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    gefran 230

    Abstract: manual gefran 2300 Termistor PTC potenciometro 20k GEFRAN 230 pressure gefran 2300 gefran 40T 40T72 gefran 200 manual manual gefran 200
    Text: 40T 72 ISO 9001 SOFTWARE 1.0x / 2.0x cod. 81646 / Edit. 03 - 07/01 Italiano INDICATORE - INTERCETTATORE di TEMPERATURA, INGRESSO UNIVERSALE - Manuale d’uso 2 - User’s Manual 10 - Bedienungsanleitung 18 - Manuel d’Utilisation 26 - Manual de Uso 34 - Manual do Usuário

    1N4007 gefran 230 manual gefran 2300 Termistor PTC potenciometro 20k GEFRAN 230 pressure gefran 2300 gefran 40T 40T72 gefran 200 manual manual gefran 200 PDF

    manual gefran 2300

    Abstract: gefran 500 manual gefran 500 programmazione gefran 40T manual gefran 1000 gefran 2300 gefran 500 manuale diodo 1N4007 manual gefran 200 gefran 500 programming
    Text: 40T 48 / 40T 96 ISO 9001 SOFTWARE 1.0x / 2.0x cod. 81641 / Edit. 0.5 - 07/2001 Italiano INDICATORE - INTERCETTATORE di TEMPERATURA INGRESSO UNIVERSALE - Manuale d’uso 2 - User’s Manual 10 - Bedienungsanleitung 18 - Manuel d’Utilisation 26 - Manual de Uso

    1N4007 manual gefran 2300 gefran 500 manual gefran 500 programmazione gefran 40T manual gefran 1000 gefran 2300 gefran 500 manuale diodo 1N4007 manual gefran 200 gefran 500 programming PDF


    Abstract: F-250-C Ultrasonic Transducer application notes B15C VPT02A10-6PT2 F250-C B05M gefran 1000 temperature gefran 1000 ultrasonic transducer circuit
    Text: TPH TRANSDUCER FOR HIGH-PRESSURE Main features • Pressure range: 0.1500 to 0.5000 bar / 0.20000 to 0.70000 psi • Precision class: 0,3% FSO • Entirely in stainless steel • Internally generated calibration signal • “Autoclave” pressure fitting

    gu0000 9/16-18UNF F250C F-250-C Ultrasonic Transducer application notes B15C VPT02A10-6PT2 F250-C B05M gefran 1000 temperature gefran 1000 ultrasonic transducer circuit PDF


    Abstract: F-250-C F250-C 16-18UNF ISO4400 B05M gefran pressure controller ultrasonic transducer circuit VPT02A10-6PT2 P50M
    Text: TPHA TRANSMITTER FOR HIGH-PRESSURE Main features • Pressure range: 0.1500 to 0.5000 bar / 0.20000 to 0.70000 psi • Precision class: 0,3% FSO • Entirely in stainless steel • Internally generated calibration signal • “Autoclave” pressure fitting

    9/16-18UNF 10Vdc, F250C F-250-C F250-C 16-18UNF ISO4400 B05M gefran pressure controller ultrasonic transducer circuit VPT02A10-6PT2 P50M PDF


    Abstract: gefran 1000 gefran 200 P05C temperature gefran 1000 DIN43650A B01M b02c P15C transistor ultrasonic transducer circuit
    Text: TPF PRESSURE TRANSDUCER WITH FLUSH MEASUREMENT DIAPHRAGM Main features • Pressure range: 0-10; 0-1000 bar / 0-150; 0-15000 psi • Precision class: 0,3% beyond 50 bar; 0,6% up to 50 bar • Entirely in stainless steel • Internally generated calibration signal

    M18x1 DIN43650 gefran 1000 gefran 200 P05C temperature gefran 1000 DIN43650A B01M b02c P15C transistor ultrasonic transducer circuit PDF

    gefran tp

    Abstract: 16288 b02c B02D m12x1.5 female connector 7/16 UNF female connector b16d 46350B-ISO VPT02A10-6PT2 P03C diode
    Text: TP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Main Features • Pressure range: 0-10 to 0-1000 bar / 0-150 to 0-15000 psi • Entirely in stainless steel • Internally generated calibration signal • Protection level: IP65 • Available in intrinsic safety version EEx ia IIC T6

    50bar 750psi, 200bar, 10bar, gefran tp 16288 b02c B02D m12x1.5 female connector 7/16 UNF female connector b16d 46350B-ISO VPT02A10-6PT2 P03C diode PDF

    Pressure Transmitter

    Abstract: VPT02A10-6PT2 gefran pressure controller gefran 500 controller B01M gefran 600 CONTROLLER controller gefran 1000 gefran 200 gefran 500 46350B-ISO
    Text: TPFA PRESSURE TRANSMITTER WITH FLUSH MEASUREMENT DIAPHRAGM Main features • Pressure range: 0 . 10; 0 . 1000 bar / 0 . 150; 0 . 15000 psi • Precision class: 0.3% beyond 50 bar; 0.6% up to 50 bar • Entirely in stainless steel • Internally generated calibration signal

    10Vdc 10Vdc meP05C 4-20mA M18x1 Pressure Transmitter VPT02A10-6PT2 gefran pressure controller gefran 500 controller B01M gefran 600 CONTROLLER controller gefran 1000 gefran 200 gefran 500 46350B-ISO PDF

    controller gefran 3000

    Abstract: gefran pressure controller CON006 16288 gefran 200 gefran 500 temperature gefran 1000 ISO-4400 7/16 UNF female connector datasheet solenoid assembly code
    Text: TPA PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Principali caratteristiche • Measurement ranges: 0 . 10; 0 . 1000 bar / 0 . 150; 0 . 15000 psi • Pressure transmitter for generic applications • Precision class: 0.15%FSO T ; 0.3%FSO (H) • Output signal: 0.1 . 5.1Vdc / 0.1 . 10.1Vdc / 0 . 5Vdc / 0 . 10Vdc /

    10Vdc 4-20mA controller gefran 3000 gefran pressure controller CON006 16288 gefran 200 gefran 500 temperature gefran 1000 ISO-4400 7/16 UNF female connector datasheet solenoid assembly code PDF

    elmwood sensors ltd

    Abstract: elmwood thermal switch saft rectifier ABB sensycon SICK OPTEX elmwood sensors Oscillatek abb entrelec relays Litton Electron Devices microwave tubes Anzac Electronics
    Text: S OURCE ESB’ S Last Two Years of M ANUFACTURER N AME C HANGES Specifying and buying parts is hard enough without constant name changes due to manufacturing mergers, acquisitions and company spin-offs. Historically, each regional Electronics Source Book has diligently tracked these changes to save you time and headaches. We're happy to provide this

    BMIC/Ele03 elmwood sensors ltd elmwood thermal switch saft rectifier ABB sensycon SICK OPTEX elmwood sensors Oscillatek abb entrelec relays Litton Electron Devices microwave tubes Anzac Electronics PDF


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    Text: 10129 LIST OF COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONS The List of Company Identifications contains the trade names, trademarks, or other designations authorized for use in lieu of these Company names. ‘‘ ’’ — 2CS SRL ’’ — ACT CO LTD ‘‘ ‘‘ ’’ — 3E HK LTD


    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
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