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    FOUR DARLINGTON ARRAYS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TRS8E65H Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation SiC Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD), 650 V, 8 A, TO-220-2L Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TRS40N120HB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation SiC Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD), 1200 V, 40 A, 2 in 1, TO-247 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MKZ6V2 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.2 V, SOT-23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MSZ6V8 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.8 V, SOT-346 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ20V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 20 V, SOT-323 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    FOUR DARLINGTON ARRAYS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TD62318APG arrays 5 transistor dip.16
    Text: TD62318APG/AFG TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TD62318APG,TD62318AFG 4ch Low Input Active High-Current Darlington Sink Driver The TD62318APG and TD62318AFG are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318APG/AFG TD62318APG TD62318AFG TD62318AFG TD62318APG arrays 5 transistor dip.16 PDF


    Abstract: TD62318APG arrays 5 transistor dip.16
    Text: TD62318APG/AFG TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TD62318APG,TD62318AFG 4ch Low Input Active High-Current Darlington Sink Driver The TD62318APG and TD62318AFG are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318APG/AFG TD62318APG TD62318AFG TD62318AFG TD62318APG arrays 5 transistor dip.16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62318AP/AF TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62318AP,TD62318AF 4CH LOW INPUT ACTIVE HIGH−CURRENT DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62318AP and TD62318AF are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318AP/AF TD62318AP TD62318AF TD62318AF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62318APG/AFG TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TD62318APG,TD62318AFG 4ch Low Input Active High-Current Darlington Sink Driver The TD62318APG and TD62318AFG are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318APG/AFG TD62318APG TD62318AFG TD62318AFG TD62318APG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62318APG/AFG TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TD62318APG,TD62318AFG 4ch Low Input Active High-Current Darlington Sink Driver The TD62318APG and TD62318AFG are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318APG/AFG TD62318APG TD62318AFG TD62318AFG TD62318APG TD62318AFGe PDF


    Abstract: TD62318AF TD62318AP
    Text: TD62318AP/AF TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62318AP,TD62318AF 4CH LOW INPUT ACTIVE HIGH−CURRENT DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62318AP and TD62318AF are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318AP/AF TD62318AP TD62318AF TD62318AF HSOP16 PDF


    Abstract: TD62318AF TD62318AP
    Text: TD62318AP/AF TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62318AP,TD62318AF 4CH LOW INPUT ACTIVE HIGH−CURRENT DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62318AP and TD62318AF are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318AP/AF TD62318AP TD62318AF TD62318AF HSOP16 PDF


    Abstract: TD62318APG
    Text: TD62318APG/AFG TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TD62318APG,TD62318AFG 4ch Low Input Active High-Current Darlington Sink Driver The TD62318APG and TD62318AFG are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318APG/AFG TD62318APG TD62318AFG TD62318AFG TD62318APG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62318APG/AFG TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TD62318APG,TD62318AFG 4ch Low Input Active High-Current Darlington Sink Driver The TD62318APG and TD62318AFG are non-inverting transistor arrays which are comprised of four NPN darlington output stages

    TD62318APG/AFG TD62318APG TD62318AFG TD62318AFG TD62318APG PDF


    Abstract: 89COM M54661FP 8 pin 4v power supply ic pnp 8 transistor array
    Text: MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <TRANSISTOR ARRAY> M54661P/FP 4-UNIT 80V/1.5A DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE DESCRIPTION M54661P and M54661FP are four-circuit collector-currentsynchronized Darlington transistor arrays. The circuits are made of PNP and NPN transistors. Both the semiconductor

    M54661P/FP M54661P M54661FP opera04 89COM 8 pin 4v power supply ic pnp 8 transistor array PDF


    Abstract: M54532FP common collector npn array
    Text: MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <TRANSISTOR ARRAY> M54532P/FP 4-UNIT 1.5A DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE DESCRIPTION M54532P and M54532FP are four-circuit Darlington transistor arrays with clamping diodes. The circuits are made of NPN transistors. Both the semiconductor integrated circuits

    M54532P/FP M54532P M54532FP common collector npn array PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <TRANSISTOR ARRAY> M54532P/FP 4-UNIT 1.5A DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE DESCRIPTION M54532P and M54532FP are four-circuit Darlington transistor arrays with clamping diodes. The circuits are made of NPN transistors. Both the semiconductor integrated circuits

    M54532P/FP M54532P M54532FP PDF


    Abstract: M54532FP
    Text: MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <TRANSISTOR ARRAY> POWEREX M54532P/FP 4-UNIT 1.5A DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE DESCRIPTION M54532P and M54532FP are four-circuit Darlington transistor arrays with clamping diodes. The circuits are made of NPN transistors. Both the semiconductor integrated circuits

    M54532P/FP M54532P M54532FP PDF

    pnp darlington array

    Abstract: pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY transistor array pnp M54567FP M54567P pnp 8 transistor array 8 pin 4v power supply ic npn darlington array
    Text: MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <TRANSISTOR ARRAY> M54567P/FP 4-UNIT 1.5A DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE DESCRIPTION M54567P and M54567FP are four-circuit Darlington transistor arrays with clamping diodes. The circuits are made of PNP and NPN transistors. Both the semiconductor integrated circuits perform high-current driving with extremely

    M54567P/FP M54567P M54567FP pnp darlington array pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY transistor array pnp pnp 8 transistor array 8 pin 4v power supply ic npn darlington array PDF


    Abstract: an5296 CA3018A AN5296 Application note CA3018 "an5296 Application of the CA3018" AN5296 Application of the CA3018 an5296 ca3018 Darlington pair Darlington pair IC AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated
    Text: CA3018 S E M I C O N D U C T O R General Purpose Transistor Arrays March 1993 Features Description • Matched Monolithic General Purpose Transistors The CA3018 and CA3018A consist of four general purpose silicon n-p-n transistors on a common monolithic substrate.

    CA3018 CA3018 CA3018A CA3018A an5296 AN5296 Application note CA3018 "an5296 Application of the CA3018" AN5296 Application of the CA3018 an5296 ca3018 Darlington pair Darlington pair IC AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated PDF

    AN5296 Application note CA3018

    Abstract: CA3018 an5296 Harris CA3018 AN5296 Application of the CA3018 "Application of the CA3018" AN5296 application note an5296 ca3018 CA3018A AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R CA3018, CA3018A NS EW DESIG FOR N MENDED OM November 1996 NOT REC General Purpose Transistor Arrays Features Description • Matched Monolithic General Purpose Transistors The CA3018 and CA3018A consist of four general purpose silicon NPN transistors on a common monolithic substrate.

    CA3018, CA3018A CA3018 CA3018A CA3018 500MHz AN5296 Application note CA3018 an5296 Harris CA3018 AN5296 Application of the CA3018 "Application of the CA3018" AN5296 application note an5296 ca3018 AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated PDF


    Abstract: pnp darlington array PNP DARLINGTON ARRAYS pnp 8 transistor array high hfe transistor darlington array pnp sta471a sib1044d STA434A transistor array
    Text: Surface Mount Transistor Arrays SD Series Type No. Equivalent Circuit 2 R1 R2 SDA01 4 1 6 3 15,16 7 11,12 R1 : 4kΩtyp SDC01 13,14 11,12 3 5 7 2 4 15,16 1 –60 –1.5 (–2.5A pulse) 2000 to 12000 –1.4 max PNP darlington transistor array (Surface mount type of STA472A)

    STA472A) SDA01 100typ SDC01 STA412A) SDC02 00typ 100typ 200typ SDH03 pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY pnp darlington array PNP DARLINGTON ARRAYS pnp 8 transistor array high hfe transistor darlington array pnp sta471a sib1044d STA434A transistor array PDF

    AN5296 Application note CA3018

    Abstract: AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated
    Text: CA3018, CA3018A January 1999 File Number General Purpose Transistor Arrays Features The CA3018 and CA3018A consist of four general purpose silicon NPN transistors on a common monolithic substrate. • Matched Monolithic General Purpose Transistors Two of the four transistors are connected in the Darlington

    OCR Scan
    CA3018, CA3018A CA3018 CA3018A AN5296 Application note CA3018 AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated PDF

    AN5296 Application note CA3018

    Abstract: AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated AN5296 Application of the CA3018 an5296 Harris CA3018 CA3018 CA3018A AN5296 application note an5296 ca3018 Darlington pair IC
    Text: CA3018, CA3018A January 1999 File Number 338.5 GeneraI Purpose Transistor Arrays Features The CA3018 and CA3018A consist of four general purpose silicon NPN transistors on a common monolithic substrate. • Matched Monolithic General Purpose Transistors Two of the four transistors are connected in the Darlington

    OCR Scan
    CA3018, CA3018A CA3018 CA3018A AN5296 Application note CA3018 AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated AN5296 Application of the CA3018 an5296 Harris CA3018 AN5296 application note an5296 ca3018 Darlington pair IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 t}T7D7b DD1SDS3 74T Ordering number: EN 3298 LB1730 No.3298 Monolithic Digital IC SAiYO i High-Voltage, High-Current, _ Darlington Driver F u n c tio n s a n d F e a tu re s • Four independent high-voltage 85V , high-current (1.5A) Darlington driver

    OCR Scan
    LB1730 DIP20H DIP16F MFP30S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-TH O U SO N Q7E Kv M T ^ULQ2003R g g rc l u ÜLQ20Q4R Ì D | O D 1 1 3 T fl 7 | 67c i7093 ° T- ^ s LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DARLINGTON ARRAYS • S EV EN D A RLIN G TO N S PER PAC KA GE The four versions interface to all common logic families. • OUTPUT C U R R EN T 500mA P ER D R IV E R

    OCR Scan
    ULQ2003R LQ20Q4R i7093 500mA 600mA ULQ20Q2R ULQ2004R ULQ2001R 4-25V ULQ2003B PDF

    AN5296 Application note CA3018

    Abstract: CA3016 CA3018 12 Pin Metal Can CA3018A an5296 ca3018 an5296 AN5296 application note
    Text: -GA3018, CA3018A lîC T Général Purpose Transistor Arrays November 1996 Features Description • Matched Monolithic General Purpose Transistors The CA3018 and CA3018A consist of four general purpose silicon NPN transistors on a common monolithic substrate.

    OCR Scan
    -GA3018, CA3018A CA3018 CA3018A AN5296 Application note CA3018 CA3016 12 Pin Metal Can an5296 ca3018 an5296 AN5296 application note PDF


    Abstract: ca301b transistor 123 DL CA3018 CA3018A ICAN-5296 529B I426 f425 CA3016
    Text: Arrays E SOLID STATE 01 1 e | 3075001 DGlMSfifl 5 | CA3018, CA3018A General-Purpose Transistor Arrays Two Isolated Transistors and a Darlington-Connected Transistor Pair For Low-Power Applications at Frequencies from DC Through the VHF Range features: Matched monolithic general

    OCR Scan
    CA3018, CA3018A CA3018) CA3018A CA3018 I4260AI 92CS-M258RI 92CS-IS196 TRANSISTOR 642 ca301b transistor 123 DL ICAN-5296 529B I426 f425 CA3016 PDF

    D 1413 transistor

    Abstract: transistor a 1413 pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY STA434A STA471 high hfe transistor sib1044d npn 8 transistor array Transistor H03
    Text: Surface Mount Transistor Arrays SD Series PNP darlington transistor array SDA01 -6 0 15.16 13 .1 4 11.12 Fh : 4 kU typ 15,16 SDC01 in I R 2 J l OOütyp 13^14 3 -. 9, 10 |_ 11.12 5o f . ( — 2.5A pulse) 2000 to 12000 — 1.4 max o Relays 0 S olenoids j 9, 10

    OCR Scan
    SDA01 STA472A) SDC01 STA412A) SDC02 5A100ns 4ki21yp STA434A) IB1044D SDI01 D 1413 transistor transistor a 1413 pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY STA434A STA471 high hfe transistor sib1044d npn 8 transistor array Transistor H03 PDF