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    IC 74163 16- BIT UP COUNTER Search Results

    IC 74163 16- BIT UP COUNTER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCKE912NL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation eFuse IC (electronic Fuse), 2.7 to 23V, 4A, Latch, Fixed Over Voltage Clamp, WSON8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SZ07FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Non-Inverter Buffer (Open Drain), SOT-353 (USV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7W66FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), SPST Analog Switch, SOT-765 (US8), 2 in 1, -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SET125F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-25 (SMV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    IC 74163 16- BIT UP COUNTER Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: tda8362b ILa1519B1Q iff4n60 IN1307N tda8890 IL311AN IL91214AN MC74HC123AN IL258D
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS SHORT FORM CATALOG INTEGRAL 2010-2011 INTEGRAL JSC reserves the right to make changes in device design, specifications and other information identified in this publication without notice and assumes no responsibility for the use of any device described herein.



    Abstract: k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417
    Text: 1 BHIAB Electronics Du som söker besvärliga IC & transistorer, börja Ditt sökande hos oss – vi har fler typer på lager än man rimlingen kan begära av ett företag Denna utgåva visar lagerartiklar men tyvärr saknas priser och viss information Men uppdatering sker kontinuerligt

    MK135 MK136 MK137 MK138 MK139 MK140 Mk142 MK145 MK155 157kr k2645 k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417 PDF


    Abstract: STR11006 SO41P PIONEER PA0016 7 segment to bcd converter 74c915 SAJ141 74HC145 tms1122 IC PA0016 KOR 2310 transistor
    Text: Utgåva 2005-03-24 Alla artiklar i katalogen finns normalt i lager men det tillkommer och utgår kontinuerligt. För aktuell information om prisvärt industriöverskott / surplus surfa in på: Tel: 08-641 86 30 Fax: 08-641 87 30

    14-dagar PA0016 STR11006 SO41P PIONEER PA0016 7 segment to bcd converter 74c915 SAJ141 74HC145 tms1122 IC PA0016 KOR 2310 transistor PDF

    TLS 2505

    Abstract: m1-15r 74s163 74LS162A 74ls 8 RS triggers
    Text: SN54160 THRU SN54163, SN54LS160A THRU SN54LS163A, SN54S162, SN54S163, SN74160 THRU SN74163, SN74LS160A THRU SN74LS163A, SN74S162, SN74S163 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT COUNTERS 1976 - REVISED MARCH 1988

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    SN54160 SN54163, SN54LS160A SN54LS163A, SN54S162, SN54S163, SN74160 SN74163, SN74LS160A SN74LS163A, TLS 2505 m1-15r 74s163 74LS162A 74ls 8 RS triggers PDF

    function of latch ic 74373

    Abstract: full adder using ic 74138 pins and their function in ic 74163 encoder IC 74147 74373 cmos dual s-r latch sn 74373 74373 latch ic 74541 buffer MSM7000 MSM70000
    Text: • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M S M 7 0 0 0 0 series is the gate array L S I based on the master slice method using the high performance silicon gate H C M O S process with the dual-layer metal structure. This series has the features to easily realize functions-of the schm itt trigger, crystal/

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    MSM70000 MSIW71000 MSM74000] function of latch ic 74373 full adder using ic 74138 pins and their function in ic 74163 encoder IC 74147 74373 cmos dual s-r latch sn 74373 74373 latch ic 74541 buffer MSM7000 PDF

    7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 use NAND gate

    Abstract: JLCC-68 ci 74386 cI 74150 jLCC68 74153 full adder 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 74106 sln 7404 LCC-64
    Text: MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX AV CMOS SERIES GATE ARRAYS F U JIT S U June 1986 Edition 2.0 DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB65xxxx/M B66xxxx/M B67xxxx family are a series o f high perform ance CMOS gate arrays designed to provide high density, low pow er, and operating speeds th a t are com parable to standard bipolar logic. The A V M 865xxxx series is an ideal

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    MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX MB65xxxx/MB66xxxx/MB67xxxx M865xxxx) MB67xxxx) MB66xxxx) 350AVB 540AVB 850AVB 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 use NAND gate JLCC-68 ci 74386 cI 74150 jLCC68 74153 full adder 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 74106 sln 7404 LCC-64 PDF

    IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram

    Abstract: full adder using ic 74138 full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 pin diagram for IC 7483 for 4 bit adder chip and pin diagram of IC 7491 DN 74352 circuit diagram for IC 7483 full adder application of ic 74153 ic 74148 block diagram 74191, 74192, 74193 circuit diagram
    Text: MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX AV CMOS SERIES GATE ARRAYS F U JIT S U June 1986 Edition 1.0 DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB65xxxx/MB66xxxx/MB67xxxx family are a series of high performance CMOS gate arrays designed to provide high density, low power, and operating speeds that are comparable to standard bipolar logic. The AV MB65xxxx series is an ideal

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    MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX MB65xxxx/MB66xxxx/MB67xxxx MB65xxxx) MB67xxxx) MB66xxxx) IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram full adder using ic 74138 full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 pin diagram for IC 7483 for 4 bit adder chip and pin diagram of IC 7491 DN 74352 circuit diagram for IC 7483 full adder application of ic 74153 ic 74148 block diagram 74191, 74192, 74193 circuit diagram PDF

    up down counter using IC 7476

    Abstract: full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 74154 shift register IC sk 7443 full adder circuit using ic 74153 multiplexer DN 74352 full adder using ic 74138 74183 adder pin function of ic 74390 7478 J-K Flip-Flop
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS FUJITSU 37417bH 0010SÔ3 23E D MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX AV CMOS SERÍES GATE ARRAYS ~ June 1986 Edition 2.0 : T - 4 2 - n - o °i DESCRIPTION S The Fujitsu MB65xxxx/MB66xxxx/MB67xxxx family are a series of high performance CMOS gate arrays designed to provide high

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    37417bH 0010S MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX MB65xxxx/MB66xxxx/MB67xxxx MB65xxxx) MB67xxxx) 350AVB S40AVB up down counter using IC 7476 full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 74154 shift register IC sk 7443 full adder circuit using ic 74153 multiplexer DN 74352 full adder using ic 74138 74183 adder pin function of ic 74390 7478 J-K Flip-Flop PDF

    7486 XOR gate

    Abstract: 8mcomp XOR 7486 Truth Table 74192 4count XOR 7486 GATE 16cudslr 7472 truth table 7486 xor 74194 truth table
    Text: PROGRAMMABL E a \ l o g ic s o f t w a r e I-WV i1 I— rT -U U PLS-MAX =Er - ]T — n V n i n ni l A V P L S -m A X MAX+PLUS FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Unified Development system for the entire Multiple Array Matrix MAX family of EPLDs. • Multiple design entry methods including a hier­

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    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC ic 4583 schmitt trigger core bit excess 3 adder using IC 7483 advantages for ic 7473 4 BIT COUNTER 74669 la 4508 ic schematic diagram XF107 74295 random number generator by using ic 4011 and 4017
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high performance CMOS gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise customised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed performance previously obtainable only with bipolar technologies whilst retaining all the advantages of CMOS technology; low power consum p­

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    counter 7468

    Abstract: umi u26 "CMOS GATE ARRAY" fuji ci 7483 74181 74175 clock 74154 chip configuration u26 umi 74106 9 bit comparator using 7485 CI 7408
    Text: FUJITSU M B65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX AV CMOS SERIES GATE ARRAYS June 1986 Edition 1.0 DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu M B 65 xxxx/M B 66xxxx/M B 67 xxxx fam ily are a series of high pe rfo rm an ce CMOS ga te arrays designed to provide high density, low pow er, and operating speeds th a t are com parable to stan dard bipolar logic. The A V M B65xxxx series is an ideal

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    MB65XXXX MB66XXXX MB67XXXX MB65xxxx/MB66xxxx/MB67xxxx MB65xxxx) MB67xxxx) MB66xxxx) J22833 CA95054-3197. D-6000 counter 7468 umi u26 "CMOS GATE ARRAY" fuji ci 7483 74181 74175 clock 74154 chip configuration u26 umi 74106 9 bit comparator using 7485 CI 7408 PDF


    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC 74ls150 ph 4531 diode 4583 dual schmitt trigger ic D flip flop 7474 74245 BUFFER IC ic 7483 BCD adder data sheet ic 74139 Quad 2 input nand gate cd 4093
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high perform ance CM O S gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise custom ised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed perform ance previously obtainable only with bipo lar tech nolog ies whilst retaining all

    OCR Scan

    IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram

    Abstract: binary to gray code conversion using ic 74157 Multiplexer IC 74151 16 bit odd even parity checker using two IC 74180 binary to gray code conversion using ic 74139 7444 series Excess-3-gray code to Decimal decoder full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 ic 74151 ic 74148 block diagram MSI IC 74138 decoder
    Text: s I SEMICONDUCTOR GROUP 23E D • t?54E40 G00fl535 1 "T-q2-q \ p a rtII CMOS STANDARD CELL LSI MSM91H000 SERIES ¿U S' This M a terial C o p y r i g h t e d B y Its R e s p e c t i v e M a n u f a c t u r e r O K I SEMICONDUCTOR GROUP 23E D ■ b72M240 DGGÔ23b G

    OCR Scan
    MSM91H000 b72MS40 DQQ023b t-42-41 b724240 IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram binary to gray code conversion using ic 74157 Multiplexer IC 74151 16 bit odd even parity checker using two IC 74180 binary to gray code conversion using ic 74139 7444 series Excess-3-gray code to Decimal decoder full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 ic 74151 ic 74148 block diagram MSI IC 74138 decoder PDF

    AMD K6

    Abstract: 74147 decimal to binary encoder
    Text: a Preliminary Am3020/3030/3042/3064/3090 Advanced Micro Devices Am3000 Series Family of Programmable Gate Arrays DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Second generation user-programmable gate array ■ Flexible array architecture ■ High performance - 50 ,7 0 ,1 0 0 MHz commercial products

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    Am3020/3030/3042/3064/3090 Am3000 AMD K6 74147 decimal to binary encoder PDF

    74194 ring counter

    Abstract: grid tie inverter schematic diagram 74299 universal shift register CI 74241 DN 74352 grid tie inverter schematics 7483 parallel adder pin diagram multiplexor 74153 multiplexor 74151 grid tie inverters circuit diagrams
    Text: H Preliminary Am3020/3030/3042/3064/3090 Advanced Micro Devices Am3000 Series Family of Programmable Gate Arrays DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Second generation user-programmable gate array ■ Flexible array architecture ■ High performance - 50, 70,100 MHz commercial products

    OCR Scan
    Am3020/3030/3042/3064/3090 Am3000 74194 ring counter grid tie inverter schematic diagram 74299 universal shift register CI 74241 DN 74352 grid tie inverter schematics 7483 parallel adder pin diagram multiplexor 74153 multiplexor 74151 grid tie inverters circuit diagrams PDF


    Abstract: 744017 Scx6206 sn 74373 latch 74574 744020 Flip-Flop 7471 74292 74299 universal shift register SCX6218
    Text: July 1985 Jim Semiconductor SCX microCMOS Gate Array Family Application Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS General Description . 2 2.0 Product F eatures. 2.0.1 Enhanced Product Features.

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    AA32096 744040 744017 Scx6206 sn 74373 latch 74574 744020 Flip-Flop 7471 74292 74299 universal shift register SCX6218 PDF

    intel 82720

    Abstract: 82720 8086 8257 DMA controller interfacing 7 segment display 056 RCC gdc U 82720 interfacing of 8257 with 8086 d82720 algorithm graphic DDA circle intel MCS-48 interfacing of 8257 devices with 8085
    Text: 82720 GDC Application Manual LITERATURE 1983 w ill be a year o f tra n sitio n fo r Intel’s catalog program . In order to better serve you, we are reorganizing many of o u r catalogs to more closely reflect p ro d u ct groups. In addition to the new p ro d u ct line handbooks listed below, the INTEL PRODUCT GUIDE O rder No.

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    30pendix LS244 LS257 intel 82720 82720 8086 8257 DMA controller interfacing 7 segment display 056 RCC gdc U 82720 interfacing of 8257 with 8086 d82720 algorithm graphic DDA circle intel MCS-48 interfacing of 8257 devices with 8085 PDF


    Abstract: MC1013P MC680P 796HC mc1235l MC838P MC814G MC1670L 723HC 741hm
    Text: 27-18 LH 0002 C LH 0002 CN 586-81! .587-270 AMPEX CURRENT A M PLIFIE R IN PUT 27-18 AMPEX REV 111 NH 0005C 586-495 D AC08CZ 587-896 27 + R ef | 1_ O PE R ATIO N AL A M PLIFIE R 8 BIT D -A CONVERTER 2" 14 13 12 11 6 5 4 1I i i i i i 3 1 13 , +12V So-4

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    LH0002C LH0002CN NH0005C DAC08CZ NH0014C DH0034 78M12HC MMH0026CG 79M12AHC 75460BP SN72710L MC1013P MC680P 796HC mc1235l MC838P MC814G MC1670L 723HC 741hm PDF


    Abstract: FZK105 upd101 SNF10 SN76131 TAA700 FZH111 FZJ101 MFC8010 MFC8001
    Text: HANDBOOK OF INTESBATEI CIRCUITS in EQUIVALENTS AND SUBSTITUTES A lthough every care is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible for any errors that might occur. I.S.B.N. 0 900162 35 X 1974 by Bernard B. Babani First Published 1974

    OCR Scan
    Grou19 CN127-128-638 ZN220-320. CN131-132-642. ZN221-321. CN133-134-644. ZN248-348. CN135-136-646 ZN222-322. CN121-122-682. FZK101 FZK105 upd101 SNF10 SN76131 TAA700 FZH111 FZJ101 MFC8010 MFC8001 PDF


    Abstract: cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8
    Text: Contents Page Page New product index Combined index and status codes viii x Mullard approved components BS9000, CECC, and D3007 lists CV list Integrated circuits Section index xliii 1 5 Standard functions LOGIC FAMILIES CMOS HE4000B family specifications CMOS HE4000B family survey

    OCR Scan
    BS9000, D3007 HE4000B 80RIBUTION BS9000 BPW22A cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8 PDF


    Abstract: wf vqc 10d alu 9308 d Signetics 2650 SN52723 2650 cpu 82S103 pipbug Signetics NE561 cd 75232
    Text: flcnCTICf ßii>ouiR/mos fflICROPROCEÍSOR DATfl mnnuni SIGNETICS reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Signetics also assumes no responsibility for the

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    Abstract: sn29601 SN7449 SN74298 SN74265 MC3021 SN54367 sn74142 signetics 8223 9370c
    Text: INDEX PAGE TTL Integrated Circuits Mechanical Data 1 TTL Interchangeability Guide 6 Functional Selection Guide 19 Explanation of Function Tables 38 54/74 Families of Compatible TTL Circuits 40 TTL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS MECHANICAL DATA J ceramic dual-in-line package

    OCR Scan
    24-lead SN74S474 SN54S475 SN74S475 SN54S482 SN74S482 LCC4270 SN54490 SN74490 SN54LS490 SN7401 sn29601 SN7449 SN74298 SN74265 MC3021 SN54367 sn74142 signetics 8223 9370c PDF

    JRC 45600

    Abstract: YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541
    Text: I SEMICON INDEXES Contents and Introduction Manufacturers' Information V O LU M E 3 INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INDEX 15th EDITION 1997 Numerical Listing of Integrated Circuits Substitution Guide U D C 621.382.3 Diagram s THE S E M IC O N INTERNATIONAL INDEXES

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    ZOP033 ZOP035 ZOP036 ZOP037 ZOP038 ZOP039 ZOP045 ZOP042 ZOP041 ZOP043 JRC 45600 YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541 PDF


    Abstract: SN74298 SN74265 54175 NES 1004 naval specification 74L95 Transistor AF 138 07802-1 SN7437 SN54LS195A
    Text: m - G EN ER A L IN F O R M A TIO N INDEXES Numerical • Functional/Selection Guide O R D E R IN G INSTRUCTIO NS A N D M E C H A N IC A L D ATA 1 1 5 4/74 F A M IL Y SSI C IR CU ITS 2 I 54/74 F A M IL Y M S I/LSI C IR C U ITS 3 S E R IE S 29000 S S I C IR C U IT S

    OCR Scan
    38510/M D012510 D011520 D011510 54S38 SN74298 SN74265 54175 NES 1004 naval specification 74L95 Transistor AF 138 07802-1 SN7437 SN54LS195A PDF