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    HCS361 SOCKET Search Results

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    CN-DSUB25SKT0-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUB25SKT0-000 D-Subminiature (DB25 Female D-Sub) Connector, 25-Position Socket Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet
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    HCS361 SOCKET Datasheets Context Search

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    16 bit eeprom

    Abstract: HCS500 ds00824 HCS360 HCS200 HCS201 HCS300 HCS301 hcs361 socket HCS361
    Text: HCSXXX HCSXXX Memory Programming Specification This document includes the programming specifications for the following devices: • HCS200 HCS360 HCS500 HCS201 HCS361 HCS512 HCS300 HCS362 HCS515 HCS301 HCS410 HCS320

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    Abstract: HCS200 HCS201 HCS300 HCS301 HCS320 HCS360 HCS361 HCS362 HCS410
    Text: HCSXXX HCSXXX Memory Programming Specification This document includes the programming specifications for the following devices: • HCS200 HCS360 HCS500 HCS201 HCS361 HCS512 HCS300 HCS362 HCS515 HCS301 HCS410 HCS320

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    Abstract: PIC18 example C18 codes pwm 10xTE
    Text: HCS361 KEELOQ Code Hopping Encoder FEATURES Security • • • • • • Programmable 28/32-bit serial number Programmable 64-bit encryption key Each transmission is unique 67-bit transmission code length 32-bit hopping code 35-bit fixed code 28/32-bit serial number,

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HCS361 KEELOQ Code Hopping Encoder FEATURES Security • • • • • • Programmable 28/32-bit serial number Programmable 64-bit encryption key Each transmission is unique 67-bit transmission code length 32-bit hopping code 35-bit fixed code 28/32-bit serial number,

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    Abstract: HCS301 HCS300 transmitter KEELOQ SOURCE CODE CCS COMPILER keeloq decode KEELOQ SOURCE CODE C ENCODER DECODER rfid keeloq ccs c RFID model source code HCS301 transmitter
    Text: KEELOQ Evaluation Kit Features: Lets you evaluate the capabilities of Microchip’s code hopping devices. The KEELOQ Evaluation Kit demonstrates the capabilities of Microchip Technology’s code hopping technology. The KEELOQ Code Hopping Encoder devices

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    sample codes of PIC12C508

    Abstract: PIC16F84A HCS360 HCS200 HCS201 HCS361 HCS410 HCS412 HCS512 PIC12CXXX
    Text: PRO MATE II DEVICE SUPORT Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended by way of suggestion only. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with

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    Abstract: pic16f877 pwm DS40149 HCS200 HCS360 HCS201 HCS361 HCS410 HCS412 HCS512
    Text: PRO MATE II DEVICE SUPORT Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended by way of suggestion only. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with



    Abstract: PCM16XK0 icsp ac004004 pic16f84 icsp PIC17C756 PIC16F84A DIP PIC16F84 wafer PIC16F84A PIC16C716 PIC16F873
    Text: SYSTEM SUPPORT Development Tools Selection Chart MPLAB -ICE Cross Reference Parts List Model Name/ Part Number Hardware Tools Lead Count/ Package Type Emulator Pod Processor Module Device Adapter Transition Socket PIC12C508/ PIC12C508A 8P, 8JW 8SM ICE2000

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    Abstract: keeloq AN652 keeloq dj005b AN652 hcs512 HCS301 pcb HCS360 RC5 encoder HCS301 transmitter
    Text: EVALUATION KIT USER’S GUIDE KEELOQ EVALUATION KIT USER’S GUIDE Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip

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    Abstract: keeloq AN652 R02101 IR RC5 encoder PIC saw 42527 LM78L05,SOT89 INFRA RED ENCODER DECODER IC KEELOQ MCDEC14 5.1 decoder
    Text: Evaluation Kit User's Guide KEELOQ EVALUATION KIT USER’S GUIDE Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended by way of suggestion only. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with

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    Abstract: r02101 keeloq AN652 LM78L05,SOT89 93C46 programmer LM78L05 sot89 AN652 rc6 encoder Infrared remote control hcs512 Car Central lock system
    Text: Page 1 Sunday, July 30, 2000 1:25 PM KEELOQ EVALUATION KIT USER’S GUIDE Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended by way of suggestion only. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with

    51044D DS51044D-page RC5 encoder r02101 keeloq AN652 LM78L05,SOT89 93C46 programmer LM78L05 sot89 AN652 rc6 encoder Infrared remote control hcs512 Car Central lock system PDF


    Abstract: keeloq decode PRO MATE II 8 bit key encoder KEELOQ SOURCE CODE C fsk encoder datasheet 16 KEY ENCODERS Transponder ID 48 ask rf remote decoder HCS360
    Text: Programming KEELOQ Devices ® with the PRO MATE II Device Programmer Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended by way of suggestion only. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip

    DS50033A-page DS00711A keeloq decode PRO MATE II 8 bit key encoder KEELOQ SOURCE CODE C fsk encoder datasheet 16 KEY ENCODERS Transponder ID 48 ask rf remote decoder HCS360 PDF

    TEXTOOL zif 40 pin socket

    Abstract: TEXTOOL zif dip socket TEXTOOL zif socket HSC360 HSC361 DS40144 93CXX HCS301 DATA SHEET DS40149 HCS360
    Text: : 30243g_T.frm Page 1 Friday, November 21, 1997 10:18 AM PRO MATE /PRO MATE  ll DEVICE SUPPORT Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended by way of suggestion only. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with respect to the accuracy or use of such information. Use of Microchip’s products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Microchip.

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    Abstract: DVA17XP400 PIC17C756 PIC16F84A DIP PCM16XC0 DVA16XP180 PIC17C752 PIC16F84A EM-1671 PIC12CE18
    Text: M SYSTEM SUPPORT Development Tools Selection Chart MPLAB -ICE Cross Reference Parts List Model Name / Part Number PIC12C508 PIC12C508A PIC12C509 PIC12C509A PIC12CE518 PIC12CE519 PIC12C671 PIC12C672 PIC12CE673 PIC12CE674 PIC14C000 PIC16C505 PIC16C52 Hardware Tools

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    Abstract: 93C46 tssop 14-pin RC5 DECODER PIC16F877 PIC16f877 example codes keeloq AN652 PIC16F877 Free Projects of LED PIC16F877 c codes 24LC0X PIC16F877 Free Projects of lcd keyboard an659
    Text: M KEELOQ EVALUATION KIT II User’s Guide INCLUDES: • About the KEELOQ Evaluation Kit II • Installing KEELOQ Evaluation Kit II • Evaluation Kit II GUI Software • Monitoring KEELOQ Transmissions • KEELOQ Encoders • Demonstrating Transmitters •

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    Abstract: PIC16C54 THERMOSTAT 24cxx programmer circuit pic16c57 PCB Circuit PIC16F84 rs232 programming PICSTART 16b1 pic16f84 3 wire display PRO MATE II Universal Programmer PICmicro Reference Manual batteryless remote control
    Text: CONTENTS . i INTRODUCTION . 1 JULY 1997 Microchip Technology Service and Support . 1

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    Text: MICROCHIP DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS ORDERING GUIDE DECEMBER 1998 Introduction . 1 12 DECEMBER 1998 Introduction .1

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    Abstract: pic16f84a tutorial handbook fuzzy logic AC165013 DV005002 PIC12c508a MICROCHIP ICE2000 DVA17XP400 AC165014 AC175005
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    Abstract: HCS360 la log PIC17C42 programmer HCS200 HCS300 HCS301 HCS361 HCS512 PIC17C42
    Text: KEELOQ EVALUATION KIT KEELOQ Evaluation Kit Upgrade Instructions Features The HCS300 Evaluation Kit has been upgraded to include support for additional KEELOQ encoder and decoder devices that have been released. These devices include four new encoders and five new decoders.

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    Abstract: "ENCODER SENSOR" 24c00 interface with PIC by c program DVA17XP400 PIC16F84A 16 pin ic PIC12F676 PIC12F675 DEVELOPMENT BOARD KIT 24LC21 PIC16F628 i2c slave Transponder 12mm
    Text: RS LE OL TR ON OC CR MI S MEMORY AND SPECIALTY PRODUCTS AP P TA LI N CA D TI AR O D N PR SP O EC D IF U IC C TS The Embedded Control Solutions Company PICmicro 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER FAMILY Product Program Memory OTP E2PROM Data Max. Data RAM Speed I/O

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    Abstract: DVA17XP400 rs232 pic16f84 pic16f877 usart assembly code example batteryless remote control promate driving board PIC16F84A Free Projects of lcd PIC16F84A Projects pic16F84A rs232 assembler PICmicro Reference Manual
    Text: MICROCHIP DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS ORDERING GUIDE OCTOBER 1998 Introduction . 1 12 OCTOBER 1998 Introduction .1

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    Abstract: MCP4002 MCP4004 MCP4008 DV164001 DVA16XP180 tssop 93c76 EM167200 84l transistor PIC16C77A
    Text: PRODUCT LINE CARD FOURTH QUARTER 1999 uring Feat nalog/ A New erface Int ucts Prod CURRENT MICROCHIP PRODUCT LINE PICmicro 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER FAMILY PRODUCTS Program Memory OTP/FLASH Words Analog E PROM Data 8-Bit Com Memory RAM ADC paraBytes Bytes Channels tors

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    Abstract: TEXTOOL 40 pin socket 3M zif socket 93CXX AC174001 TEXTOOL zif socket AC144002 AC164001 AC164017 TEXTOOL zif dip socket
    Text: M PRO MATE/PRO MATE II DEVICE SUPPORT * ic r o c h ip Chapter 1. Socket Modules Introduction This document lists the part numbers for the socket modules that support each device and discusses the life expectancy and cleaning procedures for the different socket types. These sockets work on both PRO MATE and

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    DS30243G TEXTOOL zif 40 pin socket TEXTOOL 40 pin socket 3M zif socket 93CXX AC174001 TEXTOOL zif socket AC144002 AC164001 AC164017 TEXTOOL zif dip socket PDF