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    H 9014 DC TO DC COUPLER Search Results

    H 9014 DC TO DC COUPLER Result Highlights (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    XPN19014MC Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation P-ch MOSFET, -40 V, -20 A, 0.0187 Ω@-10 V, TSON Advance(WF), AEC-Q101 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    UCC28740DR Texas Instruments Constant-Voltage, Constant-Current Flyback Controller Using Opto-Coupler Feedback 7-SOIC -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    UCC28740D Texas Instruments Constant-Voltage, Constant-Current Flyback Controller Using Opto-Coupler Feedback 7-SOIC -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    H 9014 DC TO DC COUPLER Datasheets Context Search

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