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    314 OPTO 8 PINS

    Abstract: DL04135 Robinson Nugent SLX2016 DLX1414 DLX2416 DLX3416 DLX573X ICL-203-S6 IC 614
    Text: Socket Selection Guide Appnote 22 This application note is a guide to locate a suitable socket for various OSRAM products. The selection of a socket is first based on the number of pins and the pin spacing required. Sockets for displays require an orientation and sometimes

    213XTXVB 254XA ISD201X ISD231X/235X PD243X, PD353X, PD443X PDSP188X PDSP211X PLCD558X 314 OPTO 8 PINS DL04135 Robinson Nugent SLX2016 DLX1414 DLX2416 DLX3416 DLX573X ICL-203-S6 IC 614 PDF

    siemens spc 2

    Abstract: siemens spc DL04135 IC 614 ICN-063-S3-X ICC-320 Robinson Nugent ICN-083 102-20-CC Robinson Nugent ICN
    Text: πx Socket Selection Guide Appnote 22 by Dave Takagishi This application note is a guide to locate a suitable socket for various Siemens products. The selection of a socket is first based on the number of pins and the pin spacing required. Sockets for displays require an orientation and sometimes

    HD107XX HD110XX HD113XO HD113XX HDN107XO HDN113XO HDSP200XLP HDSP211XS IPD254XA 213XTXVB siemens spc 2 siemens spc DL04135 IC 614 ICN-063-S3-X ICC-320 Robinson Nugent ICN-083 102-20-CC Robinson Nugent ICN PDF