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    IC UM 66 Search Results

    IC UM 66 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SZ07FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Non-Inverter Buffer (Open Drain), SOT-353 (USV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7W66FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), SPST Analog Switch, SOT-765 (US8), 2 in 1, -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SET125F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-25 (SMV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WH125FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-505 (SM8), 2 in 1, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
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    IC UM 66 Price and Stock

    Infineon Technologies AG ICE3RBR0665JGXUMA1

    AC/DC Converters COOLSET (INCL. GEN5)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ICE3RBR0665JGXUMA1 4,339
    • 1 $2.15
    • 10 $1.69
    • 100 $1.59
    • 1000 $1.49
    • 10000 $1.37
    Buy Now

    IC UM 66 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DL 3149-057 DL-3146-151 LD 33 cv DL-3146-152 IC-WKM diode 4148 in 4148 laserdiode 405 nm nf schaltungen
    Text: Sanyo-Laserdioden mit integrierten Treibern ansteuern iC-Haus GmbH Uwe Malzahn 24. November 2006 Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Text stellt Applikationsschaltungen mit iC-Haus-Laserdiodentreibern vor, um die gängigsten Sanyo-Laserdioden sowohl im CW-Betrieb als auch gepulst zu betreiben.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8400 Series DYÊ0ËC F ib e r O ptic Solu tion s for industry 1 M H z Voltage to Frequency Converters S.E. Models 8410, 8412, 8413 Diff. Models 8414, 8417 F eatures: • • • • • • • G uaranteed M inim um / M axim um Specifications W ide D ynam ic R ange

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    KDS 5J

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM D CRYSTALS AND M O NO LITH IC CYRSTAL FILTERS UM-1J/UM-5J Jacket Type Quartz Crystal ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ITEM -L _ — - _ T'-'PE 1 0 -1 5 0 M H z - Fun d . 3 rd , 5th - S erie s, 1 6 o F 2 0 p F , 3 0 p F , 3 2 p F - - 10pW - - - - ±10ppm

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    10ppm DSF1810 DSF1810 -910kHz 2058MHz. 491-6X25 491-6X12 KDS 5J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low Level and General Purpose Amplifiers TYPE POLA­ NO. RITY CASE M AXIM UM RATINGS Pd IC VCEO mW (mA) (V) HFE min max VCE(sat) fT Cob IC VCE max IC min max max (mA) (V) (V) (mA) (M Hz) (M Hz) (dB) 2 2 2 2 2 4.5 10 10 10 10 - 5 12 12 12 3.5 - - 10 10 10

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    MPS2716 MPS2923 MPS2924 MPS2925 MPS2926 O-92A PDF


    Abstract: 2N3692
    Text: Low Level and General Purpose Amplifiers TY PE POLA ­ NO. RITY CASE M A XIM UM RATINGS HFE Pd IC VCEO mW (mA) 00 min max (T Cob N.F. IC VCE V CE(sat) max IC min max max (mA) (V) (V) (mA) (M Hz) (M Hz) (dB) 120+ 12 12 12 10 10 - 120+ 120+ 120+ 120+ - 10

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    2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N3391A 2N3392 2N3393 2N3394 2N3395 2N3565 2N3692 PDF


    Abstract: top marking 293 1A466
    Text: PRODUCT INFORMATION 1A466 Datacom, General Purpose O p t ic a l a n d E le c t r ic a l C h a r a c t e r is t ic s 500 /p=30mA Note 1 700 |j W 50 deg (3 d B e l) /c 200 MHz Peak Wavelength XP 640 650 660 II o nm II Bandwidth Full W idth H alf M axim um I

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    1A466 30mAte 1-800-96MITEL ON SEMICONDUCTOR 613 top marking 293 1A466 PDF

    tda 2022

    Abstract: 6060xs AV RF modulator AM MODULATOR digital fm modulator ic tda audio amplifier UHF band RF modulator VS-22 P-TSSOP-28-1 TDA SERIES AUDIO AMPLIFIERS
    Text: Preliminary IC-SPECIFICATION SIEMENS TDA 6060XS M ultistandard M odulator / PLL page C ontents Functional Description, Application Pin Defintion and Function Block Diagram C ircuit Description Pinning, Package A bsolute M axim um Ratings O perational Range

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    6060XS V66047-S0894mitted V66047-S0894-A100-V1-76D4 tda 2022 6060xs AV RF modulator AM MODULATOR digital fm modulator ic tda audio amplifier UHF band RF modulator VS-22 P-TSSOP-28-1 TDA SERIES AUDIO AMPLIFIERS PDF

    11 pin 7 segment LED pin diagram

    Abstract: 12 pin 7 segment display pin diagram 11 pin 7 segment LED 50-PIN MU336A MU336C 16 pin seven segment 11 pin 7 segment -led
    Text: OKU MU336C 0.36" SIN G LE D IG IT N U M B E R IC DISPLAYS SEVEN SEGMENT N U M ER IC DISPLAY Low Current GaAlAs Red LED Dice 0.36 inch Character Height High Contrast Wide Viewing Angle Common Anode - MU336A > Common Cathode - MU336C, ABSOLUTE M AXIM UM RA TIN G S

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    MU336C MU336A MU336C, 200mA MU336 50-PIN 11 pin 7 segment LED pin diagram 12 pin 7 segment display pin diagram 11 pin 7 segment LED MU336C 16 pin seven segment 11 pin 7 segment -led PDF


    Abstract: MU232A MU232C
    Text: CRO MU232A MU232C 0.3” T W O D IG IT N U M B E R IC DISPLAYS SEVEN SEG M ENT N U M ER IC DISPLAY High efficiency red GaAlAs/GaAs 0.3 inch Character Height High Contrast Wide Viewing Angle Common Anode - MU232A Common Cathode - MU232C ABSOLUTE M AX IM UM R A TIN G S

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    MU232A MU232C 200mA Jui-99 MU232C D-232a D-232C D232A PDF

    mr 4040

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: d e rin g n um b er: EN 4040 Monolithic Linear IC LA7282.7282M VCR Audio Signal Recording/ Playback Processor Overview Package Dimensions The LA7282 and 7282M are small package LSIs containing all functions necessary to record and playback VTR audio signal.

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    LA7282 7282M 7282M 3067-DIP24S 3112-MFP24S mr 4040 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N e I DAC71-CCD 1 • ±0.005% M AXIM UM N O N LIN EA R ITY • LOW DRIFT, ± 7p p m /°C T YP IC A L T he DAC71 w ith internal reference and optional o u tp u t am plifier offers a m axim um linearity e rro r of ±0.005% of F S R at room tem perature and a m axi­

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    DAC71-CCD 16-BIT 16-BIT. DAC71 24-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U N I T ED M IC R O ELEC TRO N IC S 9325812 UN ITED TE! D E j T 325fll5 M ICRO ELECTR O N ICS □ □ □ □ f c . bE 92D fl |~~ 00662 UMC D UM 3203A 5 Functions 3 % -D ig it M ultiplexed LCD Watch With Stopw atch ill :i Features Single 1.5V battery operation

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    325fll5 12-hour 15-minute, 32768Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Data CD54/74HC646, CD54/74HCT646 CD54/74HC648, CD54/74HCT648 File N um ber 1664 Ad, . „ c . Preliminary Data High-Speed CMOS Logic Octal Bus Transceiver/Register, 3-State Type Features: Ic b a c l o c k SOURCE I*«SOURCE SELECTION tSBA SOURCE

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    CD54/74HC646, CD54/74HCT646 CD54/74HC648, CD54/74HCT648 CD54/74HC/HCT646 54/74HC/HCT648 15LSTTL 54/74H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XC2018B Military Logic Cell "Array Product Specification. See Note 1. FEATURES Part N um ber • M IL-S T D -883 Class B Processing. Complies with paragraph 1.2.1 • Field-programmable gate array • Low power CMOS static memory technology L o g ic C apacity

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    XC2018B XC2018 TSC0026 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VZÀ WHITE /M ICROELECTRONICS WPN6416106UD2-10VG 128M BYTE 16M x64 Synchronous DRAM (3.3V Supply) Unbuffered DIM M M ODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • M a xim um fre q u e n c y = 100M H z(tcc=10ns) The W h ite M ic ro e le c tro n ic s W PN 6416106U D 2-10V G is a 16M x

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    WPN6416106UD2-10VG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VZÀ WPN644106UD2-10VG WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 32M BYTE 4M x64 Synchronous DRAM (3.3V Supply) Unbuffered DIMM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • M a xim um fre q u e n c y = 100M H z (tcc=1 Ons) The W h ite M ic ro e le c tro n ic s W PN 644106U D 2-10V G is a 4M x 64

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    WPN644106UD2-10VG 644106U 50-pin 168-pin PDF

    IC 4047 pin diagram

    Abstract: 1-10V current sink IC 4047 BE pin diagram aaao
    Text: VZÀ WHITE /M ICROELECTRONICS WPN641006UD1-10VG 8M BYTE 1M x64 Synchronous DRAM (3.3V Supply) Unbuffered DIM M M ODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • M a xim um fre q u e n c y = 100M H z (tcc=10ns) The W h ite M ic ro e le c tro n ic s W PN 641006U D 1-10V G is a 1M x 64

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    WPN641006UD1-10VG 641006U IC 4047 pin diagram 1-10V current sink IC 4047 BE pin diagram aaao PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VZÀ WPN642106UD1-10VG WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 16M BYTE 2M x64 Synchronous DRAM (3.3V Supply) Unbuffered DIM M M ODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • M a xim um fre q u e n c y = 100M H z (tcc=10ns) The W h ite M ic ro e le c tro n ic s W PN 642106U D 1-10V G is a 2M x 64

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    WPN642106UD1-10VG 642106U 168-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LF9502 2K Programmable Line Buffer DEV IC ES IN C O R PO R A TE D FEATURES □ 66 M H z M axim um O perating Frequency □ Program m able Buffer Length from 2 to 2049 Clock Cycles □ 10-bit D ata Inputs an d O utputs □ Data Delay an d D ata Recirculation

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    LF9502 10-bit 44-pin LF9502 10-bit LF9502JC40 LF9502JC31 LF9502JC25 LF9502JC20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1998 % M ic ro Linear ML4850 Low Current Single Cell Boost Regulator with Detect GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L4850 is a low power boost regulator designed for low voltage DC to DC conversion in single cell battery powered systems. The m axim um switching frequency can

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    ML4850 L4850 100kHz, PDF

    full subtractor circuit using decoder

    Abstract: circuit diagram of full subtractor circuit magnitude comparator using a subtractor 4 bit binary full adder and subtractor MC10137 MC10141 h/CD4565 MCM10140 MCM10142 MCM10144
    Text: 10.000 LOGIC D IA G R A M S N um bers in parenthesis d e n o te pin n um bers fo r F package Case 6 5 0 F U N C T IO N S A N D C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S (continued) Type Function U n iv e rs a l D e c a d e C o u n te r B i- Q u in a r y C o u n t e r

    OCR Scan
    MC10137 MC10537 64-Bit MCM10140 MC10141 MCM10142 MCM10143 256-Bit MCM10144 full subtractor circuit using decoder circuit diagram of full subtractor circuit magnitude comparator using a subtractor 4 bit binary full adder and subtractor h/CD4565 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNITED MICR O E L E C T R ON I C S T2 9325812 U N IT E D D Ë | TBESfll5 0G00447 4 920 M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S 00447 D 7^77- U f ^V 1I U UM 5100 F Voice Processor " € 1 3 Features Voice recording and reproduction with external SRAM Inexpensive RC oscillation

    OCR Scan
    0G00447 UM5100 CM25812 0DQ04S2 UM5100 UM6116 0DD0454 UMS100 PDF


    Abstract: MAN3920A AN3630 MAN-3920A MAN-3620A MAN72A 350 C MAN3620A MAN-3820A
    Text: [ f i O OPTOELECTRONICS DISPLAYS 0 . 3 ” D is p la y s F o rw a rd V o lta g e W ave­ P a rt S o u rce N um ber D e s c rip tio n C o lor le n g th S e g m e n t Face V F V \p (n m ) C o lo r C o lor ty p m a x L um in o us In te n s ity l v (|ic d )

    OCR Scan
    MAN72A MAN3920A MAN3420A MAN3620A MAN3820A MAN73A MAN3630A AN73A, AN3630A MAN72A MAN3920A AN3630 MAN-3920A MAN-3620A MAN72A 350 C MAN3620A MAN-3820A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VZÀ WHITE /M ICROELECTRONICS WPN7216108UD2-10VG 128M BYTE 16Mx72 Synchronous DRAM (3.3V Supply) Unbuffered DIM M M ODULE Optimized for ECC ADVANCED* FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • M a xim um fre q u e n c y = 100M H z (tcc=1 Ons) The W h ite M ic ro e le c tro n ic s W PN 7216108U D 2-10V G is a 16M x

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    WPN7216108UD2-10VG 16Mx72) 7216108U aWPN7216108UD2-10VG 08UD2 PDF