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    GE OPTO DETECTOR Search Results

    GE OPTO DETECTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLP3475W Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output), 60 V/0.4 A, 300 Vrms, WSON4 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3406SRH4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 30 V/0.9 A, 300 Vrms, S-VSON16T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP5702H Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (Gate Driver Coupler), High-Topr / IGBT driver, 5000 Vrms, SO6L Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3407SRA Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 60 V/1 A, 500 Vrms, S-VSON4T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3407SRH Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 60 V/1 A, 500 Vrms, S-VSON4T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    GE OPTO DETECTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    A New Detector for IR LED Light

    Abstract: Silicon Detector OSD5-5T GaAlAs detector IR photodiode 880 nm 850 nm LED RG830 Longwave laser ingaas LED IR photodiode 95w
    Text: A NEW DETECTOR FOR IRLED LIGHT As reprinted from SENSORS Magazine, December 1996 Issue A New Detector for IR LED Light A new GaAIAs processing technique has led to a wavelength-specific detector for 880 nm light that requires no signal modulation or optical filtering to eliminate


    elmwood sensors ltd

    Abstract: elmwood thermal switch saft rectifier ABB sensycon SICK OPTEX elmwood sensors Oscillatek abb entrelec relays Litton Electron Devices microwave tubes Anzac Electronics
    Text: S OURCE ESB’ S Last Two Years of M ANUFACTURER N AME C HANGES Specifying and buying parts is hard enough without constant name changes due to manufacturing mergers, acquisitions and company spin-offs. Historically, each regional Electronics Source Book has diligently tracked these changes to save you time and headaches. We're happy to provide this

    BMIC/Ele03 elmwood sensors ltd elmwood thermal switch saft rectifier ABB sensycon SICK OPTEX elmwood sensors Oscillatek abb entrelec relays Litton Electron Devices microwave tubes Anzac Electronics PDF

    photo transistor L14F

    Abstract: photo transistor 2n5777 2N5779 L1402 L14F 2N5780 L14A502 L14f photo transistor L14B1 photo transistor L14e2
    Text: OPTO ELECTRONICS DETECTORS— PHOTOTRANSISTORS Photo Current @ H = Tungsten 2mW/cm2 @ 2870° K II Min. mA JEDEC No. GE Type: Rise 8, Fall Times Typical Photo Current GaAs Source II Mat. (mA) II Min. (mA) II Max. (mA) V e to tf U se e) Min. Package Outline

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    L14B1 L14B2 L14B3 L14B4 L14D1 2N5777 L14D2 2N5778 L14D3 2N5779 photo transistor L14F photo transistor 2n5777 L1402 L14F 2N5780 L14A502 L14f photo transistor photo transistor L14e2 PDF

    CNY 17-2 optocoupler

    Abstract: GE cny17 CNY 17-1 siemens opto coupler siemens n23f GE opto detector siemens CNY17-2
    Text: SIEMENS CMPN TS t OPTO MME 1 • fl23b32b 0004177 S BI SI EX SIEM EN S CNY17 SER IES SINGLE CHANNEL PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER - H l- 2 3 Pa cka ge D im e nsions in In ch es mm xrniti ■343(17) .*»(»«) .1 #(3J) .130(33) 1 T~ r \ " o- rSS .122(3.1) 3

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    fl23b32b CNY17 CNY17-2 NY17-4 CNY 17-2 optocoupler GE cny17 CNY 17-1 siemens opto coupler siemens n23f GE opto detector siemens CNY17-2 PDF

    GE SCR

    Abstract: SCR 100A L911U GE miniature Lamp GE SCR Manual L911A L911B L911G L811B L811F
    Text: OPTO ELECTRONICS D ET E C T O R S -P R O G R A M M A B LE UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTORS GE Type Anode-Cathode V oltag e Max. V D.C. Anode Current Max. (mAJ RiseTirrc» tr Typical (nsec) Irra d ia n ce to T rig g e r @ Rg — 800K ft, Vs = 10V M ax. Forward on Voltagi?

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    175ma 27ki2 L911F L911A L911B L911G GE SCR SCR 100A L911U GE miniature Lamp GE SCR Manual L811B L811F PDF


    Abstract: FCD811 fcd 820 15010 340 opto isolator FCD820
    Text: Sem iconductors Fairchild Sem iconductors Opto-electr.onics - Couplers C O N N E C T IO N D I A G R A M 4 D I M E N S IO N S IN S F C D 811, F C D 820 Optically Coupled Isolators - 0 -3 4 0 — A B S O L U T E M A X IM U M R A T IN G S S to ra ge temperature

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    100mW 150mW 1000Q 35455D FCD811 fcd 820 15010 340 opto isolator FCD820 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CUSTOM PHOTODI ODES AND A S S E M B L I E S H ow d o I select th e righ t p h o to d io d e f o r m y a p p lica tion ? H ow d o I p ick th e righ t p a ck a ge? W hat d o I n e e d to co n sid er w hen d ev elo p in g th e righ t op to so lu tio n i If you find yourself asking these questions for your opto assembly

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH-POWER GaAIAs IR EMITTERS .030 040 OD-24F FEATURES • High current capability • 880nm peak emission for optimum matching with silicon detectors .015 h , 1.00 * M IN . • Hermetically sealed TO-46 package • 100% test for minimum power requirement

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    OD-24F 880nm OD-24F OD-24X24-C PDF

    siemens SFH nm

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS CMPNTS-i OPTO MME D SIEM ENS • ô£3 a3Eb> G O O S O ^ O 2 B I S I E X SFH350 WITH IR FILTER SFH350F PLASTIC FIBER OPTIC PHOTOTRANSISTOR DETECTOR nr-m-CA Preliminary Data Sheet Package Dim ensions in Inches (mm FEATURES M axim um R a tin gs • 2.3 mm Aperture H o ld s Standard

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    SFH350 SFH350F SFH350F) SFH350) SFH350 EH4001, 23b32fc> 350/350F siemens SFH nm PDF

    IC AL 6001

    Abstract: SIEMENS WF 470 Phototransistor SFH 600-2 GE opto detector siemens lsl lc1f
    Text: S I E M EN S C M P N T S i OPTO MME D fla3b32b D Q Q S G S M T B S I E X m SIEM EN S SFH600 SERIES PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER '" H I - 2 3 Package Dimension in Inches mm 30717LSL J) h J .Ml (7.4) .130(3.3) n u E S .02 f Un. .142<3«) .122(3.1) .too (2.S4)

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    fla3b32b SFH600 5FH600 IC AL 6001 SIEMENS WF 470 Phototransistor SFH 600-2 GE opto detector siemens lsl lc1f PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iC-OF •Haus 3-BIT OPTO ENCODER FEATURES ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Monolithic construction with integrated photodiodes ensures excellent matching and technical reliability Short track spacing of 600//m Elimination of dark currents through differential scan n io g p

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    600//m S08-opto S08-opto PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS MCT6 DUAL PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER Current Transfer Ratio, 20% Minimum Two Isolated Channels Per Package Isolation Text Voltage, 5300 VACRUS Underwriters Lab File #E52744 VDE #0884 Available with Option 1 DESCRIPTION P a cka ge D im e n sio n s in Inches m m

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    E52744 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS CMPNTS t OPTO 4HE D S IE M E N S BS Ô23b32b 0005003 3 D S I E X IL 74S IN G L E C H A N N E L ILD74 DUAL C H A N N E L ILQ 74 QUAD C H A N N E L , , o-, ~T- M |- « 3 PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER Package Dimensions In Inches mm IL 74 (Sin gle Channel)

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    23b32b ILD74 023b32fc, IL/D/Q74 LD74 PDF

    GE opto detector

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SFH6943 Infineon Low Current Input Mini Optocoupler technologies ' Dimensions in Inches mm J l Anode i2 * n r Anode 2 .016 (.41) Common 3 1 i Cathode V Ce = 5 V Anode 4 L I • Good CTR Linearity Versus Forward Current • Minor CTR Degradation • Field Effect Stable by TRIOS

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    SFH6943 1-888-lnfineon GE opto detector PDF


    Abstract: L602 LS615 GE opto detector LS-600

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    TIL601 TIL604, LS600, LS602, LS611 LS619 TIL23 TIL25 TIL604HR2t TIL604HR2 MD27512-25/LS615 L602 LS615 GE opto detector LS-600 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IL250/251/252 ILD250/251/252 SINGLE CHANNEL DUAL CHANNEL Bidirectional Input Optocoupler FEA T U R E S • S e le c te d C u rre n t T ra n s fe r R a tio s 20% , 50% , 100% M in im u m Dimensions in inches mm Single Channel • A C o r P o la rity In s e n s itiv e In p u t

    OCR Scan
    IL250/251/252 ILD250/251/252 1-888-lnfineon IL/D250/251/252 PDF

    Unit junction transistor UJT

    Abstract: ujt transistor motorola ujt motorola eb20 ujt as a relaxation oscillator 2N5431 CHARACTERISTICS OF UJT Unijunction EB20 transistor wc
    Text: motorola sc I diodes/opto sse d • ti3b7ass a a a Q T m 1 ■ NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW D ESIG N S 1^37^1 2N5431 P N U n ijunction T ra n sisto r Silico n A nnular Unijunction Transistor . i characterized primarily for low interbase-voltage operation in sensing, pulse

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS 2N5431 2A-01 b3b72SS 10flA Unit junction transistor UJT ujt transistor motorola ujt motorola eb20 ujt as a relaxation oscillator 2N5431 CHARACTERISTICS OF UJT Unijunction EB20 transistor wc PDF

    dual channel opto triac

    Abstract: SFH6943 SFH6943-4 SFH6943-2 optocouplers D615 Selector Guide
    Text: - * ' •% % i * *" *r •% r ’ . « * > - .» £ £ '* * ,: ’ ï ■* V ;c/ ^ iS Ä ? Optocouplers Solici State Relays t: i j ifrared Data Transceivers ta Access ¡111 H É o Application Notes Optocou piers Package Type Schematic Part Number Current Transfer

    OCR Scan
    SFH610A-1 SFH610A-2 SFH610A-3 SFH610A-4 SFH614A SFH615A-1 SFH615A-2 SFH615A-3 SFH615A-4 ILD256T dual channel opto triac SFH6943 SFH6943-4 SFH6943-2 optocouplers D615 Selector Guide PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ILD256T Infi ne on Dual AC Input Phototransistor Small Outline Surface Mount Optocoupler te c h n o lo g ie s FEATURES • Each Channel: Guaranteed CTR Symmetry, 2:1 Maximum • Bidirectional AC Input • SOIC-8 Surface Mountable Package • Standard Lead Spacing, .05"

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    ILD256T 1-888-Infineon F110 PDF


    Abstract: 617A2
    Text: SFH610A/617A Infin e on 5.3 kV TRIOS Optocoupler High Reliability technologies FEATURES • Variety of Current Transfer Ratios at lF=10 mA - SFH610A/617A-1, 40-80% - SFH610A/617A-2,63-125% - SFH610A/617A-3,100-200% - SFH610A/617A-4,160-320% Low CTR Degradation

    OCR Scan
    SFH610A/617A SFH610A/617A-1, SFH610A/617A-2 SFH610A/617A-3 SFH610A/617A-4 SFH61XA 1-888-lnfineon SFH610/17A n47n 617A2 PDF

    340 opto isolator

    Abstract: h11aa1 opto isolator GE opto detector
    Text: SIEMENS CMPNTS-i OPTO fi23ti32b QOOHTfl? 0 M S I E X 44E D SIEM ENS H11AA1 BIDIRECTIONAL INPUT OPTOCOUPLER 1z Y /-?3 Package Dimensions in Inches mm .340 (8 Wt — ^60 (9.14) — » .240 (010) ¿60(360) _» - <k ft ft Maximum Ratings FEATURES • • •

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    fi23ti32b H11AA1 340 opto isolator h11aa1 opto isolator GE opto detector PDF

    tt 2074

    Abstract: V1525 photodiode detector
    Text: OPTO 13 T E C H N O L O G Y INC D | I b û D B 5 4 S □ □ □ □ □ 3 D fi D OP-TEC 33 -* • 03 DIA. 0 3 0 D IA LENS LENS - * \ -11 T L X i .43 "It 1 > 1 [ ! 1 1 : H - t- -n O RANGE = B L A C K = G ND. \ .43 4b0 .460 i III ! • ' O RANGE = BLACK

    OCR Scan
    bfiDB54S QTS-80 OTS-40 300MW fl-11 tt 2074 V1525 photodiode detector PDF


    Abstract: L14H4 photo transistor 2n5777 L14f1 photo transistor 2N5777 H15A1 photo transistor L14F1 2N5780 opto 4n25 4n35 1327
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS INFRARED EMITTERS GE TYPE FA LL R IS E M AX. M IN . M A X . P E A K E M IS S IO N W A V ELEN G TH T IM E T IM E Vp @ Pd PO@ NO. lp = 1 0 0 m A lp = 1 0 0 m A T Y P . n. M E T E R S T Y P . n. S E C . T Y P . n. S E C . mW PAGE M A X . Ip CO NT.

    OCR Scan
    100mA LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F l14g1 l14g2 2N5779 L14H4 photo transistor 2n5777 L14f1 photo transistor 2N5777 H15A1 photo transistor L14F1 2N5780 opto 4n25 4n35 1327 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Literaturhinweise Information on Literature Auszug aus unserem Literaturverzeichnis 12.93 Exerpt from our Literature Guide 12.93 Bestell-Nr.: B192-H6763-X-X-7400 Ordering No.: B192-H6763-X-X-7400 Titel Title Bestell-Nr. Ordering Code Art Ausgabe Class. Edition

    OCR Scan
    B192-H6763-X-X-7400 B192-H6636-X-X-7400 B191-H6554 B191-H6554-X-X-7600 A19100-L531-F303-1 7400 PDF