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    I8243 Search Results

    I8243 Datasheets (1)

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    I8243 Intel Component Data Catalog 1981 Scan PDF

    I8243 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: P73-P70 I8243 MSM82C43RS MSM80C49 MSM82C43GS MSM82C43GS-K 27y4
    Text: E2E1034 -27-Y4 ¡ Semiconductor MSM82C43 ¡ Semiconductor This version: Jan. 1998 MSM82C43 Previous version: Nov. 1996 INPUT/OUTPUT PORT EXPANDER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM82C43 is an input/output port expander device based on CMOS technology and designed to operate at low power consumption levels.

    E2E1034 -27-Y4 MSM82C43 MSM82C43 MSM80C48/49 OP24-P-430-1 P73-P70 I8243 MSM82C43RS MSM80C49 MSM82C43GS MSM82C43GS-K 27y4 PDF


    Abstract: MSM82C43RS P20-P23 P73-P70 MSM80C49 MSM82C43 MSM82C43GS MSM82C43GS-K
    Text: ¡ Semiconductor MSM82C43 ¡ Semiconductor MSM82C43 INPUT/OUTPUT PORT EXPANDER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM82C43 is an input/output port expander device based on CMOS technology and designed to operate at low power consumption levels. In systems employing the MSM80C48/49 8–bit single chip microcomputers, 4–bit data can be

    MSM82C43 MSM82C43 MSM80C48/49 i8243 MSM80C49 I8243 MSM82C43RS P20-P23 P73-P70 MSM82C43GS MSM82C43GS-K PDF


    Abstract: MSM82C43RS MSM82C43 P20-P23 MSM80C49 MSM82C43GS MSM82C43GS-K P-239
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.

    MSM82C43 OP24-P-430-1 I8243 MSM82C43RS MSM82C43 P20-P23 MSM80C49 MSM82C43GS MSM82C43GS-K P-239 PDF


    Abstract: MSM82C43 i8243 MSM82C43GS MSM82C43RS
    Text: J2E1034-27-Y3 ¡ 電子デバイス 作成:1998年 1月 MSM82C43 l 前回作成:1996年11月 MSM82C43 入出力ポート拡張デバイス n 概要 MSM82C43はCMOSテクノロジーを用いた低消費電力で動作する入力/出力ポート拡張デバイス

    J2E1034-27-Y3 MSM82C43 MSM82C43 MSM82C43CMOS 81MSM80C48/49/50MOVDPp, 5V6VMSM80C48/49/50 TTL47 24DIP DIP24-P-600-2 24SOP M82C43 i8243 MSM82C43GS MSM82C43RS PDF


    Abstract: I8243 MSM82C43 P734I MSM82C43GS MSM82C43RS
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    J2E1034-27-Y3 MSM82C43 MSM82C43 MSM82C43CMOS 81MSM80C48/49/50MOVDPp, 5V6VMSM80C48/49/50 TTL47 24DIP DIP24-P-600-2 24SOP M82C43 I8243 P734I MSM82C43GS MSM82C43RS PDF


    Abstract: I8243 80C49
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM82C43 INPUT/OUTPUT PORT EXPANDER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM82C43 is an in p u t/o u tp u t p o rt expander device based on 3 m silicon gate CMOS technology and design­ ed to operate at lo w pow er consum ption levels. In systems e m ploying the M SM 80C 48/49 8 -b it single ch ip m icrocom puters, 4 -b it data can be expanded by

    OCR Scan
    MSM82C43 MSM82C43 MSM80C 80C49 82C43 I8243 PDF

    Airpax 5003

    Abstract: SANKEN 5003 bridge rectifier 2A 30v sanken airpax SANKEN 5003-F Thermostat Airpax Series 5003 Equivalent to transistor 2sc945 sanken airpax 5003 sanken transistor SanKen Si-8153B
    Text: Switching Voltage Regulator SI-8000B Series Outline D rawings U nit: mm Features: W ide DC input voltage - 5 5 V High power conversion efficiency (91% for SI-8243B) Precise setting voltage (1 % for SI-8053B) Output power control by external components

    OCR Scan
    SI-8000B SI-8243B) SI-8053B) SI-8053B SI-8093B SI-8123B SI-8153B SI-8243B CTM-21S CTM-21R Airpax 5003 SANKEN 5003 bridge rectifier 2A 30v sanken airpax SANKEN 5003-F Thermostat Airpax Series 5003 Equivalent to transistor 2sc945 sanken airpax 5003 sanken transistor SanKen Si-8153B PDF

    TCA965 equivalent

    Abstract: ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401
    Text: veryimpressivePrice. power drain. For the same low price astheTTL-compatible DG211. Very Impressive Performance. Low power, low source-drain ON resistance, low switching times, low current, low price. It all adds up to superstar performance for portable and battery-operated

    OCR Scan
    DG211. DG300 DG308 DG211 TCA965 equivalent ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401 PDF

    sanken transistor

    Abstract: sanken airpax SANKEN 5003 SANKEN 5003-F Airpax 5003 8123B Airpax 2SA733 equivalent s1815 bridge rectifier 2A 30v
    Text: Switching Voltage Regulator SI-8000B Series Outline Drawings Unit: mm Features : W id e DC in p u t v o lta g e ~ 5 5 V High p o w e r conversion e fficie n cy (91% fo r S I-82 43B ) Precise setting volta ge (1 % fo r S I-80 53B ) O u tp u t p o w e r c o n tro l by external co m p o n e n ts

    OCR Scan
    SI-8000B SI-8243B) SI-8053B) SI-8053B SI-8093B SI-8123B. S1-8153B SI-8243B CTM-21 sanken transistor sanken airpax SANKEN 5003 SANKEN 5003-F Airpax 5003 8123B Airpax 2SA733 equivalent s1815 bridge rectifier 2A 30v PDF


    Abstract: 80c48 80C49 P m80c48
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM82C43 INPUT/OUTPUT PORT EXPANDER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 82C43 is an inp u t/ output port expander device based on C M O S technology and designed to operate at low power consum ption levels. In systems em ploving the M S M 80C 48/49 8 -b it single chip m icrocom puters, 4 -b it data can be

    OCR Scan
    MSM82C43 82C43 i8243 MSM80C49 MSM82C43 80c48 80C49 P m80c48 PDF

    SANKEN 5003-F

    Abstract: bridge rectifier 2A 30v SANKEN 5003 9 volt 2A voltage regulator SI-8093B 2sc 945 p transistor TRANSISTOR 2SC 733 SI-8000B RB-402
    Text: 11E D SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LT» • 7TÍG741 □ D O G E D ü T ■ SAKJ '7 TS * - / f - B / Switching Voltage Regulator SI-8000B Series a s *,» ' Outline Drawings Unit: mm Features: Wide DC input voltage - 5 5 V High power conversion efficiency (91% for SI-8243B)

    OCR Scan
    SI-8000B SI-8243B) SI-8053B) SI-8053B SI-8093B SI-8123B SI-8153B SI-8243B SI-81 SANKEN 5003-F bridge rectifier 2A 30v SANKEN 5003 9 volt 2A voltage regulator 2sc 945 p transistor TRANSISTOR 2SC 733 RB-402 PDF