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    IBM FLOPPY DRIVE Search Results

    IBM FLOPPY DRIVE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CS-SATDRIVEX2-001 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-SATDRIVEX2-001 Serial ATA Extension Cable - SATA II Drive Extension Cable with Power (6.0 Gbps) 1m Datasheet
    CS-SATDRIVEX2-002 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-SATDRIVEX2-002 Serial ATA Extension Cable - SATA II Drive Extension Cable with Power (6.0 Gbps) 2m Datasheet
    CS-SATDRIVEX2-000.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-SATDRIVEX2-000.5 Serial ATA Extension Cable - SATA II Drive Extension Cable with Power (6.0 Gbps) 0.5m Datasheet
    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    IBM FLOPPY DRIVE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Ht6550a HT6571 NE558 interface fdd 720k RP4A RP3D
    Text: HT6551 Super I/O Controller Features • • • • 100% compatible to IBM PC AT/XT Fully IBM–BIOS compatible floppy disk controller – 48mA floppy drive interface buffers – Support two floppy drives with capability of supporting up to four drives with an

    HT6551 360K/720K/1 44M/2 250Kb/s, 300Kb/s, 500Kb/s, SLOT-36P HT6570 Ht6550a HT6571 NE558 interface fdd 720k RP4A RP3D PDF

    logitech 99 mouse controller

    Abstract: uPD765b logitech mouse diagram 27BH HT6550 CON AT62B FDD R6 bus mouse xt winchester logitech 99 mouse controller pinout
    Text: HT6550 Super I/O Controller Features • • • • 100% compatible to IBM PC AT/XT Fully uPD765b and IBM-BIOS compatible floppy disk controller – 48mA floppy drive interface buffers – Support two floppy drives with capability of supporting up to four drives with an

    HT6550 uPD765b 360K/720K/1 250Kb/s, 300Kb/s, 500Kb/s IRQ14 logitech 99 mouse controller logitech mouse diagram 27BH HT6550 CON AT62B FDD R6 bus mouse xt winchester logitech 99 mouse controller pinout PDF

    DATASHEET interface fdd 720k

    Abstract: magnetic head FDD CR16 CR21 FDC87W22 26 pins connector for fdd rev 1.5 ibm crb
    Text: FDC87W22 Power I/O Controller FEATURES • • 5 Volt Operation Floppy Disk Controller FDC - Compatible with IBM PC/AT Disk Drive Systems - Variable Write Pre-Compensation with Track Selectable Capability - DMA Enable Logic - Non-Burst Mode DMA Option - Supports Floppy Disk Drives and Tape

    FDC87W22 FDC87W22 DATASHEET interface fdd 720k magnetic head FDD CR16 CR21 26 pins connector for fdd rev 1.5 ibm crb PDF


    Abstract: GM16C550 uart GD75232 GM82C765B
    Text: CMOS PERIPHERAL ICs RS232 INTERFACE, UART’S, LED DRIVERS Part No. Pkg Function & Features GD75232 SO-20 Interface I.C. EIA RS-232D specification. 0.23 GM16C550 PLCC44 UART with FIFO 1.40 GM82C765B PLCC44 Floppy Disk Subsystem Controller IBM PC XT/AT, PS/2. Drive up to 4 floppy disk drives.

    RS232 GD75232 GM16C550 GM82C765B SO-20 PLCC44 RS-232D GM6486 PLCC44 uart GD75232 PDF

    KB 2736

    Abstract: DP8473V plus2 Saronix srx C1995 DP8473 DP8473N FGND250 FGND500 N48A
    Text: DP8473 Floppy Disk Controller PLUS-2 TM General Description Features This controller is a full featured floppy disk controller that is software compatible with the mPD765A but also includes many additional hardware and software enhancements These enhancements include additional logic specifically required for an IBM PC PC-XT PC-AT or PS 2 design

    DP8473 mPD765A KB 2736 DP8473V plus2 Saronix srx C1995 DP8473N FGND250 FGND500 N48A PDF

    em 235 stepper

    Abstract: stepper motor em 235 2F82FFh Ht6550a floppy controller stepper motor t6551
    Text: HOLTEK HT6551 Super I/O Controller Features • • • • 100% compatible to IBM PC AT/XT F ully IBM—BIOS com patible floppy disk controller - 48mA floppy drive interface buffers - Support two floppy drives w ith capability of supporting up to four drives w ith an

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    360K/720K/1 HT6551 em 235 stepper stepper motor em 235 2F82FFh Ht6550a floppy controller stepper motor t6551 PDF


    Abstract: am9560
    Text: Am9580A/Am9590 Hard Disk Controllers PRELIMINARY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Am9580A supports ST506/412 and IBM double­ density floppy formats • Am9590 supports ESDI, ST506/412, and IBM double-density floppy formats . Supports hard- and soft-sectored formats

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    Am9580A/Am9590 Am9580A ST506/412 Am9590 ST506/412, 512-byte 32-bit 68-Pin ST506 am9560 PDF

    logitech 99 mouse controller

    Abstract: logitech 99 mouse controller pinout floppy disk chip SCR table TGMR 27BH HT6550 uPD765b wd 286 mouse transmitter circuit in GPR
    Text: HOLTEK HT6550 Super I/O Controller Features • • • • 100% com patible to IBM PC AT/XT F ully uPD 765b and IBM -B IO S com patible floppy disk controller - 48m A floppy drive interface buffers - Su pp ort two floppy drives w ith capability of supportin g up to four drives w ith an

    OCR Scan
    HT6550 uPD765b 360K/720K/1 250Kb/s, 300Kb/s, 500Kb/s HT6550 logitech 99 mouse controller logitech 99 mouse controller pinout floppy disk chip SCR table TGMR 27BH wd 286 mouse transmitter circuit in GPR PDF

    NEC disk controller

    Abstract: z80 speed of data transfer PD765AC-2 UPD765A IBM Single Density PD765AC2 z80 fdc
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description The/iPD765A//iPD765B is an LSI floppy-disk controller FDC chip which contains the circuitry and control functions for interfacing a processor to four floppy disk drives. It is capable of either IBM 3740 single density format (FM), or IBM System 34 double density

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    uPD765A uPD765B JPD765A/B juPD765A/B juPD765B J/PD765AC2 J/PD765BC 40-pin JJPD765A/B NEC disk controller z80 speed of data transfer PD765AC-2 IBM Single Density PD765AC2 z80 fdc PDF

    24 mhz crystal oscillator

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPC2055 AD VA NC E I NFORMATI ON FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER SINGLE CHIP HIGH SPEED FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER • DESCRIPTION The SPC2055 is an IBM PC/XT/AT-compatible floppy disk controller with a high-speed analog PLL data drive

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    SPC2055 SPC2055 25kbs, 300kbs, 500kbs, SPC2052oa 80-pin 24 mhz crystal oscillator PDF


    Abstract: MCS3201FN MC3201 mt 3328 Motorola MCS3201FN ADI1528R1 SA10 SA11 SA12 floppy Stepping Motors diagram
    Text: Order this data sheet by MCS3201/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCS3201 Advanced Information IBM PC/XT/AT Floppy Disk Formatter/Controller The MCS3201 is a floppy-disk controller designed to be easily integrated into an IBM-compatible PC/XT/AT computer. The MCS3201 has built in address decoding

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    MCS3201/D MCS3201 MCS3201 68-lead MCS3201FN MC3201 mt 3328 Motorola MCS3201FN ADI1528R1 SA10 SA11 SA12 floppy Stepping Motors diagram PDF


    Abstract: FDC zilog z765 floppy disk interface z80 fdc
    Text: ZILOG INC 30E D E3 QOlbSaa 3 EiZIL FDC FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER G EN ER AL DESCHBPTION FEA TU R ES he Z765A is an LSI Floppy Disk Controller FDC chip which contains the circuitry and control functions for interfacing a processor to four floppy disk drives. It supports IBM System 3740 Single

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    Z765A 40-pin 44-pin FDC zilog z765 floppy disk interface z80 fdc PDF


    Abstract: OTI-037 taa 765a 765A LC43 8253 programme able interface ic 4060 pin diagram OTI-032 mark 1AM oti037
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-033 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER AND DATA SEPARATOR FEATURES • Provides a 765A-com patible floppy disk controller • Contains a precision analog data separator • Integrates an internal phase com para­

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    QTI-033 30-COMPATIBLE 65A-compatible -250K -300K -500K OTl-033 OTI-O31 OTI-032 ETR1 TIMERS OTI-037 taa 765a 765A LC43 8253 programme able interface ic 4060 pin diagram mark 1AM oti037 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: intJ 82078 64 PIN CHMOS SINGLE-CHIP FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER — Selectable Boot Drive — Standard IBM and ISO Format Features — Format with Write Command for High Performance in Mass Floppy Duplication • Small Footprint and Low Height Packages ■ Supports Standard 5.0V as well as Low

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    Mbps/500 PDF

    24 mhz crystal oscillator

    Abstract: pc xt "floppy disk controller" chip 24 pin
    Text: S-fl 0 S SYSTEMS INC 5bE D ?cì35cìocì Doana? amg msno SPC2055 A D V A N C E INFORMATIO N -JJ-U f FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER SINGLE CHIP HIGH SPEED FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER • DESCRIPTION The SPC2055 is an IBM PC/XT/AT-compatible floppy disk controller with a high-speed analog PLL data

    OCR Scan
    SPC2055 SPC2055 25kbs, 300kbs, 500kbs, 80-pin 7T32C 24 mhz crystal oscillator pc xt "floppy disk controller" chip 24 pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i, 82078 64 PIN CHMOS SINGLE-CHIP FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER • Small Footprint and Low Height Packages — Selectable Boot Drive — Standard IBM and ISO Format Features — Format with Write Command for High Performance in Mass Floppy Duplication ■ Supports Standard 5.0V as well as Low

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    2L17S PDF

    ACC Microelectronics Corporation

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this data sheet by MCS3202/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCS3202 Advance Information P S /2 * Floppy Disk Form atter/ Controller The MCS3202 is a high performance CMOS single-chip floppy disk con­ troller. With the MCS3202, designers can build an IBM PS/2 compatible

    OCR Scan
    MCS3202/D MCS3202 MCS3202 MCS3202, 360K/720K/1 NEC765A ACC Microelectronics Corporation PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-033 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER AND DATA SEPARATOR FEATURES • Provides a 765A-compatible floppy disk controller • Contains a precision analog data separator • Integrates an internal phase compara­ tor, and voltage controlled oscillator

    OCR Scan
    OTI-033 30-COMPATIBLE 65A-compatible -250K -300K -500K OTI-033 30compatible OTI-031 OTI-032 ETR1 TIMERS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES 2fiE D • 0557525 □111351e]! 7 ■ A m 9 5 8 0 A /A m 9590 "T-SZ-^ -b3 Hard Disk Controllers PRELIMINARY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Am9580A supports ST506/412 and IBM doubledenslty floppy formats Am9590 supports ESDI, ST506/412, and IBM

    OCR Scan
    111351e Am9580A ST506/412 Am9590 ST506/412, 512-byte 32-blt 66-Pin 68-Pin CA2068) ST506 PDF

    ACC Microelectronics Corporation

    Abstract: 12V SM 39 Z 2 STEPPER MOTOR floppy disk motor head step MCS3202 floppy disk Stepper Motors FLOPPY DISK DRIVE ADI1529A NEC765A "ACC Microelectronics" MCS3202FN
    Text: Order this data sheet by MCS3202/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCS3202 Advance Information P S /2 * Floppy D isk F o rm atter/ C ontroller The MCS3202 is a high performance CMOS single-chip floppy disk con­ troller. With the MCS3202, designers can build an IBM PS/2 compatible

    OCR Scan
    MCS3202 MCS3202, 360K/720K/1 NEC765A A23837 C63627 MCS3202 ACC Microelectronics Corporation 12V SM 39 Z 2 STEPPER MOTOR floppy disk motor head step floppy disk Stepper Motors FLOPPY DISK DRIVE ADI1529A "ACC Microelectronics" MCS3202FN PDF

    power ic hard disk W D

    Abstract: FLOPPY DISK 37C651 FDC37C666GT FDC37C661
    Text: O T I / K ^ 1 C liv iL / FDC37C665GT FDC37C666GT STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION Advanced High-Performance Multi-Mode Parallel Port Super I/O Floppy Disk Controllers FE A TU R E S - IBM PC/XT®, PC/AT®, and PS/2™ Floppy Disk A vailable on Parallel Port Pins

    OCR Scan
    FDC37C665GT FDC37C666GT power ic hard disk W D FLOPPY DISK 37C651 FDC37C666GT FDC37C661 PDF

    Siemens sab 2793b-p

    Abstract: sab 2793b-p 2793A SAB 179X 2797B-P 2793B 2797A sab2797 Floppy Disk Controllers 8085 sab
    Text: SAB 2793B/2797B Advanced Floppy Disk Formatter/Controller Family SAB 2793B Features • Accom m odates single and double-density form ats IBM 3740 single density FM IBM System 34 double density (MFM) • A utom atic seek w ith verify • M u ltip le sector re ad/w rite

    OCR Scan
    2793B/2797B 2793B 793A/27x. 2793B/2797B 2793B-P Q67120-Y82 2797B-P Q67120-Y84 Siemens sab 2793b-p sab 2793b-p 2793A SAB 179X 2797A sab2797 Floppy Disk Controllers 8085 sab PDF


    Abstract: LTITR TIL 819 um8398
    Text: UM8397 Single-Chip Floppy Disk wêêê Controller IP* Features • Internal w rite precompensation c irc u it; precompensation IBM PC X T drive system com patible ■ Supports 2 drives MS-DOS support ■ 3 6 0 K /7 2 0 K fo rm a t selectable ■ IBM PC drive system address decoder

    OCR Scan
    UM8397 mo397 8326B 8397L* 1B47 LTITR TIL 819 um8398 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: \ C C niCROELECTRONICS 37E D • o o aao ia ACC Micro = aoaooB? — t 3211 "-S 2L-33_t t 3211 PC AT/XT Floppy Disk Controller with IDE Features ■ Compatible with IBM PC/AT and XT disk drive systems ■ Supports 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M formats ■ Supports up to four 3.5’ or 5.25" floppy disk

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    360K/720K/1 NEC765A 16-byte 16-bit 100-QFP G05001Ã 0GGG036 PDF