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    HLX 12MHZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    EL5421TIYZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation 12MHz Rail-to-Rail Input-Output Buffer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EL5421TIYZ-T13 Renesas Electronics Corporation 12MHz Rail-to-Rail Input-Output Buffer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EL5421TIYZ Renesas Electronics Corporation 12MHz Rail-to-Rail Input-Output Buffer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA2-2600-2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 12MHz, High Input Impedance Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EL5420TIRZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation 12MHz Rail-to-Rail Input-Output Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    HLX 12MHZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ST90T27 hlx 12Mhz crystal oscillator PDIP40 PLCC44 ST9028 ST90R28 ncp54 clcc44 ST92 40
    Text: ST9027, ST9028  16K ROM / 256 RAM HCMOS MCUs Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns 12MHz internal Internal Memory : ROM RAM ST9027 16K 256 ST9028 16K 256 224 general purpose registers available as RAM,

    ST9027, ST9028 500ns 12MHz ST9027 PLCC44 40-pin 44-lead ST9027 ST90T27 hlx 12Mhz crystal oscillator PDIP40 PLCC44 ST9028 ST90R28 ncp54 clcc44 ST92 40 PDF


    Abstract: ST90R50 ST90R50C ST90R51 ST90R50Q1 PLCC84 PQFP80 B7464 10 35L a5 capacitor ST90R50/R51
    Text: ST90R50  ROMLESS HCMOS MCU WITH BANKSWITCH AND A/D CONVERTER PRELIMINARY DATA Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns 12MHz internal 224 generalpurpose registers available as RAM, accumulators or index pointers (register file)

    ST90R50 500ns 12MHz 16Mbytes PLCC84 84-pin ST90R50C) 80-pin ST90R50Q) PLCC84) ST90R50C6 ST90R50 ST90R50C ST90R51 ST90R50Q1 PLCC84 PQFP80 B7464 10 35L a5 capacitor ST90R50/R51 PDF


    Abstract: ST90T36C6 microcontroller ST9036 ST90T36 ST9036 ST9036C 10 35L a8 capacitor crystal 24mhz st92 80pin PQFP80
    Text: ST9036  16K ROM / 256 RAM HCMOS MCU WITH RAM AND A/D CONVERTER Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns 12MHz internal Internal Memory : ROM 16Kbytes RAM 256 bytes 224 general purpose registers available as RAM,

    ST9036 500ns 12MHz 16Kbytes PQFP80 80-pin ST9036Q 68-lead ST9036C ST9036C1 ST90T36C6 microcontroller ST9036 ST90T36 ST9036 ST9036C 10 35L a8 capacitor crystal 24mhz st92 80pin PQFP80 PDF


    Abstract: ST90R52GQ1 PQFP80 st90r50 ST90R
    Text: ST90R52  ROMLESS HCMOS MCU WITH BANKSWITCH AND A/D CONVERTER Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes Minimum instruction cycle time: 375ns 16MHz internal 224 general purpose registers available as RAM, accumulators or index pointers (register file)

    ST90R52 375ns 16MHz 16Mbytes PQFP80 80-pin ST90R52 ST90R52GQ1 PQFP80 st90r50 ST90R PDF

    TDA 9341

    Abstract: ST90XX PLCC84 PQFP80 ST90135 ST90158 ST90E158 CLCC84 st92 80 pin am di he ne
    Text: ST90158 - ST90135 R 8/16-BIT MCU FAMILY WITH 16 to 64K ROM and 512 to 2K RAM PRELIMINARY DATA • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Register File based 8/16 bit Core Architecture with RUN, WFI, SLOW and HALT modes

    ST90158 ST90135 8/16-BIT 250ns 16MHz 16-bit 375ns 16/24/32/48/64K 512/76horized TDA 9341 ST90XX PLCC84 PQFP80 ST90135 ST90E158 CLCC84 st92 80 pin am di he ne PDF


    Abstract: st90r9
    Text: SGS-THOMSON ¡y ST90R91 ROMLESS HCMOS MCU WITH BANKSWITCH _ AND A/D CONVERTER PRELIMINARY DATA Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns 12MHz internal ROMIess to allow maximum external memory

    OCR Scan
    ST90R91 500ns 12MHz PQFP80 80-pin ST90R91Q 68-pin ST90R91C PLCC68) QFP80 ST90R91 st90r9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SGS-THOMSON ST9020 ST9027, ST9028 IL[ 12/16K ROM HCM O S MCUs Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns 12MHz internal Internal Memory: ROM RAM ST9020 12K ST9027 16K 256 ST9028 16K 256 224 general purpose registers available as RAM,

    OCR Scan
    ST9020 ST9027, ST9028 12/16K 500ns 12MHz ST9027 PLCC44 PDF


    Abstract: ST9020 JI 0190 HA
    Text: ST9020 ST9027, ST9028 SGS-THOMSON IMOIMSIILIO'iriHMOCS 1 2 /1 6 K R O M H C M O S M C U s Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns 12MHz internal Internal Memory : ROM RAM ST9020 12K ST9027 16K 256

    OCR Scan
    ST9020 ST9027, ST9028 500ns 12MHz ST9027 ST9028 40-pin ST9020, C28W JI 0190 HA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SGS-THOMSON [M œ [lL iû r a M O i S T 9 0 2 7 , S T 9 0 2 8 16K ROM / 256 RAM HCMOS MCUs • Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes ■ Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns (12MHz internal ■ Internal Memory : ROM RAM ST9027

    OCR Scan
    500ns 12MHz ST9027 ST9028 40-pin ST9027 44-lead ST9028C 56-pin ST9028B ST90T27 PDF


    Abstract: HLX quartz ST6398 EPROM 27256 programmer schematic ST9027 ST9028 ST90R28 SGS M74HC04 tda 835 cj CLCC44-W
    Text: SGS-THOMSON [M œ [lL iû r a M O i S T 9 0 2 7 , S T 9 0 2 8 16K ROM / 256 RAM HCMOS MCUs • Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes ■ Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns (12MHz internal ■ Internal Memory : ROM RAM ST9027

    OCR Scan
    ST9027, ST9028 500ns 12MHz ST9027 ST9028 40-pin ST9027 44-lead ST9028C QMA INVERTER HLX quartz ST6398 EPROM 27256 programmer schematic ST90R28 SGS M74HC04 tda 835 cj CLCC44-W PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SGS-THOMSON [ M œ [ lL iû r a M O i S T 9 0 R 5 0 ROMLESS HCMOS MCU WITH BANKSWITCH AND A/D CONVERTER PRELIMINARY DATA • Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes ■ Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns (12MHz internal ■ 224 general purpose registers available as RAM,

    OCR Scan
    500ns 12MHz 16Mbytes 84-pin ST90R50C) 80-pin ST90R50Q) st90r50 PDF


    Abstract: HLX quartz hlx crystal QMA INVERTER setting data hlx 12Mhz crystal oscillator RG61 SGS M74HC04 sda 20560 hlx* crystal QMA INVERTER
    Text: SGS-THOMSON [M œ [lL iû r a M O i S T 9 0 2 7 , S T 9 0 2 8 16K ROM / 256 RAM HCMOS MCUs • Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes ■ Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns (12MHz internal ■ Internal Memory : ROM RAM ST9027

    OCR Scan
    ST9027, ST9028 500ns 12MHz ST9027 ST9028 40-pin ST9027 44-lead ST9028C ST6398 HLX quartz hlx crystal QMA INVERTER setting data hlx 12Mhz crystal oscillator RG61 SGS M74HC04 sda 20560 hlx* crystal QMA INVERTER PDF


    Abstract: ST9036C ST9036C1 microcontroller ST9036 lc 76 adg hs6 marking TC 4863 ZCPL1 equivalent for tda 4863 ic ST9030
    Text: SGS-THOMSON [ M œ [ lL iû r a M O i S T 9 0 3 6 16K ROM / 256 RAM HCMOS MCU WITH RAM AND A/D CONVERTER • Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes ■ Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns (12MHz internal ■ Internal M em ory:

    OCR Scan
    500ns 12MHz 80-pin ST9036Q 68-lead ST9036C ST90T36 68-Pin VR001534 ST90T36C6 ST90T36C6 ST9036C ST9036C1 microcontroller ST9036 lc 76 adg hs6 marking TC 4863 ZCPL1 equivalent for tda 4863 ic ST9030 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S -T H O M S O N ST90R52 ROMLESS HCMOS MCU WITH BANKSWITCH AND A/D CONVERTER • Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes ■ Minimum instruction cycle time: 375ns 16MHz internal ■ 224 general purpose registers available as RAM,

    OCR Scan
    ST90R52 375ns 16MHz 16Mbytes PQFP80 80-pin PDF


    Abstract: HLX quartz hlx crystal st90r52 D67-D60 ST90R50 C3K marking led marking code m25t mcl d01 display sks 260
    Text: = 7 WM S G S -T H O M S O N S T9 0 R52 ROM LESS HCM OS MCU W ITH BANKSW ITCH AND A/D CO NVERTER • Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes ■ Minimum instruction cycle time: 375ns 16MHz internal ■ 224 general purpose registers available as RAM,

    OCR Scan
    ST90R52 375ns 16MHz 16Mbytes 80-pin 74hc3730 HLX quartz hlx crystal st90r52 D67-D60 ST90R50 C3K marking led marking code m25t mcl d01 display sks 260 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r z 7 *JÆc S G S -T H O M S O N Mll»[ilL[l irMD gi ST90158 - ST90135 8/16-BIT MCU FAMILY WITH 16 to 64K ROM and 512 to 2K RAM PR ELIM IN A R Y DATA • Register File based 8/16 bit Core Architecture with RUN, W FI, SLOW and HALT modes ■ 0 - 1 6 MHz Operation @ 5V±10%

    OCR Scan
    ST90158 ST90135 8/16-BIT 250ns 16MHz 16-bit 375ns 16/24/32/48/64K 80-PIN PDF

    HLX quartz

    Abstract: ST6398 98 UTA ING LA 76811 LM 76811 ST90 xckp CQFP80 PLCC84 PQFP80
    Text: 7 7 SGS-THOMSON 'JM, DfflDim@II[L[gOTa@raD g§ ST90158 - ST90135 8/16-BIT MCU FAMILY W ITH 16 to 64K ROM and 512 to 2K RAM P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A • Register File based 8/16 bit Core Architecture with RUN, W FI, SLOW and HALT modes ■ 0 - 1 6 MHz Operation @ 5V±10%

    OCR Scan
    ST90158 ST90135 8/16-BIT 250ns 16MHz 16-bit 375ns 6/24/32/48/64K 80-PIN HLX quartz ST6398 98 UTA ING LA 76811 LM 76811 ST90 xckp CQFP80 PLCC84 PQFP80 PDF