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    VGA to av converter

    Abstract: s4 general semiconductor 1N148 diode Three-Five IMSG176 RS-343A TVP3020 shiftregistertransfer Intel p45 motherboard
    Text: TVP3020 Data Manual Video Interface Palette SLAS080A June 1994 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated TI reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to

    TVP3020 SLAS080A VGA to av converter s4 general semiconductor 1N148 diode Three-Five IMSG176 RS-343A TVP3020 shiftregistertransfer Intel p45 motherboard PDF


    Abstract: Bt481AKPJ110 datasheet TRANSISTOR sync 7580 BT481 BROOKTREE Bt475 bt475 ramdac bt478 bt471 bt475 L481A
    Text: Bt481A 110 MHz 256-Word Color Palette 15-, 16-, and 24-Bit True Color Power-Down RAMDAC Designed specifically for high-performance color graphics, the Bt481A RAMDAC supports three true-color modes: 15-bit 5:5:5, 32 K colors TARGA format, 16-bit (5:6:5, 65 K colors) XGA format, and 24-bit BGR (8:8:8, RGB/

    Bt481A 256-Word 24-Bit Bt481A 15-bit 16-bit BT481AKPJ110 Bt481AKPJ110 datasheet TRANSISTOR sync 7580 BT481 BROOKTREE Bt475 bt475 ramdac bt478 bt471 bt475 L481A PDF


    Abstract: circuit diagram of 32-1 multiplexer Three-Five VGA 15 PIN wiring DIAGRAM VGA 20 PIN CABLE CONNECTION DIAGRAM window comparator IMSG176 RS-343A TLC34076 TVP3010
    Text: TVP3010 Data Manual Video Interface Palette IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated TI reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to

    TVP3010 1d804 circuit diagram of 32-1 multiplexer Three-Five VGA 15 PIN wiring DIAGRAM VGA 20 PIN CABLE CONNECTION DIAGRAM window comparator IMSG176 RS-343A TLC34076 TVP3010 PDF


    Abstract: P104 P105 P106 P107 P108 RS-343A TVP3026 TVP3030
    Text: TVP3030 Data Manual Video Interface Palette SLAS111 October 1995 Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments TI reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its

    TVP3030 SLAS111 EE-19 P104 P105 P106 P107 P108 RS-343A TVP3026 TVP3030 PDF

    bt ramdac

    Abstract: 498A Bt498AKHF240 8a7a
    Text: Advance Information This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters that are subject to change. Bt497A/498A 240 MHz Monolithic CMOS Triple 1K x 8 RAMDAC The Bt497A/8A is designed specifically for high-performance, high-resolution

    Bt497A/498A Bt497A/8A 160-Pin 208-Pin bt ramdac 498A Bt498AKHF240 8a7a PDF


    Abstract: BT485 bt485ak BROOKTREE ramdac
    Text: Bt485A Distinguishing Features • 32-Bit Input Pixel Port • 170, 150, 135, 110 MHz Pipeline Operation • Register Compatible with Bt484/485 • 8:1, 4:1, 2:1, 1:1 Multiplexed Pixel Ports • 24-Bit True Color 1:1, 4/3:1 • Output Current Accuracy Better

    Bt485A 32-Bit Bt484/485 24-Bit 84-Pin 170MHz Bt485AKHJ170 Bt485AKHJ150 Bt485AKPJ135 Bt485AKPJ110 bt485akp BT485 bt485ak BROOKTREE ramdac PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TVP3020 Data Manual Video Interface Palette SLAS080A June 1994 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated TI reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to

    TVP3020 SLAS080A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C i r c u i t D e s c r i p t io n Pin Descriptions Pin Name Description The first three pins described are defined and named depending upon the timing mode chosen for use. In timing modes 0,1 and 3, the pins F/BLANK*, H/HSYNC* and V/VSYNC* refer to BLANK*, HSYNC* and VSYNC*. In timing mode 2 they refer to F field , H (horizontal blank),

    OCR Scan
    lbM55 Bt858 160-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 D istinguishing Features Personal System/2 Compatible 80, 66, 50, 35 MHz Operation Triple 6-bit or 8-bit D/A Converters 256-word Color Palette RAM RS-343A/RS-170-Compatible Outputs 15 Overlay Registers Bt471/478 Sync on All Three Channels (Bl471/478)

    OCR Scan
    Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 256-word RS-343A/RS-170-Compatible Bt471/478) Bl471/478) 44-pin 28-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric and functional information are target parameters and are subject to change without notice. Please consult Brooktree regarding the most updated datasheet before design.

    OCR Scan
    169-pin Bt463KG170 Bt463KG135 Bt463KG110 Bt463_ BT463 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Btl21 Distinguishing Features • • • • • • • • Applications 80, 50 MHz Operation Triple 8-bit D/A Converters Optional Internal Voltage Reference RS-343A-Compatible Outputs TTL-Compatible Inputs +5 V CMOS Monolithic Construction 44-pin PLCC Package

    OCR Scan
    Btl21 RS-343A-Compatible 44-pin Bt473 50-percent 10-percent 90-percent F55C PDF


    Abstract: 86C928
    Text: TVP3025 Data Manual Video Interface Palette v T exas In s t r u m e n t s O G T tiB V Q S f lT • IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Tl reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service w ithout notice, and advises its

    OCR Scan
    TVP3025 4040010/A bt485 86C928 PDF

    p31a diode

    Abstract: DIODE P31A DIODE P31B
    Text: Advance Information This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters and is subject to change. Bt496 Distinguishing Features CMYK-to-RGB Conversion 100 MHz Operation 4:1-128:1 Multiplexed Pixel Port

    OCR Scan
    Bt496 207-pin Bt496 50-percent 10-percent t496K p31a diode DIODE P31A DIODE P31B PDF


    Abstract: ramdac
    Text: Advance Inform ation This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters and is subject to change. D istinguishing Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • 85, 66 M Hz Pipelined Operation

    OCR Scan
    Bt474 Bt474 Bt474KPJ85 84-pin Bt474KPJ75 Bt474_ Bt474KPJ85 ramdac PDF


    Abstract: bt478 AKPJ110 BROOKTREE Bt475
    Text: Designed specifically for high-performance color graphics, the Bt481A RAMDAC supports three true-color modes: 15-bit 5:5:5, 32 K colors TARGA for­ mat, 16-bit (5:6:5, 65 K colors) XGA format, and 24-bit BGR (8:8:8, RGB/BGR, 16.8 M colors) true-color format. It also supports 8-bit pseudo-color

    OCR Scan
    Bt481A 15-bit 16-bit 24-bit Bt481 Bt481A Bt481AKPJ110 bt478 AKPJ110 BROOKTREE Bt475 PDF


    Abstract: Bt484 erie ceramic BF45-4001 BT485AKPJ135 aj117 bt485
    Text: Bt485A Distinguishing Features 32-Bit Input Pixel Port 170, 150, 135, 110 MHz Pipeline Operation Register Compatible with Bt484/485 8:1, 4:1, 2:1, 1:1 Multiplexed Pixel Ports 24-Bit True Color 1:1, 4/3:1 Output Current Accuracy Better than 5% Separate 8-Bit VGA Port

    OCR Scan
    Bt485A 32-Bit Bt484/485 24-Bit 84-Pin 170MHz Bt485A specifi85AKPJ110 BT485AKPJ110 Bt484 erie ceramic BF45-4001 BT485AKPJ135 aj117 bt485 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bt473 Distinguishing Features Applications High-Resolution Color Graphics CAE/CAD/CAM Image Processing Instrumentation Desktop Publishing B t471/478 Software Compatibility 110, 80, 66, 50, 35 M Hz Operation Triple 8-bit D/A Converters Three 256 x 8 Color Palette RAMs

    OCR Scan
    Bt473 t471/478 RS-343A-Compatible 68-pin 11Q73 0032bflD 003Sbfll PDF


    Abstract: BT459
    Text: Bt459 Distinguishing Features Applications • High-Resolution Color Graphics • CAE/CAD/CAM • Image Processing • Video Reconstruction 150, 135, 110, 80 MHz Operation 1:1, 4:1, or 5:1 Multiplexed Pixel Ports 256 x 24 Color Palette RAM 16 x 24 Overlay Color Palette

    OCR Scan
    Bt459 132-pin Bt438, Bt439 Bt460, Bt462, Bt468 Bt462 BT459 PDF


    Abstract: Bt468 BT468KG200 BT468KG170 R14 P1F sxxxx
    Text: Preliminary Information This docum ent contains inform ation on a product under developm ent. The parametric inform ation contains target parameters and is subject to change. Bt468 Distinguishing Features 220, 200, 170 MHz Operation 8:1 Multiplexed Pixel Ports

    OCR Scan
    Bt468 RS-343A-Compatible 145-pin Bt468 50-percent 10-percent 90-percent Cr4401 BT468KG200 BT468KG170 R14 P1F sxxxx PDF

    Ferrite 3c6

    Abstract: L481A Bt481AKPJ110 bt475 ramdac
    Text: Designed specifically for high-performance color graphics, the Bt481A RAMDAC supports three true-color modes: 15-bit 5:5:5, 32 K colors TARGA for­ mat, 16-bit (5:6:5, 65 K colors) XGA format, and 24-bit BGR (8:8:8, RGB/ BGR, 16.8 M colors) true-color format. It also supports 8-bit pseudo-color for­

    OCR Scan
    Bt481A 15-bit 16-bit 24-bit L481A Bt481A 256-Word Ferrite 3c6 Bt481AKPJ110 bt475 ramdac PDF

    Ferrite 3c6

    Abstract: FAIR-RITE 2743021447 1N414B BT481 sparkle esc 21 L481 RS-343A l481ac L481A AN12
    Text: F u n c t io n a l D e s c r ip t io n Pin Information and Block Diagram Table 1 details the Bt481A’s pin numbers, names, and descriptions. Figure 1 illus­ trates the pinout. Figure 2 is a detailed block diagram of the Bt481 A. Table 1. Pin Descriptions 1 of 3

    OCR Scan
    Bt481A Bt481 Bt481A 256-Word 24-Bit Ferrite 3c6 FAIR-RITE 2743021447 1N414B sparkle esc 21 L481 RS-343A l481ac L481A AN12 PDF


    Abstract: L1210 erie feedthrough capacitors 5659065-3B ERIE ceramic capacitor FSA250X RS-343A 56-590-65-3B Beads Fair-rite CSR13G106KM BT121-KPJ80
    Text: p t1 21 Monolithic CMOS Triple 8-Bit VIDEODAC The pt121 is a triple 8-bit VIDEODAC designed specifically for high-performance, high-resolution color graphics. This device offers a higher level of integration than previous VIDEODAC designs. Included is an on-chip voltage reference to sim plify use of the

    OCR Scan
    Pt121_ pt121 RS-343A-compatible RS-170-compatible BT121KPJ80 L1210 erie feedthrough capacitors 5659065-3B ERIE ceramic capacitor FSA250X RS-343A 56-590-65-3B Beads Fair-rite CSR13G106KM BT121-KPJ80 PDF


    Abstract: BT431 BROOKTREE Bt451 Bt439 BL p6d Bt462 Bt458LPJ110 bt458 Bt468 BT457KG110
    Text: Bt458 Distinguishing Features • • • • • • • • • Applications 1 6 5 ,1 3 5 ,1 2 5 ,1 1 0 ,8 0 MHz Operation 4:1 or 5:1 Input MUX 256-Word Dual-Port Color Palette 4 Dual-Port Overlay Registers RS-343A-Compatible Outputs Bit Plane Read and Blink Masks

    OCR Scan
    Bt458 256-Word RS-343A-Compatible 84-pin Bt431, Bt438, Bt439 Bt459, Bt460, Bt462, bt459 BT431 BROOKTREE Bt451 BL p6d Bt462 Bt458LPJ110 bt458 Bt468 BT457KG110 PDF

    pj 899 diode

    Abstract: Bt858 BT858KPF 5659065-3B Brooktree Bt85 Matthey truth table pal ic Composite Video to VGA Three-Five CCIR601
    Text: Advance Information This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters that are subject to change. Distinguishing Features Applications • NTSC or PAL Composite Video Output • Separate Y/C Video S-Video Outputs

    OCR Scan
    525-Line 625-Line 160-pin L858001 pj 899 diode Bt858 BT858KPF 5659065-3B Brooktree Bt85 Matthey truth table pal ic Composite Video to VGA Three-Five CCIR601 PDF