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    H 3273 Search Results

    H 3273 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    RFS1113-273ME Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    7M3-273 Coilcraft Inc Variable Inductor, 20uH Min, 34uH Max, Ferrite-Core, Shielded, 3030, DIP-5 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    SD43-273MLB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 27uH, 20%, 1 Element, SMD, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    SD43-273MLC Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 27uH, 20%, 1 Element, SMD, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    SD43-273 Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, 10/20% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
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    H 3273 Price and Stock

    Amphenol Corporation 86094327313H55ELF

    DIN 41612 Connectors 86094327313H55ELF-DIN TYPE C/2 RAHDR LFCNR
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 86094327313H55ELF 256
    • 1 $2.01
    • 10 $1.73
    • 100 $1.49
    • 1000 $1
    • 10000 $0.923
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    Telemechanique Sensors XY2CH13273

    Cable Pull Switches CABLE PULL SWITCH 240VAC 10AMP XY2C +OPT
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics XY2CH13273
    • 1 $425.83
    • 10 $417.71
    • 100 $417.71
    • 1000 $417.71
    • 10000 $417.71
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    Amphenol Corporation HK00P-32-73S

    Circular MIL Spec Connector RECEPT
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics HK00P-32-73S
    • 1 $1276.44
    • 10 $1276.44
    • 100 $1276.44
    • 1000 $1276.44
    • 10000 $1276.44
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    Amphenol Corporation HK00P-32-73P(368)

    Circular MIL Spec Connector RECEPT
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics HK00P-32-73P(368)
    • 1 $1319.39
    • 10 $1319.39
    • 100 $1319.39
    • 1000 $1319.39
    • 10000 $1319.39
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    Amphenol Corporation HK00P-32-73S(368)

    Circular MIL Spec Connector RECEPT
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics HK00P-32-73S(368)
    • 1 $1401.27
    • 10 $1401.27
    • 100 $1401.27
    • 1000 $1401.27
    • 10000 $1401.27
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    H 3273 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    H3273-175MG MF Electronics Tristate, 5V Thru-Hole/ Gull Wing 3 MHz to 175 MHz SUPER-LOW JITTER 20 ps PEAK-PEAK Original PDF

    H 3273 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: F339MX2 F339M X2
    Text: F339M X2 Vishay BCcomponents Interference Suppression Film Capacitors MKP Radial Potted Type l l w FEATURES w h • 7.5 mm to 52.5 mm lead pitch • Available loose in box taped on ammopack or reel • Compliant to RoHS directive 2002/95/EC h h' F' lt Ød

    F339M 2002/95/EC 18-Jul-08 F339MX2 F339M X2 PDF


    Abstract: UL60384-14 46831MIP2T0 F339 F339MX2 F339M X2
    Text: F339M X2 Vishay BCcomponents Interference Suppression Film Capacitors MKP Radial Potted Type l l w FEATURES w h • 7.5 mm to 52.5 mm lead pitch • Available loose in box taped on ammopack or reel • Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC h h' F' lt Ød

    F339M 2002/95/EC 11-Mar-11 UL60384-14 46831MIP2T0 F339 F339MX2 F339M X2 PDF


    Abstract: F339M X2
    Text: F339M X2 Vishay BCcomponents Interference Suppression Film Capacitors MKP Radial Potted Type l l w FEATURES w h • 7.5 mm to 52.5 mm lead pitch  Available loose in box taped on ammopack or reel  Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC h h' F' lt Ød

    F339M 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 F339MX2 F339M X2 PDF


    Abstract: F339M X2
    Text: F339M X2 Vishay BCcomponents Interference Suppression Film Capacitors MKP Radial Potted Type l l w FEATURES w h • 7.5 mm to 52.5 mm lead pitch • Available loose in box taped on ammopack or reel • Compliant to RoHS directive 2002/95/EC h h' F' lt Ød

    F339M 2002/95/EC 18-Jul-08 IEC60065 F339M X2 PDF

    Capacitor 0.0047 uF

    Abstract: MKP A 001 49 05 F339MX2 F339M X2
    Text: F339M X2 Vishay BCcomponents Interference Suppression Film Capacitors MKP Radial Potted Type l l w FEATURES w h • 7.5 mm to 52.5 mm lead pitch  Available loose in box taped on ammopack or reel  Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC h h' F' lt Ød

    F339M 2002/95/EC 11-Mar-11 Capacitor 0.0047 uF MKP A 001 49 05 F339MX2 F339M X2 PDF


    Abstract: F339MX 61531MPM2T0 53931 UL60384-14 44731KFM2B0 54731MKP2T0 400284 capacitor 0.0012 uf 5000 VDC 45631KFM2B0
    Text: F339M X2 Vishay BCcomponents Interference Suppression Film Capacitors MKP Radial Potted Type l l w FEATURES w h • 7.5 mm to 52.5 mm lead pitch • Available loose in box taped on ammopack or reel • Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC h h' F' lt Ød

    F339M 2002/95/EC 18-Jul-08 F339MX 61531MPM2T0 53931 UL60384-14 44731KFM2B0 54731MKP2T0 400284 capacitor 0.0012 uf 5000 VDC 45631KFM2B0 PDF


    Abstract: S276 UV 471 ech3b ABB CT
    Text: ECH 3 ECH 3 Triode-Hexode max 36 Die R öhre E C H 3 is t eine M ischröhre m it v e rän d e rlic h er S te ilh e it n a c h dem P rin z ip d e r T riode-H exode. Sie b e ste h t m ith in aus der K o m b in atio n einer H exode als d e r eigentlichen M ischröhre u n d einer

    OCR Scan

    ACHI IR 6000

    Abstract: 470K variable resistor BPL fqr 21 BPL TV circuit for vertical ic MC68HC05T10 MC68HC705T10 MC68HC05T7 1h31 cnh3 motorola mc6800
    Text: MC68HC05T1OD/H 8-Bit Microcomputers MC68HC05T10 MC68HC05T7 MC68HC705T10 TECHNICAL DATA MOTOROLA HONG KONG MOTOROLA •i S E M I C O N D U C T O R H H M TECHNICAL DATA iH M H i \ External Components Required for PLL in MC68HC05T7/T10 and MC68HC705T10 A/P MCU Technical Marketing, FEB. 21,1992

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    MC68HC05T1 MC68HC05T10 MC68HC05T7 MC68HC705T10 MC68HC05T7/T10 MC68HC705T10. MC68HC05T7/T10 ACHI IR 6000 470K variable resistor BPL fqr 21 BPL TV circuit for vertical ic MC68HC05T10 MC68HC705T10 MC68HC05T7 1h31 cnh3 motorola mc6800 PDF


    Abstract: 671400H 4265C 514270 101AG BK 4367 4165A 5118160 4270-D 4096A
    Text: Line Up o f Hitachi IC M emories Classification Total bit 4M - SRAM- 3 .3 V r — 1M- Voltage Organization word X bit Type 512kx8- 5V - 512k x 8 - n H M 62W 8512A Series 121 H M 628512A Series - 133 H M 628512 S e r ie s . 145 — 1M x4- H M 674100H Series

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    512kx8512k 28512A 674100H 671400H 8128B 1664H 9127H 8127H 27C256AG 4265C 514270 101AG BK 4367 4165A 5118160 4270-D 4096A PDF


    Abstract: toshiba ta8862p TA8862
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP87C833/C33/H33 CMOS 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER T M P 8 7 C 8 3 3 N , TMP87C33IM, T M P 8 7 C H 3 3 N , The 87C833/C33/H33 is th e h ig h speed a n d h ig h p e rfo rm a n c e 8 - b it sin g le c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te r. This MCU c o n ta in s CPU core, ROM, R AM , in p u t/o u tp u t po rts, six m u lti- fu n c tio n tim e r/c o u n te r, serial in te rfa c e , o n ­

    OCR Scan
    TMP87C833/C33/H33 TMP87C33IM, 87C833/C33/H33 TMP87C833N TMP87CC33N TMP87CH33N A285HC1S-13319 12MHz TA285HCIS-13306 TA8862P toshiba ta8862p TA8862 PDF


    Abstract: rbs 3308 toshiba ta8862p TA8862 G027271 TMP87CH33N C833 map 3202 312 7 Segment Display RBS 3206
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP87C833/C33/H33 CMOS 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER T M P 8 7 C 8 3 3 N , TMP87C33IM, T M P 8 7 C H 3 3 N , The 87C833/C33/H33 is th e h ig h speed a n d h ig h p e rfo rm a n c e 8 - b it sin g le c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te r. This MCU c o n ta in s CPU core, ROM, R AM , in p u t/o u tp u t po rts, six m u lti- fu n c tio n tim e r/c o u n te r, serial in te rfa c e , o n ­

    OCR Scan
    P87C833/C33/H TMP87C833N, TMP87C33IM, TMP87CH33N, 87C833/C33/H33 TMP87C833N SDIP42-P-600 TMP87PH33N TMP87CC33N TMP87CH33N TA8862P rbs 3308 toshiba ta8862p TA8862 G027271 TMP87CH33N C833 map 3202 312 7 Segment Display RBS 3206 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M T H 5N 95 M T H 5 N 10 0 M TM 5N95 M TM 5N100 Designer's Data Sheet P o w e r Field E ffe ct T ra n sisto r N -Ch ann el Enhancem ent-M ode S ilic o n G ate T M O S These TM O S Power FETs are desig n ed fo r h ig h vo lta g e , high

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    5N100 MTH/MTM5N95, MTM5N100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PAGE F u s e h o ld e rs .331

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i i g *> 3 7 h y Schottky Barrier Diode f / H X Surface Mounting Device —K m s * ? ^ IW Æ J Single Diode OUTLINE DIMENSIONS D1FP3 Case : 1F ° w - 30V 1A • 'M J S M D • S ff iV F = 0 .4 V • K y r U H S S f ö lt •D C ttj^ O R ffl •D C /D C n v A -i?

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COMPLEMENTARY-OUTPUT H ALL EFFECT LATC H Type UGN3275K latching Hall Effect sensors are bipolar integrated circuits designed for electronic commutation of brushless dc motors. They feature dual complementary outputs. The latches are typically used to sense matched magnetic flux densities of alternating polarity

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    UGN3275K PDF


    Abstract: T459N
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC 1C » • 81200Tb OOOblSP 7 H A L G S T '- Z S '- 'Z d T 459 N Typenrelhe/Type range_ T459N_2000_ 2200_ Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte U d rm i U rrm Periodische Vorwärts- und

    OCR Scan
    T459N 10teuerimpulsdauer/Pulse T459 T459N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CD4518B, CD4520B Types HARRIS CMOS Dual Up-Counters H ig h -V o lta g e T y p e s 2 0 -V o lt Rating Features: • Medium -speed operation — C D 4 5 1 8 B D ual B C D U p -C o u n te r C D 4 5 2 0 B D ual B in a ry U p -C o u n te r 6 -M H z typical clock frequency a t 1 0 V

    OCR Scan
    CD4518B, CD4520B 92CM-35 CD4520BH CD4518BH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a h a rris H A -5112/883 Dual, Low Noise, High Performance Uncom pensated O perational Amplifier January 1989 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed In Accordance to M il-S td - Low noise and high performance are key w ords describing the dual, uncompensated HA-5112/883. This general

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    HA-5112/883. 60MHz 200mV 10kHz PDF

    6309 mpu

    Abstract: ksd 5101 cmc 2951 transistor SD 5024 pj 1089 sn21 KSD 166 L 7206 smooth
    Text: H D 6 6 7 2 4 /H D 6 6 7 2 5 Graphics LCD Controller/Driver with Key Scan Function HITACHI Description The HD66724/HD66725, dot-matrix graphics LCD controller and driver LSI incorporating a key scan function up to a 4-by-8 key matrix, display characters such as alphanumerics, katakana, hiragana and

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    HD66724/HD66725, HD66724 12character 72-by-24 HD66725 16-character 96-by-24C HD66724/HD66725 68-System 6309 mpu ksd 5101 cmc 2951 transistor SD 5024 pj 1089 sn21 KSD 166 L 7206 smooth PDF


    Abstract: M6800 MC6800 MC68020 MC6846 motorola m6800 instruction set motorola ECu microprocessor mc88c TBA 845 AU mc88c0
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC6802 Microprocessor With Clock and Optional RAM T h e M C 6 8 0 2 is a m o n o lit h ic 8 - b it m ic r o p r o c e s s o r t h a t c o n ta in s a ll th e r e g is te r s a n d a c c u m u la to r s o f th e p r e s e n t M C 6 8 0 0 p lu s an in te r n a l c lo c k o s c illa to r a n d d r iv e r o n th e s a m e c h ip . In a d d it io n , th e

    OCR Scan
    MC6802 MC6802 MC6800 M6800 128cy MC6802CP MC68020 MC6846 motorola m6800 instruction set motorola ECu microprocessor mc88c TBA 845 AU mc88c0 PDF


    Abstract: ao8880 STQ-3016Z 1206 footprint STQ-3016 NXH 6 PIN
    Text: LC S M ßlß k - i/tSJK H C fS Prelim inary Product Description Th e S irenza Microdevices’ S T Q -3 0 1 6 is a direct quadrature modulator targeted for use in a wide range of com m unica­ tions system s. This device features a wide 2 5 0 0 -4 0 0 0 M H z

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    STQ-3016 -12dBm EDS-102161C 600mV 200kHz 145mV STQ-X016 CD2025 ao8880 STQ-3016Z 1206 footprint NXH 6 PIN PDF


    Abstract: XL-8137 weitek Weitek 3364 weitek 3164 Weitek xl-8136 wtl3364 CXNL 0x78F y2274
    Text: tilEIT EK CORP Tbb3ö2b O O O lS lö 11E D □ 3164/3364 64-BIT FLOATING-POINT DATA PATH UNITS T - W - H - o S November 1989 1. Features 64-BIT FLO A T IN G -PO IN T D A T A PA T H F U L L FU N C T IO N 64-bit and 32-bit floating-point and 32-bit integer multiplier

    OCR Scan
    64-BIT 32-bit EQUIVALENT OF SR240 XL-8137 weitek Weitek 3364 weitek 3164 Weitek xl-8136 wtl3364 CXNL 0x78F y2274 PDF

    HEP transistors

    Abstract: 250/motorola hep hep 570
    Text: 3260 n o r~ H Ö ULTRA FAST AND HYPER FAST EPION II AND SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERS H -3 >• 03 I m *u ö o m <c M n m t /i M iz o -j i *=< □3 LU û~ er □ t-1 b-1 O □ □ lb -1 ULTRA FAST EPION II RECTIFIERS CONTINUED ADC CASE piv 50A 30A 70A 100 A 75A DO-5

    OCR Scan
    10R5S 12R5S 15R5S 5R5/61 7R5/61 10R5/61 12R5/61 15R5/61 10R5/3D 12R5/3D HEP transistors 250/motorola hep hep 570 PDF

    j001 1003

    Abstract: 74LS00 TTL Signetics 2650 VCU 2136 j001 1003 ic signetics hand book signetics 2650 8k ram ic j001 1003 strz 2026 pss 3056
    Text: > l b l IC I I V » 2650 flllCROPROCEftOR CONTENTS I IN T R O D U C T IO N IN T R O D U C IN G T H E 26 50 F A M I L Y . 3 F E A T U R E S OF T H E 26 50 F A M IL Y 4 4 Microprocessor F e a tu re s .

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