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    IC CMOS 4029B Search Results

    IC CMOS 4029B Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74VHCT541AFT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74VHC541FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC74HC14AF Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC14D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC04D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    IC CMOS 4029B Datasheets Context Search

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    4093 BP

    Abstract: cd 4093 equivalent V40098D V40511D 40511 4017 BP MC 4011 BCP MC 4093 ZUD 132 ci 4093 equivalent
    Text: i iriilk if^ B c lG l-c te n a n il-i Übersicht CMOS-Schaltkreise CMOS-IC’s Übersicht CMOS-Schaltkreise - CMOS-IC’s V4001 D V 4007 D V4011 D V 4012 D V 4013 D V4015D V4017D V4019D V 4023 D V 4027 D V 4028 D V 4029 D V 4030 D V 4034 D V 4035 D V 4042

    OCR Scan
    V4001 V4011 V4015D V4017D V4019D V4051 4093 BP cd 4093 equivalent V40098D V40511D 40511 4017 BP MC 4011 BCP MC 4093 ZUD 132 ci 4093 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: MN4029B
    Text: CMOS Logic MN4000B Series MN4029B/MN4029BS MN4029B / MN4029BS 4 -B it P re se tta b le Up/Down Counters • D escription T h e M N 4 0 2 9 B / S a ie sy n c h r o n o u s u p /d o w n c o u n t e r s w h ic h c a n b e u se d fo r e ith e r b in a ry o r d e c a d e c o u n tin g .

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    MN4000B MN4029B/MN4029BS MN4029B MN4029BS 14029B PDF


    Abstract: CI 4071B 40298 4000B 4071B 4029 Counter low current 4029 cmos
    Text: 4029B SYNCHRONOUS UP/DOWN COUNTER D E S C R I P T I O N - T h e 4 0 2 9 B is a S yn ch ro n o u s Edge-Triggered U p / D o w n 4 -Bit B in a r y / B C D Decade Co u n te r w ith a C lo c k In p u t C P , an active L O W C o unt E nable In p u t (C E ), an U p /D o w n C o n tro l Inp ut

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    4029B 4029B 4071B CI 4071B 40298 4000B 4071B 4029 Counter low current 4029 cmos PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4029B SYNCHRONOUS UP/DOWN COUNTER D E S C R IP TIO N — The 4029B is a Synchronous Edge-Triggered U p /D o w n 4 -B it B in a ry /B C D Decade C ounter w ith a C lock In p u t CP , an active LOW C ou n t Enable In p u t (CE), an U p /D o w n C o n tro l In p u t

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    4029B 4029B PDF


    Abstract: ic CMOS 4029B
    Text: HA RR IS S E M I C O N D SE CT OR 44E D • 43GS271 0037403 3 ■ H A S T 2] HARRIS CMOS Presettable U p/D ow n Counter CD4029B Types Features: @ C L = 50 pF and V D D - V s s = 10 V Binary or BCD-Decade ■ C D 4029B consists o f a four-stage ■ Multi-package parallel clocking fo r synchronous

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    43GS271 4029B 92CU-29723RI D4029BC ic CMOS 4029B PDF


    Abstract: ic CMOS 4029B GD402 40298 goldstar scheme
    Text: GOLDSTAR TECHNOLOGY INC-, D4E D | 4 0 2 0 7 5 7 OOOlbL.2 3 | ~ f T -*/£ -2 3 ‘ O l . 4 0 2 8 7 5 7 G O LD STA R TECHNO LO GY IN C . 04E 01662 D GD4029B SYNCHRONOUS UP/DOWN COUNTER DESCRIPTIO N — The 4029B is a Synchronous Edge-Triggered Up/Down 4-Bit Binary/BCD Decade

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    GD4029B 4029B 4029B gd4029b ic CMOS 4029B GD402 40298 goldstar scheme PDF


    Abstract: 4029bc D4029BC 7476 up down counter cd4029bcn 7476 counter CD4029BC UP DOWN COUNTER LD 7476 PS
    Text: Revised January 1999 EMICQNDUCTGR tm General Description The C D 4029BC is a presettable up/down counter which counts in either binary or decade m ode depending on the voltage level applied at binary/decade input. W hen binary/ decade is a t logical “ 1 ”, the counter counts in binary, oth e r­

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    CD4029BC CD4029BC 4029BC INTERNAL DIAGRAM OF IC 7476 D4029BC 7476 up down counter cd4029bcn 7476 counter CD4029BC UP DOWN COUNTER LD 7476 PS PDF


    Abstract: 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501
    Text: FAIRMONT ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. TE L.48-6421 4 8 -6 4 8 1 /2 /4 C AB LES ' FAIRTRONICS' C R A IG H A L L T E L E X 8-3227 S A . P O .BOX 41102, C R A IG H A LL 2024. I ouani v-ox 39! 262Bramley 2018 FAIRCHILD 464 Ellis Street, M ountain View, C alifornia 94042

    OCR Scan
    262Bramley orporation/464 962-5011/TWX 19-PIN 100414DC 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2Î K A R R I S CD4585B Types CMOS 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator r - H igh V o lta g e T y p e s 2 0 - V o lt R atin g The CD4585B has eight com paring inputs (A3, B3, through AO, BO), three outputs (A < B ,A = B,A > B) and three cascading inputs (A < B, A = B, A > B) th a t pe rm it systems

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    CD4585B 4585B 16-lead 16-lead 91CHJT 92CS-3I006 92CM-32002 PDF


    Abstract: d4518bc 74c920 74C929 4031B JRC 4069UBF D4518 74ls247 fairchild linear integrated circuits 74c14
    Text: o #1 ’ FAIRCHILD 4 6 4 Ellis S tre e t, M o u n ta in V ie w , C a lifo rn ia 9 4 0 4 2 ‘ 1977 F a irch ild C am era and In stru m e n t C o rp o ra tio n /4 6 4 E llis S treet. M o u n ta in View. C a lifo rn ia 94042 / 4 15 9 6 2-5 0 1 1/TW X 910-3

    OCR Scan
    24-Pin D4515 d4518bc 74c920 74C929 4031B JRC 4069UBF D4518 74ls247 fairchild linear integrated circuits 74c14 PDF


    Abstract: TC9525F VHC165 TC9534N HC4050A HC4520A TC8215uf HC4049A TC24SC HCT164A
    Text: MOS Industrial ICs AD Converter - je Conversion Resolution Time Type No. Conversion Mode Input Channel TC5090AP 8b it 2ms Integration method 1 TC5091AP Bbit 2ms " 6 TC5092AP 13bit 8.2ms ’ 8 TC5093AP 8b it 50ps Successive approximation 8 Output Formst

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    TC5090AP TC5091AP TC5092AP TC5093AP TC35094P TC35095AP/AF TC35096AP/AF TC35097AP TC35098AP TC35080P HC165A TC9525F VHC165 TC9534N HC4050A HC4520A TC8215uf HC4049A TC24SC HCT164A PDF

    delta dps 298 cp

    Abstract: delta dps 298 cp-1 IRF 8030 irf 4710 bbc 598 479 DIODE F4049 sn 94042 Switching power supplies Delta electronics dps MR 4710 ci 4047B
    Text: FAIRCHILD BIPOLAR M IC R O P R O C E S S O R □ATABOOK MACROLOGIC BIPOLAR MICROPROCESSOR OATABOOK FAIRCHILD 4 6 4 Ellis S tre e t, M o u n ta in V ie w , C alifo rn ia 9 4 0 4 2 c 1976 F a i r c h il d C a m e r a a n d In s t r u m e n t C o r p o r a t i o n / 4 6 4 E llis S t r e e t , M o u n t a i n V i e w , C a li f o r n ia 9 4 0 4 2 / 4 1 5 9 6 2 - 5 0 1 1 / T W X

    OCR Scan
    Corporation/464 962-5011/TWX Tech-71-038 delta dps 298 cp delta dps 298 cp-1 IRF 8030 irf 4710 bbc 598 479 DIODE F4049 sn 94042 Switching power supplies Delta electronics dps MR 4710 ci 4047B PDF

    CD4017 smd

    Abstract: Ic cd4060 pin configuration 7012 smd ic CD4541 equivalent CD4010 circuit pin configuration cd4541 application CD4050AFB CD4017 equivalent CD4013BFB 4018A
    Text: CMOS Logic ICs - CD4000B Series Features Compliance to MIL-STD-883 The Harris High-Reliability C D 400 0B S er es of high-voltage Harris C D 4 0 0 0 Series parts are in full compliance with Para­ graph 1.2.1 of M IL-S TD -883. Product is provided to m eet the

    OCR Scan
    CD4000B MIL-STD-883 CD4000B-JAN CD4000A-JAN CD4000A CD4017 smd Ic cd4060 pin configuration 7012 smd ic CD4541 equivalent CD4010 circuit pin configuration cd4541 application CD4050AFB CD4017 equivalent CD4013BFB 4018A PDF

    equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet

    Abstract: MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40
    Text: $5.00 S E M I C O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Harris Marketing Support Services HMSS , 1-800-4HARRIS HMSS provides world-class service to customers requiring information on all products offered by Harris Semiconductor. Ask Harris Marketing Support Services for answers concerning:

    OCR Scan
    1-800-4HARRIS equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40 PDF

    Halbleiterbauelemente DDR

    Abstract: transistor vergleichsliste u82720 Datenblattsammlung VEB mikroelektronik aktive elektronische bauelemente ddr mikroelektronik datenblattsammlung je 3055 Motorola mikroelektronik DDR Transistor Vergleichsliste DDR
    Text: íx}i3í iu ]9n;g'q s p o s i l i o j p j S j © DNmiAf W¥S±±na N31¥Q >l!UDüq>|! ZUR B E A C H T U N G Die vorliegenden Datenblätter beinhalten ausführliche technische Angaben von aktiven elektronischen Bauelementen des in den "Listen Elektronischer Bauelemente und Bausteine" LEB)

    OCR Scan
    R-1035 Halbleiterbauelemente DDR transistor vergleichsliste u82720 Datenblattsammlung VEB mikroelektronik aktive elektronische bauelemente ddr mikroelektronik datenblattsammlung je 3055 Motorola mikroelektronik DDR Transistor Vergleichsliste DDR PDF

    TDA0161 equivalent

    Abstract: 1N3393 BDX54F equivalent byt301000 bux transient voltage suppressor ST90R9 ua776mh sgs 2n3055 Transistor morocco mje13007 inmos transputer reference manual

    OCR Scan

    proton rx 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: RCA-CD401 cd22014 ICAN-6362 vogt 545 44 vogt inductor j9 570 17 013 20 RCA-CD4046B common cathode 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY LT 543 CD22014E CD22011
    Text: RCA COS/MOS Integrated Circuits This DATABOOK contains complete technical information on RCA stand­ ard commercial COS/MOS integrated circuits. It covers the full line of RCA standard A- and B-series digital logic circuits, special-function circuits crosspoint switches and level shifters ,

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    132nd WA98121. proton rx 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram RCA-CD401 cd22014 ICAN-6362 vogt 545 44 vogt inductor j9 570 17 013 20 RCA-CD4046B common cathode 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY LT 543 CD22014E CD22011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4518B 4520B INTERNATIONAL, INC. CMOS DUAL UP COUNTERS FEATURES 4 Two Independent 4-B it Counters 4 Internally Synchronous fo r High Speed Dual BCD 4518B and Dual Binary (4520B) Configurations 4 D irect Reset 4 Logic Edge-Clocked Design 4 Trigger from either Edge o f Clock Signal

    OCR Scan
    4518B 4520B 4518B) 4520B) 4518B 4520B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - CD4029B Types CMOS Presettable Up/Down Counter Features: • ■ Binary or BCD-Decade Medium-speed o peration . . . 8 M H z ty p . @ — 50 pF and V p p - V j j g — 10 V Multi-package parallel clocking fo r synchronous high speed o u tp u t response or ripple clocking

    OCR Scan
    CD4029B 4029B ti95 PDF

    CMOS 4000B series device

    Abstract: LC4049B LC4023B LC4050B LC4027B LC4011B 4000B 4051Bm 4017BT LC4049BM
    Text: MLC4000B Series CMOS Logic monolithic ICs Package Device Tjjje Number of Drawing pins and number configuration Description Features M LC4001B DIP 14 3135 Quad 2-input N O R gate Standard logic S S I (4000B series) M LC 4001BM M FP 14 3138 Quad 2-input N O R gate

    OCR Scan
    MLC4000B LC4001B 4001BM LC4051B 4000B 4052B 400QB 4053B CMOS 4000B series device LC4049B LC4023B LC4050B LC4027B LC4011B 4051Bm 4017BT LC4049BM PDF


    Abstract: 40178 4029B 3digit up down counter 4521B mod 10 up counter 4022B 40538 modulo 16 johnson counter johnson counter
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C92 4553B C91 4534B 5 6 1 22 = Pin 16 Vss = Pin 8 V d d = Pin 24 Vss = Pin 12 Vd d C94 4722B C95 4737B V d d ~ Pin 16 Vss = Pin 8 V d d = Pin 1 Vss = Pin 8 NC = Pin 14 C93 4727B Qo -1 4 Qi -1 3 02 -1 2 4 - C P *

    OCR Scan
    4534B 4553B 4727B 4722B 4737B 4053B 4067B 4018B 4702B 14-Bit 4553B 40178 4029B 3digit up down counter 4521B mod 10 up counter 4022B 40538 modulo 16 johnson counter johnson counter PDF

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: mikroelektronik DDR aktive elektronische bauelemente ddr TESLA Tesla katalog 74c915 V4093D 4502c mosfet 4040BC K561TM2
    Text: DATEN DIGITALER INTEGRIERTER SCHALTKREISE AMATEUR BIBLIOTHEK Klaus K.Streng Streng, Klaus K.: Daten digitaler integrierter Schaltkreise CMOS-Schaltkreise . Berlin: Militirverlag der DDR. 1987. - 192 S.: 314 Bilder (Amateurbibliothek) ISBN 3-327-00360-2 l. Auflage, 1987

    OCR Scan
    HC4316 HC503 4351D/L VEB mikroelektronik mikroelektronik DDR aktive elektronische bauelemente ddr TESLA Tesla katalog 74c915 V4093D 4502c mosfet 4040BC K561TM2 PDF


    Abstract: 40408 binary counter 4017B 4 digit up counter diagram 4022B 4017-B 4029B 4020B 40188 4018B
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C56 4020B C57 4022B Q4 _ 7 CP CP MR Qq Q 3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 q8 MR q 1 0 q 11q 1 2 ° 1 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 9 7 5 6 4 13 12 14 15 1 2 °0 °1 °2 15 2 1 3 V DD = p in 16 V DD V SS " Pin 8 V SS 10 I D Q5-9

    OCR Scan
    4020B Pin16 4022B 4017B 4018B Pin16 4702B 4528B 4018B 4702B 40178 40408 binary counter 4017B 4 digit up counter diagram 4022B 4017-B 4029B 4020B 40188 PDF

    4040B pin out diagram

    Abstract: 4566b johnson counter 40178 4022B pin diagram 4 bit asynchronous binary up counter 4553B 16x4-Bit 4018B 4702B
    Text: FAIRCHILD MICROCOMPUTERS 8-BIT CMOS MICROPROCESSOR FAMILY LSI PERIPHERAL LOGIC ELEMENTS Power Supply V Frequency Power mW Logic/ MHz Typ @ (Typ @ Connection Diagram 5V 5V) Item DEVICE NO. 1 4702B Programmable Bit Rate Generator 3-15 5.0 0.05 P35 4L,6B,9B

    OCR Scan
    4702B 4703B 16x4-Bit 4704B 4705B 4706B 4707B 4708B 10-Bit 4018B 4040B pin out diagram 4566b johnson counter 40178 4022B pin diagram 4 bit asynchronous binary up counter 4553B PDF