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    FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER IN MHZ Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CO-213UHFMX20-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-005 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 5 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-050 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-050 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 50 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-100 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-100 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 100 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-010 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 10 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-015 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 15 ft Datasheet

    FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER IN MHZ Datasheets Context Search

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    analog frequency multiplier

    Abstract: VCO Oscillators Crystals crystal 1GHz piezoelectric crystals 50mhz crystal oscillator 100MHZ 60MHZ 1GHz LVDS Oscillator anolog devices pll 120MHz crystal oscillator design
    Text: WHITE PAPER: ANALOG FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER Enabling Low Cost Frequency Source While Preserving Phase Noise and Jitter in High Frequency Applications April 2004 ANALOG FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER Enabling Low Cost Frequency Source While Preserving Phase Noise and Jitter in High

    10Gbit 50MHz analog frequency multiplier VCO Oscillators Crystals crystal 1GHz piezoelectric crystals 50mhz crystal oscillator 100MHZ 60MHZ 1GHz LVDS Oscillator anolog devices pll 120MHz crystal oscillator design PDF


    Abstract: marking 6B
    Text: XC25BS5 Series ETR1502_002 PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits For Low Frequency Range •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS5 series are high frequency, low power consumption PLL clock generator ICs with divider circuit & multiplier

    XC25BS5 ETR1502 30MHz. 12KHz 500Kducts marking 6B PDF


    Abstract: PLL Clock Generator IC pll clock generator ics 6B sot 363 MARKING SO SOT26 XC25BS5006
    Text: XC25BS5 Series ETR1502_003a PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits For Low Frequency Range •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS5 series are high frequency, low power consumption PLL clock generator ICs with divider circuit & multiplier

    XC25BS5 ETR1502 30MHz. 12KHz 500in PLL Clock Generator IC pll clock generator ics 6B sot 363 MARKING SO SOT26 XC25BS5006 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XC25BS5 Series ETR1502_003 PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits For Low Frequency Range •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS5 series are high frequency, low power consumption PLL clock generator ICs with divider circuit & multiplier

    XC25BS5 ETR1502 30MHz. 12KHz PDF


    Abstract: frequency multiplier 1 mhz
    Text: XC25BS3 Series ETR1501_004a PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS3 series are high frequency, low power consumption PLL clock generator ICs with built-in crystal oscillator circuit, divider circuit & multiplier PLL circuit.

    XC25BS3 ETR1501 80MHz. 14kHz 35MHz frequency multiplier 1 mhz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XC25BS3 Series ETR1501_004 PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS3 series are high frequency, low power consumption PLL clock generator ICs with built-in crystal oscillator circuit, divider circuit & multiplier PLL circuit.

    XC25BS3 ETR1501 80MHz. 14kHz 35MHz PDF


    Abstract: ETR1501
    Text: XC25BS3 Series ETR1501_003 PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS3 series are high frequency, low power consumption PLL clock generator ICs with built-in crystal oscillator circuit, divider circuit & multiplier PLL circuit.

    XC25BS3 ETR1501 80MHz. 14kHz 35MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICS3757 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION High Performance VCXO plus Multiplier for HDTV Description Features The ICS3757 combines a low-noise VCXO and a PLL frequency multiplier to create a high frequency VCXO with the low phase noise required for driving high-speed SERDES in SMPTE 292M compliant

    ICS3757 ICS3757 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICS3757 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION High Performance VCXO plus Multiplier for HDTV PDescription Features The ICS3757 combines a low-noise VCXO and a PLL frequency multiplier to create a high frequency VCXO with the low phase noise required for driving high-speed SERDES in SMPTE 292M compliant

    ICS3757 ICS3757 16-pin PDF

    Function Generator IC sine square triangle

    Abstract: monolithic sine square generator Triangle Microwave modulators HA1-2556-9 HA-2556 HA3-2556-9 HA9P2556-9 10vpp triangle wave generator
    Text: HA-2556 Data Sheet September 1998 File Number 2477.5 57MHz, Wideband, Four Quadrant, Voltage Output Analog Multiplier Features The HA-2556 is a monolithic, high speed, four quadrant, analog multiplier constructed in the Intersil Dielectrically Isolated High Frequency Process. The voltage output

    HA-2556 57MHz, HA-2556 52MHz 57MHz Function Generator IC sine square triangle monolithic sine square generator Triangle Microwave modulators HA1-2556-9 HA3-2556-9 HA9P2556-9 10vpp triangle wave generator PDF


    Abstract: HA-2546 HA3-2546-5 HA9P2546-5
    Text: HA-2546 Data Sheet May 2002 FN2861.4 30MHz, Voltage Output, Two Quadrant Analog Multiplier Features The HA-2546 is a monolithic, high speed, two quadrant, analog multiplier constructed in the Intersil Dielectrically Isolated High Frequency Process. The HA-2546 has a

    HA-2546 FN2861 30MHz, HA-2546 30MHz 17MHz -52dB 1N914 HA3-2546-5 HA9P2546-5 PDF


    Abstract: HA1-2546-5 HA-2546 HA3-2546-5 HA9P2546-5 2546-5
    Text: HA-2546 Data Sheet September 1998 File Number 2861.3 30MHz, Voltage Output, Two Quadrant Analog Multiplier Features The HA-2546 is a monolithic, high speed, two quadrant, analog multiplier constructed in the Intersil Dielectrically Isolated High Frequency Process. The HA-2546 has a

    HA-2546 30MHz, HA-2546 30MHz 17MHz -52dB 1N914 HA1-2546-5 HA3-2546-5 HA9P2546-5 2546-5 PDF

    Frequency multiplier 1mHz 100MHz

    Abstract: EMK107BJ104KA XC25BS8
    Text: XC25BS8 Series ETR1506-003 Ultra Small PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits Preliminary •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS8 series is an ultra small PLL clock generator IC which can generate a high multiplier output up to 4095 from an input frequency as

    XC25BS8 ETR1506-003 Frequency multiplier 1mHz 100MHz EMK107BJ104KA PDF

    x5 frequency multiplier

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: X5 Frequency Multiplier 50Ω RMK-5-51+ Output 37.5 to 52.5 MHz The Big Deal • High rejection of adjacent harmonics, 50 dBc typ. • 50 Ω in/out, no tuning necessary • Very low cost, $19.95 qty. 10-49 CASE STYLE: TT1224 Product Overview The RMK-5-51+ is a cost-effective X5 frequency multiplier that utilizes specially selected silicon Schottky diodes and compatible

    RMK-5-51+ TT1224 x5 frequency multiplier PDF

    Frequency multiplier 1mHz 100MHz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XC25BS8 Series ETR1506-002 Ultra Small PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits Preliminary •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS8 series is an ultra small PLL clock generator IC which can generate a high multiplier output up to 4095 from an input frequency as

    XC25BS8 ETR1506-002 Frequency multiplier 1mHz 100MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XC25BS8 Series ETR1506-005 Ultra Small PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits Preliminary •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS8 series is an ultra small PLL clock generator IC which can generate a high multiplier output up to 4095 from an input frequency as

    XC25BS8 ETR1506-005 Min01 PDF

    PLL Clock Generator IC

    Abstract: XC25BS8 Mark 6c
    Text: XC25BS8 Series ETR15006-008 Ultra Small PLL Clock Generator ICs with Built-In Divider/Multiplier Circuits •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC25BS8 series is an ultra small PLL clock generator IC which can generate a high multiplier output up to 4095 from an input frequency as

    XC25BS8 ETR15006-008 PLL Clock Generator IC Mark 6c PDF

    frequency doubler

    Abstract: "Frequency Doubler" ZHL-1000-3W frequency doublers ZHL-5W-1
    Text: Frequency Doublers Mini-Circuits' frequency doublers offer a new degree of freedom in designing frequency multiplier chains. Their multi-octave band width and excellent rejection of fundamental and third harmonics enable a significant reduction in filter requirements. In addition, they operate with 50-ohm

    50-ohm frequency doubler "Frequency Doubler" ZHL-1000-3W frequency doublers ZHL-5W-1 PDF

    741 as buffer amplifier

    Abstract: XR-2208 applications xR-2208 application for xr-2208 XR-2208 CIRCUIT 741 op amp multiplier OPERATIONAL MULTIPLIER
    Text: Operational Multiplier GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-2208 operational multiplier combines a fourquadrant analog multiplier or modulator , a high frequency buffer amplifier, and an operational amplifier in a monolithic circuit that is ideally suited

    OCR Scan
    XR-2208 741 as buffer amplifier applications xR-2208 application for xr-2208 XR-2208 CIRCUIT 741 op amp multiplier OPERATIONAL MULTIPLIER PDF


    Abstract: application for xr-2208 applications xR-2208 xr2208 "Analog Multiplier" OPERATIONAL MULTIPLIER 741 op amp multiplier XR-2208 CIRCUIT 741 as buffer amplifier
    Text: HST EX*IR XR-2208 Operational Multiplier GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-2208 operational multiplier combines a fourquadrant analog multiplier or modulator , a high frequency buffer amplifier, and an operational amplifier in a monolithic circuit that is ideally suited

    OCR Scan
    XR-2208 XR-2208 -550CSTAS 1250C CSTAS4-125Â application for xr-2208 applications xR-2208 xr2208 "Analog Multiplier" OPERATIONAL MULTIPLIER 741 op amp multiplier XR-2208 CIRCUIT 741 as buffer amplifier PDF

    IC S 2556

    Abstract: S 2556 2556 HA9P2556-9 HA1-2556-9
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R Wideband Four Quadrant Voltage Output Analog Multiplier PRELIMINARY March 1993 Features Description • The HA-2556 is a monolithic, high speed, four quadrant, analog multiplier constnjcted in the ^arris Dielectrically Iso­ lated High Frequency JPro^ss. .'TVva hlsit!- frequency perfor­

    OCR Scan
    20V/ns HA-2556 65MHz, IC S 2556 S 2556 2556 HA9P2556-9 HA1-2556-9 PDF


    Abstract: SG3402N SG3402T Wideband Variable-Gain Amplifier SG3402J sg2402 SG3402T equivalent SG1402T
    Text: SG1402/SG2402/SG3402 • m VARIABLE GAIN, WIDEBAND AM PLIFIER / MULTIPLIER h LINEAR IN TEG R ATED C IR C U ITS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG1402 is a monolithic four quadrant multiplier offering excellent frequency response and provision for use as a variable gain amplifier

    OCR Scan
    SG1402/SG2402ISG3402 SG1402 SG2402 SG3402 sin55DC SG2402J SG3402J SG2402N SG3402N SG3402T Wideband Variable-Gain Amplifier SG3402T equivalent SG1402T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SGI Silicon Group Inc. 2N5177 Silicon NPN high power UHF transistor 2N5177 is designed for power amplifier, frequency multiplier or auto-oscillator applications in industrial equipment class C . ^Output power: 20 watt (typ) 100 - 500 MHz Frequency range:

    OCR Scan
    2N5177 2N5177 PDF


    Abstract: SG3402N SG2402T
    Text: SG1402/SG2402ISG3402 VARIABLE GAIN, WIDEBAND AMPLIFIER / MULTIPLIER • m Ih b L IN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT S DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG1402 is a monolithic four quadrant multiplier offering excellent frequency response and provision for use as a variable gain amplifier

    OCR Scan
    SG1402/SG2402ISG3402 SG1402 SG1402J/883B SG1402J SG2402J SG3402J SG2402N SG3402N SG1402T/883B SG3402 SG2402T PDF