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    Text: PRESS RELEASE CYPRESS OFFERS FREE VHDL PRIMER OVER THE INTERNET Engineers Gain Interactive Forum to Explore VHDL for Programmable Logic Design SAN JOSE, Calif., March 2, 1998 - Cypress Semiconductor today announced that it would offer its first free VHDL seminar on the worldwide web, aimed at providing engineers


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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Press Release CYPRESS OFFERS FIRST PCI CORES FOR CPLDs Free Cores Provided as VHDL Source Code for Easy Integration into Ultra37000  CPLDs SAN JOSE, Calif., January 25, 1999  Cypress Semiconductor Corporation today introduced the first PCI cores designed specifically for CPLDs. The new PCI cores, exclusively for use with the Ultra37000 family of CPLDs, are

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    Text: Application Note: CPLD R UARTs in Xilinx CPLDs XAPP341 v1.3 October 1, 2002 Summary This application note provides a functional description of VHDL and Verilog source code for a UART. The code is used to target the XC95144, XCR3128XL, or XC2C128 CPLDs. The

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    Text: Application Note: CoolRunner-II CPLD Building Crosspoint Switches with CoolRunner-II CPLDs R XAPP380 v1.0 June 5, 2002 Summary This application note provides a functional description of VHDL source code for a N x N Digital Crosspoint Switch. The code is designed with eight inputs and eight outputs in order to target

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    Text: Application Note: CPLD R UARTs in Xilinx CPLDs XAPP341 v1.2 November 28, 2000 Summary This application note provides a functional description of VHDL and Verilog source code for a UART. The code is used to target the XC95144 and XCR3128XL CPLDs. The functionality of

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    Text: Xilinx Foundation Series HDL Simulation Tools • Provides front-to-back HDL design flows • Enables HDL source code debugging – VHDL – Verilog VHDL – Mixed Languages • Increases designer productivity verified gates /day designed • Testbench methodology


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    Text: Application Note: CPLD R UARTs in Xilinx CPLDs XAPP341 v1.1 April 17, 2000 Summary This application note provides a functional description of VHDL and Verilog source code for a UART. The code is used to target the XC95144 and XCR3128 CPLDs. The functionality of the

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    Text: Application Note: CoolRunner CPLDs R XAPP339 v1.3 October 1, 2002 Manchester Encoder-Decoder for Xilinx CPLDs Summary This application note provides a functional description of VHDL and Verilog source code for a Manchester Encoder Decoder. The reasons to use Manchester code are discussed. The code

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    Text: PRESS RELEASE CYPRESS WRITES THE BOOK ON VHDL College Textbook Published by Addison-Wesley is First Focused on VHDL for Programmable Logic Synthesis SAN JOSE, Calif., July 29, 1996 - Cypress Semiconductor Corporation today announced the publication of a major new college textbook on VHDL VHSIC Hardware

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    Text: Application Note: CoolRunner CPLDs R XAPP339 v1.2 Jaunary 10, 2001 Manchester Encoder-Decoder for Xilinx CPLDs Summary This application note provides a functional description of VHDL and Verilog source code for a Manchester Encoder Decoder. The reasons to use Manchester code are discussed. The code

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    Text: Application Note: CoolRunner CPLD R Using Xilinx WebPACK and ModelTech ModelSim Xilinx Edition MXE XAPP338 (v2.0) October 30, 2000 Summary Xilinx WebPACK software is now more powerful than ever with the addition of Model Technology, Inc. (MTI) to this popular EDA tool suite. This application note is designed to

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    Text: CY3130 Warp Enterprise VHDL CPLD Software Features • VHDL IEEE 1076 and 1164 high-level language compilers with the following features — Designs are portable across multiple devices and/or EDA environments • VHDL or Verilog timing model output for use with

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    Abstract: 8051 microcontroller block diagram XAPP349 X349 XC2C64 XCR3064XL xilinx 8051 8051 used in machine 8051 microcontroller block diagram details 8051 timing diagram
    Text: Application Note: CoolRunner CPLD R CoolRunner CPLD 8051 Microcontroller Interface XAPP349 v1.1 October 1, 2002 Summary This document details the VHDL implementation of an 8051 microcontroller interface in a Xilinx CoolRunner CPLD. CoolRunner CPLDs are the lowest power CPLDs available, making

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