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    IC XR 2240 Search Results

    IC XR 2240 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D1U74T-W-1600-12-HB4AC Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 1600W, Titanium Efficiency, 74 MM , 12V, 12VSB, Inlet C20, Airflow Back to Front, RoHs Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    D1U54T-M-2500-12-HB4C Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2.5KW 54MM AC/DC 12V WITH 12VDC STBY BACK TO FRONT AIR Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    IC XR 2240 Datasheets Context Search

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    IC 741 OPAMP

    Abstract: SAA 1251 7106CPL TDA2620 SAA1121 LM 4440 AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT touch dimmer TC 306H TDA 2310 TDA 2060 7107CPL
    Text: Lineaire IC’s Lineaire IC’s dil to 99 dil 8 to 99 dil 18 to 78 to 99 dil 20 to 99 cer dip to 78 Wij leveren een groot aantal lineaire ic's uit voorraad. Kunt u een bepaald type niet vinden, aarzel dan niet ons telefonisch te raadplegen. Veelal kunnen wij u op korte



    Abstract: lm 6806 AABV aahb SOT23-8 aajP SOT TOPMARKS abzb 6704M aabi XS16
    Text: SOT TOPMARKS: 4 Letter ID Coding SOT TOPMARKS: 2 Letter ID Coding SOT Topmarks - November 15, 2000 Sorted By Part Number 4 Letter ID Coding Sorted By Topmark All Characters Used to Identify Part Number Part Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package Prefix Number Suffix

    OT23-3 SC70-3 SC70-FQ AAHB lm 6806 AABV aahb SOT23-8 aajP SOT TOPMARKS abzb 6704M aabi XS16 PDF

    jd 1801 data sheet

    Abstract: AAAM SOT23-6 ABAA sot23 SOT23-6 JD 1801 fm 4213 ic AAHB LM 1117 bs33 SOT23-6 AAFQ
    Text: SOT TOPMARKS: 2 and 4 Letter ID Coding SOT Topmarks − August 31, 2003 Sorted By Part Number Sorted By Topmark Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package LM 4040A IM3−2.1 FZEF SOT23−3 MAX 809L UR AA SOT23−3 LM

    OT23-3 SC70-5 SC70-4 SC70-3 SC70-3143 jd 1801 data sheet AAAM SOT23-6 ABAA sot23 SOT23-6 JD 1801 fm 4213 ic AAHB LM 1117 bs33 SOT23-6 AAFQ PDF

    lm 6806

    Abstract: adkv ABAA sot23 MAX809LUR ACGV 4173H AAAC SOT23-8 IC XR 2240 UR31 AK SOT23-3
    Text: SOT TOPMARKS: 2 and 4 Letter ID Coding SOT Topmarks − April 01, 2003 Sorted By Part Number Sorted By Topmark Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package LM 4040A IM3−2.1 FZEF SOT23−3 MAX 809L UR AA SOT23−3 LM

    OT23-3 SC70-5 SC70-4 SC70-3 SC70-3 lm 6806 adkv ABAA sot23 MAX809LUR ACGV 4173H AAAC SOT23-8 IC XR 2240 UR31 AK SOT23-3 PDF

    nzm4 -XR

    Abstract: NZM10 NZMN3-AE400 nzm3 -XR NZMN3-AE630 moeller VDE 0660 nzm1 60947-3 NZMN4-AE630 moeller circuit breaker nzm3 NZMH3-AE400 moeller IZM 324 - 2000
    Text: Product Range Catalogue | 2006 Switching, protection, communication – the new NZM1-4 circuit-breaker series up to 1600 A Reliable and safely controlling, switching and managing power. In industry, in buildings and in machine construction. Innovative protection concepts.

    SK1230-1157GB-INT nzm4 -XR NZM10 NZMN3-AE400 nzm3 -XR NZMN3-AE630 moeller VDE 0660 nzm1 60947-3 NZMN4-AE630 moeller circuit breaker nzm3 NZMH3-AE400 moeller IZM 324 - 2000 PDF

    LA 7673 diagrams

    Abstract: 83C790 transistor ga62 83C690 ga48 LA 7673 RB1-2X 83C795 GA59 ct08 series
    Text: Ethernet System Controller • 83C 795 Data Book 83C795 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. GENERAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0. FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    83C795 16-bit LA 7673 diagrams 83C790 transistor ga62 83C690 ga48 LA 7673 RB1-2X 83C795 GA59 ct08 series PDF

    IC XR 2240

    Abstract: FP1 C40 593D HIP6018B HIP6018BCB
    Text: HIP6018B Data Sheet Advanced PWM and Dual Linear Power Control The HIP6018B provides the power control and protection for three output voltages in high-performance microprocessor and computer applications. The IC integrates a PWM controllers, a linear regulator and a linear controller as well

    HIP6018B HIP6018B IC XR 2240 FP1 C40 593D HIP6018BCB PDF


    Abstract: IC XR 2240 2211cp XR2211CP xr 2240 hp 2211 XR-2211 application XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram fsk demodulator XR-2211 IC
    Text: XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/Tone Decoder DESCRIPTION FEATURES The X R -2 2 1 1 is a m o n o lith ic phase-locked loop P LL system especially designed fo r data com m unications. It is • Wide Frequency Range (0.01 Hz to 300 kHz) particularly well suited fo r F S K modem applications. It

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    XR-2211 XR-2211 Vr/100 XR-2211M XR-2211N XR-2211P XR-2211CN XR-2211CP IC XR 2240 2211cp XR2211CP xr 2240 hp 2211 XR-2211 application XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram fsk demodulator XR-2211 IC PDF


    Abstract: XR567CP XR567CN 567CP XR-567CP XR-567 XR567M XR-567CN XR567C XR-L567
    Text: Z * EX4R XR-567 Monolithic Tone Decoder PIN ASSIG NM ENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-567 is a m onolithic phase-locked loop system d e s ig n e d fo r g e n e ra l p u rp o se to n e a nd fre q u e n c y decoding. The circuit operates over a wide frequency

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    XR-567 100mA XR-567 xr567 XR567CP XR567CN 567CP XR-567CP XR567M XR-567CN XR567C XR-L567 PDF

    FGT 313

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i ¡860 XR 64-BIT MICROPROCESSOR • Parallel Architecture that Supports Up to Three Operations per Clock — One Integer or Control Instruction per Clock — Up to Two Floating-Point Results per Clock Compatible with Industry Standards — ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985 for

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    64-BIT lntel386TM/486TM 168-pin 128-Bit 80860XR FGT 313 PDF

    Intel i860

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEL CORP UP/PRPHLS bflE » • 4ñ2bl7S Dia^flSb in te i i860 XR 64-BIT MICROPROCESSOR ■ Parallel Architecture that Supports Up to Three Operations per Clock — One Integer or Control Instruction per Clock — Up to Two Floating-Point Results per

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    64-BIT 128-Bit 32-Bit 32/64-Bit 80860XR Intel i860 PDF

    intel i860

    Abstract: A80860XR-40 pbit 2180 a80860xr-33 A80860XR40 TE 2197 transistor 8550 sad intel I860 processor pin diagram of XR 2206 i860 64-Bit Microprocessor Performance Brief
    Text: i860 XR 64-BIT MICROPROCESSOR • Parallel Architecture that Supports Up to Three Operations per Clock ' — One Integer or Control Instruction per Clock — Up to Two Floating-Point Results per Clock ■ High Performance Design — 25/33.3/40 MHz Clock Rates

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    64-BIT 128-Bit 32-Bit 32/64-Bit intel i860 A80860XR-40 pbit 2180 a80860xr-33 A80860XR40 TE 2197 transistor 8550 sad intel I860 processor pin diagram of XR 2206 i860 64-Bit Microprocessor Performance Brief PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i860 XR 64-BIT MICROPROCESSOR • Parallel Architecture that Supports Up to Three Operations per Clock — One Integer or Control Instruction per Clock — Up to Two Floating-Point Results per Clock ■ High Performance Design — 25/33.3/40 MHz Clock Rates

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    64-BIT 128-Bit 32-Bit 32/64-Bit PDF


    Abstract: XR567CP XR-567M XR567CN XR-567CP XR567M 567CP xr-567 M/XR567CN
    Text: XR-567 Monolithic Tone Decoder GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN ASSIGNMENT The XR-567 is a monolithic phase-locked loop system designed for general purpose tone and frequency decoding. The circuit operates over a wide frequency band of 0.01H z to 500kH z and c o n ta in s a lo gic

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    XR-567 XR-567 500kH 100mA xr567 XR567CP XR-567M XR567CN XR-567CP XR567M 567CP M/XR567CN PDF


    Abstract: TA6993 LSE B6
    Text: Video/Monitor Circuits CD22402 CMOS LSI Sync Generator F o r TV A p p lic a tio n s and V id e o P ro ce ssin g S ystem s Features: • In t e r l a c e d c o m p o s i t e s y n c o u t p u t ■ A u to m a tic g e n lo c k ca pa b ility ■ Crystal oscillato r operation

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    CD22402 25fra CD22402 92CL-396 TA6993 LSE B6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 HARRIS C D 22402 Types CMOS LSI Sync Generator 24-Lead Dual-ln-Line Plastic Package E Suffix) Features: • In te rla c e d c o m p o s ite sy n c o u tp u t m A u to m a tic g e n lo c k c a p a b ility ■ C ry s ta l o s c illa to r o p e ra tio n • 525 o r 625 lin e o p e ra tio n

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    24-Lead 25fra CD22402. CA5470 CD22402 PDF


    Abstract: CD22402
    Text: H A R M X CD22402 S Semiconductor oaso^oeo^Soo .co vtx Sync Generator for TV Applications and Video Processing Systems c e *v OÏ M ay 1999 e v t",a'v - Features Description • Interlaced Com posite Sync Output The Harris CD22402 Note is a CMOS LSI sync generator that

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    CD22402 525-line 30-frame/second, 625-line 25-frame/second 1N914 CD22402 CA5470. AN-8742 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ,\G ^ S H A R R IS X CD22402 Semiconductor <*SSfeiBfes . _ „* \o O S A ^ c a " J a n u a ry 1999 „,\c .co vtx Sync Generator for TV Applications and Video Processing Systems c e *v C e tt e v t"a 'v * oï Features Description • Interlaced Com posite Sync Output

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    CD22402 525-line 30-frame/second, 625-line 25-frame/second 1N914 CD22402 CA5470. AN-8742 PDF

    crystal quartz 10.752 MHz

    Abstract: T7543 T7544
    Text: S G S -T H O M S O N ß M D D 0 ® [i[L Ii® M R D D ® @ S T 7 5 4 4 U N IV E R S A L M O D E M A N A L O G F R O N T -E N D U M A F E ) • FU LL ECHO CANCELLING CAPABILITY DESCRIPTION ■ FULLY COMPATIBLE W ITH T H E ST7543 (7543 mode) The ST7544 is a single chip Analog Front-End (AFE)

    OCR Scan
    ST7543 16-BIT 16000Hz T7544 300bps, 600bps, 2400bps 28800bps PMPQFP44 crystal quartz 10.752 MHz T7543 PDF

    LA 7830

    Abstract: transistor cd 4400 AM3101
    Text: Am3101 6 4 -B it W rite T ra n s p a re n t, Inverting O utput, Bipolar R A M > DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS U ltra-fast version: Address access tim e 15 ns Low power: Iqq typically 50 mA Internal ECL circuitry fo r optim um sp e e d /p o w e r perfor­ m ance over voltage and tem perature

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    Am3101 64-Bit 16-word Am3101 AIS-WCP-8M-02/87-0 LA 7830 transistor cd 4400 PDF

    la 7830

    Abstract: description of la 7830 pin la 4660 AM3101
    Text: Am3101 6 4 -B it W rite T ra n s p a re n t, Inverting O utput, Bipolar R A M > DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS U ltra-fast version: Address access tim e 15 ns Low power: Iqq typically 50 mA Internal ECL circuitry fo r optim um sp e e d /p o w e r perfor­ m ance over voltage and tem perature

    OCR Scan
    Am3101 64-Bit 16-word Am3101 AIS-WCP-8M-02/87-0 la 7830 description of la 7830 pin la 4660 PDF

    4558 equivalent

    Abstract: XR4741CP XR-4741CP XR-4558CP XR-4739 LM 4741 SN72558P transistor tt 2206 RC4739DB equivalent 4558 lowpass filter CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
    Text: $ 1.75 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DATA BOOK First in Q uality.First in Service • Custom, Semi-custom and Standard IC's E fu tu r e e l e c t r o n ic s 4800 Oufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3H 5S8 Tel.: 416 663-5563 in c . Introduction This D ata Book contains a com plete sum m ary o f technical

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    XR-2211 IC

    Abstract: XR-2211 application IC XR 2240 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram XR2211 application notes xr 2240 fsk modem XR-2211N IC XR 2211 CP FSK Demodulator
    Text: Section 11 XR-2211 XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/ Tone Decoder accommodate analog signals between 2 mV and 3V, and can interface with conventional DTL, TTL and ECL logic families. The circuit consists of a basic PLL for tracking an input signal frequency within the passband, a quad­

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    XR-2211 XR-2211 VR/100 6D-00656C XR-2211 IC XR-2211 application IC XR 2240 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram XR2211 application notes xr 2240 fsk modem XR-2211N IC XR 2211 CP FSK Demodulator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAEC Regional Sales Offices Irvine, CA TEL: 714 453-0224 FAX: (714) 453-0125 San Jose, CA TEL: (408) 456-8900 FAX: (408) 456-8910 Atlanta, GA TEL: (770) 931-3363 FAX: (770) 931-7602 Chicago, IL TEL: (847) 945-1500 FAX: (847) 945-1044 Boston, MA TEL: (617) 224-0074

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    80VQXU PDF