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    IC HM 392 - 560 Search Results

    IC HM 392 - 560 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SZ07FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Non-Inverter Buffer (Open Drain), SOT-353 (USV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7W66FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), SPST Analog Switch, SOT-765 (US8), 2 in 1, -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SET125F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-25 (SMV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WH125FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-505 (SM8), 2 in 1, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    IC HM 392 - 560 Datasheets Context Search

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    tm 48f 038 transformer

    Abstract: 2j 103k 51f smd
    Text: Custom Solutions & Manufacturing Excellence From the day our company opened for business in 1947, our continuous growth as a U.S. manufacturer has been a great source of pride. We have accomplished this, in part, by providing custom solutions for your challenging circuit designs. Our products are

    MIL-PRF-39010, tm 48f 038 transformer 2j 103k 51f smd PDF


    Abstract: ER 2510 type bobbin RG-9B/U cable 2j 183j a431 csp 1040 39p SMD MARKING CODE 19l RG-180 connector 685 35K 222M SE SMD marking code BR24
    Text: Table of Contents RF Inductors Surface Mount Radial Leaded Series EMI Series 4221 Series 4222 Series 8454 Series SMB 2.5 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Surface Mount Series P1330 Series P1812 Series 2512 Series 3483 Series S3483 Series SDS130 Series SDS680

    P1330 P1812 S3483 SDS130 SDS680 SDS850 CMT4545 FW1405 SPD62 SPD42R PT1000 CONVERSION TABLE ER 2510 type bobbin RG-9B/U cable 2j 183j a431 csp 1040 39p SMD MARKING CODE 19l RG-180 connector 685 35K 222M SE SMD marking code BR24 PDF

    ic HM 392 - 560

    Abstract: HM 392 - 560 ode 33 100v
    Text: GENERAL SPECIFICATIO NS TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS Resistance Range Standards : 10£i through 10 Meg£2 l Resistance Tolerance Standard : ± 1% through 5% 1 CM Max Operating Voltage 100V (not to exceed rated power) Typical: ± 100ppm/°C (5012 to 2.2MK) TCR 1002 X

    OCR Scan
    100ppm/ 250ppm/ ic HM 392 - 560 HM 392 - 560 ode 33 100v PDF

    ic HM 392 - 110

    Abstract: vitrohm 412 101 R15 N 470 KP
    Text: Vorzugswerte nach DIN/IEC 63: E6 E 12 E 24 E6 E 12 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.3 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.2 2 .2 2.7 E 48 E 96 E 192 E 48 E 96 100 100 100 162 162 101 102 105 102 105 165 169 169 174 109 110 110 110 178 115 115 182

    OCR Scan

    HM 392 - 560

    Abstract: TE MARKING CODE 6-PIN ic HM 392 - 560
    Text: For technical assistance call the Networks Products number on the back cover. Top m arking standard Features • High profile offers increased pow er handling ■ C om patible w ith autom atic insertion equipm en t ■ S up erio r package integrity ■ M arkin g on contrasting background fo r

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    4300H 100ppm/ 250ppm/ 50ppm/ HM 392 - 560 TE MARKING CODE 6-PIN ic HM 392 - 560 PDF

    ic HM 392 - 560

    Abstract: HM 392 - 560 PACKAGE MARKING MAXIM 33 6-PIN
    Text: For technical assistance call the Networks Products number on the back cover. Top m arking standard Features • M ed iu m profile offers increased pow er handling ■ C om patible w ith autom atic insertion equipm en t ■ S up erio r package integrity ■ M arkin g on contrasting background fo r

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    00ppm 250ppm 50ppm ic HM 392 - 560 HM 392 - 560 PACKAGE MARKING MAXIM 33 6-PIN PDF

    TIC 220

    Abstract: ic HM 392 - 560
    Text: THICK FILM CONFORMAL SIPs, LOW PROFILE 4 THROUGH 14 PIN • Low profile is com patible with DIPs ■ W id e assortm ent of pin packages enhances design flexibility ■ High tem perature lead attachm ent to withstand reflow tem peratures up to 2 6 0 °C pOURNS

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    4600X 100ppm/ 250ppm/ 100ppm/V 50ppm/ TIC 220 ic HM 392 - 560 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SlNIILE-IJI-LI N 2.41 .095 L o w Profile C o n fo rm a l N e t w o r k s CT S exiterhse n re sistc iBtvvo'k technology is avahable in saace-saving conformal networks. • High rel ab i ty cermet resistors • Space saving over rrl vicinal res stars • A va, la hie in odd cr even w. r’ ber of Dins

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    220U/3301! PDF


    Abstract: marking 6H1 MC225
    Text: THICK FILM CONFORMAI. SIPs, HIGH PROFILE 4 THROUGH 14 PIN • High profile offers increased power handling ■ Wide assortment of pin packages enhances design flexibility •., . —-—1111111111111^ . W ; ■ High temperature lead attachment to withstand reflow

    OCR Scan
    4600H 100ppm/ 250ppm/ MIL-R-8340 marking 6H1 MC225 PDF


    Abstract: Kombinat VEB Elektronische Bauelemente VEB Kombinat 49004 veb taschenbuch Kombinat VEB asterm Bauelementeinformation VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik bauelemente Kombinat
    Text: Widerstände Kombinat VEB Elektronische Bauelemente W ID E R S T Ä N D E In h a lt Feste S ch ic h tw id e rstä n d e Seite 6 V e r ä n d e rb a re S ch ich tw id e rstä n d e 50 Ein ste ilre g ier Kohleschicht Ein ste ilre g ler (Cerm etschicht) Potentiometer

    OCR Scan

    564 marking 6 pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THICK FILM CONFORMAL SIPs ULTRALOW PROFILE, 4 THROUGH 12 PIN • Low profile is compatible with DIPs ■ Wide assortment of pin packages enhances design flexibility ■ High temperature lead attachment to withstand reflow temperatures up to 260°C p O T L T R lS r S

    OCR Scan
    4600U 100ppm/ 250ppm/ 100ppm/V 50ppM/ 564 marking 6 pin PDF

    eia SE-101-A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Thick Film Chip Resistors NRC Series FEATURES • EIA STANDARD SIZING 0201 1/20W , 0402(1/16W ), 0603(1/10W ), 0805(1/8W ) 1206(1/4W ), 1210(1/3W ), 2010(3/4W ) AND 2512(1W ) • METAL G LAZED THICK FILM ON HIGH PURITY ALUM INA SUBSTRATE (CERM ET) PROVIDES UNIFORM Q UALITY AND HIGH RELIABILITY

    OCR Scan
    1/20W 1/16W 1/10W sist10 10meg 10Oohms 10ohms 115Kohms eia SE-101-A PDF


    Abstract: 700B TT 2142 MIL-C-55681 CDR14 CDR21 CDR13BP S7B marking code AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS
    Text: -O S '' o s -o ATC 700 B Series NPO Porcelain and Ceramic Multilayer Capacitors Case B Size .110" x .110") • Capacitance Range 0.1 pF to 5100 pF Low ESR/ESL • Zero T.C. Low Noise • High Self-Resonance Rugged Construction • Established Reliability (QPL)

    OCR Scan
    Il746-2142 773M0C1 DDD1173 CDR21BP 700B TT 2142 MIL-C-55681 CDR14 CDR21 CDR13BP S7B marking code AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For technical assistance call the Networks Products number on the back cover. M arking on contrasting background fo r perm anent identification Features • Low profile is com patible w ith D IPs ■ W id e assortm en t of pin packages enhances design flexibility

    OCR Scan
    100ppm 250ppm gth-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rrw m _ LT1Q78/LT1079 TECHNOLOGY Micropower, Dual and Q uad, Single Supply, Precision Op Amps F€ftTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOfl • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Available in 8-Pin SO Package 50^A Max Supply Current Per Amplifier 70|iV Max Offset Voltage

    OCR Scan
    LT1Q78/LT1079 LT1078 LT1079 14-pin LT1078/1079 16-Lead ha7080 PDF


    Abstract: H-19 QFF300E fru20
    Text: - 92 ÏL G FF300E T Hfiïfri :• ' i 7 s f ' i r 5 \ ^ Y ; ; k ^ \ ' orm - : u ^ w m H-21 ^ • * * [$ # & dii y 7W 25T ili'j a£ -i; IT- Min 'l'yp Max iU ,id G FF300E12 ■¥• | f£ V r HM V dr m 1200 i V g r = 5 V or R I tqr m 300 i V o -8 0 0 V , I n RMS)

    OCR Scan
    QFF300E GFF300F12 Rgk-300' /T11-300A S300n VD-800V, -800V. H-101 GFF300F12 H-19 fru20 PDF


    Abstract: P22n HM50464P-12 50464 ram
    Text: Quick Reference Guide to Hitachi 1C Memories Package Information Reliability of Hitachi 1C Memories Applications MOS Static RAM MOS Pseudo Static RAM Application Specific Memory MOS Dynamic RAM MOS Dynamic RAM Module MOS Mask ROM MOS PROM ECL RAM HITACHI 1C MEMORY

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    ADE-40 101490 P22n HM50464P-12 50464 ram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY _ LT1206 250m A/60M Hz C urrent F e e d b a c k A m plifier KATURCS DCSCMPTIOn • 250mA Minimum Output Drive Current The LT1206 is a current feedback amplifier with high output current drive capability and excellent video char­

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    LT1206 250mA LT1206 250mA 600kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ,u;i\iLil (.able A'Hihlics And bivakuuis Lots O f Reasons Pomona Stays Out In Front. In the lab, plant or field, anywhere professionals rely on cables and breakouts, you’ll find Pomona. The reason is simple: quality, reliability', selection. Pomona connectors

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    7 segment display sm 42056

    Abstract: 7 Segment sm 42056 7 segment display sm 42056 national instrument kp series stepper motor japan servo co ru 94v0 ltc 126 sm 42056 siemens SID 801 smd marking 271 Sot helipot 7286 r10k l.25 helipot 7286 potentiometer
    Text: SI technologies ' CORPORATION THIRD EDI TI ON .Ü a IV! • m ? , ,I • Passive Netw orks f it k R e s i s t o r s?Vu. Chip • ^ fs< _ ' Power L * '• ^ Resistors ^ ~ * «s» -h r ,? 7 , ^ Trim m ers „ i * M r «2 • i rP Di i ¿r1" Me ¡t f r osition

    OCR Scan

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: MQE10 DL8640DC C41dc 4580d DS2510DC VEB Kombinat analoge schaltkreise VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik c520d
    Text: Neuheiten Weiterentwicklungen 1989 veb kombinat mikroelektronik Inhaltsverzeichnis Analoge Schaltkreise für die Konsumgüterelektronik H e rs te lle A 4555 D M u lti s t a n d a r d d e k o d e r f ü r P A L , SE C A M u n d N T S C 3 A 4565 D S ig n a l v e r s t e i l e r u n g s - u n d V e r z ö g e r u n g s s c h a ltu n g

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: c125t FT003-103D404 SC008-00503 Thermistor E24 NTC 4600 ST016-683D410 SC013-00505 SC020 tmtec EIA-96
    Text: TMTEC CO .LTD. ' z.". •; ' Chip Resistors N T C Thermistors T hick Film C h ip R e a lto rs Ordering Code 1 General Purpose Chip Resistors 4 NTCTherm i stor CI os sary Array Chip Resistors 6 NTC Power Thermistors Low Ohm ic Chip Resistors 8 SC 5 < /> Series

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HMP8156 fÇ j H A R R I S S E M I C O N D U C T O R NTSC/PAL Encoder August 1997 Features Description • M NTSC and (B, D, G, H, I, M, N, CN) PAL Operation The HMP8156 NTSC and PAL encoder is designed for use in systems requiring the generation of high-quality NTSC

    OCR Scan
    HMP8156 HMP8156 P0-P23 HMP8156EVAL2 n21a PDF

    6120* PDP-8 microprocessor

    Abstract: tda 7560 4 x 35 W Tda 6275 dx 400 harris 6120 dxbus TDA 7240 equivalent 6120* harris TDA 7240 amplifier harris dx10
    Text: 4-2 Product Information 4-3 E ri /iP & PERIPHERALS Product Index 4-1 CMOS Microprocessor and Peripherals Product Index Page CMOS 1 2 -B IT M IC R O PR O C ES SO R D A T A SH E ETS H D -6 1 2 0 H D -6 1 2 1 H M -6 1 0 0 H D -6 1 01 12 Bit High Performance Microprocessor

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit HD-6120 HD-6121 HM-6100 HD-6101 HD-6431 HD-6432 HD-6433 HD-6434 6120* PDP-8 microprocessor tda 7560 4 x 35 W Tda 6275 dx 400 harris 6120 dxbus TDA 7240 equivalent 6120* harris TDA 7240 amplifier harris dx10 PDF