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    IDT79RCXX Search Results

    IDT79RCXX Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text:               ◆ ◆ TM High-performance embedded RISController microprocessor, based on IDT RISCore32300TM 32-bit CPU core Based on MIPS-II RISC architecture with enhancements Scalar 5-stage pipeline minimizes branch and load

    RISCore32300TM 32-bit 133MHz 133MHz 144-pin 79RC32 IDT79RC32V364 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text:                            ◆ Implements MIPS-III Instruction Set Architecture ISA 3.3V I/O ◆ Software compatible with entire RISController Series of Embedded Microprocessors

    RC64474 RC4640 RC64475 RC4650 128-pin 32-bit 208-pin 64-bit PDF


    Abstract: RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC5000 RC64474 RC64475 RC64575 PQFP-128 footprint 0464c
    Text: RC64574 RC64575™ Advanced 64-bit Microprocessors Product Family Preliminary Information* Featur tures ◆ Big- or Little-endian capability RC5000 compatible memory management – On-chip 48-entry, 96-page TLB, for advanced operating system support – Compatible with major operating systems:

    RC64574TM RC64575TM 64-bit RC5000 48-entry, 96-page 64-bit 125MHz 32-bit IDT79RC64474/475) zHM003 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64474 RC64475 RC64575 PQFP-128 footprint 0464c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text:                        ◆ Implements MIPS-III Instruction Set Architecture ISA 3.3V with 5V tolerant I/O ◆ Software compatible with entire RISController Series of

    RC64474 RC4640 RC64475 RC4650 128-pin 32-bit 208-pin 64-bit 79RC64 PDF


    Abstract: idt79rc64t575 PQFP-128 footprint
    Text: 79RC64574 79RC64575™ Advanced 64-bit Microprocessors Product Family Features Big- or Little-endian capability RC5000 compatible memory management – On-chip 48-entry, 96-page TLB, for advanced operating system support – Compatible with major operating systems:

    79RC64574TM 79RC64575TM 64-bit RC5000 48-entry, 96-page 64-bit 125MHz 32-bit IDT79RC64474/475) MA2810 idt79rc64t575 PQFP-128 footprint PDF

    MIPS32 instruction set

    Abstract: t8kb 79RC32334 MIPS32 RC32300 RC5000 RC64474
    Text: RISCore32300TM Family Integrated Processor Featur tures 79RC32334 Preliminary Information* ◆ ◆ RC32300 32-bit Microprocessor – Up to 150 MHz operation – MIPS32 Instruction Set Architecture ISA – Cache prefetch instruction – Conditional move instruction

    RISCore32300TM 79RC32334 RC32300 32-bit MIPS32 133MHz 150MHz 256-pin IDT79RC32 MIPS32 instruction set t8kb 79RC32334 RC5000 RC64474 PDF


    Abstract: RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64474 RC64575 pinout socket 754
    Text: RC64474 RC64475™ RISControllerTM Embedded 64-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore4000TM Features Software compatible with entire RISController Series of Embedded Microprocessors ◆ Industrial temperature range support ◆ Active power management – Powers down inactive units, through sleep-mode feature

    RC64474TM RC64475TM 64-bit RISCore4000TM RC64574, RC64474 RC4640 RC64575, RC64475 RC4650 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64575 pinout socket 754 PDF


    Abstract: 79RC32334 FCT245 MIPS32 RC32300 RC32364 RC5000 IDT79RC32V334
    Text: RISCoreTM32300 Family Integrated Processor Features 79RC32334 Programmable I/O PIO – Input/Output/Interrupt source – Individually programmable ◆ SDRAM Controller (32-bit memory only) – 4 banks, non-interleaved – Up to 256MB total SDRAM memory supported

    RISCoreTM32300 79RC32334 32-bit 256MB IDT79RCXX 133MHz 150MHz 256-pin ejtag 79RC32334 FCT245 MIPS32 RC32300 RC32364 RC5000 IDT79RC32V334 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT79RC32134 RISCore32300TM Family System Controller Chip HDWXU WXUHV – – 8/16/ or 32-bit interface per bank Supports Flash ROM, SRAM, dual-port memory, and peripheral devices – Intel or Motorola style IO supports external wait-state generation ◆ 4 DMA Channels

    RISCore32300TM IDT79RC32134 RC32300-family RC32364 RC32134 32-bit IDT79RCXX 208-pin IDT79RC32 RC32134 PDF

    bta 137

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RC32364 RISControllerTM Embedded 32-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore32300    ◆ – Variable number of locked entries – No performance penalty for address translation ◆ Flexible bus interface allows simple, low-cost designs – Bus interface runs at a fraction of pipeline rate

    32-bit RISCore32300 RC32364TM RISCore32300TM 133MHz 180MHz 144-pin 79RC32 bta 137 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RISCoreTM32300 Family Integrated Processor HDWXU WXUHV 79RC32334 ◆ ◆ RC32300 32-bit Microprocessor – Up to 150 MHz operation – Enhanced MIPS-II Instruction Set Architecture ISA) – Cache prefetch instruction – Conditional move instruction – DSP instructions

    RISCoreTM32300 79RC32334 RC32300 32-bit 26-bit 256-pin 133MHz 150MHz IDT79RC32 T4T15 PDF

    pci slot pinout 33mhz

    Abstract: IDT79RC32134 RC3041 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64474 RC64475 16550 initialization
    Text: RISCore32300TM Family System Controller Chip Features IDT79RC32134 – 8/16/ or 32-bit interface per bank – Supports Flash ROM, SRAM, dual-port memory, and peripheral devices – Intel or Motorola style IO supports external wait-state generation ◆ 4 DMA Channels

    RISCore32300TM IDT79RC32134 32-bit 208-pin IDT79RC32 IDT79RC32V134 pci slot pinout 33mhz IDT79RC32134 RC3041 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64474 RC64475 16550 initialization PDF

    BTA 139

    Abstract: 79RC32364 RC3041 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650
    Text: 79RC32364 RISControllerTM Embedded 32-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore32300 Features Flexible RC4000 compatible MMU with 32-page TLB on-chip – Variable page size – Variable number of locked entries – No performance penalty for address translation

    79RC32364TM 32-bit RISCore32300 RC4000 32-page 32-bit 700mW 133MHz 300mW 144-pin BTA 139 79RC32364 RC3041 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 PDF

    BTA 139

    Abstract: 79RC32364 RC3041 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650
    Text: 79RC32364 RISControllerTM Embedded 32-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore32300 HDWXUHV ◆ ◆ Flexible RC4000 compatible MMU with 32-page TLB on-chip – Variable page size – Variable number of locked entries – No performance penalty for address translation

    79RC32364TM 32-bit RISCore32300 RC4000 32-page 32-bit 700mW 133MHz 300mW 144-pin BTA 139 79RC32364 RC3041 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 PDF

    QUAD Video Processor 208 pin ap

    Abstract: PQFP-128 footprint RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64474 RC64475 RC64575 0464c
    Text: RC64474 RC64475™ RISControllerTM Embedded 64-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore4000TM HDWXU WXUHV ◆ Software compatible with entire RISController Series of Embedded Microprocessors ◆ Industrial temperature range support ◆ Active power management

    RC64474TM RC64475TM 64-bit RISCore4000TM RC64574, RC64474 RC4640 RC64575, RC64475 RC4650 QUAD Video Processor 208 pin ap PQFP-128 footprint RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64575 0464c PDF

    QFP 128 pin Socket

    Abstract: PQFP-128 footprint QFP-128 ttc 474 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64474 RC64475 RC64575
    Text: RC64474 RC64475™ RISControllerTM Embedded 64-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore4000TM Featur tures ◆ Software compatible with entire RISController Series of Embedded Microprocessors ◆ Industrial temperature range support ◆ Active power management

    RC64474TM RC64475TM 64-bit RISCore4000TM RC64574, RC64474 RC4640 RC64575, RC64475 RC4650 QFP 128 pin Socket PQFP-128 footprint QFP-128 ttc 474 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64575 PDF

    STi 7111

    Abstract: RC32300 79RC32355 CRC-10 CRC-32 RC32355 Remote Control Receiver IC
    Text: 79RC32355 Integrated Communications Processor Featur tures List Preliminary Information* ◆ SDRAM Controller – 2 memory banks, non-interleaved, 512 MB total – 32-bit wide data path – Supports 4-bit, 8-bit, and 16-bit wide SDRAM chips – SODIMM support

    79RC32355 32-bit 16-bit 26-bit 32-bits 79RC32 IDT79RC32T355 -133DP, STi 7111 RC32300 79RC32355 CRC-10 CRC-32 RC32355 Remote Control Receiver IC PDF


    Abstract: 79RC64574 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC5000 RC64474 RC64575 5x1000 300-MFLOPS
    Text: 79RC64574 79RC64575™ Advanced 64-bit Microprocessors Product Family Features Big- or Little-endian capability RC5000 compatible memory management – On-chip 48-entry, 96-page TLB, for advanced operating system support – Compatible with major operating systems:

    79RC64574TM 79RC64575TM 64-bit RC5000 48-entry, 96-page 64-bit 125MHz 32-bit IDT79RC64474/475) 79RC64575 79RC64574 RC32364 RC4640 RC4650 RC64474 RC64575 5x1000 300-MFLOPS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RC64574 RC64575™ Advanced 64-bit Microprocessors Product Family Advance Information*   ◆     PLL 64-bit Integer Execution Unit 666 MFIOPS IEEE 1284 Floating-Point Accelerator DSP Accelerator Dual-Issue Instruction Fetch Unit

    64-bit RC64574TM RC64575TM RC5000 48-entry 96-page 64-bit/32-bit RC64474/475 RC32134, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RISController Embedded 32-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore32300 Features RC32364™ Prelim inary RiSCawtaiir Flexible RC4000 compatible M MU with 32-page TLB onchip High-performance embedded RISController™ micropro­ Variable page size Enhanced write algorithm support

    OCR Scan
    32-bit RISCore32300 RC32364â RC4000 32-page RISCore32300â 133MHz 133MHz -40xC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RC64474 RC64475™ Prelim inary RISController™ Embedded 64-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore4000™ Features Implements MIPS-III Instruction Set Architecture ISA 3.3V I/O * High performance 64-bit microprocessor, based on the RISCore4000 Minimized branch and load delays, through streamlined

    OCR Scan
    64-bit RISCore4000TM RC64474TM RC64475TM RISCore4000 RC4700-compatible 1000MB/ring IDT79RCXX PDF


    Abstract: EQUIVALENT TIMER IC WITH CD 4060 mab100-m
    Text: RISController Embedded 64-bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore4000™ Features Implements M IPS-III Instruction Set Architecture ISA 3.3 V with 5 V tolerant I/O * High performance 64-bit microprocessor, based on the RISCore4000 ' ' RC64474™ RC64475™

    OCR Scan
    64-bit RISCore4000TM RC64474TM RC64475TM RISCore4000 RC4700-compatible 32-bit -40xC XXXW EQUIVALENT TIMER IC WITH CD 4060 mab100-m PDF

    16550 uart timing diagram

    Abstract: A019 RC4640 RC4650 RC5000 RC64474 RC64475
    Text: System Controller Chip for the RC4xxx/RC5xxx Families Features - D irect connection betw een C P U & R C 64145 - 32- o r 6 4 -b it C P U S ysA d bus width - S upports op tio na l e xte rn a l se co n d a ry - B u s speeds up to 83M Hz - B ig o r Little Endian support

    OCR Scan
    IDT79RC64145 RC64145 32-or 64-bit RC5000 83MHz 16550 uart timing diagram A019 RC4640 RC4650 RC5000 RC64474 RC64475 PDF


    Abstract: pinout socket 754
    Text: RIS Control 1er Embedded 64~bit Microprocessor, based on RISCore4000™ Features RC64474™ RC64475™ Advance Information Implements MIPS-III Instruction Set Architecture ISA 3.3V with 5V tolerant I/O * High performance 64-bit microprocessor, based on the

    OCR Scan
    RISCore4000TM 64-bit RISCore4000 RC4700-compatible 1000MB/S 32-bit -40xC 128-pin 208-pin xxxw pinout socket 754 PDF