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    GRM LOT NO Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY65050-372LF: 0.45-6.0 GHz Low Noise Transistor Applications • Wireless infrastructure: WLAN, WiMAX, broadband, cellular base stations  Test instrumentation  LNA for GPS receivers  Satellite receivers Figure 1. SKY65050-372LF Block Diagram

    SKY65050-372LF: SC-70 J-STD-020) SKY65050-372LF 200967E PDF


    Abstract: murata REEL label lot number SKY65050-372LF
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY65050-372LF: 0.45-6.0 GHz Low Noise Transistor Applications • Wireless infrastructure: WLAN, WiMAX, broadband, cellular base stations • Test instrumentation • LNA for GPS receivers • Satellite receivers Figure 1. SKY65050-372LF Block Diagram

    SKY65050-372LF: SC-70 J-STD-020) SKY65050-372LF 200967D s1409 murata REEL label lot number PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY65050-372LF: 0.45-6.0 GHz Low Noise Transistor Applications x Wireless infrastructure: WLAN, WiMAX, broadband, cellular base stations x Test instrumentation x LNA for GPS receivers x Satellite receivers Figure 1. SKY65050-372LF Block Diagram

    SKY65050-372LF: SKY65050-372LF 200967F PDF


    Abstract: S1408 S1410 VT47 S1417
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY65050-372LF: 0.45-6.0 GHz Low Noise Transistor Applications x Wireless infrastructure: WLAN, WiMAX, broadband, cellular base stations x Test instrumentation x LNA for GPS receivers x Satellite receivers Figure 1. SKY65050-372LF Block Diagram

    SKY65050-372LF: SKY65050-372LF 200967E S1408 S1410 VT47 S1417 PDF

    schematic diagram receiver satellite

    Abstract: SKY65050-372LF murata REEL label RF TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ s parameter S1410 sc-70 package pcb layout schematics power supply satellite receiver VT47 S1408 transistor c9
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY65050-372LF: 0.45-6.0 GHz Low Noise Transistor Applications x Wireless infrastructure: WLAN, WiMAX, broadband, cellular base stations x Test instrumentation x LNA for GPS receivers x Satellite receivers Figure 1. SKY65050-372LF Block Diagram

    SKY65050-372LF: SKY65050-372LF 200967F schematic diagram receiver satellite murata REEL label RF TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ s parameter S1410 sc-70 package pcb layout schematics power supply satellite receiver VT47 S1408 transistor c9 PDF


    Abstract: RPE220 murata rpe131 capacitors GRM43 X7R RPE110 RPE123 RPE131 RPE-114 RPE121 GRM706
    Text: MONOLITHIC CERAMIC CAPACITORS CERAMIC CHIP–COG TYPE GRM SERIES FEATURES • Miniature size ■ No Polarity ■ Nickel Barrier Termination Standard – highly resistant to metal migration ■ Uniform dimensions and configuration ■ Flow for GRM39, 40, 42-6 and

    GRM39, GRM36 GRM40 GNM30-401 30ppm/ RPE132 RPE220 murata rpe131 capacitors GRM43 X7R RPE110 RPE123 RPE131 RPE-114 RPE121 GRM706 PDF

    murata REEL label lot number

    Abstract: MURATA GRM murata REEL label murata GRM lot no S330 14 S1689 S1691 S1692 S330
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY12339-350LF: 0.4-3.0 GHz 5-Bit Digital Attenuator 1 dB LSB Applications RF2 • WiMAX, GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, WLAN, and mobile radio base stations or terminal equipment  Telecommunications and instrumentation Bluetooth , Zigbee®, V1 1 dB 2 dB

    SKY12339-350LF: 16-pin, J-STD-020) S1686 SKY12339-350LF 01143A murata REEL label lot number MURATA GRM murata REEL label murata GRM lot no S330 14 S1689 S1691 S1692 S330 PDF


    Abstract: S330 14 S1691 S1692 S1689 S1690 sky12339-350 GRM lot no s1688
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY12339-350LF: 0.4-3.0 GHz 5-Bit Digital Attenuator 1 dB LSB Applications RF2 • WiMAX, GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, WLAN, and mobile radio base stations or terminal equipment  Telecommunications and instrumentation Bluetooth , Zigbee®, V1 1 dB 2 dB

    SKY12339-350LF: 16-pin, J-STD-020) S1686 SKY12339-350LF 201143B MURATA GRM S330 14 S1691 S1692 S1689 S1690 sky12339-350 GRM lot no s1688 PDF


    Abstract: SKY12407-321LF
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY12407-321LF: 50-600 MHz, 12 dB 100 Ω Differential Digital Attenuator Applications • Cellular/3G infrastructure  IF/RF systems RFOP RFIP J1 Features  Dual, positive voltage operation: 0/1.8-5.0 V  High bit accuracy: ±0.3 dB @ 200 MHz

    SKY12407-321LF: 12-pin, J-STD-020) SKY12407-321LF 12-pin 200935D S1698 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET SKY13358-388LF: 0.1–3.0 GHz SP5T Switch Applications RF2 RF3 • 2G/3G cellular infrastructure Features RF1 RF4  Broadband frequency range: 0.1 to 3.0 GHz  Low insertion loss: 0.8 dB typical @ 2.2 GHz  High isolation: 24 dB typical @ 2.2 GHz

    SKY13358-388LF: 16-pin, J-STD-020) S2306 SKY13358-388LF 201454D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC4525D 18V, 3A, 350kHz Step-Down Switching Regulator POWER MANAGEMENT Features           Input range: 3V to 18V 3A Output Current 350kHz Fixed Switching Frequency Precision 1V Feedback Voltage Peak Current-Mode Control Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting

    SC4525D 350kHz SC4525A 20BQ030 PDF


    Abstract: XQR4VSX55 CF1140 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509V XQR4VSX55-10CF1140 CF1144 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509 XtremeDSP XQR4VFX60-10CF1144 xqr4vlx200
    Text: R Space-Grade Virtex-4QV Family Overview DS653 v2.0 April 12, 2010 Product Specification General Description The Virtex -4QV family of space-grade, radiation-tolerant FPGAs meets the requirements of space applications that demand high-performance as well as control capabilities. For years, the only solution available to customers with highperformance space applications were ASICs with long development and fabrication times as well as high NREs. Now,

    DS653 XQR4VSX55-10CF1140V XQR4VSX55 CF1140 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509V XQR4VSX55-10CF1140 CF1144 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509 XtremeDSP XQR4VFX60-10CF1144 xqr4vlx200 PDF


    Abstract: 20BQ030 R100n in 4148 PIN DIAGRAM schematic diagram 24V to 19V converter
    Text: SC4525D 18V, 3A, 350kHz Step-Down Switching Regulator POWER MANAGEMENT Features           Input range: 3V to 18V 3A Output Current 350kHz Fixed Switching Frequency Precision 1V Feedback Voltage Peak Current-Mode Control Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting

    SC4525D 350kHz SC4525A 20BQ030 SC4525A 20BQ030 R100n in 4148 PIN DIAGRAM schematic diagram 24V to 19V converter PDF

    TOKO A915_Y-100M

    Abstract: TOKO A915 188R61A475
    Text: Sample & Buy Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents Reference Design TPS61165 SLVS790C – NOVEMBER 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 TPS61165 High-Brightness, White LED Driver in 2-mm x 2-mm QFN and SOT-23 Packages 1 Features

    TPS61165 SLVS790C TPS61165 OT-23 200-mV TOKO A915_Y-100M TOKO A915 188R61A475 PDF

    AN2115 equivalent

    Abstract: CH4194-A L6928D
    Text: AN2115 APPLICATION NOTE DESIGNING WITH L6928D, HIGH EFFICIENCY MONOLITHIC SYNCHRONOUS STEP DOWN REGULATOR This application note details the main features and application advantages of the L6928D. After describing how the device works and the main features, a step-by-step design section is given in order

    AN2115 L6928D, L6928D. L6928D 800mA AN2115 equivalent CH4194-A PDF


    Abstract: MN21 equivalent capacitor 680pf cog x7r EIA-198 method 103 EIA-198 MN62 UFN 432 we i transistor y-216 MA11 470PF AXIAL CAPACITOR Ceramic Dielectric Axial Capacitors Glass Encapsulated
    Text: APPLICATION SPECIFIC CAPACITORS HIGH FREQUENCY CERAMIC CAPACITORS MA/MB Series OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS • Miniature size ■ Very high Q at high frequencies ■ High RF power capabilities ■ Impervious to environmental conditions ■ Low dissipation factors

    Mil-55681 CLB32UJ0R7K CLB32XL1R5K CLB44UJ1R5K CLB44XL3R0K CLB53UJ3R0K CLB53XL5R9K 30ppm/ 120ppm/ 500ppm/ mn61 MN21 equivalent capacitor 680pf cog x7r EIA-198 method 103 EIA-198 MN62 UFN 432 we i transistor y-216 MA11 470PF AXIAL CAPACITOR Ceramic Dielectric Axial Capacitors Glass Encapsulated PDF

    gw 340 diode

    Abstract: SC4525CEVB diode schottky code GW sc4525c SOIC-8 SC4525CSETRT 0589 diode code GW 17 ZENER diode t 4148 IPC-SM-78
    Text: SC4525C 28V 3A Step-Down Switching Regulator POWER MANAGEMENT Features            Description Wide input range: 3V to 28V 3A Output Current 200kHz to 2MHz Programmable Frequency Precision 1V Feedback Voltage Peak Current-Mode Control

    SC4525C SC4525C gw 340 diode SC4525CEVB diode schottky code GW SOIC-8 SC4525CSETRT 0589 diode code GW 17 ZENER diode t 4148 IPC-SM-78 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC4525C 28V 3A Step-Down Switching Regulator POWER MANAGEMENT Features            Description Wide input range: 3V to 28V 3A Output Current 200kHz to 2MHz Programmable Frequency Precision 1V Feedback Voltage Peak Current-Mode Control

    SC4525C 200kHz SC4525C PDF


    Abstract: 12v zener diode JEDEC 1N ER71H ceramic capacitor 0.33UF 1N4148 20BQ030 GRM32ER71H475K SC4525A SC4525CSETRT 226 25 309 diode
    Text: SC4525C 28V 3A Step-Down Switching Regulator POWER MANAGEMENT Features            Description Wide input range: 3V to 28V 3A Output Current 200kHz to 2MHz Programmable Frequency Precision 1V Feedback Voltage Peak Current-Mode Control

    SC4525C 200kHz SC4525C 12v zener diode JEDEC 1N ER71H ceramic capacitor 0.33UF 1N4148 20BQ030 GRM32ER71H475K SC4525A SC4525CSETRT 226 25 309 diode PDF

    Rohm part marking

    Abstract: SML-412MW TSZ22111-04 information lot
    Text: ROHm PAGE TYPE PRODUCTS Surface Mount Chip LED SML-412MW 1. CONSTRUCTION AlGalnP on GaAs green surface mount LEDs package with diflused epoxy. 2. USAGE Source o f light for display unit. 3. DIMENSIONS See Figure. 1 10. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan
    SML-412MW TSZ22111-04 Rohm part marking information lot PDF

    Sis 968

    Abstract: 1S697 BP107 FT1500DL FT1500DL-12 SCR gate Control IC scr1500
    Text: POldEREX m i I NC OS D e | 7 2 ,:1 4 b a i 00031D2 H / B IS X §~r FT1S0ÛDL Powerex, Inc. Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeUana, France (43) 72.75.15 Phase Control SCR -f^QQ A m p e re s A v g

    OCR Scan
    72c14b21 0D031D5 FT1500DL BP107, FT1500DL Amperes/200-1200 250itiAâ Sis 968 1S697 BP107 FT1500DL-12 SCR gate Control IC scr1500 PDF


    Abstract: thyratron 1 meg ohm variable resistor sm 4109 subminiature tubes
    Text: 6946 QUICK REFERENCE DATA MECHANICAL DATA B u l b . T-3 B a s e . E8-10, Subminiature Button Flexible Leads O u tlin e .JED EC 3-11

    OCR Scan
    E8-10, BALLANTINE 310 thyratron 1 meg ohm variable resistor sm 4109 subminiature tubes PDF


    Abstract: powerex nd
    Text: POldEREX m i INC H OS /B IS D e | 7 2 ,:1 4 b a i 00031D2 X 0 §~r FT1S0ÛDL Powerex, Inc. Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeUana, France (43) 72.75.15 Phase Control SCR -f^QQ A m p e r e s A v g

    OCR Scan
    14bai 00031D2 BP107, FT1500DL Amperes/200-1200 R04AM powerex nd PDF

    mb 428 ic data

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POliJEREX INC m N B Œ T-25-19 C390 X Powerex, Inc. Hlllis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeMans, France (43) 72.75.15 Phase Control SCR 450 Amperes Avg 500-1300 Volts D e s c rip tio n

    OCR Scan
    T-25-19 BP107, MAX/10 mb 428 ic data PDF