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    HARRIS 24Z50 Search Results

    HARRIS 24Z50 Datasheets Context Search

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    33Z5 harris

    Abstract: harris 18Z40 varistor harris 24z50 120Z6 24z50 22z3 harris varistors 36z80 56z2 harris 12Z2 varistor 33Z70 harris varistor
    Text: [ /Title ZA Series /Subject (Radial Lead MetalOxide Varistors for Low to Mediu m Voltage Operation) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, Auto- ZA Series Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low

    1-800-4-HARRIS 33Z5 harris harris 18Z40 varistor harris 24z50 120Z6 24z50 22z3 harris varistors 36z80 56z2 harris 12Z2 varistor 33Z70 harris varistor PDF

    33Z5 harris

    Abstract: harris varistors 36z80 harris 18Z40 varistor harris 12Z2 varistor 47z1 varistor 33Z5 harris 24z50 22Z3 18Z1 180z10
    Text: ZA Series Semiconductor Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low to Medium Voltage Operation The ZA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs designed for use in the protection of low and medium-voltage circuits and systems.

    V18ZA3 V18ZC3 V18ZA40 V18ZA40X10 33Z5 harris harris varistors 36z80 harris 18Z40 varistor harris 12Z2 varistor 47z1 varistor 33Z5 harris 24z50 22Z3 18Z1 180z10 PDF

    Varistor Harris 08z1

    Abstract: 47z7 22z2 39Z6 82Z2 18z1 harris varistors 36z80 33z70 harris 12Z2 varistor 27Z1
    Text: ZA Series S E M I C O N D U C T O R Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low to Medium Voltage Operation January 1998 Features Description • Recognized as “Protectors for Data Communications and Fire Alarm Circuits”, UL File #E135010 to Std. 497B The ZA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are

    V18ZA3 V18ZC3 V18ZA40 V18ZA40X10 Varistor Harris 08z1 47z7 22z2 39Z6 82Z2 18z1 harris varistors 36z80 33z70 harris 12Z2 varistor 27Z1 PDF

    33Z5 harris

    Abstract: harris 18Z40 varistor marking 27z1 24z50 150z8 56Z2 harris 12Z2 varistor 22Z3 18Z40 36Z80
    Text: ZA Series S E M I C O N D U C T O R Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low-to-Medium Voltage Operation June 1995 Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E135010 to Std. 497B • Wide Operating Voltage Range VM AC RMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4V to 460V

    E135010 V18ZA3 V18ZC3 V18ZA40 V18ZA40X10 33Z5 harris harris 18Z40 varistor marking 27z1 24z50 150z8 56Z2 harris 12Z2 varistor 22Z3 18Z40 36Z80 PDF

    relay 12 volts ras 1210

    Abstract: GE-MOV 275L40B MOV GE V150 LA10 275l40b Disc ceramic capacitor GE 130L20 hahn transformer VDE 0551 ge 130l10 c106d spice HARRIS V481DB40 G1 capacitor 275L20
    Text: $5.00 Technical Assistance Transient Voltage Suppression Technical Assistance Electronic Technical Support Ask our experienced staff of engineers for assistance with: Electronic services from Littelfuse offer you the most current information possible. • Device Selection


    capacitor 275L20

    Abstract: GE 100z15 VARISTOR Metal-Oxide Varistor v39za6 GE GE 150L10 ge 130l10 GE 250L20 GE 2504 mov GE MOV 150L20 ge VARISTOR 68z2 Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C
    Text: Varistor Products 4 Transient Voltage Suppression Varistor Products Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Radial Lead Varistors UltraMOV Series


    ge 130l10

    Abstract: GE capacitors 150l20 GE 47Z7 15a h3 fuse sf thermistor 420l40 GE 150L10 GE 100z15 GE 130L20B DIN 13715 2011 576-V100ZA15P
    Text: CIRCUIT PROTECTION Varistors AVX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546, 547 Epcos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .548, 549

    30Screw ge 130l10 GE capacitors 150l20 GE 47Z7 15a h3 fuse sf thermistor 420l40 GE 150L10 GE 100z15 GE 130L20B DIN 13715 2011 576-V100ZA15P PDF


    Abstract: 47z7 24z50 27z4 varistor 56z2 22z3 47z1 120Z 82Z2 47z3 varistor
    Text: ZA Series HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low to Médium Voltage Operation January 1998 Features Description • Recognized as “Protectors for Data Communications and Fire Alarm C ircuits”, UL File #E 135010 to Std.

    OCR Scan
    V18ZA3 V18ZA40 V18ZC3 V18ZA40X10 56z2 47z7 24z50 27z4 varistor 56z2 22z3 47z1 120Z 82Z2 47z3 varistor PDF

    z051 varistor

    Abstract: V242A50 7m 250 varistor Z620 MARKING 120z6 Z620 39-Z V36ZA80 marking 27z1 Metal-Oxide Varistor Marking
    Text: m W ZA Series HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low-to-Medium Voltage Operation Features • R e c o g n ize d as “T ra n s ie n t V oltag e S u rg e S u p p re s s o rs ", U L File # E 1 3 50 1 0 to Std. 497B • W id e O p era tin g V oltag e R an g e VM AC RMS.4V to 460V

    OCR Scan
    V18ZA3 V18ZA40 V18ZC3 V18ZA40X10 z051 varistor V242A50 7m 250 varistor Z620 MARKING 120z6 Z620 39-Z V36ZA80 marking 27z1 Metal-Oxide Varistor Marking PDF

    General Electric SCR Manual, Fifth Edition, 1972

    Abstract: free transistor equivalent book 2sc tny 227 pn 270v varistor d - 302 Disc ceramic capacitor GE 130L20 Harris Transient Voltage Suppression Manual General Electric 250L40 GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual GE MOV varistor varistor xf 030 Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C
    Text: TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSION DEVICES 1995 ATVf\D\Ai A R R O W E L E C T R O N IC S , INC. A R R O W E L E C T R O N IC S C A N A D A LTD. 1 09 3 M E Y E R S ID E D R IV E M IS S IS S A U G A , O N TA R IO L5T 1M 4 905-670-7769 800-387-3962 FAX: 905-670-77P1

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    905-670-77P1 General Electric SCR Manual, Fifth Edition, 1972 free transistor equivalent book 2sc tny 227 pn 270v varistor d - 302 Disc ceramic capacitor GE 130L20 Harris Transient Voltage Suppression Manual General Electric 250L40 GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual GE MOV varistor varistor xf 030 Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C PDF


    Abstract: G8Z10 33z70 harris varistors 36z80 33Z5 harris H 22z3 47z7 harris 12Z2 varistor 24z50 harris 18Z40 varistor
    Text: ti3E D h a f r r i • 430 2 B7 1 DQMÔMflS 7T7 ■ HAS 7 s S E M I C O N D U C T O R 4 Series M H A RR IS SEHIC0N] SE CT OR Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low-to-Medium Voltage Operation August 1 993 Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors", U L File

    OCR Scan
    E135010 Us591) V18ZA3 V18ZA40 V18ZC3 V18ZA40X10 22z3 G8Z10 33z70 harris varistors 36z80 33Z5 harris H 22z3 47z7 harris 12Z2 varistor 24z50 harris 18Z40 varistor PDF


    Abstract: VARISTOR 39Z3 H 04 56Z2 18Z2 22z1 08Z2 68Z10 varistor z051 Varistor Harris 08z1 VARISTOR 33Z1
    Text: ZA Series J u ly 1999 D ata S heet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low to Medium Voltage Operation The ZA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs designed for use in the protection of low and medium-vottage circuits and systems.

    OCR Scan
    V18ZA3 V18ZA40 V18ZC3 V18ZA40X10 V272A60 VARISTOR 39Z3 H 04 56Z2 18Z2 22z1 08Z2 68Z10 varistor z051 Varistor Harris 08z1 VARISTOR 33Z1 PDF


    Abstract: VARISTOR 33Z1 120Z6 18z3 100z15 27Z60 22z1 VARISTOR V182A1 82Z12 VARISTOR harris varistors 36z80
    Text: 74 h a r r is mmmmm s e m i c o n d u c t o r Seríes f Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low to Medium Voltage Operation January 1998 Features Description • Recognized as “Protectors for Data Communications and Fire Alarm Circuits”, UL File «E135010 to Std.

    OCR Scan
    V18ZA3 V18ZA40 V18ZC3 V18ZA40X10 150Z8 VARISTOR 33Z1 120Z6 18z3 100z15 27Z60 22z1 VARISTOR V182A1 82Z12 VARISTOR harris varistors 36z80 PDF


    Abstract: 56z2 33Z5 36Z80 18Z1 27Z60 harris 12Z2 varistor 47z1 180z10 47z7
    Text: ZA Seríes Semiconductor Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low to Médium Voltage Operation January 1998 Features Description • Recognized as “Protectors for Data Communications and Fire Alarm C ircuits”, UL File #E 135010 to Std. 497B The ZA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are

    OCR Scan
    V18ZA3 V18ZA40 V18ZC3 V18ZA40X10 24Z5 56z2 33Z5 36Z80 18Z1 27Z60 harris 12Z2 varistor 47z1 180z10 47z7 PDF


    Abstract: 27Z60 120z6 56z2 33z70 180Z10 33z5 47z7 18Z40 18Z3
    Text: £.M oeries S em iconductor Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Low to Médium Voltage Operation January 1998 Features Description • Recognized as “Protectors for Data Communications and Fire Alarm Circuits”, UL File #E135010 to Std. 497B The ZA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are

    OCR Scan
    E135010 V18ZA3 V18ZC3 V18ZA40 V18ZA40X10 24z50 27Z60 120z6 56z2 33z70 180Z10 33z5 47z7 18Z40 18Z3 PDF