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    G729 CODEC Search Results

    G729 CODEC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TW2809-BC1-GR Renesas Electronics Corporation Multichannel H.264 Audio/Video Codec, , /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DA7219-02VBA Renesas Electronics Corporation Audio Codec with Advanced Accessory Detect Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW2819-BA2-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation Multichannel H.264 Audio/Video Codec Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    821004JG Renesas Electronics Corporation 4-Channel PCM CODEC, 5.0V Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ARD-AUDIO-DA7212 Renesas Electronics Corporation Ultra-Low Power Stereo Codec Arduino Evaluation Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    G729 CODEC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: AD6524 g.729 codec chip single chip video codec AD6438 g.723.1 codec chip ADAM2 AD6440

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    Abstract: dtx 360 transistor transistor dtx 360 vocoder g.729 726 MOTOROLA TRANSISTORS G729A 371N 386N 393N motorola 723
    Text: MOTOROLA DSP56300G729ABP/D Motorola Order Number Rev. 0, 09/99 Semiconductor Software Product Brief ITU G.729AB Vocoder Introduction In partnership with Signals + Software, Motorola has developed the G.729 Annex A (G.729a) and G729 Annex A with Annex B (G.729ab) speech coder software. This software offers excellent

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    Abstract: G729 codec g729 uPD77016 uPD77017 uPD77018 uPD77018A uPD77019 uPD77110 uPD77111
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    Abstract: g729 Optimization motorola application notes DIAGRAM OF SPEECH COMPRESSION G729 SC140 g729B starcore assembly
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Note AN2278/D Rev. 0,4/2002 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ITU-T G.729B Implementation on the StarCore SC140 Core by Mircea Ionita, Mihai Fecioru, Bogdan Costinescu, Costel Ilas CONTENTS 1 Introduction . 2

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    Abstract: AN2094 AN2151 AN2261 AN2278 G729 SC140 vocoder g.729
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN2278 Rev. 1, 11/2004 ITU-T G.729B Implementation on the StarCore SC140/SC1400 Cores By Mircea Ionita, Mihai Fecioru, Bogdan Costinescu, Costel Ilas This application note describes the process of porting and optimizing the ITU-T G.729 Recommendation with Annex B

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    Abstract: acelp motorola application notes G729 SC140 g729B
    Text: Application Note AN2278/D Rev. 0,4/2002 ITU-T G.729B Implementation on the StarCore SC140 Core by Mircea Ionita, Mihai Fecioru, Bogdan Costinescu, Costel Ilas CONTENTS 1 Introduction . 2 2 Implementation Process 3 2.1 Differences Between

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    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note ITU-T G.729B Implementation on the StarCore SC140/SC1400 Cores By Mircea Ionita, Mihai Fecioru, Bogdan Costinescu, Costel Ilas This application note describes the process of porting and optimizing the ITU-T G.729 Recommendation with Annex B

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    Text: Home Entertainment Engines Nexperia pnx8320 Series The Philips family of Nexperia Home Entertainment Engines delivers a complete range of processing solutions for advanced, multistandard set-top box STB applications. The pnx8320 Series of SoC ICs integrates comprehensive source decoding plus advanced

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    Abstract: dmx signal g729 uPD77016 uPD77017 uPD77018 uPD77018A uPD77019 uPD77110 uPD77111
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

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    Text: ITU-T G.729A Implementation on StarCore SC140 Application Note by Razvan Ungureanu Bogdan Costinescu Costel Ilas AN2151/D Rev. 0, 7/2001 StarCore is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty,

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    Abstract: g.729 ic D4i40 L_mult_ls ELRA g729 AN2094 AN2151 G729A MNSC140CORE
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note ITU-T G.729A Implementation on the StarCore SC140/SC1400 Cores By Razvan Ungureanu, Bogdan Costinescu, and Costel Ilas This application note reflects the activity flow and the results of the ITU G.729A implementation on the StarCore™

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    Abstract: G729 MSC8101ADS SC140 G729A
    Text: Application Note AN2261/D Rev. 1, 3/2002 ITU-T G.729AB Implementation on the StarCore SC140 Core by Corneliu Margina, Bogdan Costinescu, and Costel Ilas CONTENTS 1 G.729AB Background. 2 2 Implementation Process 2 2.1 Differences Between ITU-T G.729A and

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    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN2261 Rev. 2, 3/2005 ITU-T G.729AB Implementation on the StarCore SC140/SC1400 Cores By Corneliu Margina, Bogdan Costinescu, and Costel Ilas This application note describes a methodology for porting and optimizing the ITU-T G.729 Recommendation with Annex A

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    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Note AN2261/D Rev. 1, 3/2002 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ITU-T G.729AB Implementation on the StarCore SC140 Core by Corneliu Margina, Bogdan Costinescu, and Costel Ilas CONTENTS 1 G.729AB Background. 2 2 Implementation Process 2

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    Text: DATA SHEET MICRONAS June 30, 2004 6251-505-1DS MAS 35x9F MPEG Layer 2/3, AAC Audio Decoder, G.729 Annex A Codec MICRONAS MAS 35x9F DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 5 6 6 7 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction Features Features of the MAS 35x9F Family Application Overview

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