* w n u u Low Noise NPN Silicon Microwave Transistor UJ? t 0 2 G H z ~ ?<5r. n^643 _ BFQ 60 D '7 ^ '3 l ~ £ 3 _ SIEMENS A K T IE NGES EL LS CH AF BFQ 60 is a bipolar silicon NPN microwave transistor in hermetically sealed metal

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 QQQ4b43 Q62702-F655 023SbQS BFQ60 zo 107 NA P 611 TRANSISTOR 2SC 2026 642p 2sc 643 PDF

    B550 transistor

    Abstract: diode 606 transistor r 606 j optocouple VF125 Not3
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF 47E J> • S IEM EN S fl23Sb05 00272<ÏD fl « S I E G SFH 606 5.3 kV TRIOS* OPTOCOUPLER HIGH REL/FAST TRANSISTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION * Isolation Test Voltage: 5300 V * High Current Transfer Ratios at 10 mA: 63-125% at 1 mA: >22%

    OCR Scan
    235b05 B550 transistor diode 606 transistor r 606 j optocouple VF125 Not3 PDF

    transistor BD 424

    Abstract: a06 transistor 000M353 BD424 Q62702-D1068 S100 transistor A08 A07 NPN transistor transistor bd 202
    Text: bâ I 25C D • fl23Sb05 G0D4352 T ISIEG BD 424 NPN Silicon Planar Transistor T- 23- o f SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF 25C 04352 BD 424 is an epitaxial NPN silicon planar transistor in a plastic package similar to TO 202. It is particularly intended for use as driver transistor in horizontal deflection stages of TV sets

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    235b05 G0G4352 Q62702-D1068 QDQ43SM BD424 transistor BD 424 a06 transistor 000M353 BD424 Q62702-D1068 S100 transistor A08 A07 NPN transistor transistor bd 202 PDF

    transistor D 288

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR L 287 A BD288 K1768 S100 transistor tcam BD287 Q62702-D900 Q62702-D901 Q62902-B62
    Text: 2SC D • T - 3 3-'? fl23Sb05 000M3M2 7 M S I E 6 BD 287 BD 288 PIMP Silicon Planar Transistors SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 04342 °- BD 287 and BD 288 are epitaxial planar transistors in TO 126 plastic package 12 A 3 DIN 41869, sheet 4 . The collector Is electrically connected to the metallic mounting area.

    OCR Scan
    fl23SbG5 0Q043M2 T-33-' Q62702-D900 Q62702-D901 Q62902-B63 Q62902-B62 QQ0M345 transistor D 288 TRANSISTOR L 287 A BD288 K1768 S100 transistor tcam BD287 Q62702-D900 Q62702-D901 Q62902-B62 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Consumer Electronics SAT Mixer-Oscillator-PLL TUA6110XS Data Sheet 16.6.99 V02 fl23Sb05 0137753 05=1 • Edition 16.02.98 Published by Infineon AG iGr, Marketing-Kommunikatlon, Balanstr. 73, 81541 Munich Infineon AG iGr 1999. All Rights Reserved. Attention please!

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    TUA6110XS fl23Sb05 BB833 BB545 6110XS 617DB-1023 1377B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bOE D • fl23Sb05 0D5G4bS b34 U S I E G EMENS SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF TLE 4202 DC Motor Driver Bipolar 1C Features • Max. output current 3.0 A • Open-loop gain 80 dB typ. • PNP input stages • Large common-mode input-voltage range VPT0 5 1 0 8 • Wide control range

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    fl23Sb05 P-T0220-7-1 Q67000-A8007 TLE4202 fi235b05 G050471 fl535b05 flP35bOS PDF

    B550 transistor

    Abstract: SFH606
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF 47E J> • SIEM ENS fl23Sb05 0 0 2 7 2 fl « S I E G SFH 606 5.3 kV TRIOS* OPTOCOUPLER HIGH REL/FAST TRANSISTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION * Isolation Test Voltage: 5300 V * High Current Transfer Ratios at 10 mA: 63-125% at 1 mA: >22%

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 SFH606 B550 transistor SFH606 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • fl23Sb05 O O ^ b T S SIEMENS Ô22 WË PROFET BTS 410 D2 Smart Highside Power Switch Product Summary Overvoltage protection Operating voltage On-state resistance Load current ISO Current limitation Features • • • • • • • • • • •

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    fl23Sb05 35b05 BTS410D2 O-22QAB/5, E3062 BTS410D2 E3062A TQ-220AB/5 Q67060-S6101-A4 Q67060-S6101-A2 DIODE SMD S44 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • fl23Sb05 0 0 * 1 3 01 6 Sb^ ■ SIEMENS PROFET BTS 621 L1 Smart Two Channel Highside Power Switch Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Overload protection Current limitation Short circuit protection Thermal shutdown Overvoltage protection including load dump

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb05 PT05aa7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fl23Sb05 0037bb4 7 MKT Chip Capacitors ISIEG f l ' 0 5 “- | r7 ' P 5 ' SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF B 32S95 47E I p R E U M ' N A f W Preliminary data MKT capacitors, chip version, Ur = 50 V dc Self-healing capacitor with polyethyleneterephthalat dielectric; encapsulated in a flame-retardant

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    fl23Sb05 0037bb4 32S95 B32595 B32595-C5103-M PDF


    Abstract: DIN 50014 STANDARD PPS siemens 5300VDC dbl 2003
    Text: fl23Sb05 0QHb3S7 IBS M S I E G bOE D SIEMENS IL8/IL10 6 LEADS IL9/IL11 4 LEADS SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER FEATURES * IL 8/IL 1 0 : F o u r Leads * IL 9/IL 1 1 : S ix L e ads w ith B ase C o n ta c t * 2 .0 m m M in. In tern a l S ep a ratio n

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    IL8/IL10: IL9/IL11: E52744 IEC601/VDE0750, IEC380/VDE806/8 IEC435/VDE0805 -X001 IL8/IL9/IL10/IL11 IL11 DIN 50014 STANDARD PPS siemens 5300VDC dbl 2003 PDF